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Narrative Essay Examples: Biographical Narrative Essay Example

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 11:34 + в цитатник

Many students and novices writers do not know what a biographical narrative essay is or how they can write one easily. This is a narrative essay where you have to tell a story about someone else. Touch on the tough journey this person went through to succeed or any other topic. If you have troubles writing biographical narrative essays, use a biographical narrative essay example for guidance. Writing a biographical narrative essay is not an easy task. Many times, writers rely on a biographical or autobiographical narrative essay example to get ideas on how the essay should look like. When writing your biographical essay, ensure you express all the feelings you have about your subject. However, it is crucial to engage your target audience. It is advisable to research painstakingly always. Thorough research makes it easy to know the critical things required in order to write an incredible autobiographical narrative essay example. This data has been done with Essay Writers.

If you are writing a biographical narrative essay example for someone that you know or one who has influenced your life, here is how to get started. Ascertain the direction of the biographical narrative essay. Come up with the main points of the story to put down in the provided space. Determine what the target audience or reader is going to enjoy or learn from the story. Come up with the best anecdotes that fit the narrative perfect. The key anecdotes are: traits of the subject that are most crucial to the flow of the essay, the importance of the subject in your life and the impact the subject has had in life. Outlining the autobiographical narrative essay example is vital. You need to organize your story in a chronological manner. Outline the introduction, body and conclusion of the narrative essay. Do not explain many things. Just give sensory details that will grab the attention of your biographical narrative essay readers. Pamper your narrative essays with great thoughts and summaries. Ensure you bring to light most crucial traits of your subjects. Put the most crucial things into consideration. The introduction paragraph and the summary should link together the key elements of the essay or your autobiographical narrative essay example. Never forget to proofread and edit your piece of work. Go through your narrative essays and examples. Counter check for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. Ensure all-important things are clear and coherent to the readers. When writing your biographical narrative essays, it is wise to rely on a biographical narrative essay example. However, it is also wise to consult an expert in order to comprehend all the important requirements for this essay type.

Hi criSP Thanks for stopping by to read my memory hub and for your nice comment. You sound like me with my good memory and then a little lapse at times. I heard about "Still Alice", but it sounds sad. Thanks for reminding me about it, as I should see it. The brain is fascinating, and I love to discuss it and hear the experiences of other folks.. Have a great evening. Hi Au fait - I am glad you chose to read my hub on memory. You seem to know a lot about the subject and have a good memory. Thank you for the reference you gave me, as I have a great interest in memory. I spent a great deal of time researching this hub and talking with and reading about others who have good memories. I admire your work and research. I know people with a photographic memory or what many of us refer to as photographic memory. I have myself at times had that ability.

Like so many things, people can usually control that ability if they have it. It's not an issue of remembering every detail of every event one has witnessed or experienced. It is a matter of choosing whether one wants to remember it and then doing so if that is the decision. One of my brothers as well as myself was able to look at a page in a textbook, for example, and remember it afterwards long enough to write it over on an essay exam word for word after viewing it only one time. No memorizing and cramming. We could then discard that memory if we chose. What would you call a memory that works like mine and my brother's? I don't know if my brother still has that ability, but I do if I choose to utilize it. Philip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Standford University, and a psychology rock star who has done extensive work on memory.

I highly recommend learning about his findings. https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/write-an-autobiographical-essay/ is considered an authority on the subject in the world of psych. A very interesting subject you have chosen here. The study of human memory is endlessly fascinating. This is indeed a very fascinating subject. The brain itself is incredible. My personal experience is that, I am great in remembering experiences and events like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. However, there are times that I can't even remember what I had for dinner. You may be interested to see the movie, Still Alice. If you haven't seen it yet. It's a beautiful and very touching story. Hi Dream On - Wow, you sure know how to make a person feel good. Thank you for those nice words, and I am glad you even enjoyed reading comments on my hub. I am sorry you have struggled with your memory, but a lot of us do, especially if we are on brain overload.


When It The Assignment Due?

