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How to Reach Kashmir from Delhi

Среда, 03 Июля 2024 г. 14:25 (ссылка)

By Air: The most convenient way to reach Kashmir from Delhi is by air. Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, is served by Srinagar International Airport, which offers regular flights from Delhi. Several airlines operate flights between these two cities, making air travel the fastest option.


By Road: You can choose to travel to Kashmir from Delhi by road, which takes longer than going by air but allows you to enjoy the beautiful views along the way. You have the option of taking a road trip from Delhi to Kashmir with various bus services or hiring a taxi for more flexibility. Additionally, you can also explore Kashmir Tour Packages From Delhi for a more organized travel experience.


By Train: Although not as common as air or road travel, reaching Kashmir from Delhi by train is also possible. The nearest major railway station to Srinagar is Jammu Tawi Railway Station. From there, one can take a taxi or bus to cover the remaining distance to Srinagar. However, it is important to note that the train journey from Delhi to Jammu Tawi takes longer compared to air travel.







How to Reach Kashmir from Delhi (700x393, 64Kb)
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мюсли вслух

Вторник, 21 Июня 2022 г. 10:11 (ссылка)

Наша дорогая редакция вчера под вечер пошла гулять на плато Тепе Оба - ну там сосновый лес, пыльная дилижансная дорога в Орджо, караимское кладбище с могильными камнями побитыми густой шрапнелью иврита, старый римский тракт, конденсаторы Зибольда, снова лес. Бродил, хрустел ветками, прикладывался к фляжке с бухлом, много думал о судьбах России. В результате заблудился.

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<kashmir - Самое интересное в блогах

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