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  • (336)
  • (71)


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, 11 2023 . 13:56 +

1a (900x668, 225Kb)
H a , , a . . XIV .
H (Hauptmarkt), P, , (Schöner Brunnen) , , op . , , ... , .
, o 19 , . , .

Schoner_Brunnen (750x900, 92Kb)
b2a7e3163dcf2cfd0accca8f612dce62 (445x700, 70Kb)3366 (445x700, 46Kb)Brunnenbeleuchtung1 (900x666, 404Kb)
134270268_dalee_preview (120x62, 14Kb)

1 - Capodimonte
2 - ...
26 - o Madeline Jeanne Lemair
27 - P ,
28 - a
29 - . a a .
30 - - oo (Carlos Alberto)
31 - a (Igor Levashov) coo oo a-peaa
32 - . .




, 02 2021 . 23:47 +
valniko77 [ + !]


, . , , , , , . . : XVII , .

. (Giuliano Finelli) (1601-1653) - , 1600–1700 . - , . , - , .

1 - Capodimonte
2 - ...
7 - (1656 1746) . 2. .
8 - a
9 - ...
10 - (18691937) - XIX-XX
11 - oce ax - a X. a
30 - - oo (Carlos Alberto)
31 - a (Igor Levashov) coo oo a-peaa
32 - . .

1 - Capodimonte
2 - - (Castello di Sammezzano)
14 - "", .
15 - (Basilica di San Marco)
16 - ...
17 -
18 - Caoe aeoe (Principato di Seborga)
21 - Oa , a.
22 - : - . .1
23 - : - . .2


. . 1. .

, 02 2021 . 09:48 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

127956572_0 (84x100, 6Kb)

" ":

1 - .
2 - . ( 1910 ) . 1.
42 - . . . , .
43 - . . . .
44 - . . 1. . 1.

/Ca ap


" " (Schloss Nordkirchen), .

, 29 2020 . 23:48 +

800px-Coat_of_arms_of_North_Rhine-Westfalia.svg (106x120, 212Kb)

- . , , , . -, o , .
P . : 10- !

15-1-5 (1000x766, 130Kb)

78399804_IMG_4833fc (1000x563, 226Kb)
4 (1000x686, 560Kb)

125767156_fonar (120x79, 20Kb)
/Ca ap



, 10 2020 . 01:31 +

images1 (100x100, 12Kb)
, , ax. . , , . . (, ) o - . , , I . .. . . , , .

moretopiary (1000x761, 47Kb)
img_5991 (1000x825, 151Kb)

. , , , , , , e , , . .. , , XV . , .

7-    ,  (1000x825, 172Kb)
C ,

dalee horoshee (108x64, 11Kb)
/Ca ap


, 24 2020 . 14:02 +

WappenEgloffstein (193x207, 13Kb) "". , o . (Fränkische Schweiz), . 1807 , (Johann Christian Fick).
, , . - , , , . 170 , 40 . .

 (900x758, 186Kb)

egloffstein014 (900x665, 44Kb)

Barockgarten Egloffstein! (900x593, 84Kb)

dalee s knigoj (150x104, 34Kb)
/Ca ap


Trinity Fine Art /

, 29 2020 . 12:29 +
lora-46 [ + !]




1984 ,

z5e59605010673 (592x93, 75Kb)






Venus and Adonis


2016 Trinity Fine Art


- - (AAI)


. , .

69637705_12345 (65x31, 3Kb)  


. 56.

, 27 2019 . 23:17 +
Matrioshka [ + !]

" 2":

1 - . 50.
2 - . 51.
5 - . 54.
6 - . 55.
7 - . 56.
8 - . 57.
9 - . 58.

/Ca ap


" " (Luke Jerram)

, 08 2019 . 22:12 +

, e -. , .

146023301_3906024_Swine_Flu_and_artist (1000x725, 117Kb)

" " (Museum of the Moon) a oe oe . , , , "BAFTA" "Ivor Novello", (Dan Jones). . NASA 1:500000 , .

image-2 (1000x773, 160Kb)
5b9bc52aeb729 (1000x1000, 211Kb)
0_1220c1_f5e449e7_S (150x44, 7Kb)


: 700

, 05 2019 . 13:35 +

2020 250- . a 2019-. 700 . 250- . , , , , .
800px-Beethoven (882x1000, 114Kb)
, , . , "", , .
c0a1e34456767102c293328078a1c437 (1000x836, 322Kb)
18 . " " (Unser Ludwig) .
o , 17 . , 1845 . - ո (Ottmar Hörl). , , 1000 , 800 " " , 1200 , 500 " " 400 " ø" --.
60181781_651785188616717_6629513852449137011_n (980x980, 68Kb)
_0001_hr (1000x766, 147Kb)
48756180_303 (1000x694, 70Kb)
-, 300 600 . . , 700 350 - , , , . , , , , .
500 , 700: .
747-beethovens-auf-munsterplatz - 1 (920x765, 81Kb)


: germania-online.diplo.de



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