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5 Vintage Design Styles Every Designer Should Know

Пятница, 01 Января 2020 г. 00:19 (ссылка)

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5 Vintage Design Styles Every Designer Should Know



The past is an endless resource for design inspiration. Learn about the 5 must-know vintage design styles so you can lift them, twist them, and reinvent them for contemporary projects.

When it comes to material goods, “vintage” means any design style that’s older than 20 years, but younger than 100 – that would make it antique. In design you can take more creative liberty with the word, but it still means an older style that developed in past eras. In this article we look at five popular vintage design styles and schools of thoughts that modern-day designers should know.

Rather than outright copying historic designs, the most original work makes a subtle nod to the past, blending old styles with a novel approach. From Art Nouveau to Sixties Psychedelia, these are the vintage styles designers are revisiting in 2019.

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5 Vintage Design Styles Every Designer Should Know

Пятница, 01 Января 2020 г. 00:13 (ссылка)


The past is an endless resource for design inspiration. Learn about the 5 must-know vintage design styles so you can lift them, twist them, and reinvent them for contemporary projects.

When it comes to material goods, “vintage” means any design style that’s older than 20 years, but younger than 100 – that would make it antique. In design you can take more creative liberty with the word, but it still means an older style that developed in past eras. In this article we look at five popular vintage design styles and schools of thoughts that modern-day designers should know.

Rather than outright copying historic designs, the most original work makes a subtle nod to the past, blending old styles with a novel approach. From Art Nouveau to Sixties Psychedelia, these are the vintage styles designers are revisiting in 2019.

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