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, 20 2016 . 08:19 +
TatiRoss [ + !]

77 ! , !

? .
" " . .


, 01 2016 . 06:52 +
justvitek [ + !]

, , .

He, who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.
, , .

, , .
If you let your past go, it doesn't mean that your past will let you go.

, .
Don't break up with your past until you're sure in your future.

, .
People rejoice at the Sun, and I'm dreaming of the Moon.

, , .
When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can't see your future without it.

, , .
We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering.

, .
Music creates the feelings which you can't find in life.

, , — .
The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it.

, .
Only having descended the gulf, you can acquire treasure.

, .
Every person gives away everything to another person what he lacked himself.

, .
It is useful sometimes to recall your past in order to stronger value your present.

, , , .
A man is always afraid of the unknown, because what is known is less scary.

Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak.

, .
There is nothing scary in the darkness, if you encounter it face-to-face.

C .
The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.

Everyone sees the world in one's own way.

, , .
Remember that the most dangerous prison is the one in your head.

Everyone has one's own path.

, , , .
The flame has burnt away, the ash remained, the joy has gone, the sadness remained.

, ...
It's better to have ideals and dreams than nothing...

The memory warms you up inside, but it also breaks your soul apart.

- , .
If I ever surrender, it'll happen only in mercy to the winner.

, .
I remember too much, that's why I'm damn sad sometimes.

— .
He, who does not love loneliness, does not love freedom.

, , ...
Sometimes you want to vanish, not to be seen by anyone, you want all the bad things to pass by...

Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.

Only my dream keeps me alive.

Everyone is the creator of one's own fate.

, .
We frequently die in our own dreams.

- .
Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

-, .
Everyone underwent something that changed him.

, ...
I remember everything what I 've forgotten...

- .
While I'm breathing - I love and believe.

- .
All we need is love.

, .
I'll get everything I want.

God never makes errors.

, .
Remember who you are.

The love of my life.

One lifelong love.

, !
Respect the past, create the future!

My guardian is always with me.

, .
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.

My angel is always with me.

Life is beautiful.

- .
The best thing in our life is love.

Enjoy every moment.

- .
A life is a moment.

Never look back.

Live without regrets.

, .
Tolerance is more powerful than force.

Follow your heart.

Dad, I love you.
, .

Never say never.

My dreams come true.

I will get everything I want.
, .

Forever young.

Endless love.

I shall not live in vain.

Let it be.

To live forever.

Never look back.

Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
, .

Feel the rain on your skin.

The earth is my body. My head is in the stars.
- . .

*. :
Faith - , .
Belief - , .

Fighting for life.

Killing is not a murder.
- .

Now or never.

be or not to be.

Wait and see.
– .

By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
, .

4208855_CUoI_mmbZ3U (604x372, 24Kb)


, 01 2016 . 13:57 +
Nonna123 [ + !]

55 , .

55   ,     

  ,    , TOEFL,     . .

AdMe.ru   55 , , .

 : kinopoisk © Warner Bros.

170 ,  
350 ,  

http://www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/55-ne-ochen-izvestn...glagolov-na-anglijskom-937560/ © AdMe.ru


, 21 2015 . 22:43 +
[ + !]


5283370_Chastoispolzyemie_frazovie_glagoli_na_angliiskom (604x453, 161Kb)
1) come on! - ; ,
"Come on, what's on your mind?"


, 14 2015 . 21:47 +
Veh07 [ + !]


2u79i02 (350x175, 46Kb)

100 , , . , 100 , , .


, 26 2015 . 14:07 +
__ [ + !]


-.   (604x365, 34Kb) ,
, ,
, , ,
, , .
(. )



(. )

, ,
(. )


, 07 2015 . 01:06 +
[ + !]

Oh, my God! - , !
What a good chance! - !
I don't know what to say! - !
Oh, damn! - !
Alas! - !
Really? - ?
What a pity! - !
I can't believe it! !
I hope so. - , .
I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - (, ).
I feel good. - .
Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - !
Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) !
That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - ().
No way! - !
With (great) pleasure. - () .
It is none of your business! - .
That's too much! - !
Wonderful! - !
That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - (, )!
My feelings are hurt. - .
My hope is betrayed. - .
Absolutely! - !
Exactly so! - !
Who knows! - !



