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Читатель сообществ (Всего в списке: 5) axeeffect_ru С2Н5(ОН) _BiG_MamA_Bi_ novate Photoshopinka


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 18.01.2007
Написано: 4180

Mein Tagebuch

Pretend there's no me.... Try to ignore me.... You will never succeed Рейтинг блогов Ich möchte ein eisbär sein, am kalten polar. Dan müßte ich nicht mehr schrein. Alles wär so klar. Eisbären müssen nie weinen, Eisbären müssen nie weinen.


Среда, 19 Августа 2009 г. 00:31 + в цитатник
What makes you think
That you are alone?
You sit here and drink,
Your feelings long gone
Your mind is obsessed,
Your personal hell,
All thoughts in a mess
But why? I can tell.
When you have a dream,
It changes your fate
And it can redeem
From passing hell's gate.
But let your luck change
And next day dream's lost
All is out of range
What you valued most.
And that is the day,
From now you're obsessed,
No longer you pray,
No longer you're blessed.
THing that you once had
You need to get back,
The need is so bad,
You're breaking your neck.
The harder you try,
The deeper you're stuck
In this swamp you die
Your own blood you suck.
Your insane damnation
Kills you step by step
But is there salvation
From this evil trap?
Your dream is not gone,
To find it you need.
A lot must be done,
But you can succeed.

Понравилось: 45 пользователям

такого я ещё не писал)))

Четверг, 15 Мая 2008 г. 10:03 + в цитатник
Вот по заказу приятеля, который играет в группе, написал им песню. щас работаю над второй.

There's something, you know,
That I wanna say
You'll hear it right now
Then I walk away
Don't be panic girl,
Never cry at night
I was not the first one
Who said goodbye
I want you ti know
That another girl
Was not the reason
to leave you alone

One and only you were
But the love is gone
Now your heart's alone
It's not like before
You love me, baby, You love me
But my love is over, don't be so sad.

Now we are what we are,
And we have to grow up
On the path of our life
We should never stop
Girl, those days with you
were like paradise
All those things you do
And clear sunny skies
But babygirl, you know
What I'm gonna say
New horizons call
And I walk away

One and only you were
But the love is gone
Now your heart's alone
It's not like before
You love me, baby, You love me
But my love is over, don't be so sad.

Cold wind blows into my face,
Baby goodbye
Don't feel like you're lost in space
Open your eyes
We can't be together

Now I have to go
It's the way i choose
But your image girl
I never wanna loose.
And my leaving now
Is not at all your fault
Just not the same they are
Things that people want
Baby it's high time
For me to go away
Hope you realised
All I said today.

One and only you were
But the love is gone
Now your heart's alone
It's not like before
You love me, baby, You love me
But my love is over, don't be so sad.

Cold wind blows into my face,
Baby goodbye
Don't feel like you're lost in space
Open your eyes
We can't be together
В колонках играет - Gogol Bordello


Первое стихотворение на русском

Четверг, 10 Апреля 2008 г. 17:21 + в цитатник
Про ВКонтакте, блин.

ВКонтакте. Эх, 250 человек друзей, а трахнуть некого...(с)

ВКонтакте это социальная сеть
За монитором решаешь, кого будешь иметь
Это псевдореальность, это новый твой дом,
Если ты неудачник, и захочешь жить в нём.
Поначалу ты думал, что это удобно,
Беспокоился ты о времени свободном
Скем куда пойти и кого пригласить
Этой ночью с тобой самбуки попить
Также можно найти, кого в рот поиметь,
Между чьих стройных ножек своё эго согреть
Всё ведь так удобно, и стильный дизайн
Так и хочется крикнуть "The world is mine!"
Но что же такое? Где вся твоя спесь?
Инет - лишь игла, и с неё трудно слезть.
Вместо пресса жиры вместо девушек порно,
А ведь всё начиналось так легко и задорно.
Ну и где наш герой? где наш супермэн?
Уже давно только в зеркало видит свой член.
Ну как, всех поимел? Всем доволен, мой друг?
Посмотри, оцени этот вакуум вокруг!
Пока ты с улыбкой тёлкам смайлики слал
Твою задницу кто-то хорошо наебал.
Эй, парень, давай, в интернете сиди!
А лучше - апстену убейся пойди...
ВКонтакте это социальная сеть,
Тут система решает, кого ей поиметь.