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 06:08 + в цитатник

Assignment writing can be quite a daunting task for many of us. This is why today I have decided to walk you through the entire process in a step by step manner. These tips or steps will help you to produce a very well written assignment, which will without doubt impress your course teacher. But before we get into all of that, let us first see what an assignment writing service. The basic purpose of an assignment is to see how much you have learned about a certain topic. Assignments arent supposed to be snippets of information that you have collected from here and there; they are your opinions and thoughts about a certain topic by help with assignment writing. Now let me take you into the world of creating the perfect piece of assignment writing. 1. Deal with the business details. Outline any specific facts about the assignment writing.

— When it the assignment due? — How long should it be? — does it need to be typed? — is research necessary? — does the assignment need a cover? — What needs turned in? Is a rough draft required? In addition to answering the basic questions, be sure that students understand all the underlying or related issues. For instance, does it how wide the margins are or the font size that a student uses on that 5-page paper you've assigned? 2. Explain the purpose of the document. For assignment writing help writers will tell what they are writing — what is their document supposed to achieve. Your assignment should have enough information to establish a full rhetorical purpose without guesswork on the student's part. There has been a problem in local schools with discipline and violence. Your school board has decided to institute a school uniform policy in order to cut down on these problems, based on the positive exampleshelp with assignment writing that they have seen at other schools.

What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position on this issue and supporting it with convincing reasons. An assignment that didn't go to the trouble of establishing a purpose might simply say, "Write a persuasive paper about school uniforms." That's not very helpful. Check it here leaves the students floundering to figure out what they're supposed to be doing. The example assignment grounds the writing so that the writer has a purpose: to explain why he or she thinks school uniforms will or won't help with the problems that the administration is targeting. 3. Identify the audience for the piece. The audience for an assignment should be evident as well. You don't need to spell out every member — part of your goal may be for your students to think about who composes an audience, what that audience cares about, and so forth. This was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

In the example assignment above, the audience is assignment writing services implied in the fact that the student is writing "a letter to the editor of your local newspaper." I expect my students to think through the specific characteristics of the audience who will read such a letter, but the audience itself is made clear. 4. Focus on a specific situation. I've never liked simple assignments that give students little information or setting for their task. An assignment such as "Write a persuasive essay about school uniforms and violence," or perhaps worse yet, simply "Write a persuasive essay" is inadequate. Neither is close to an authentic writing assignment writing help. Both put the burden of creating an adequate writing task on the student writer. When I create assignments, I try to ensure that a complete, specific situation is part of the original assignment. Rarely in a job setting does the boss walk up to you and asks you to write something in such vague and unclear terms. I can't think of a single time someone walked up and said, "Why don't you write a memo, or maybe you could write a recommendation report." There's always a clear purpose for writing.

When we ask students to make up the rhetorical situation on their own, we often end up with shallow, unfocused, or simply inadequate topics. By establishing the writing situation for them, I allow students to focus their attention more meaningfully. They'll have explored a number of ads as they classify all those in the magazine they're working with. When they turn next to write their own ads, they've already completed some of the ground work — they've done a thorough analysis of a few dozen ads before they go about writing their own. 5. Share models and student samples. If you have examples and models that you can share with students, take the opportunity to pass them out and discuss them in class. Instead of playing a guessing game, show students exactly what the texts that they are to write should look like. In the case of the endorsement letter, for instance, it's fairly simple to gather examples — find that a print of that battery ad with Michael Jordan. Content has been created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.


Effective Papers: October 2020

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 21:24 + в цитатник

In your article "Documenting Blackness," you introduce the idea of an African-American museum and the problems that have risen through this proposal. An African-American museum is a great idea to memorialize the ideas and history of the African American people. The truth is, Congress should not deny the funding for an African-American museum. Problems will arise with the proposal of this memorial but the general public and more importantly Congress cannot turn down this request. Other problems include funding and the fact that not every historic event is able to have their own building for a monument. However, such an important history is too significant to go unrecognized without a national monument. We Can Write Custom Research Papers on Letter to the Editor for You! What makes the African American history so important is the significant impact that it had on shaping American history. Such events as the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement stem from the effects of slavery in America. These two events alone have shaped America into the society that exists today. Post has been generated by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

Resulting from the Civil Rights movement, racial prejudice is one of the most discussed topics in our world today. Therefore, it is obvious that their history has not been ignored by any means, in fact African-Americans are the most studied and discussed of any race of people. The matter of documenting and honoring such a triumphant history is something that needs to be done. No other race of people has ever overcome such adversity. Again, the idea that not every historic event can have their own building is a very plausible argument. Because African American history has played such an intricate role in shaping American society, a national monument or museum is something that needs to be built. The main thing that must be revealed through this memorial or museum is the events and the people that have been affected by them. The most important factor is that they should not focus on the heritage and culture of the African American people. This section of their history is well shown in most historic based museums.

