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Воскресенье, 07 Марта 2010 г. 12:46 + в цитатник
RockyMarder (TBM) все записи автора

Which characteristic feature of you do you like the best,which one the least? 
- I think I like my feet the best. They are kinda cute. Currently I can't stand my hair. Obviously it's about time to get a new hairstyle.

What are the 3 most important things to you? 
- My cat Kisou, my books and my sister Emily.

What makes you really angry? 
- Unjustifiable fame, rotten service in restaurants and sexual limits.

What makes you laugh? 
- Good tricks and dry or rather dark humour. 

What makes you cry? 
- Guilt, compassion and helplessness.

What is the first thing you do after getting up in the morning? 
- Making tea.

To whom would you like to be related? 
- To Anne Boleyn. 

Into whose skin would you like to slip for a month and why? 
- Into the skin of my cat: she sleeps all the time, is totally spoiled and happy.

What is your favorite movie? 

- The last Mohican and Aliens.

Who was the hero of your childhood? 

- Jane Grey. She was for 9 days the queen of England and got then executed at the age of 15 as a traitress. She was a pretty strong child.

What is your favorite book? 


- The eagle and the raven by Pauline Gedge, The report of the maidservant by Margaret Atwood, The romanticist by Barbara Gowdy. There are way more in barrels.


What was the funniest or weirdest job you have ever borne? 
- I have sold bouqets on the street because of Mother's Day. It rained all day long. I was wet, freezed to the marrow, haven't eaten anything and had to pee all the time. It was awful but in the meantime kinda funny.

Who do you never want to meet? 

- Most likely a few girls that were mean to me in school. In the last few years I have seen some of them from afar and felt immediatly bad. It astonished me pretty much that these losers still influence me. 

What have you done with your first self-earned money? 
- I bought a cassette of the singer Gowan or some Nija Turtles-kitsch. I dunno anymore,actually.

What should be your last meal? 
- ''Shrimps Alfredo'' with garlic bread. Or chili-cheese-fries. Or Tacos.

What was your worst flirt saying? 
- I say constantly bad or embarrassing slogans,romantic aims in and out. I can't remember something appointed though. Somehow people don't like me because of behaving like that.

What do you treasure eminently at a person of the other gender? 
- Selfesteem, faithfulness, that they are cute and nice... just all the boring stuff that everyone searches.

What was so far your most painful experience? 
- It would be a pretty painful event to tell it here. But I broke my collarbone 4 times in my childhood. This was very painful, and because of that this is my answer...

Where and from whom did you get your first love letter? 
- In second grade maybe? I can't remember his name anymore but I know it was the great love. (grins)

What do you like the best at sex? 
- I like the fact that it is such a private and personal thing that doesn't give any chance to talk about it with strangers.

For whom would you overcheck your account? 
- For my family. They supported me so much throughout the years that I owe them pretty much. 

When was the last time you were embarrassed or you blushed? 

- When I read right above the question about sex.

What have you wanted to do since forever but you never dared to do it? 
- There is nothing. I am not the kind of extreme sports. Skydiving or bungeejumping never appealed me. Well,I would like to have a dog, but I know pretty good that I wouldn't have the time to care for him/her.Because of that I don't have the heart to adopt one. I think I am a pretty unexciting person.

How and where can you relax the best? 

- At home in my bed under the blankets.

What is your favorite city? 
- Stoney Creek in Ontario. It is fair and beautiful there. I don't have spent enough time in that city to really know it but I am convinced that it is a wonderful place.

Do you own any jewellery that means eminently a lot to you? 

- I have a ring that was owned by my nanny. Admittedly I have hidden it so well that I dunno anymore where it is.

Which historic event would you like to see with your own eyes? 
- There are way too many. I am obsessed wit history.

What would you do when you knew that the it's the end of the world tomorrow? 
- Having a good meal and talking to people I love. So something very calm. And I would lock the doors. Probably people would go totally crazy, despoil and murder. I bet that this would happen. So making up some sweet activties would first get at when I'd know that I am safe.

Where you ever close to death? 
- No. Well, I got chased by a loony down the alley behind my old apartment. This was actually enough. Besides nothing serious befell me. I better knock on wood.

What should be carved into your gravestone? 

-''She was always funny and nice and always did her best''


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