Процитировано 1 раз

Стих. Кому надо, тот поймёт, о чём это.

Суббота, 29 Декабря 2007 г. 17:33 + в цитатник
Для разнообразия я и перевод выложу.

We've known one another
For a pretty long time
But I didn't bother
That was really a crime.
That time is long gone,
Now I'm not so blind
Too long was alone
To be unable to find
Divine, shining treasure
Which was close to me
Which could not be measured
Which will forever be
A leading star for lone heart
But the way to reach it
May be long and hard
But still, I have creed.
And this is the chance
I don't want to miss
Tha start of romance
That can bring me bliss.

Теперь перевод, простите, не в рифму... Я на русском стихи не пишу(((

Мы знали друг друга
Довольно давно
Но я ничего не делал
И это было преступлением
Это время давно прошло,
Сейчас я прозрел
Слишком долго я был в одиночестве
Чтобы не заметить
Совершенное, сверкающее сокровище
Рядом со мной
Ценность которого невозможно измерить,
И которое всегда будет
Путеводной звездой для одинокого сердца.
Но путь к нему
может быть долгим и трудным.
Но у меня есть вера.
И это шанс,
Который я не хочу упустить -
Начало истории,
Которая может сделать меня счастливым.
В колонках играет - Electric 6


Процитировано 2 раз

Новая песня. В субботу написал.

Понедельник, 17 Декабря 2007 г. 17:36 + в цитатник
Arian War Anthem

We're sons of our Land,
We all will die for it,
We will never bend
To maggots who spoil it.
We'll come to their homes
And grind them and slash them
We listen to sounds
Of Arian war anthem
We're not like the others
We honor our Nation
We fight for our mothers
And we bring redemption
To brothers and sisters
To beloved Motherland
Our energy blusters
We will never bend!
We banish our fears
We stay under fire
Dry Motherland's tears
Our only desire
Our foes will all pay
Most violent price
Here comes Judjement day-
Steel, fire and ice.
We're not like the others
We honor our Nation
We fight for our mothers
And we bring redemption
To brothers and sisters
To beloved Motherland
Our energy blusters
We will never bend!
War's not our aim
We live honest lives
In this lethal game
This is a surprise.
But if war is needed
To save our Land
To glory we'll lead it!
We will never bend!
We're not like the others
We honor our Nation
We fight for our mothers
And we bring redemption
To brothers and sisters
To beloved Motherland
Our energy blusters
We will never bend!
В колонках играет - тишина


Вот песню написал)

Четверг, 08 Ноября 2007 г. 18:41 + в цитатник
Навеяно Молчанием Ягнят и VAC


.. I would fuck myself.. (c)

I see it around
I see everywhere.
From skies to the ground
To watch it I dare.
To watch it, and touch it,
To put under pressure
To rape it, to break it
To fuck my sweet treasure

This night you'll remember
Your God you will curse
I'll tear you so tender
With cry of remorse.
Torn into some pieces
You'll lie on my shelf
No more, my young mistress,
Will I fuck myself.
I'm takin' my flogger
From my dusty shelf
If there were no you,
I would fuck myself.
But since you are here,
Hello, my sweet slut!
My lust is severe,
It's tearing my gut.
This night you'll remember
Your God you will curse
I'll tear you so tender
With cry of remorse.
Torn into some pieces
You'll lie on my shelf
No more, my young mistress,
Will I fuck myself.
You are just my doll
With you I shall play.
You're pretty and small,
I'll show you the way
From pain you will cry
In you I will delve
And then if you die
I will fuck myself!
This night you'll remember
Your God you will curse
I'll tear you so tender
With cry of remorse.
Torn into some pieces
You'll lie on my shelf
No more, my young mistress,
Will I fuck myself.

