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: 08.11.2007
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, 30 2008 . 11:16 +
 (120x180, 5Kb)Katerinka: , . , . , , . : - . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33287&offset=0#1092832

: The Russians throughout their history have always shown a particularly stubborn and tough manner of defense, while never being particularly gifted at offense. Their national character has a defensive nature. They are stolid and animalistic. They are accustomed to a hard and impoverished existence, and therefore do not hold on to life all that strongly. The average person has less worth than a bicycle. A rapid birthrate quickly replaces any losses. They have a type of primitive toughness that one cannot call bravery. It is entirely different. Bravery is a kind of spiritual courage. The toughness with which the Bolshevists defended their bunkers in Sevastapol was more a bestial drive, and nothing could be more mistaken than to assume that it was the result of Bolshevist views or education. The Russians were always like that, and will likely always remain so. It is also easier to throw a life away when there is no promise to it than when, even at the moment of danger, a distant paradise still seems to beckon. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/goeb11.htm

: , , . , - . ' '; , 24- , ' '. , , . , - - . http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/01/05/29/2996/241084.html

: , . , , , , . , , . . "" - - "", , , . http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/241074.html

: , , , . , , , ...

, , , . , , , . , , . , : , '' , . http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/241077.html

: ,  (139x180, 10Kb) , ' '. , -. , , , - , ...

, : . , . , , , . http://www.inosmi.ru/stories/01/05/29/2996/241090.html

: ", 13- , , '', , , 44 , 2206 , 3000 , 16000 , , ''."
Rjrikovich: " . , , , ."
!... ! : !... http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33297&offset=20#1093406

cfeet77: -- NYT . - . http://community.livejournal.com/inosmi_ru/61627.html?thread=166075#t166075

: . , . , , . , , . ? http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article.shtml?2008/04/23/146739

: " , , , ."
, , , . . , . 90- , . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33298&lastpage=yes#1093325

zedsep_ohs:  (140x180, 7Kb) : , . , (1931 , -), , ? , , Ȼ, !

Beryll: -, , . , , , "" - , . . , , " " - . , , - . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33258&offset=120#1092697

Schifres: Après huit années de présidence, Poutine a tenu à faire savoir que, de cette période, il ne garderait quun stylo. On se doute bien quil naurait emmené avec lui ni faucille, ni marteau, qui doivent pourtant être encore nombreux dans les caves du Kremlin. Pas davantage du caviar ou de la vodka, des symboles du pays certes mais trop caractéristiques de périodes que les Russes préfèrent oublier.

Le stylo-plume a bien des avantages: objet culturel, il se transforme vite en scalpel. Dun trait de plume, des aspirations sont biffées et des personnalités passées aux oubliettes. Depuis toujours, enfin depuis quil existe, il est un instrument de pouvoir qui sent le maître. Le choix est donc fort compréhensible. Il faut suivre lexemple poutinien. Quon sache déjà ce quemportera Bush au terme de ses mandats ! Dailleurs, chaque arrivant au pouvoir devrait nous dire ce quil conservera. Sa sélection nous éclairerait, même si ça ne changera pas grand-chose. http://www.lefigaro.fr/debats/2008/04/30/01005-20080430ARTFIG00005-stylo.php

: , , . "" . , , , , , . http://www.imperiya.by/authorsanalytics19-1938.html

False_Prophet: , - -? , " " , . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33266#1093094

mmx: . - ! http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33269&offset=40#1092250

lizard: , "" 50 .  (132x200, 18Kb) - . , , - . , - . - .

, - . , , . - . - . . . . , , .

, , , "overqualified" " ". , , , , , 12 . , , , ! , - , , , "overqualified". . , , 60-, , . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33258&offset=80#1092257

c_o_n_s_t: . . , --... ( ) . , - . "", - . , . " , 30 ". ...

- . - " , , ... , " , . . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33258&offset=80#1092138

fredrus: .Ru . http://fredrus.livejournal.com/111588.html
 (165x140, 9Kb)
Bathed: , , , . , , , , , , - . - , , , , ...!!! , , , http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33027&offset=260#1090746

ursa: " "Rzeczpospolita". , . ... . "" , , , ? ""? . , , , ... ..."
", !" . . , ... http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33027&offset=460#1093319

sakh10: ! - ..., , . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33258&offset=80#1092290

: (inosmi.ru) .  (135x180, 13Kb) The New York Times, , . . , . ... ... " ?"

. , "" , "" ? ? . ? ... , ? , , , " "...http://mark1992.diary.ru/p43066574.htm

askanor: " , , , . ..., . ."
, . , , , , , -, - http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33256&offset=40#1093124

Vinchi: " , - , , , , ."
, . . , - , - . - . , ", , ". , , - . . 83 . http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33256&offset=0#1091488

pozandtiv: . (187x140, 7Kb) : ' ' (" ", ), :
1. ;
2. - " " ( 2008)

: . :
- -

? , , . "" "" . . , , . . . " ", , " ". -, -, -, ? http://community.livejournal.com/2004_vybory_ua/5207849.html

Rjrikovich: ": , , , . , ."
askanor: " . ( ) . - , . ."
... " / ..." http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33027&offset=480#1093381

OGOGO: ", , !!! . (, )"
! ? , http://inosmi.ru/forum/themes/viewthread?thread=33027&offset=480#1093665


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