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  • K (71)
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: 1962 : 0
: 718 : 0
" "
: 913 : 0
" "
: 1019 : 0
: 432 : 0


 - -

Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900)

Above the Clouds at Sunrise 1849Autumn 1875A Country Home 1854Autumn in North America 1856Hooker and Company Journeying through the Wilderness from Plymouth to Hartford, in 1636 1846Figures in an Ecuadorian Landscape 1872Autumn on the Hudson 1853Figures in a New England Landscape 1852Home by the Lake 1852



 - e-mail



: 21.04.2010
: 52260



: ,(17), (10), (5), (6), (1), (29)

: -(1), ,(37), (11), (1), /(24), (23), (18), (3), (11), (49), (88), (206), (1), (204), (78), (96), Petit Point(6), (54), .(2), (885), (18), (31), (78), ,(127), (906), (44), (30), (132), (71), (28), (32), (38), (16), !(634), .(64), (2), (177), (123), (26), (2), (161), (1), (8), ,(56), (40), (23), --(174), (5), (35), (39), (106), (33), (188), (39), (12), (41), (36), (90), (123), (120), (33), (101), (4), (56), (2), (100), (25), (2), (552), (8), (8), (457), (22), (488), (38), (46), (43), (169), (17), (232), (2), (9), o (104), (141), (177), (22), O (39), M.(287), K- (10), K(71)

, 10 2016 . 03:05 +
Gegoma [ + !]






Maria Wrap

, 25 2016 . 17:42 +
_ [ + !]

Maria Wrap

129796045_129796018_il_570xN757290736_tr2x (229x366, 59Kb)129796020_il_570xN795444595_fqxh (371x371, 145Kb)




, 26 2016 . 22:08 +
[ + !]


Pattern for a fold-up sewing carry/tote:

♡ 퀼트이즈 Q U I L T I S .. L O V E ♡ Heart shaped - what not to like. Could alter this to put a front cover on the heart so it opens like a book.:    hanging hoop with pockets - genius and lovely - by krista:



, 29 2016 . 21:03 +
Rukodelkino [ + !]




, 09 2016 . 12:56 +
eto_interesno [ + !]

, , , . .

, . , .




, 31 2015 . 00:48 +
_ [ + !]


, ... .

1 (430x323, 28Kb)



, 30 2015 . 10:02 +
Gegoma [ + !]


"   ,


,  , 1/4 . 



 81/2 " 11" () .

 , ,

, 2 . 

, . 

1/2 ,

( .

=2,5 )



, 05 2015 . 20:52 +
Valentina_iv [ + !]

     |   -  , handmade

, , , , . , , , . 3: , , .. .

, :




, 27 2015 . 15:38 +
Gegoma [ + !]






 : [1]