Осталось положить на музыку)

Настроение сейчас - ыыыы

В колонках играет - OOMPH!

Вот, написал на семинаре по финансам и кредиту))

Среда, 10 Октября 2007 г. 20:01 + в цитатник
Have you ever seen
Two worlds collide?
Wherever you've been
You can never hide.
Those two worlds are nothing
But parts of your brain
But ways they are going
Are never the same.
So when their paths cross
You better prepare
Yourself to be tossed
To miles from here,
Be shaken by earthquake,
Be burned down in flame.
So, please, for God's sake
Do not be the same]
As you were before it,
And do not pretend
That you can ignore it.
You will have to bend.


И снова... Стихи)

Воскресенье, 07 Октября 2007 г. 12:36 + в цитатник
Do you remember?
Those days that we spent
You were so tender
And sorrow was banned.
Stuck in that realm,
The edje of abyss,
Preferred to stay calm
Just blinded by bliss.
But seconds from that
The magic was done
Illusions and dreams
Were forever gone.
That happines lost
And I am alone
What mattered the most
Turned to dust and stone.
But through all this darkness
I saw ray of light
And then I asked Heavens
To give me the might
To kill all my demons
To find you again
And then be rewarded
With all I could gain...
Your love I meant.

Настроение сейчас - хз

В колонках играет - StahlSchlag


Воскресенье, 07 Октября 2007 г. 12:25 + в цитатник
I am sitting here
Drinking "stone sour"
Watching the city
Choke at rush hour.
All my attention
I pay to the street
No need to mention
How I'm sick of it.
The people around
Are tools of the system
To which I am bound.
One person-one item.
The problem's inside
It burns down my brain
I'm trying to hide
From non-stopping train.
My life is now ruined
And I am to blame
My fate was in my hands
I played with the flame.
Burned everything 'round
Turned my world to ashes
Myself, i am burned.
Or, no, am I drowned?
I now realise
My battle is lost
And I am dead
I am just a ghost.
But where am I now?
Is it heaven or hell?
I think I will never
Be able to tell.

Настроение сейчас - ?

В колонках играет - StahlSchlag

Verse number 3

Суббота, 08 Сентября 2007 г. 15:50 + в цитатник
My Goddess

She is a goddess
Fair-haired and bright
So perfect and flawless
She shines diamond white.
My sweetest surrender
To change my beliefs
She makes everything tender
Even falling from kliffs
Her glory inside of me
It makes me go mad
Her image inside of me
Makes days not so sad.
I'm faithful and loving
For me she's like drug
This faith makes me think
That i'm just a slug.
But deep in my mind
I think I should quit
I'm not of that kind
And i'm sick of it.
I'm praying, I'm singing,
I make sacrifice
And she keeps on kidding
Me, rolling like dice.
Now stop that, i need it no more.
You spent all my credit,
Not goddess, but whore.
I'm glad that i get it.
My faith died in my mind
My heart is all in mould.
Why, why were you that kind?
Why were you so cold?

Настроение сейчас - ?
В колонках играет - Emigrate


Your soul is just an object to kill

Пятница, 22 Июня 2007 г. 22:01 + в цитатник
Ишшо моё творенье.
Hey, you,
One who's lost yuor way,
Hey, are you ready
To have a big day?
Then go to the City
Lost in the black forest
Or maybe gray,
Forgot, to be honest.
There you will find
The shadowy crowd
People alone screamin' so loud
Knowin' that City's preparin' to grind
Not their bodies...
Much worse-your mind
Is poisoned. No remedies.
City is kind.
Your soul is just
An object to kill
Buirn it into dust
Let out a shrill
And throw it away.
When some days will pass
Even from that shit
Will grow green new grass.
You are not alone
So many, like you
Are already gone.
But don't be so blue.
You are not like great
Sinners once lived
and millions killed...
There were many souls
lot blacker than yours
They were never touched
By the hand of remorse.
So rest now, creation
Of this twisted time.
There must be salvation,
But for that-it's own time.

