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21:37 06.11.2014
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18:20 06.12.2013
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15:38 06.12.2013
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 - e-mail



: 07.12.2010
: 2068
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1 -
2 - Lyn Diefenbach
3 - Carolyn Shores (). .
4 - ..
5 - Dream Rose. With Madrigals by Mary J. Jacques


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, 31 2014 . 13:55 +
JULIA_78 [ + !]


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3166706_100013291_3166706_45b75 (130x88, 15Kb)


Lyn Diefenbach

, 24 2014 . 14:51 +
tantana [ + !]

Lyn Diefenbach



Carolyn Shores (). .

, 08 2014 . 18:05 +
DragooonFly [ + !]

Carolyn Shores (). .





, 27 2015 . 07:56 +
- [ + !]


4964063_5175731280x1024 (700x560, 235Kb)

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4964063_83650139_76591147_large_lavanda (700x592, 230Kb)

4964063_0_90e24_77c3813f_M (160x39, 10Kb)


Dream Rose. With Madrigals by Mary J. Jacques

, 05 2015 . 07:03 +
alona777 [ + !]

Dream Rose. With Madrigals by Mary J. Jacques


Dream Rose

With Madrigals by Mary J. Jacques


... ...

 : [1]