The idea is to dictate and retell the stories and histories of the African American people during the period of massacres and slavery in Africa and America. It is very important to focus on the history as an event and not a place to express the culture of the African American people. To best express this history, a memorial building would be ideal. If anything, it also adds to the American culture as well and gives us a more diverse and historic outlook in our museums. The museum would be a tribute to the slaves and victims and a landmark to an important era in American history that we still see the effects of today. One problem that usually surfaces when dealing with national monuments is with funding. In most cases national monuments are funded by private organizations. For example, the Holocaust museum is built on land donated by the federal government and funded by more than 200,000 private donations. The law states that all funds for planning, constructing and servicing the Museum need to be raised exclusively from private, tax deductible contributions. This data was done by Essay Writers.

The entire construction process cost approximately $168 million and took around four years to complete. On a larger scale, the NAACP is an organization that far exceeds any set up for the Holocaust museum. Just the funding from their organization alone is something that the Jewish community was not able to count on. To just deny the African American community the chance to begin getting sponsors is something that shouldn't be done. There is no reason to restrict the African American community nor anyone else that wants to raise the money to build this. A great example of what this museum would be like is the Holocaust museum. It was nearly ten years ago that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum opened. This national monument and museum is in honor of the to the millions of Jews that died in the holocaust. What makes https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/national-honor-society-essays/ such an important example is that the events of the Jewish holocaust is no different than the massacres and holocausts that took place in our own country and in Africa with the African people.


Revising The Narrative Essay - SAS

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 12:55 + в цитатник

Focus Question: How can we use the revision and editing steps of the writing process to improve a narrative essay? “You have all done a lot of work to study the elements and devices in your drafts, and you’ve worked in groups to develop your theme. Now you will use the Narrative Essay Revising and Editing Guidelines to review what you have written. Revising and Editing Guidelines.docx). Place students in small groups and explain that they will be giving and receiving feedback on their narrative essays using these guidelines to evaluate the essays. literacy narrative essay outline should also have their completed graphic organizers for reference. Tell them they will use the feedback they receive from you and from their peers to write a final draft of the essay. Explain the purpose of the peer editing process: to uncover weaknesses in the essay so that the writer can strengthen the essay before writing a final draft. Students should also point out the strengths of the essay or what they liked most.

Explain that feedback is most helpful when it is specific. After students have given an overall response to the essay, they should use the highlighters to point out specific parts of the essay that need work. A different colored highlighter can be assigned to each section of the revision guidelines (for example, yellow for organization, pink for focus and content, etc.). Make sure that students take plenty of time with this step. Monitor the groups to ensure that they make good progress. When the groups have completed their editing, students are now ready to write the final draft. If you feel that students have too many edits to make based on so much feedback, divide the process into two rounds of revisions, one that focuses solely on your suggestions from the end of the last lesson, and one that incorporates their peer edits from this lesson. Explain that they should make major revisions first—e.g., content and organization—before fixing errors in grammar and conventions. This article has been created by Essay Writers.

“You’re now ready to write your final draft. There are many comments and editing opportunities to consider. Before you begin to make grammar and conventions edits, make the necessary revisions on content organization. Your content’s organization is what will tie the essay together and make it feel complete. If appropriate, help students review correct usage of quotations with dialogue. PSSA Grades 6-8 Narrative Scoring Guidelines.docx). Explain that these rubrics are what you will use to evaluate the essay. They should refer to the guidelines as they write their final drafts to make sure that they have included all aspects of the rubric. Have students publish their narratives online. ClassChatter is a free Web site that will allow students to read and comment on each other’s stories. Students who need additional opportunities with revising will benefit from seeing an example of a revised/marked-up essay. Students who are stalled during the revising and editing stages may make appointments to conference one-on-one with you.