Очередной ацкий стишок

Вторник, 05 Июня 2007 г. 10:44 + в цитатник
Hello! How r u?
R u satisfied?
Does something remind u
That all ur family died?
Ur friends burned in agony,
Ur girl cried and screamed
And u just kept beggin' me<
Loosin' ur creed.
U, senseless bastard,
Just living corpse
U, who has never felt
The touch of remorse.
That time u survived
But don't be a fool.
That was just the beginning!
Please, try to stay cool.
Ur torture's upcoming
Ur death will be hell
U feel like u'r cursed
With bloodletting spell.
Ur flesh is diminished
Ur blood is like scum
U see ur own finish
U think it'll soon come.
Don't be optimistic,
U dickhead, u cock!
The nails for ur ass
Are not out of stock!
Come on, the old game!
Try cryin' and beggin' me!
Last time that i came
U thought that u cheated me!
U filthy mortal, just scum!
U see only ur good,
Food and money alone make u cum.
Don't worry, all is understood.
For such ugly soul as u r,
Greedy, filthy, deceiving,
We have just one method so far
Much better than permanent bleeding.
Soon u will learn what it is
While drawn away by the waves
Of ur blood,and disease
Makin' ur fingers trace
Ur perfect suffering.
I see u enjoy our ride?
Nice, but I'll see u chattering
Wishing u had just died.
Not that easy, my boy!
Not that easy.
I'll have more fun and joy
Watchin' u comin' crazy.
U think that is all?
Don't be so shy, make another
Visit to my dining hall
Where u can taste the guts of ur brother.
For the love of God - u said that?
Well, u, listen up, for such people
Situation of bein' dead
Make hope even more weak and feeble.
For sins u have made are all seen
By Those, who are watchin' u
Everything's just like on wide screen
All of them measured 4 u
Evaluating ur guilt.
The number of "points" u have scored
Determines the way u'll be killed
Before-executed, with that I never get bored
Get prepared, u sinner
For ur faith to come real.
Go, asshole, faster.
I think I'm ready to kill.

Настроение сейчас - сонное
В колонках играет - ничо не играет


Воскресенье, 22 Апреля 2007 г. 14:43 + в цитатник
Вчера был на концерте OOMPH! в клубе "Тень". Впечатления от концерта превзошли все мои ожидания! Отыграли они просто классно, качество звука приятно удивило. Про атмосферу в зале я вообще молчу. Потрясающе, правда, пару человек чуть в слэме не придавили, но меня-то поди придави)) Очень понравилось отношение группы и Деро в особенности к фанам. Подтверждение тому смотрите в фотоальбоме)
В целом, давно я так не веселился!

Настроение сейчас - угарный отходняк))
В колонках играет - OOMPH! - Wunschkind



Понедельник, 12 Марта 2007 г. 11:28 + в цитатник
Нервы ни к чёрту. Трясутся руки. Да ещё и стихи начал писать... Это уже диагноз, наверно))
Вот они, кстати.
American bastard

This life is just a twisted circus
You see death comin' close
Makin' it's fatal circles.
You wanna be one of those
Who're livin' it nice'n'easy.
You step into life and see
That path is too dark and greasy.
How dare ya stay before me?
You, who has never tried
An attempt to make this world better?
Thousands of people died
While ya were gettin' fatter.
You for me just a stain
On face of our Mother Nature
Cuttin' ya guts will be
Maybe the sweetest rapture.

Настроение сейчас - ленивое
В колонках играет - кулер

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