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21:37 06.11.2014
: 5
18:20 06.12.2013
: 42
15:38 06.12.2013
: 6




 - e-mail



: 07.12.2010
: 2068
: 79
: 3047


", ":
1 - La Ultima moda (2) | ...1898
2 - -
3 - | (2)
4 - ...
5 - Frances Brundage (18541937) !
6 -
7 - 1920- .
8 - -
9 - .
10 - .

, .

: (5), , (4), (14), (14), (3), (1), , (7), (9), (3), (1), (25), (1)

: (124), (15), (4), (5), (3), (2), (12), , , (3), , (2), (93), (2), (14), ()(4), (4), , (1), (5), (3), (19), , , (16), (432), (280), (3), (7), (321), (8), , (32), , (122), - (20), (0), (17), (4), (3), (52), (38), (1), (9), (7), (3), (144)

La Ultima moda (2) | ...1898

, 18 2013 . 16:25 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

La Ultima moda (2) | ...1898

~   * * *   ~




, 18 2013 . 16:26 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]


(The Book of Beauty: or Regal Gallery) , , (Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington) (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 1849.

, . - ,  a-  . 

(1314-1369), III, .

- Éléonore de Provence (1223–1291), III, .

- Anne Boleyn (1501–1536), VIII, '

- Catherine Parr (1512—1548), VIII, .

o - Eleanor of Castile (1241–1290), I, .



| (2)

, 18 2013 . 16:26 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]

| (2)



(St. Ronan's Well, 1824)

Clara Mowbray ( )

(The Fortunes of Nigel, 1822)

Margaret Ramsay ( )

(The Fair Maid of Perth or St. Valentine's Day, 1828)

Catherine the Fair Maid of Perth ( )

The Glee-Maiden ( )




, 18 2013 . 16:27 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]





Frances Brundage (18541937) !

, 24 2014 . 18:15 +
irin69 [ + !]

Frances Brundage (18541937)



, 30 2014 . 16:47 +
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1 (2) (400x400, 83Kb)3 (1) (400x400, 115Kb)

2 (1) (400x400, 77Kb)4 (2) (400x400, 79Kb)5 (1) (300x300, 58Kb)6 (400x400, 112Kb)



1920- .

, 05 2014 . 15:40 +
[ + !]

1920- .

   1920- .

, . , 4- « », - ( , , ).


   1920- .

, , 20- . – , – !

   1920- .




, 10 2014 . 15:53 +
irin69 [ + !]


- (Karol Bak) 1961 . , .




, 10 2014 . 23:50 +
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, 05 2015 . 15:04 +
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