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Latin phrases for rings

Понедельник, 25 Октября 2010 г. 23:31 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Curuculla [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Гравировка на кольцах.Что же написать? Фразы для гравировки на латинском языке

Ab ovo - с начала до конца
Ad infinitum - до бесконечности
Amantes - amentes - влюбленные-безумные
Ars longa, Vite brevis - искусство долговечно, а жизнь (человека) коротка
A die - От сего дня
А solis ortu usque ad occasum - От восхода солнца до заката
Absque omni exceptione - Без всякого сомнения
Ab imo pectore - С полной искренностью, от души
Ad finem saeculorum - До скончания веков
Amor non est medicabilis herbis - Любовь травами не лечится
Amor omnibus idem - Любовь у всех едина
Amor tussisque non celantur - Любовь и кашель не скроешь
Beati possidentes - счастливы обладающие
Bene placito - по доброй воле
Caritas et pax - Уважение и мир
Con amore - С любовью
Consensu omnium - С общего согласия
Consortium omnis vitae - Содружество всей жизни
Credo - верую!
De die in diem - Изо дня в день
Dei gratia - божьей милостью, слава Богу
Evviva - да здравствует!
Ex consensu - по согласию
Fac fideli sis fidelis - Будь верен тому, кто верен (тебе)
Fata viam invenient - От судьбы не уйдешь
Fiat voluntas tua - Да будет воля твоя
Fortiter ac firmiter - Сильно и крепко
Hoc erat in votis - Это было предметом моих желаний
Hoc erat in fatis - так было суждено (судьбой)
Ibi victoria, ubi concordia - Там победа, где согласие
In aeternum - Навек, навсегда
In saecula saeculorum - Во веки веков
Lex fati - закон судьбы
Liberum arbitrium - Свобода выбора
Lux in tenebris - Свет во мгле
Mane et nocte - Утром и ночью
Natura sic voluit - Так пожелала природа
Ne varietur - Изменению не подлежит
Nil nisi bene - Ничего, кроме хорошего
Non dubitandum est - Нет сомнения
Non solus - Не одинок
Nunc est bibendum! - Теперь пируем!
Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - Любовь побеждает все, и мы покоряемся любви
Omnium consensu - С общего согласия
Optima fide - С полным доверием
Orе uno - Единогласно (досл.: одним ртом)
Peccare licet nemini! - Грешить никому не полагается!
Per aspera ad astra - Через тернии к звездам!
Pia desideria - Благие пожелания, заветные мечты
Placeat diis - Если будет угодно богам
Pro bono publico - Ради общего блага
Pro ut de lege - Законным путем
Probatum est - Одобрено
Proprio motu - По собственному желанию
Quilibet fortunae suae faber - Каждый сам кузнец своего счастья
Sancta sanctorum - святая святых
Sic fata voluerunt - так было угодно судьбе
Sponte sua - по доброй воле
Sed semel insanivimus omnes - Однажды мы все бываем безумны
Sic erat in fatis - Так было суждено
Sursum corda! - Выше голову!
Ubi concordia - ibi victoria - где согласие - там победа
Vires unitae agunt - Силы действуют совместно
Vale et me ama - будь здоров (-а) и люби меня
Vivere est cogitare - жить-значит мыслить!
Volente deo - с божьей помощью
 (397x295, 14Kb)


Quote about 2012

Четверг, 21 Января 2010 г. 23:05 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения -Drop_of_nicotine- [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]


Если б я точно знала, что в 2012 будет конец света, я бы завтра же бросила институт, ограбила банк и махнула в Вегас.



