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: 03.12.2008
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, 19 2016 . 17:23 +
rinagit 15 ,

7244210-R3L8T8D-650-575850_531452326907653_897863481_n (526x700, 118Kb)
, . , , . - , , . , , , . :

1. I feel myself ( )

: I feel myself fine today.
: I feel fine today.

feel () myself () , . : I feel well; I feel sick; I feel happy.

I feel myself, . , .

2. Enough ()

: She spoke English enough well to get the job.
: She spoke English well enough to get the job.

, . enough , : , .

enough , :

Do you think hes old enough to watch that movie?
Weve done enough today.

Old () , today () .

enough , :

We had enough money to buy a ticket.

3. Normal ()

: How are you? Im normal, thanks.
: How are you? Im fine, thanks.

normal (), . fine okay. normal , .

, : , ?. : . , : , , . , , - .

4. Scientist, scholar ()

: Scientists study history so that humanity can learn from the past.
: Scholars study history so that humanity can learn from the past.

, scientist, scholar, , .

Scientist (, , , ) (, , ) .

Scholar . , . Scholar , . , scholarship.

, a scientist , , . a scholar .


: I was waiting David on the theater.
: I was waiting for David at the theater.

. , , . . , , .

Depends on .
Tired of .
Divide into .

, , :

To wait for someone -.
To graduate from school .
To listen to someone/music -/.
To be afraid of someone/something -/-.
To explain to someone -.
To answer a question ( : , ).

. , :

a) (, , , , , ): on.

: on the roof, on the table.

b) (, , , , DVD, , CD): on.

On this DVD.

c) : (, , , , , ): on.

On the bus, on the ship.

d) / (, , , ): in.

In his pocket, in a boxes.

e) : (, , , , , , ) at/in.

In the street, at the station.

6. How and What ( )

: How do you call this in English?
: What do you call this in English?

how what, : ?. how. what. .

7. City

: I am from Moscow city.
: I am from Moscow / the city of Moscow.

(, -, ) . , , the city of.

: the city of London, the city of Boston, the city of Moscow.

: New York City, Salt Lake City, Mexico City. , , :

I grew up in a small town in the state of New York, but now I live in New York City.
Although I have lived in Moscow for several years, my parents still live in a small town outside of the city but still in Moscow Oblast.
I visited Salt Lake City this summer.

8. Plural and Singular ( )

: The professor gave us several useful advices for our researches.
: The professor gave us several useful words of advice for our research projects.

, , (, , ), , ( , , ). .


Advice, research, knowledge, accommodation, baggage, equipment, furniture, garbage, information, luggage, money, news, pasta, progress, travel, work.

, : piece, glass, chunk.


We just bought several new pieces of equipment for our lab.
Ill have three glasses of lemonade, please.
She cut off a large chuck of meat and fed it to her dog.

, :

: Thank God, we have each other.
: Thanks Gods

: No problem!
: No problems!

: We have no comment about the case.
: no comments.

9. Possibility and Opportunity

: I will have the possibility to go to the conference next year.
: I will have the opportunity to go to the conference next year.

possibility, -. opportunity, . , .

Possibility , .

Opportunity , - .

There is a possibility that it will rain tomorrow, so you will have an opportunity to use your new umbrella.
There is a possibility that we will have enough funding for another research assistant position. If so, you will have an opportunity to apply for this position.

10. Say and Tell

: Can you say me how to tell this in English?
: Can you tell me how to say this in English?

Say , . Tell , - , - -. tell : tell us/him/her/the audience.

At lunch John told his coworkers about his business trip to China.
John said that the business trip to China went very well.


Say yes or no, a few words, something.
Tell a story, a lie, a secret, a joke, the truth.

11. Learn and Teach

: Can you learn me to speak English better?
: Can you teach me to speak English better?

Learn teach , . .

Learn . , .

Teach -. .

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if Im going to learn, I must do it by listening. Larry King

12. Free

: I want to speak English freely.
: I want to speak English fluently.

, , fluent, free. , free , . free (smoke-free, car-free, alcohol-free), , .

This is the smoke-free bar. If you want to smoke, you must go outside.

13. Do and Make

: I think I did a mistake
: I think I made a mistake.

do make . .

Do , , , :

Do homework, do the dishes, do the laundry, do a job, do the shopping.

Do , , . : something, nothing, anything, everything:

He has done nothing all day.
She would do anything for her Mom.
Is there something I can do for you?

Make , , :

Make food, make a cup of tea, make clothes, make a mess.

- make do, :

Make money, do someone a favor, do business, make a decision, do good, make a plan.

14. Expensive dear ()

: That computer is too dear for me to buy.
: That computer is too expensive for me to buy.

expensive dear, - . , .

Dear :

This necklace isnt very expensive, but, since it belonged to my grandmother, it is very dear to me.

Expensive , , :

I wish I hadnt dropped my new iPhone in the toilet. It was really expensive!

15. Gender ()

: Its time I bought a new computer, since he is very old.
: Its time I bought a new computer, since it is very old.

he she , it.

he she . he she , , . , , it, he she .

I have fond memories of my dog, Spot. He was a great dog.

, , :

Look at that sports car! Isnt she a beauty?
God bless America,
Land that I love,
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
Irving Berlin

, :

: women, girl, mother, daughter, aunt, niece, nun, goddess, empress, queen, princess, heroine, actress, waitress, lioness, cow.

: man, boy, father, son, uncle, nephew, monk, god, emperor, king, prince, hero, actor, waiter, lion, bull.

waiter (), actor (), hero () , . , :

In Shakespeares time women couldnt be actor and play on stage, so all female roles were played by actor men.

hero () . , , .

" ":

1 - englishpod
2 - "42": ? Do It!
29 - English - Lessons 61 Video. 61 .
30 - - ...
31 - 15 ,

: [1] []


: ( )
