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the other side of midnight - Самое интересное в блогах

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Sidney Sheldon-The Other Side of Midnight/ Оборотная сторона полуночи-Сидни Шелдон

Среда, 04 Января 2023 г. 19:12 (ссылка)


Роман «Оборотная сторона полуночи» – драматический триллер, признанного гения интриги Сидни Шелдона. Он начинается и заканчивается судом над американским летчиком Ларри Дугласом и его любовницей, которые обвиняются в убийстве жены Ларри. Между началом и завершением судебного процесса проходят тридцать лет жизни героев. Но… было ли убийство? И что явилось его причиной? Страшно, когда любовь ведет к преступлению. Но за все нужно платить!




This novel is the same as far as emotions are concerned but the story and the scenarios are different as compared to the rest of the books. If the listener has been a true fan of Sheldon then he will cherish each scene because it is so strongly written and the plot is compact like always. Catherine Douglas is the woman who is in distress on this occasion and all the troubles of life have attacked her at the same time. There is no escape for this woman who has been left alone by everyone because no one is willing to save her. She has to manage a way out for herself if she wants to save her skin, otherwise, she would be going down within no time. Steven Pacey has narrated with the same stylish tone and accent which is loved by ever listener. Catherine’s husband gets involved in another woman and at the same time she gets surrounded by the trap set by a Greek billionaire. Thus troubles are everywhere and getting out safely does not look possible.




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<the other side of midnight - Самое интересное в блогах

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