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    Mirrors of Grotesque
Mirrors of Grotesque
21:25 04.12.2010
: 22
    Memoire d'Ardente
Memoire d'Ardente
21:08 23.06.2010
: 13
03:04 18.05.2010
: 21


: 18.02.2005
: 804
: 8595
: 17551


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: (269), (110), (209), (6), (12), (102), ()(23), Memoire d'Ardente(50)

Phylosophy of Nearness and Loneliness...

, 15 2005 . 21:37 +
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roseheart.JPG (500x353, 15Kb)

I made a sculpture of glass:
Two lovers embracing in passion
I watched how light deep caressed them
In diamonds of my eyes
As the darkening shadows possessed,
There becoming alive in my view,
In the music of ambient cantoes
Their tango was rapid and lure

My heart was so lonely:
I wanted to love and be loved,
But the women perfumes
Were dying like the waning moon,
Inconstant in their pure gorgeous senses
Then in the bath of pain
This bitter rum of lust intoxication
I washed away the filth of loving games

And for how long?
My violin cried violently to the chilling stars
They echoed the sound of broken heart
In changes of the day and night
That only sound I lived which made me mad

Dreaming then, one thought obsessed me,
And I felt inspired to create a figure
A figure of me, made of iron, covered with glassy adorn
And then I made an ideal woman for my figure
Thus, never trusting in her charms,
I made her full of glass to caution my-that
Against the iron every woman has inside to strike at mans heart

While watching them dancing
Two frauds of my sense
My mind filled with pleasure,
But when I turned my eyes
I understood that all Id got
Was nothing but a sad disguise

So I threw the sculpture of glass
Into the ground full of rocks!
And there and then my eyes reflected the picture:
My figures skeleton iron writhing bare amidst the shattered glassy ice

All hopes are false
All knowledge is the case of arts
When inspiration goes
Theres nothing left but woe

... (-)


Desiring woman...

, 14 2005 . 00:27 +
006.jpg (250x336, 34Kb) , . , , , , , , , . , , ; , , . , ; , , , . - , , . , , , , , , , .

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Dreamin a child...

, 29 2005 . 23:45 +
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Musique de la coeur: Iron Maiden "Childhood's End"

No hope, no life, just pain and fear
No food, no love, no seed
childhood's end

... (-)


Dost Thou embrace The Dark?

, 27 2005 . 23:08 +
Musique de la coeur: wonderful death-rock band from the master of Empyrium
The Vision Bleak The Deathship has a new Captain

dark.jpg (550x366, 66Kb)

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, 24 2005 . 01:00 +
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Age of Raped Innocence

, 22 2005 . 01:14 +
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Dying Flame

, 23 2005 . 01:05 +
Rogus Mortuus - . . . , , , -. . , - , , , . . - . ...

Es ist der Traum der mich gefürt
Und folden werde ich bis in die Glut


Rogus Mortuus

Lunatic fanatics
Viewed the visions of Avalon
During tormenting Aeon
Being implacably frantic

They craved for cognition
Of lapis philosophorum
Of stars opals crown
Facing different collisions

Abnormal wits
Not belonging to any age
Pored over their rage
To justify their deeds

In alchemical principles
Of transmutation
Through divine aberration
They tried to succeed

Obsession leads to possession of esoteric wisdoms of time
Arcanums hidden under the seven seals aspersed with the bloody wine
Immortals and mortals, we follow the dream into the glowing fire
Living today and tomorrows moment no any farther

One will prefer to live
In embraces of daimons for ever
Surrendring himself to the pleasure
And terrible pain
Pretending to love now or never
Kneeling upon the treasure
Of disdain

Another may choose to grab
The whole world in his grasp
And abuse it with satanic grin
Lumping onto it all blames
Calling himself a Messiah at lest
Preaching violent sin
Looking forward to fame

The time has rushed to another bank of stream where caskets of enigmas drift
Yet it is watching over the lorn one Tempus fugit non mūtat

Vampiric symbolism of night
Poetized in chronicles of fateful bites
Keeps a secret of philosophy
Mystical and extraordinary

The embrace is the initiation
In the mystery and penetration
Sharpening of senses
Eerie perceptions

It is the ritual trial
Of dreams and reality
Through Rogus Mortuus
To immortality

They say that it is immorality
The true insight of humanity
The true insight of the worlds inside
Depyred talent for insanity

It is the ritual trial
Of dreams and reality
Through Rogus Mortuus
To immortality

Rogus Mortuus
In memoriam
Ad infinitum

The dream haunts until get thou
Transformed substance or scattered remains
When it happens
World will daub Obiit on thy grave


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, 11 2005 . 03:48 +
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Heart Vanished Into Even Solitude

Days of pleasures gone
Nothing seems the same to me
Words do lie
Eyes cannot hide the truth
It hurts me so

Writhing near you
Touching you but you dont feel
Coldyou are so cold
Embraced by sufferings
You cannot hear my call

I fear
Im dying
Dying in love
Cant turn away the feeling once had taken me so high
So close to cry
But dumb in pain
Yesterday it was another day

Hearts not beating
Now I feel like dying
Senselesswhy cannot I turn my head to she?
Many times I asked
No answer shall I find
Heart vanished into even solitude

I tried to stand and walk
Into the window in the sky
To look there for the land
Where vanished hearts do lie
I flied through clouds
Keeping faith inside my injured mind
And there, in the heaven,
I found Palace of the mourning sounds

