



: 07.10.2012
: 32298
: 23508
: 58322


There is only one success to spend your life in your own way.

, 31 2016 . 21:07 +


Actions speak louder than words.

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God helps those who help themselves.

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You can face whatever has to be faced if you master your own fears and simply go on.
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No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect.

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A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction.

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If you want to be successful you must look successful.

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There is only one success to spend your life in your own way.

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There can be no rainbow without a cloud and storm.


The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.


Respect should be earned by actions, and not acquired by years.

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olychca   , 31 2016 . 21:15 ()
Ada_Peters, ! , !
: [1] []


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