Some people also prefer using notebooks for all their thoughts. Choose the variant that is more suitable for you and write down all the topics that come to your mind during the day. Then, when you get ready to choose a topic, you will have lots of options. You can also try mind mapping to choose the topic you want to speak about. There are a lot of tips and information about mind mapping on the web, so it’s not difficult to find out more about it. 4. If the assignment is due shortly, and you do not have much time, sit quietly some place, go back to your childhood and move toward the present. What incidents or experiences really stick out in your mind? Which do you remember in great detail? These are your options. This is a rather simplistic explanation for narrative essay construction, but it should get you started. You can find a great guide "how to write a personal narrative essay" on many college websites, so if you need more details, check those out! Also if you find yourself in a situation where you need professional help with writing your narrative essay - don’t hesitate and contact us! Our expert writers will perform an excellent paper for you no matter how short your deadline is and our support team will help you to place an order. They will also keep you informed of all the details of the ordering process. Thus you may be sure that your narrative essay will be written on time in an interesting and exciting way.

The poets who were the followers of this movement remained very escapist from sorrows. John keat's poems, there, he is found rushing from mundane to dreamy or imaginative world for searching out love and peace. Beauty is truth, truth beauty. The Neo-classical poets insisted on the perfection of language rather than subject matter. They adopted the method of revising their writing till it is said in the fewest possible as well as the best possible words. The poets avoided writing the words which were coarse, vulgar and unsuitable in their work. Their aim was not only to make language lofty and grandeur but also its style. In result, they introduced artificial poetic diction and style that made the language different from every day and rustic life. The romantic poets follow very simple language or the language of country side. They used simple and attractive diction coming out spontaneously. Their languages looked to be natural.


Narrative Essay Examples: Narrative Essays Examples For Kids

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 04:46 + в цитатник

Narrative writing is extremely crucial for the academic growth of your kids. It provides kids with essential writing skills that make it easy for them to write high quality and decent essays. These essay types help kids to be able to tell their own stories and communicate fluently without any troubles. Parents and tutors should also spur kids to utilize narrative essays examples for kids when drafting their essays. For kids sitting for their narrative essays paper whether on the 4th grade or 6th grade levels should also make use of narrative essays examples 2012. These essay examples guide them on the writing style to use, how to format their essays, how they can easily structure and outline their piece of work and much more. The number of kids searching for narrative essays examples 2012 is high. Additionally, there many other homeschooling parents also looking for narrative essays examples for kids. They are all searching with hopes that they will get the best narrative essay examples. Content has been created by Essay Writers!

However, many do not know where they can get the best essays. The internet has made learning simple these days. You can get narrative essays examples for kids online without a lot of hassles or spending a ton of your money. There are many custom writing companies offering these narrative essays examples online. For your kid to succeed, essay examples play a major. Thus, do not feel shy or overburdened to get some online. If you decide to get your narrative essays examples 2012 online, it requires determination and caution to get the most effective essay examples. Here, are few things to consider. There are essay examples that you can easily download and use. However, you need to determine whether these samples are free of charge or you have to pay. For many parents, this is a practical offer to utilize. It is wise to determine whether the narrative essays examples for kids come from recognized providers. The source that you get your essay examples should be reputed and reliable. You will find many websites, but all are trustworthy. Therefore, before you get your download, ensure that they site that you go for is the best. Hence, by determining personal narrative ideas middle school of the online site, you will rest assured of quality essay examples. Lastly, the narrative essays examples that you get, should be able to provide your kids with the essay writing guidance they are searching. This is crucial because, there are narrative essays examples for kids that cannot aid your kids in any way. Download the best and enjoy the growth of your kids writing capabilities. Meet the best custom writing experts and let them show you how to write quick essays. Also order assignment and get the best custom term papers,college term papers and non plagiarized papers among other custom writing services.