But found no entrance in this place
And flied around it long
Crying for someone who can hear
But deaf were laments of unseen
I stroke the walls, my fists bled
No thoughts, just poor attempts to find
Solution to the burning life
Where love no more cannot be yelled

Beloved, what is it?
You cried
You called me?
Oh, if youd known how I do feel
How weep my soul

But nothing has he left for me

Unwanted tears of morbid myth
My dream came to roll down and I
Can hear her voice, cant feel her heart
It seems that love had never been between us

But thats not true
My Palace cold and dark
Keeps all those days that now just yesterday
The faith is fading
Life wont be the same again

Dont turn from me
My Sun, my Stars, my Moon
Mine everything, my life
Dont go so soon!
Dont go without me!
Or dont you feel the same?
My love to you

Seems like its gone away

You speak!
Buthow you dare tell these words!
How dare you to say love is no more?!
Are you with me?
Where are you, my beloved?

Somewhere, wheres left my vanished heart

I heard her cries
I heard her crying for me
My loveyou werebut now I dont exist
Without love to thee my life wont be
Oh, how I wish this day went up in smoke and never came!
But yesterday is over
Today we face the end of our way

I sat on Palace dome and thought of thee
Thought of our love
Why has it gone? Why, God?!
And suddenly I saw my vanished heart
Flying around the Palace of mistakes
I whipped to it and disappeared
My time is up

Beloved, hear, you hear me?
Now, breathe!
No! Why!???

God, tell me, why?
Why we

: Draconian "Where Lovers Mourn"
: -...

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Flying and Dying

, 10 2005 . 01:45 +
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Branding a Prophet

Sweet little child
Look into face of death
Shes there in the sky
With love dancing in wicked minuet

Sweet little child
Youve lost your days in dreams
But now you face the decadence
Vain dropping bloody tears

Will anyone stretch out the hand to escape?
The heaven is taking you, cherish and rape
Behind you left your skin
Serpent of mourning kin
Flied to be crucified by the sun

Instantly, morbidly
Ill be waiting you in the sky
I will tear your heart and embrace
Into darkness of evilness

Calling you, telling you
That just naïve thoughts of escape
From the jaws of night, you will wed
Freaky black arts of misery!

Sweet little child
Now kiss the lips of death
These dreams are not your own
But candies of my ghoulish brethe

Sweet little child
No longer life in cradle!
Stand on your feet and look at me
Ill teach you decline ministry!

Instantly, morbidly
Ill be waiting you in the sky
I will tear your heart and embrace
Into darkness of evilness

Calling you, telling you
That just naïve thoughts of escape
From the jaws of night, you will wed
Freaky black arts of misery!

Will anyone stretch out the hand to escape?
The heaven is taking you, cherish and rape
Behind you left your skin
Serpent of mourning kin
Flied to be crucified by the sun

Sweet little child
Ill give you wings to fly
But if you wish
At first you have to die

: Moonspell "Butterfly"
: dusky...

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, 28 2005 . 22:45 +
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Lone Sparkle To The Death Flame



This time of my angelhood has gone

Forever lost in the miracle of sun

Now I walk alone under the Moon

In the shade of her

Jeweled crown


That life I forsake in spell of death

Tears fall on my sad memories grave

Forlorn I wander twilight in the flesh

But my flesh is dead

In fear Im slave


What is left for me in this cruel world?

The garden of vice embraces my soul

And I cant escape

No one promised me light

In the chants of Lemures
I hide


My dreams led me to the orphan land

Where lone I am on the wicked masquerade

Dont know what I need and where to go

But listen warily

To the sounds in my head


That boy which laughed at sun-blue sky

Which I was before all humans lie

Forever lost in the sable winds

Now my hair fly

Away in the night


Mazed and Forlorn

I look for a torch in the shadows

Sparkle of hope
I see beyond the horizon

Blood omen

Give me thy heart

Teach me thy art


I become a vampyre



Lestat de Llamorte

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Sweet Morbid Dreams

, 27 2005 . 00:04 +
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Thy Last And Perfect Dream

Walking in the night
You sneak in light
From darkness claws
The chime of heels
On stone ground
Sounds around
You hurry up
The street is lorn
The street is cold
No moon is watching from the skies
Grey clouds of scars
Follow your walk
And senseless eyes

City seems be dead
No life in windows does dwell
Beyond the glass the mirrored sand
Of desert of exhausted minds
You gaze around
No one is there
The only sound chime of your heels
The empty space will never care
Who you are and where you go
But eyes do know

Right ahead the smoke falls down
On the dirty urban earth
Right behind the water swallows
The Nothing shouldnt have been born

It seems that you dont move
Staying stiff and frozen in this cold
Finite life of stains and prayers of the crazed
Which dead were when they just had born

Conclusion never had
Its own start and misery of hearts
Contempt of wealth to poor
Lying in plague the suffering of underworld
How our land is called

Walking it the night
You try to strangle down thy fear
But hear again thoughts in your head
And see the streets these halls of dead
Hundreds of same things round and around
Over and over scatter loud
Into the shadows of your sin
Which crawl to rape your virgin body
And waste of time to cry for help
And you tear off the dress you wear
And close your eyes feeling the spin
But see the same deserted streets
These gray and stinking twilight crypts
Where faceless rape your stiffen being

Or, maybe, it is just a dream

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