

: 187 : 0


20:40 27.09.2008
: 12
      ٸ 2007
ٸ 2007
15:36 29.09.2007
: 9
08:23 18.10.2005
: 13
03:00 01.01.1970
: 0



 - e-mail


!! - !!!!

, 28 2011 . 09:55 +
Microsoft - Windows Vista Windows 7, RAW 120 Windows Explorer.
32 64 , ,

ps: . , , .


, 30 2011 . 17:50 +
. , , , . , , rdesktop xfreerdp.

1. On the terminal server, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry information:
Value name: IgnoreRemoteKeyboardLayout
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1

. , .


, windows ....

, 13 2007 . 09:56 +
" -- : . , , ."

 (375x281, 64Kb)
- Windows Vista , )))


, !

, 31 2007 . 18:05 +
, , Windows Vista!! Office 2007 .
( ) ,
 (500x267, 20Kb)
, , . .


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