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, 17 2013 . 03:33 +
luzik [ + !]





, 26 2013 . 04:35 +
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, 26 2013 . 05:13 +
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, 26 2013 . 05:52 +
Miss_SV [ + !]


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, 26 2013 . 18:20 +
Tinalek [ + !]


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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="516" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="430" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="430" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="392" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="320" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="368" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="450" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="306" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="530" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="500" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="640" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="380" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="493" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="463" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="424" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="555" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="555" />

/static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif" target="_blank">http://static.gallery.ru/i/pleasewait.gif
) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="555" />

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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="600" />


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) rgb(247,247,247) no-repeat center 50%; border-bottom: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge; border-left: rgb(226,38,202) 5px ridge" width="600" />




, 26 2013 . 20:16 +
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, 30 2013 . 04:41 +
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, 30 2013 . 21:13 +
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, 06 2013 . 04:30 +
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, 16 2013 . 19:45 +
KonVeda [ + !]


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, 20 2013 . 19:37 +
lida_iljinych [ + !]


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, 04 2013 . 17:43 +
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, 08 2013 . 13:12 +
vizar [ + !]

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, 13 2013 . 12:36 +
tigo [ + !]


, 20 2013 . 16:59 +
EFACHKA [ + !]

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, 21 2013 . 05:20 +
yevgenia [ + !]

, 10 2013 . 19:37 +
Miss_SV [ + !]

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, 12 2013 . 18:49 +
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, 12 2013 . 18:52 +
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, 26 2013 . 11:43 +
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, 26 2013 . 17:07 +
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, 01 2013 . 01:19 +
Miss_SV [ + !]

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, 01 2013 . 01:24 +
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, 07 2013 . 07:57 +
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, 08 2013 . 07:44 +
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, 23 2013 . 16:48 +
vizar [ + !]


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, 13 2013 . 16:28 +
dikulya67 [ + !]

, 29 2013 . 12:16 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]



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, 08 2014 . 18:11 +
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, 19 2014 . 08:03 +
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, 29 2014 . 05:07 +
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, 25 2014 . 18:13 +
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, 07 2014 . 22:02 +
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, 08 2014 . 06:44 +
Veh07 [ + !]

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, 27 2014 . 05:37 +
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, 07 2014 . 04:01 +
Santana-I [ + !]


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, 20 2015 . 03:46 +
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, 13 2015 . 18:16 +
Natali_Vasilyeva [ + !]

, 13 2015 . 18:27 +
cravennat [ + !]




































, 02 2015 . 14:20 +
VIOLETTA_55 [ + !]


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, 16 2015 . 02:09 +
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, 18 2016 . 07:17 +
cravennat [ + !]




































, 14 2017 . 09:03 +
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, 03 2019 . 06:10 +
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, 11 2019 . 13:42 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]

Lace. Handmade.

image (562x700, 348Kb)
image (602x700, 201Kb)

, 11 2019 . 13:43 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]


image (560x700, 396Kb)

image (385x700, 112Kb)
image (694x700, 333Kb)
image (700x481, 351Kb)

, 11 2019 . 13:44 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]

Lace... Handmade with love for you!

20170611_132026 (538x700, 455Kb)

, 11 2019 . 13:45 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]


image (617x700, 428Kb)

, 11 2019 . 13:45 +
angel-i-lika [ + !]

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Studio Session45-320 (700x540, 244Kb)

Studio Session45-315 (700x515, 258Kb)

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