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: 15.01.2007
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Arash behet migam dooset daram.
Toe ein donya faghat toro daram
Araaaaasshhhh...Bi to tanhayam
Gooshet ba man bashe, toro dost daram

Tak o tanha toe ein otagh, bi to hastam
Hala bi to dar be dar baroon mibare
Toe ein shabe bahari to door az man
Bia einja setare be man begu are

Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare
Arash bi to sardame
Ey eshghe man
Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare
Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man

Zendegi ba to kheyli khobe
Harvaght to einja hasti, hamash bahare
Dast be dast nazanin, be ham bashim
Esmamo seda kon, be man begu are

Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare
Arash bi to sardame
Ey eshghe man
Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare
Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man

Arash, I am saying to you, that I love you
I only have you in this world
Araaaashhh, without you I am alone
Listen to me, I love you

All alone in this room I am without you
The rain is falling and you are not here
In this spring-night you are far from me
Come here my star, say yes to me

Yes, yes it is spring, I am coming to you again
Arash, without you I am cold
Oh my love
Yes, yes it is spring, tonight heart is worried
Arash you are mine, oh my love

Life with you is so wonderful
Every time you are here, it is always springtime
Lets join hands together sweety, and be together.
Say my name, say yes to me

Yes, yes it is spring, I am coming to you again
Arash, without you I am cold
Oh my love
Yes, yes it is spring, tonight heart is worried
Arash you are mine, oh my love

"Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman"


To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til you know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
- really really ever loved a woman?

You've got to give her some faith
hold her tight
a little tenderness
you've gotta treat her right
she will be there for you
taking good care of you
(you've really gotta love your woman) (yeah)


And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really woman
When you love a woman
you tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody
to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever, really
really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?

"Please Forgive Me"


still feels like our first night together
feels like the first kiss and it's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
still holdin' on, you're still the one
first time our eyes met - the same feeling I get
Only feels much stronger - I wanna love you longer
You still turn the fire on

So if you're feelin' lonely don't
You're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should

Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Please believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop loving you


Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough
I'm still holdin' on - you're still number one
I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves - I remember you yeah
I remember the night - you know I still do

So if you're feelin' lonely don't
You're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love you a little more than I should

Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Oh believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop loving you


One thing I'm sure of - is the way we make love
The one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'

Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need you like I do
Babe believe me-every word i say is true
Please forgive me - If I cant stop loving you
Never leave me-I don't know what I do
Please forgive me- I Cant stop loving you

Can't stop loving you


I don't know how to reach you
I hear your voice in in the wind
I feel you under my skin
Within my heart and my soul
I wait for you
All of these nights without you
All of my dreams surround you
I see and I touch your face
I fall into your embrace
When the time is right I know
You'll be in my arms

I close my eyes and I find a way
No need for me to pray
I've walked so far
I've fought so hard
Nothing more to explain
I know all that remains
Is a piano that plays

If you know where to find me
If you know how to reach me
Before this light fades away
before I run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you'll hear my heart
That you'll give your life
Forever you'll stay

Don't let this light fade away
Don't let me run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you believe, make me believe
You won't let go

"Je Suis Malade"

Je ne fume plus
Je ne rve plus
Je n'ai mme plus d'histoire
Je suis sale sans toi
Je suis laide sans toi
Comme une orpheline dans un dortoir
Je n'ai plus envie
De vivre ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ai plus de vie
Et mme mon lit
Se transforme en quai de gare
Quand tu t'en vas...

Je suis malade
Compltement malade
Comme quand ma mre sortait le soir
Me laissant seul avec mon dsespoir
Je suis malade
Compltement malade
J'arrive on ne sait jamais quand
Tu pars on ne sait jamais o
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous...

Comme un rocher
Comme un pch
Je suis accroch toi
Je suis fatigue, je suis puise
De faire semblant d'tre heureuse
Quand ils sont l
Je bois toutes les nuits
Et tous les whiskys
Pour moi ont le mme goût
Et tous les bateaux
Portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus o aller tu es partout...

Je suis malade
Compltement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort
Quand toi tu dors
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
Tu m'as prive de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vide de tous mes mots
Pourtant moi j'avais du talent
Avant ta peau...

Cet amour me tue
Si ça continue
Je crverai seule avec moi
Prs de ma radio
Comme un gosse idiot
Écoutant ma propre voix qui chantera...

Je suis malade
Compltement malade
Comme quand ma mre sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seule avec mon dsespoir
Je suis malade
C'est ça... je suis malade
Tu m'as prive de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vide de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le coeur compltement malade
Cern de barricades

T'endends... Je suis malade...

"J'y crois encore"

D'ici rien ne parle, rien ne bouge
Arrt sur cran vivant
Isole et vaincue sans doute aline
Pas mme un battement
J'aimerais qu'on me ramne
Je ne reconnais plus les gens
Seule tout au fond de ma haine
La peine est mon dernier amant

Il faudrait que je me lve
Respire et marche vers l'avant
Btisse nouveau la grve enterre
Par mes sables mouvants
Et me souvenir de celle
Qui n'existe plus vraiment
Redevenir la rebelle
Et la bte vaincue par l'enfant

J'y crois encore
On est vivant tant qu'on est fort
On a la foi tant qu'on s'endort
La rage au ventre
J'y crois encore
A tout jamais, jusqu' la mort
Le silence a eu tort
J'y crois encore

Et que l'espace o j'en crve
Devienne un autre nant
Quand le ciel dvoil soulve en moi
L'me et l'moi d'un gant
Me retourner sans un geste
Passer mon pass vraiment
Cracher sur tout ce qui blesse
Ramener le futur au prsent

J'y crois encore
On est vivant tant qu'on est fort
On a la foi tant qu'on s'endort
La rage au ventre
J'y crois encore
tout jamais, jusqu' la mort
Le silence a eu tort
J'y crois encore

J'y crois encore
tout jamais encore plus fort
Le silence a eu tort
J'y crois encore

"You're Not From Here"


I don't know what is going on
You turn around and touch my heart
A silent moment speaks the truth
Something has happened all at once
It should have scared me in advance
But I was falling in those eyes of yours

And so
Fear was gone
I knew there was nothing else I'd ever want

I know you
You're not from here
I've waited for you to appear
To take my breath away
And make me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly, I fly and I fly...

I can't get used to missing you
If this is how it's gotta be
I need an angel to watch over me
No one can hold the hands of time
But I can hold you in my mind
Over and over like a melody

For now (now)
I'll stand still
For now
I'll be filled by the memory of your skin

I know you
You're not from here (you're not from here)
You don't belong to lies and tears
The greatness of your soul
Makes me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly, and I fly, and I fly...

You, you're not from here
I've waited for you to appear
To take my breath away
And make me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly, and I fly, and I fly...

 (520x358, 41Kb)

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