I had fallen in love with California.(c)


Понедельник, 18 Января 2010 г. 14:58 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Susan Boyle - You'll See
 (100x100, 27Kb)
As one went to Europe to see the living past, so one must visit Southern California to observe the future.
Alison Lurie

But the truth is, growing up in California, we knew nothing about hockey.
Leigh Steinberg

California has set up regional collection offices around the world, staffed by California employees, specifically for out of state California businesses to collect the money and bring it back to California.
Craig Benson

California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange.
Fred Allen

California is an island, and New York's an island. Maybe it's time for me to change islands.
Paul Mazursky

California is beautiful to look at, but you can't be a part of it like you can in Michigan.
Jennifer Granholm

California is full of Mexican culture and Mexican music.
Harry Dean Stanton

California is going to be quite good for the Democrats. But the rest of the country is a draw.
Stuart Rothenberg

California is like an artificial limb the rest of the country doesn't really need. You can quote me on that.
Saul Bellow

I mean, I love California, but LA to me is still a strange place.
Scott Speedman


Bashorg quote

Воскресенье, 17 Января 2010 г. 00:06 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Цитата #405594

Выбираем с мамой платье (я собралась к подружке на свадьбу):
мама: а давай тебе ещё комплект белья красивый купим?
я: да ладно, я ж не невеста...
мама: ну мало ли что на свадьбе произойти может! Что бы потом в морге стыдно не было...




Воскресенье, 17 Января 2010 г. 00:00 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения la_mariposa- [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Мужчина, который любит женщину очень сильно, просит ее выйти за него замуж - то есть изменить свое имя, бросить свою работу, рожать и воспитывать его детей, ждать его, когда он приходит с работы, переезжать с ним в другой город, когда он меняет работу. Трудно представить себе, чего бы он потребовал от женщины, которую не любит.
© Гейбриелл Бартон


About living life


Пятница, 08 Января 2010 г. 22:28 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - lily Allen - Fuck you
 (100x100, 32Kb)
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”
James Dean



Пятница, 08 Января 2010 г. 22:08 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения фея_с_комплексом_бога [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]


- Все, что нас не убивает, делает нас сильнее!
- А все, что убивает, делает нас мертвыми...



Quote 1

Четверг, 08 Октября 2009 г. 17:34 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Лэили [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Фредерик Бегбедер "Романтический эгоист"

"Кого-нибудь влюбить в себя - пара пустяков: притворитесь, что вам наплевать, и всё. Беспроигрышная стратегия. Мужчины и женщины в равной степени западают на тех, кто не обращает на них внимания... Влюбившись, следует прежде всего убедить человека, которого хочешь больше всего на свете, что тебе от него ни горячо ни холодно. Любить - это значит играть в безразличие, заглушать биение сердца, говорить обратное тому, что чувствуешь. В сущности, любовь - это жульничество."[/font][/size][/color] (с)


Fight Club quote


Вторник, 12 Мая 2009 г. 14:46 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Corey Hart - Sunglasses at night
We're consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy's name on my underwear.


Dr. Lance Sweets quotes from 'Bones'


Понедельник, 19 Января 2009 г. 16:29 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Chris Coco - Falling
 (100x100, 17Kb)
"Bones: The Wannabe in the Weeds (#3.14)" (2008)
Dr. Lance Sweets: You have an irrational prejudice against psychology. Probably because of some emotions so complicated for you to deal with.
[starts playfully poking Bones]
Dr. Lance Sweets: And I poked and prodded them which makes them real and painful.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: And yet I feel no pain. Just a sort of disinterest. So why don't you take your powers of observation and focus them on her?

Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: So do you think she killed him?
Dr. Lance Sweets: Well
Dr. Lance Sweets: there's no question she's deluded. She truly *believes* he was going to marry her. And she was setting herself up for a tragic ending.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Tragic?
Dr. Lance Sweets: Well one way to ensure he didn't leave her...
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Would be to kill him.

Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Hodgins. You are the guitar player. Zack, you are Tommy.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Re-enactment. Facinating.
Dr. Zack Addy: Not for me. I'm always the one that gets killed.
Dr. Jack Hodgins: Dude, you're the singer. Singer was the vic.

Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: [Sweets is trying to convince Bones to get up and sing] Really? What about you?
Dr. Lance Sweets: Hey, I will be singing "Lime in the Coconut" after you, and you will be extremely impressed... as was my abnormal psychology class in college. This opportunity is a gift from.... Agent Booth. Trust yourself, trust your friends, and let 'er rip!

"Bones: The Santa in the Slush (#3.9)" (2007)
Dr. Lance Sweets: I don't understand has there been some kind of crisis?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Yes. I have a crisis.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: [quietly] Bones, it was just mistletoe.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: ...Not the kiss. That was nothing.
Dr. Lance Sweets: You *kissed*?
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Mistletoe.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: That's not the crisis.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Was there tongue?
Special Agent Seeley Booth: All right, you know what? Get your own sex life.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: That has nothing to do with sex.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Nothing.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: No.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: There was no s- It was mistletoe.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Totally sexless.

Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Booth, who is a very honest person, says that at this time of year deception is necessary for the happiness of little children.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: No, I'm being misquoted.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Booth is absolutely right.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: She got the gist...
Dr. Lance Sweets: Yeah, there's a fictional element to Christmas.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: You mean the whole 'Birth of a Savior' rigamarole.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: It is *not* rigamarole.
Dr. Lance Sweets: No, no. Dr. Brennan, it's the feeling of Christmas. What people call the Christmas spirit. It's a kind of dream or hope we carry with us from childhood. But as adults...
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Are you including you in that?
Dr. Lance Sweets: As adults we're imbued by the pragmatic ruitines of life, which makes it difficult for us to regard anything with childlike wonder. But, you know, it's alright for us to try. We put on silly hats, and drape trees with sparkly lights, and wrap gifts in garish paper, and that's good for us. It's not only alright for us to allow children the transient experience of innocence and joy, it's our responsibility.
[Bones and Booth contemplate that for a bit]
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Okay.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Okay?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: I found that very helpful.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Scoffs] It's what I've been saying for the past four days.

"Bones: The Verdict in the Story (#3.13)" (2008)
Dr. Lance Sweets: Dr. Brennan everyone you work with, including your therapist...
Special Agent Seeley Booth: *Former* therapist.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Is endevoring to imprison your father. That's wicked stressful.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Booth is right. It doesn't bother me.
Dr. Lance Sweets: No, Booth is wrong. *Yes*, it does.

Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: I'm fine.
Dr. Lance Sweets: If you were fine, you'd be balled up in a corner, weeping or semi-catatonic.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: [turning to Booth] Does that sound fine to you?
Special Agent Seeley Booth: I'm sorry, Bones, but I'm going to have to agree with Sweets on this one.
Dr. Lance Sweets: I think it's important for you to know that *we* know that the colder more objective you appear on the outside, the more pain you feel on the inside.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: I'm fine!
Dr. Lance Sweets: No, you're not!

Special Agent Seeley Booth: I just think he doesn't want to admit that he likes us.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Do you like us?
Dr. Lance Sweets: What?
Special Agent Seeley Booth: And he wants to spend time with us.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Is that true, Sweets? You like us?
Special Agent Seeley Booth, Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: [singing] He really likes us.
Dr. Lance Sweets: All right, you know what? I'm sorry I made the offer. I take it back. Forget it!

"Bones: The Bone That Blew (#4.10)" (2008)
Special Agent Seeley Booth: You don't think I'm a lousy dad for not sending my kid to a private school?
Dr. Lance Sweets: No. But you'd be a lousy father if you didn't torture yourself about it.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Thanks

Dr. Lance Sweets: Can I ask you what's really going on between you?
Max Keenan: Tempe doesn't want me working at the Jeffersonian.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Why?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: It's a conflict of interest, we catch criminals, my dad is a criminal.
Dr. Lance Sweets: That would be valid...
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Thank you.
Dr. Lance Sweets: If it were your *real* reason. But it's not.