Bauby composed and edited his memoir “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” entirely in his head, and dictated it one letter at a time. The memoir was littered with the author’s anger, longing and sadness but also an enduring zest for life despite his condition, wherein he opens with “Through the frayed curtain at my window, a wan glow announces the break of day. My heels hurt, my head weighs a ton, and something like a giant invisible diving bell holds my whole body prisoner” and then later on writes, “I need to feel strongly, to love and admire, just as desperately as I need to breathe.” His narrative tells the experience of someone whose body is paralyzed but thinks and feels no less strongly and deeply than he had before he was claimed by a sickness that although not unheard of, wasn’t really common, especially at the time. Tell the story in order of chronology. If it lacks organization, sense and proper order of events, you will lose your reader in a maze, so make sure that you write things as they happened and keep a smooth flow in logical progression. Never miss out on important points. Don’t expect your reader to figure out for themselves how you got from one point to another, unless the point can be assumed safely and obviously. Outlines and one draft after another is fine, because if it’s not yet good enough for you, if you think it’s missing something, chances are, you’re right. Anyway, it usually takes 2-3 drafts for even the most seasoned writers to come up with the right article and one that’s free of errors. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the whole experience. Otherwise the task is going to be more difficult than it’s supposed to be, and you are more likely to do your best work when you enjoy the topic you have chosen and when you’re looking forward to get your narrative told.

The characters Jesus interacts with in most of the narratives in Mark are the lowly, the sick, the lame, the outcast - the poor in society. The gospel has strong association of the misfortunes and the suffering people. Rhoads and Michie (1982:133) call these characters ‘little people’, mostly unnamed, unimportant and are suffering in many forms. Jesus, the messiah, is with them, healing them, dining with them and being with them, alleviating their suffering. Not only Jesus associates himself with them, he also mirrors their life. Jesus himself suffers. He is scourged at the pillar, crowned with thorns, made to carry his cross, mocked, robbed, insulted, ridiculed, stripped, given with vile drink, died, abandoned, left alone in the company of strangers. However, amidst all those suffering, Jesus comes out victorious. In the narrative of Mark, in God’s new rule those who suffer will find glory in God. Suffering is a journey through which hope and liberation will soon be achieved and death or the experience of it may simply be part of it.

This theme is exemplified in the healing of the demoniac: the man lived in the death-like situation but because of Jesus’ power, he was restored to life. It is this very message that the gospel of Mark becomes meaningful in its positioning of the audience. The readers or hearers (when read) of Mark in the Roman rule would have been able to associate and identify themselves with those experiences of pain, suffering, powerlessness, marginalization and the longing for hope for a redeemer. The Gospel presents Jesus rightly that: the suffering Messiah who exemplifies the power of faith to God, bringing hope and salvation to all those who are poor and powerless. The attitude shown by the protagonist - Jesus - is one that is discreet. After refusing to include the newly exorcised man from becoming one of his close followers, Jesus goes away. There is a sense of hastiness in the telling of the story - another general observation of the narrative of the whole gospel.


Writing Narrative Essay Can Be Simple And Easy Can Be Simple And Easy

Понедельник, 30 Марта 2020 г. 20:23 + в цитатник

The steps in writing narrative essay are simple and easy. Your narrative will need an outline for its basic parts. Remember that a narrative essay lets your reader's imagination work. Writing narrative essay is considered as the easiest and most entertaining type of essay to construct. In fact, this kind of essay enables the writer to reflect on many things such as events and experiences. It can also be based on any subject that the writer wanted to tell. Because of this, writers are more free and spontaneous when it comes to composing narrative essay. It is just like telling a story that conveys idea and gives a lesson where readers can learn. Even the steps in writing narrative essay are simple and easy. First, you must choose from your experiences. Which of these is the most important? If you have already decided what experience will be the focus of your essay, try to figure out why it is important for you to write it. Data was generated with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

Then give yourself a very good deal of time to remember the significant details and event in that experience. You can write it on a piece of paper in order for you to have it chronologically arranged. Do not put too much pressure on yourself in remembering that certain experience. You do not need to think of all the events that have happened during that time, just the relevant ones that will help to build your essay. Your narrative will need an outline for its basic parts. This will also be of help in writing each of your narrative's part. Instead of just describing what happened during that time to your readers, it is highly encouraged that you use distinct and powerful descriptions to let your readers reanimate the experience. Remember that a narrative essay lets your reader's imagination work. Try also to put yourself as one of the readers who does not have any other information about the experience.

