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, 19 2017 . 21:20 +
OksGurbanova Giovanna Garzoni.










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Still life with fruit in a tazza, a skull and a tulip, Greaseproof paper, 35 x 47 cm.

A skull, three books and a medal of Prince Francesco de Medici, Tempera on cardboard.

A box and three medals, Tempera on cardboard, 40 x 48 cm.

A clock and a skull, Greaseproof paper, 39,5 x 48 cm.

Eggs and plums in a tazza beside two nuts, Tempera on cardboard, 40 x 48 cm.

Still Life with Bowl of Citrons, 1640.

Giovanna Garzoni, Still Life, c.1600s.

Still life with a basket of fruit, a vase with carnations and shells all resting on a table,
Gouache on vellum, 33 x 44 cm.

Still Life with a dog

Still life with figs

Still life with plate pea

Coupe chinoise avec figues, cerises et chardonneret Tempera sobre cartulina. 26 x 37,5 cm.
Galeria Palatina. Palazzo Pitti. Florencia. Italia.

Plat de prunes avec jasmin et noix Tempera sur parchemin. 23,5 x 38,5 cm.
Galeria Palatina. Palazzo Pitti. Florencia. Italia.

Still life with peaches and peas

Still Life with a hedgehog, snail and chestnuts

Still Life with Artichokes

Still Life with Artichokes II

Still life with strawberries and grasshopper

Dish of Cherries with Figs and Medlars

Still life with cherries and white carnations

Still life with cherries and plums

Still life with cherries and beans

Still life with lemons and jasmine

Still life with apple and lizards

Still life with apple and almonds

Still life with birds

Bowl of plums and a carnation

Bowl of peas and a rose

Bowl of plums, jasmine and Walnut

Chinese bowl of figs, cherries and robins

Bowl of plums and hazelnuts

Bowl of figs and flowers

Bowl of peaches and cucumber

Bowl of peaches and plums

Snail with Grapes and Pears

Plate with pomegranate, chestnut and snail

Still life with pumpkin and grapes

Still life with a melon and a pomegranate

Still life with a melon

Still life with melon and poultry

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