"Bones: The Secret in the Soil (#3.4)" (2007)
Dr. Lance Sweets: There is clearly a very deep emotional bond between you two.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: We're just partners.
Dr. Lance Sweets: And why do you think I would have thought otherwise?
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Cause, you're 12.

Dr. Lance Sweets: Let's talk about conflict. When you guys argue, how do you come to a resolution?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: We don't argue.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Come on! Remember?
[indicates his office]
Dr. Lance Sweets: Zone of truth. Right here.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: Fine. We might... bicker a little bit, but that's not arguing.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Bicker? I don't bicker!
Special Agent Seeley Booth: No? What about the whole environmentalism thing?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: That was a discussion.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: You pretty much told me my penis was gonna shrink if I didn't eat organic food.
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: That's not bickering. That's being a good friend.
Special Agent Seeley Booth: My penis is just fine, thank you.

"Bones: The Knight on the Grid (#3.8)" (2007)
Dr. Lance Sweets: Point of investigation: how do masters find their apprentices? Not on Craigslist - I checked.

"Bones: The Pain in the Heart (#3.15)" (2008)
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: You think I don't recognize an experiment when I see one? You experimented on us!
Dr. Lance Sweets: Beg you pardon?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Not telling me Booth was alive, you wanted to quantify our reactions for your research. You took advantage of us. Booth and I agreed to let you observe us. We did not agree to be used as lab rats. So you *better* cut it out!
Dr. Lance Sweets: Dr. Brennan why are you talking so fast?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Because if Booth hears why you did what you did, he'd beat you up.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Don't you think that would be an overly aggressive act?
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: Not at all. So you better not do it again!

"Bones: The Skull in the Sculpture (#4.7)" (2008)
Dr. Lance Sweets: [Sitting together at a restaurant over dinner helping Angela work out her feelings and how she should go about her pursuing a her relationship with Roxie] It's exactly the same situation as the last time you were sitting here. Except, you know, you're quieter.
Angela Montenegro: No, that was about Hodgins. This is about Roxie.
Dr. Lance Sweets: [Loudly] You want to have sex with Roxie!
Angela Montenegro: What was that about quieter?
Dr. Lance Sweets: I'm sorry, I'm not certain you're being guided by your brain, that's all. Need can be confused with love. Fantasy can convince us that what we are feeling is love.
Angela Montenegro: So, you're saying is that this is all rebound?
Dr. Lance Sweets: Yeah.
Angela Montenegro: No, you don't understand love, Sweets.
Dr. Lance Sweets: I'm not as innocent as you might think.
Angela Montenegro: You have this bourgeois notion...
Dr. Lance Sweets: Bourgeois?
Angela Montenegro: ...that in order for love to be real it has to be permanent. Nothing is permanent. That's just a fact. We move in and out of loving other people, but that doesn't make the love any less real.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Mm-hmm, perhaps you're saying this because you haven't met the love of your life.
Angela Montenegro: I have actually. Many times.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Fine. It seems to me that you always leave yourself an escape hatch in your relationships, because you afraid of commitment.
Angela Montenegro: Nice try. But no. Actually, I commit to every person I love.
Dr. Lance Sweets: You marry a man and then conveniently forget that you married him because you got zonked on Kava Kava. That compromises your relationship with Hodgins so that ends, along with the marriage. Now you say you have these intense feelings for an ex-lover whose heart you've already broken. Don't you see the potential disaster here?
Angela Montenegro: Look, you said that, without the possibility of pain, there can be no joy, no real love.
Dr. Lance Sweets: I said that? That's beautiful.
Angela Montenegro: Look... I don't want to hurt Roxie again.
Dr. Lance Sweets: Then Don't. Don't. Put her welfare first. Let Roxie decide if she's ready to pursue this relationship.
Angela Montenegro: Okay. And what if she doesn't?
Dr. Lance Sweets: Then I'm afraid you'll have to live with that pain.


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