Determine if the details you have included in your essay are already enough to make your readers feel the same way you feel when you have experienced that certain event. Small details should be considered first before deciding to put it or not in your essay. These small things may seem unimportant but the readers may find it necessary to include in the article. Just like other essays, narrative essay is basically composed of an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should contain the establishment of the experience and convey its importance. This is the point where you have to make the experience interesting and make your readers understand its significance and continue to read the whole essay. It is also an effective technique to introduce your essay by going directly to your narrative. By doing this, you allow your reader to know first the story and then connect its significance at the end. The body of your essay always composes the whole story. It is where the complete event can be found. In concluding your narrative, it must have the ability to let your readers derive their comment on your essay. As one of the significant things to do after writing narrative essay, you must allot some moment for you to proofread your work. Check if click for more in writing is effective in recreating the experience for your readers. This also serves as a review for punctuation mark errors and misspelled words. You will also identify in this manner if there are details that decentralize your narrative's focus which will enhance your effectiveness in writing narrative essay.

Bring in an object that reflects America, American values, its people, landscape, or history. Write a brief profile on the object justifying its inclusion in the archives (100 words or so). Same as above. It is also a cyber-assignment. The essays, which take their themes from the class: hip hop as global movement, hip hop and women, the aesthetics of hip hop, are practice essays, and are about a fourth of your grade, your midterm and final are another fourth and your portfolio is the final fourth. You can average the grades to see how to weigh the various components. Participation is included in the daily exercises and homework portion of the grade, so if your attendance is exemplary, yet you say nothing the entire 18 weeks, you loose percentage points. This data was created with Essay Freelance Writers.

You will also need to plan to spend time weekly in the Writing Lab (L-234-235, 748-2132). It is a great place to get one-on-on assistance on your essays, from brainstorming and planning the essays, to critique on the essay for clarity, organization, clearly stated thesis, evidence of support, logical conclusions, and grammatical problems for referrals to other ancillary materials to build strong writing muscles such as SkillsBank, the Bedford Handbook on-line, Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers on-line, Townsend Press, and other such computer and cyber-based resources. Call for hours. There is also an Open Lab for checking e-mail, and a Math Lab. All academic labs are located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) or library. Students need a student ID to use the labs and to check out books. The IDs are free and you can take the photo in the F-Building, Student Services.


A Commonplace Blog: What Became Of Literary History?

Понедельник, 30 Марта 2020 г. 07:33 + в цитатник

I just read Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's lectures on writing, delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1913-1914. There was a guy who knew that to understand a text, you had to understand something of the society that produced it, and you had to understand that literature was part of the history of thought, not a series of disconnected artifacts created over time. Maybe the New Criticism came about because people wanted to read books but didn't want to study history and sociology? Wasn't there a movement to turn Literature into a hard science with discrete formulas and a periodic chart. Burn a passage of Portis over a Bunsen burner and see what colors it gives off, then compare that to a chart, etc? I imagine that this sort of teaching takes less preparation, because you don't need to know much about anything but the text in hand, and you don't need to know anything about the text in hand. I oversimplify, I'm sure. This is all a long-winded way of asking if literary history has gone by the wayside because people who want to teach literature don't want to study history or any literature aside from their favorite texts.

It seems to me the change is due to the shift away from Classical studies - the "furniture" of which is at once literary, historical, political, etc. It may be because I am now reading Gadamer's Truth and Method and under it's sway, but it also seems like Kantian thought could also be used to explain the reduced expectations and role of art. I consider this topic/question a lot on my blog and I really appreciated seeing it come up here because one is wont to feel rather the lone laudator temporis acti at times - loved the reference to tweed coats! For what it's worth, I've started assigning Flannery O'Connor's "Total Effect" in class, with satisfactory results.

