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  • (294)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
  • (3377)
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  •     (6)
  •     (1)
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  •     (6)
  •     (8)
  •     (1145)
  •     (43)
  •     (164)
  •     (264)
  • (9)
  • (3)
  • (76)
  • (686)
  •    The Knitter. (39)
  •    Bu_da (28)
  •     (22)
  •     (16)
  •     (2)
  •    Rebecca (1)
  •     (1)
  •    Hakeltrends, Stricktrends (120)
  •    Sandra (14)
  •    Ve_re_na (74)
  •     6 2018 (16)
  •     - (33)
  •     (2)
  •     (22)
  •     (7)
  •     Diana (4)
  •    . (129)
  • (1005)
  •     (8)
  •     (1)
  •     (15)
  •     (97)
  •     (19)
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  • (64)
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  •     (5)
  •     (4)
  •     (3)
  •     (1)
  •     (1)
  •    , (1)
  • (128)
  • (4)
  • (15)
  • (373)
  •     (7)
  •     (6)
  •     (5)
  •     (2)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
  • (102)
  • (95)
  • (25)
  • (671)
  • (6)
  • (503)
  • (402)
  • (169)
  • (172)
  • (303)
  • (38)
  • (328)
  • , (69)



 - e-mail



: 23.01.2015
: 9244
: 50
: 9297



: , (69), (328), (38), (303), (172), (10), (169), (402), (503), (6), (671), (25), (95), (102), (373), (15), (4), (128), (201), (64), (42), (159), (3), (13), (12), (15), (117), (31), (20), (5), (18), (1005), (686), (76), (3), (9), (3377), (294), (9), (42), (33), (1), (2), (11), (2)

, 20 2020 . 08:12 +
_ [ + !]

  Counter.CO.KZ -     !

, , , , ?))
, - , , . , ...))
. , .

" ":

1 - ...
2 -
18 -
19 -
20 -


, 16 2020 . 13:58 +
__ [ + !]

- Poems for kids


Image00001 (354x567, 131Kb)



, 12 2020 . 10:43 +
MerlettKA [ + !]


, 14 2020 . 18:05 +
justvitek [ + !]

- "At the airport" /

4208855_PJ9dutlsmG0 (607x700, 219Kb)

airport terminal - ,
to travel by air -
to board the plane -
to catch a plane -
to miss a plane -
to travel light -
adult’s fare -
child’s fare -
one-way ticket -
round trip ticket (a return ticket) -
direct trip (a non-stop flight) -
destination - ,
domestic flights -
international flights -
first class seat -
flight - ;
flight 727 – 727
the Moscow (New York, Boston) flight – (-, )
I.D. card (I.D. – identification) -
nonsmoking section -
smoking section -
boarding -
boarding pass - ()
check in -
check-in -
baggage check - (claim tag)
passport control -
landing -
take-off -
gift shop -
duty-free shop -
lounge -
departure lounge -
transit lounge -
arrival and departure board -
gate - ,
runway - -
waiting room /area -
customs -
immigration -
go through the customs (immigration) - ( )
to fill out a form -
baggage claim area -
altitude - ( )
crash -
speed -
hijacking -
cabin -
cockpit -
fuselage / body -
undercarriage -
wing -
tail -
aisle -
window -
air hostess - (flight attendant)
navigator -
pilot -


, 12 2019 . 15:03 +
palomnica59 [ + !]



, 15 2019 . 21:14 +
11111 [ + !]


1 (502x700, 357Kb)



, 02 2019 . 20:09 +
Leskey [ + !]

, , :

( ) Please

( "") You are welcome

( . ) Frontier

( ) Border

(, ) Shade

( ) Shadow

( ) Place

( ) Room Is there some more room in the bag?

() Seat Are there free seats in the bus?

() Paint

() Dye

() (. .) Hung

() (. .) Hanged

() Tear Tear a coat on a nail

() Tear up Tear up the letter

( ) Made of Tables are made of wood

( ) Made from Bread is made from wheat

(), Do

(), Make

() Win

() Beat

() To be drowned

( ) To sink

( ) Wounded

( ) Injured

( -) Convince

( ) Persuade

(, ) Bring

(, ) Fetch

( ) Learn He learns well

() Study He studies physics


() Last

( ) Latest Latest news

Good The news is not so good

Well I feel well

( ) Tall

( ) High

( ) Clean

Clear Clear water

( ) () Like You do not look like your brother

( , ) As You do not play the game as I do

( ) Except There was nobody there except me

( ) Besides I have other cars besides this one.




Grow up





() Hire

() Rent

(, ) Appropriate, Your dress in not appropriate for the occasion

(, ) Relevant

( ) Corresponding Each coat hangs on the corresponding peg

( ) Take an exam

Pass an exam

Fail an exam

( ) Common They have a common goal

( ) General In general, this is how it works...

( ) Shared
A7xRz1kRcgs (604x402, 93Kb)



, 08 2018 . 21:56 +
elenaslava [ + !]

2500 1.


, 17 2018 . 23:23 +
11111 [ + !]


001-5qi1aI9lW8g (481x700, 256Kb)


 : [1]