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Суббота, 06 Ноября 2021 г. 21:35 + в цитатник

Turmeric, being one of the kitchen staples, is a wonderful spice that is useful in ensuring optimal health. The medicinal properties of turmeric roots have been around for several millennia. Thus, many people take its effectiveness at heart. Several studies about turmeric were also conducted by the scientific community to ensure that it is, indeed, a beneficial herbal medicine for human use.

Though turmeric primarily began in India as a primary ingredient for the Ayurvedic practice, its value and worth traveled far and wide over the years. Currently, we can see turmeric sold in stores and marketplaces all over the world.

The History Of Turmeric

The longest record of the use of turmeric dates back to the Verdic culture of India 4000 years ago. It has been used primarily as a culinary spice and also has some profound religious significance. According to Sanskrit records, turmeric has been used as a medicine in Southeast Asia for a long time. The Ayurvedic Compendium dating back to 250 BC even stated that a turmeric ointment relieves food poisoning. It spread across Asia and probably reached China around 700 AD. It also reached other continents such as East Africa by 800 AD and West Africa by 1200 AD.

Turmeric - History/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Turmeric-History-200x300.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Turmeric-History-200x300.jpg 200w" width="350" />

In the 13th century, Europe had a taste of turmeric. When Marco Polo was trading in the Silk Road in 1280, he wrote down about this spice and compared it to saffron. By the 18th century, turmeric became more popular all over the world. It spread to other tropical places, particularly in Jamaica.

On the other hand, the discovery of turmeric’s curcumin dates back two centuries ago. The “yellow coloring matter” was isolated by Vogel and Pelletier, for which they named it curcumin. This yellow chemical provides the spice all its amazing medicinal and culinary qualities. Vogel Jr. was notably known to have gathered a pure preparation of curcumin but he was not able to share the formula with the scientific community. It was not until 1910 when the exact chemical structure of curcumin was known.

Where Is This Plant Found?

Turmeric - Where to find/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Turmeric-Where-to-find-300x200.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/1...eric-Where-to-find-300x200.jpg 300w" width="350" />While turmeric powder is widely available in grocery stores all over the world, fresh turmeric may be quite a challenge to find. This root vegetable is often grown in Asian countries, particularly in India, China, and Vietnam. It is also widely cultivated in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area!(Video)

How To Identify TurmericTurmeric - Identification/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Turmeric-Identification-149x300.png" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/1...ric-Identification-149x300.png 149w" width="350" />

  • Leaf. Turmeric leaves are small to medium in size. They are oblong-shaped with an average of 80-115 cm in length and 30-48 cm in width.
  • Flower. The floral structure is shaped like a cone. It is around 12 cm in length. The funnel-shaped blooms can be in various colors of white, yellow, or pink.
  • Root. Turmeric root is golden in color and has a similar look to ginger root.
  • Stem. Stems are green or greenish-white in color and are thick. It stands erect while holding the plant’s green leaves.
  • Fruit and Seeds. Turmeric does not have the typical plant seeds as most plants do. Instead, people who want to cultivate turmeric make use of a part of the plant’s root called a rhizome. The rhizomes will produce the foliage for the plant to thrive above ground while growing large rhizomes under the soil for the best foundation.

Related:  Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

How To Grow Turmeric

Planting,Turmeric,In,Fertile,Soil/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-1-300x214.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-1-300x214.jpg 300w" width="350" />The best time to plant turmeric is in September and October when the soil is still warm. Plant the rhizomes 4 inches deep in the soil. When planting several rhizomes, keep the plants 3 to 4 ft apart to allow enough room for each growth. The rhizomes should be planted with the sprouted parts facing up.

Growing Turmeric /thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-2-300x173.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-2-300x173.jpg 300w" width="350" />You can also start cultivating rhizomes indoors and only bring them outside soon after the last frost date. To do this, start 8 to 10 weeks before the average last frost date that your place has. Put individual rhizomes horizontally in a seed-starter tray. Make sure that this tray is well-draining. Cover the rhizomes with 2 inches of medium and keep the tray warm at 80 to 85°F.

Turmeric,Plantation.,Great,Green,Shows,Plants,Grow,Well/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-3-300x256.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Growing-Turmeric-3-300x256.jpg 300w" width="350" />Preserve the moisture but make sure that you do not overload the plants with it. Transplant the sprouted rhizomes once the last frost passed. Water the turmeric an inch of water per week when there is no rain. Do not overwater since the roots may rot. Also, maintain a pH level of 4.5 to 7.5.

Turmeric can be planted with beans, peas, cilantro, and cardamom. Make sure to keep the weeds out so that the turmeric plant will have enough airflow.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

How To Harvest Turmeric

Harvesting Turmeric/thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Harvesting-Turmeric-300x295.jpg" target="_blank">https://thelostherbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Harvesting-Turmeric-300x295.jpg 300w" width="350" />The main indication that turmeric is ready for harvesting is when it starts to wilt. This usually happens around 7 to 10 months after planting. When you see the stem and leaves turning brown, gently dig up the plant. Be careful when digging since you do not want to damage the rhizomes. Cut the foliage an inch above the roots. Wash the roots thoroughly and this will be the fresh turmeric that you can use for various culinary and medicinal applications.

The harvested turmeric can last for up to 6 months in a fridge when placed in an airtight bag. For it to last longer, you can put it inside the freezer. But make sure that the skin is thoroughly air dried before storing them.

What Turmeric Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Turmeric is one of the underrated kitchen spices that holds many nutritional benefits. Aside from being a culinary addition to various dishes, turmeric contains an antioxidant called curcumin. Curcumin has many beneficial effects on health.

  • Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties. It fights against foreign substances that may enter the body while ensuring that any damage in the body is repaired. That is why experts believe that turmeric may be helpful in the treatment of heart diseases, metabolic problems, certain types of cancer, and other degenerative conditions. It also eases symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis when taken both orally and topically.
  • The antioxidant properties are also vital for fighting off free radicals, which may damage cells resulting in aging and illness. Curcumin has the capacity to neutralize these free radicals to ensure that they cannot harm the body.
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is a brain hormone essential for growing new neurons. BDNF has a role in learning and memorization. Curcumin helps boost the level of BDNF production. Thus, helping in better brain function and may ease symptoms of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Other studies and reviews show that the curcumin that turmeric contains is also useful for preventing and treating diabetes. Though studies conducted were done on animals as subjects, this may become a basis of its effectiveness in helping diabetic patients in the future.
  • Another benefit one can derive from turmeric is how it can be used on the skin. It has antimicrobial properties, and along with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can work wonders on the skin. For instance, it may be useful for the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. However, this usefulness may require more studies to ensure its safety and efficacy.
  • Additionally, turmeric may help prevent eye degeneration such as glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the causes of blindness in older people. Fortunately, preliminary studies show that topical use of curcumin may help offset this degeneration. Further studies are needed to get more proof and understand how turmeric benefits the eyes.

What Parts Of Plants Are Used For Remedies?

Most people use the rhizome or root part of turmeric. It is where curcumin can be found the most. The rhizome is also used in powder form most of the time. People add turmeric powder to their cooking since it is a basic ingredient in curry powders. It can also be found in drinks and flavored dairy products. Turmeric root is also used in various applications such as skin ointments and poultice, and face masks, among others. Others also use turmeric leaves since they are edible.



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