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 - e-mail




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, 05 2018 . 16:18 +
candra [ + !]




, : Catherine Andre

, 22 2016 . 22:40 +
Maja2012 [ + !]

, : Catherine Andre

,   :   Catherine Andre |   -  , handmade

, , , , . . , . 

, . , , . , , , (Catherine Andre).

«, , — , , . — » — . , : « . , , , ».

1995 , , , , . , , . Ÿ , , .

. , , , , . « » .

, , .

, ! , .

2016 :


, , — , .

2016 :

2015 :

2014 :








, .. , .




, 04 2016 . 22:43 +
GayaneKostanyan [ + !]



pt-1539 (632x344, 244Kb)


pt-1535 (632x344, 287Kb)


pt-1537 (632x344, 253Kb)

Work 5ch and sl.st in last ch.

Row 1: 7ch, 8 t.tr/d.tr in ring of 5ch, turn.

Row 2: 5 ch, work 2d.tr/tr together (work 2 incomplete d.tr/tr, yarn over the hook and draw yarn through all loops on the hook), * 6ch, 3d.tr/tr together; rep from * one more time, turn.

Row 3: 1ch, 9dc/sc in 1st space of 6ch, 9dc/dc + 5ch + 1dc/sc in next space of 6ch, turn.

Row 4: 7ch, 17 t.tr/d.tr in space of 5ch, turn.

Row 5: 5 ch, work 2d.tr/tr together, * 6ch, 3d.tr/tr together; rep from * 4 more times, 1d.tr/tr in rig of 5ch, turn.

Row 6: Work 9dc/sc in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th space of 6ch and 9dc/dc + 5ch + 1dc/sc in last space of 6ch, turn.

Row 7: 7ch, 17 t.tr/d.tr in space of 5ch, turn.

Row 8: 5 ch, work 2d.tr/tr together, * 6ch, 3d.tr/tr together; rep from * 4 more times, 1dc/sc in previous shell (see pictures), turn.

Row 9: Work 9dc/sc in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th space of 6ch and 9dc/dc + 5ch + 1dc/sc in last space of 6ch, turn.

Repeat rows 7 – 9 until you have reached your desired length.


Round 1: 7ch, 8 t.tr/d.tr in space of 5ch, turn.

Round 2: 5 ch, work 2d.tr/tr together, * 6ch, 3d.tr/tr together; rep from * one more time, 1dc/sc in previous shell, turn.

Round 3: Work 9dc/sc in 1st and 2nd spaces of 6ch, turn.

Upper edge:

Row 1: 8ch, skip 8st, * 1d.tr/tr in next, 5ch, skip 4st, work 1 incomplete d.tr/tr in next st, 1 incomplete t.tr/d.tr in the same st where two shells join together, skip 4st, 1 incomplete d.tr/tr in next st, yarn over the hook and draw yarn through all loops on the hook (3 sts together), 5ch, skip 4st, 1d.tr/tr in next, 5ch, skip 7st, 1tr/dc in next, 5ch, skip 8st; rep from *, 1d.tr/tr in next, 5ch, work 3 sts together, 5ch, 1d.tr/tr in last dc/sc, turn.

Row 2: 5ch, * skip 2st, 1tr/dc in next, 2ch; rep from*, 1tr/dc in 3rd ch, turn.

Row 3: 1ch, * 2dc/sc in 1st space of 2ch, 1 picot, 3dc/sc in next space of 2ch; rep from *.

Color combinations with purple & pink:

Colors & rounds: 1 — 2 – 3 — purple, 4 — 5 – pink, * 6 — 7 — 8 — purple, 9 — 10 – 11 — pink * .

Color combinations with beige & cyan:

Colors & rounds: 1 — 2 — beige, * 3 — 4 — 5 – brown, 6 — 7 — 8 — cyan, 9 — 10 – 11 — beige * .




, 07 2016 . 00:13 +
star65 [ + !]





: , Autumn Aurora

, 07 2016 . 00:01 +
lyiolik [ + !]



, 07 2016 . 23:59 +
Rising-Sun [ + !]




, 07 2016 . 23:57 +
evanika2 [ + !]




, ,,
( ) .


, 07 2016 . 23:55 +
rasaabu [ + !]



, 07 2016 . 23:51 +
iralev67 [ + !]



, 07 2016 . 23:49 +
gallios [ + !]


36/38 (40/42) 44/46 (48/50)


 : [6] 5 4 3 2 1