, 07 2015 . 01:03 +
[ + !]

a little bird told me -
act the fool -
against the clock - ;
airs and graces -
all along - ,
all ears -
all of a sudden -
all the same - ,
all work and no play -
around the clock -
as a rule -
be in charge of -
bottom line - ,
come up with -
count on -
cry wolf -
do over -
down to earth -
eat one's words -  
go with the flow -
have a word with someone - -
in the same boat -
lose track of -
lost for words -
lucky break -
make a living -
on the spur of the moment -
once and for all -
save face - "" ()
show promise -
so much the better -
stand out -
stand to reason - ,
take advantage of -
take into account -
the coast is clear -
to make a long story short -
walk on air -
word for word - ,



, 07 2015 . 00:58 +
[ + !]


, , . ?




, 07 2015 . 12:13 +
[ + !]

By the way… - .
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As drunk as a lord -
As I said before… - ..
As innocent as a babe unborn -
As sure as eggs is eggs -
As to... (As for…) - …
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Don’t mention it -
Don’t take it to heart -
Forgive me, please, I meant well. - ,
He is not a man to be trifled with -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didn’t catch the last word -
I mean it -
I was not attending -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words… -
In short… -
It does you credit -
It doesn’t matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Mind your own business -
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
Next time lucky -
Nothing much -
Oh, that. That explains it -
On the one hand … -
On the other hand … -
Say it again, please - ,
That's where the trouble lies - !
Things happen -
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?
You were saying? - - ?

1 -
2 - -
14 - C
15 - --
16 -


, 06 2015 . 19:52 +
Galyshenka [ + !]


, 04 2015 . 19:26 +
_ [ + !]

? (Re.)

. , , , - .

, . . .
       (604x362, 67Kb)


, 21 2014 . 21:25 +
belorys_kh [ + !]



  ,   ,   .     ?

,   .



, 15 2014 . 12:43 +
MissKcu [ + !]

. 1.



, 15 2014 . 14:42 +
Queen_de_la_reanimaR [ + !]

Flash - , . 27 , . . , .



, 15 2014 . 10:19 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

b - be
asap - as soon as possible
b4 - before
bout - about
C - see
dey - they
idk - I don't know
l8er - later
gr8 - great
ttyl - talk to you later
wht - what
U, Y - you
cnt - can't
gd- good
luv - love
n - and
r - are
1t - want
2 - too, to
4 - four
texting (550x700, 287Kb)


, 20 2014 . 22:17 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

10334299_655567927868509_418858328298774569_n (604x439, 43Kb)


, 19 2014 . 23:52 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

I don't care -
I have no idea -
I mean it -
I wish I knew -
It doesn't matter -
It doesn't make sense -
It doesn't prove a thing -
It' s none of your business -
It's a lie -
It's all the same to me -
It's beside the point -
It's new to me -
It's out of place -
It's up to you -
It's waste of time -
Let's clear it up - .
Let's drop the subject -
Mind your own business -
No matter -
Point of view -
Pro and con -
So what? - ?
Speak one's mind -
Stand one's ground -
Stand to reason - ,
Take a side -
Take a stand -
Take into account -
That's not the point -
That's very well, but - , .
Use your own judgement -
What are you driving at? - ?
What are you talking about? - !
What for? - ?
What of it? - ?

images (1) (297x169, 9Kb)


, 19 2014 . 17:23 +
-- [ + !]

* , . . P.S.

1)WordSteps.com - .
2) lang-8.com/ - , ,
3) sharedtalk.com/ - !
4) langled.com/home.php - ( , )
5) www.englishbaby.com/ - , , , lessons
6) www.interpals.net/ -
7) livemocha.com/ -
8) http://www.busuu.com/ru

YouTube :
1) www.youtube.com/user/MinooAngloLink -
2) www.youtube.com/user/dailydictation - . .
3) www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchina -

1) www.manythings.org/ - , . TESL / TEFL. ( ), , .
2) engblog.ru/ - ,
3) www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/ - ,
4) www.amalgama-lab.com/ -

http://www.better-english.com/exerciselist.htm 250 : , . .

http://dictionary.cambridge.org - (Learner's, Advanced Learner's, American English, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs).

: , , , . .

http://www.linguarama.com/ps/index.html .



http://www.wordorigins.org .

. . .

http://www.dictionary.com . , , .

http://www.onelook.com .
130 -. .

. 80 .


, 19 2014 . 17:11 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


Hold it! ! !
You bet! ! !
Lets make things clear! !
Youre welcome! !
We are in a need of . .
Thats (quite) right! , ! !
Im afraid thats wrong! , !
Ill get back to you .
Hold the line! !
Any time! !
Your time is up
I run out of money !
Whats up? ? ?
Big deal! ! ( )
Are you kidding? ?
Right away! ! !
Never mind! ! !
In no time! , ! !
Here you go! !
If you say so .
conversation1 (225x224, 5Kb)

 : 12 [11] 10 9 ..
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