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Секретики вышивальные.

Четверг, 24 Ноября 2016 г. 08:13 (ссылка)

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Секретики вышивальные.


Hand Embroidery ideas and tutorial

  how to embroider words--good to know, for clothes, pillows or even on paper! 

Pekinese Stitch

wonderful tutorial on some different stitches! 

Great Embroidery Tutorials! For example: the Braided Chain Stitch.

3D embroidery flowers 

 Fancy Stitches 2This website has fantastically helpful tutorials for embroidery stitches.  

Spider Web Stitch 

Smart: add a bead to blanket stitches for a pretty beaded boarder.


How-To Instructions for nearly any embroidery stitch.  This site will come in very handy!    Interlaced Herringbone Stitch Sara's Hand Embroidery Tutorials     padded satin stitch 

rad stitching 

  susan elliott pin #2

almost done...


the use of colour & stitch


amazing hand-embroidery tutorials 


Embroidery stitches

Embroidery Stitches 

Embroidery Stitches #2

crazy quilt stitches  

crazy quilt stitches


 x stitch

Embroidery #embroidery #textiles 

Prudence Lansell heart 



Paper star (I also categorize these beauties as paper embroidery)


 Make your own skeleton leaves with this needle lace technique - all it takes is some embroidery floss, sewing thread, and a paper template!      The essential guide to handmade eyelets

  Family portrait. This is traced on linen, then stitched with each family member's own color. Beautiful.


Can you believe this bird isn't real? Needle-felted and embroidered to perfection. 


ana teresa barboza 


 Make your own Seamstress Crest! 

http://www.pinterest.com/ hand embroidery 

Собрала в кучку   

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<секреты вышивки - Самое интересное в блогах

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