Let me offer two points: (1) students coming into universities may not know about Faulkner or other canonical authors, but they almost always have experienced more contemporary writers offered to them by high school teachers eager to remain politically correct by avoiding the DWM (dead white man) reading lists; (2) a teacher in grad school told me that once I had gotten beyond my New Critic roots, and once I had immersed myself in literary theory, I would probably never again enjoy a book in the same way. Any profs who lose their "reading pleasures" have only themselves to blame. See Burstein, Miriam for proof. It's a big dang world out there. Wuthering Expectations is basically an exercise in literary history, knocking texts against each other. Perhaps some of literary history is reverting to the amateurs. I'm looking forward to your Gura review. R.T. What's with the sneer in high school teachers "eager to remain politically correct"? A little grad school snobbery? How about well-educated, thoughtful high school teachers who want to provide students with a broader point of view and more varied exposure to voice than they'll receive from the DWM cohort? Most teachers do a pretty good job of mixing the canon with, as you say, contemporary voices. A bit less condescension, please! Literature Review Writing Tactics , that is not a sneer, and not snobbery, but observation based on the preparation high school grads seem to have had prior to their arrival in college lit classrooms. I apologize for the tone that you find offensive. Perhaps I should have said things better. And that is a sincere apology. Blame my attitude on Harold Bloom. And a postscript: I think I am finished with blogging and commenting. The environment allows for too many trolls. On the strentgth of your recommendation, I bought the CS Lewis time. I have just dipped into it, but I think I´ll enjoy it. I´m glad you wrote this before you hung up your blog. Post was created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

And what about insects, many of which can see different wavelengths of light to us. Some insects can see in ultraviolet light, but not red light, and therefore see the wall in very different colours. And if you still think a wall is one colour regardless of our definitions, interpretrations or perceptions of colour, well, let's leave aside walls, and consider water. We are happy to talk about the water in the oceans being blue, or green or grey or black depending on how light reflects off it at different times of day, even if the water still has the same chemical constitution at all times. If water can change colour without any change in constitution, why not walls? One can easily see how this particular thunk can be answered in many different ways, leading on to a multitude of further questions. Example 2 - What Are You Talking About!


How To Write A Strong Introduction

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 15:29 + в цитатник

When you sit down to write your college essay or college personal statement, don’t dismiss the introduction. In fact, it’s probably the most important part of your essay, because it draws in the reader. Ideally, this should begin right from the attention-grabbing opening sentence. Many people make the mistake of writing an introductory paragraph that explains what they are going to talk about in the rest of the essay. A general rule to follow is this: Move your most compelling experience to the forefront, and structure your essay around it. You don’t need to restate the essay prompt. If you open with something like, “I want to go to college to learn and achieve my goals,” this will just waste the reader’s time. Don’t start your essay with something generic and unnecessary. This applicant writes what starts out as a potentially engaging introduction, but the paragraph immediately loses the reader’s interest by telling him what the applicant is going to write about. “My high school’s student body is from a part of town that is much more diverse than the rest of the city, and the city as a whole is more diverse than most of the state.

The location of my school, only a few blocks from the University of Oregon, is greatly responsible for the social atmosphere. Whereas the other high schools in town draw mainly from middle-class white suburban families, mine sits in the division between the poor west university neighborhood and the affluent east university one. East university is hilly and forested with quiet residential streets and peaceful, large houses. A few blocks west, using the university as the divider, the houses become small and seedy. Here, the writer engages the reader by providing a vivid description of the locale of his home and school. He probably felt he needed the introductory paragraph so the reader would not be confused by his second paragraph. However, by adding such a short and bland introduction, he has decreased the effectiveness of his personal statement. It is sometimes unnecessary to establish context right away. Let your story flow, engaging the reader and gradually relating setting and context. The advice to jump right in also applies to anecdotes. One effective way to grab the reader’s attention is to describe the action of your story.

“‘Breez in and breez out. Clear yor mind by zinking of somezing plasant.’ For five minutes, all of us found ourselves sitting cross-legged on the floor with a soft, sleepy look on our faces as we subconsciously nodded to the soothing rhythmic voice of our French teacher. Our heads were still half wafting in the delicious swirls of dreamland, barely dwelling in the bittersweet shock of reality. The above introduction does a much better job of engaging the reader. Dialogue can be a very effective way to win over the reader’s attention. This applicant lets the reader know the setting—his French class—even though he never explicitly states the location of the story. He paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind while incorporating the element of mystery, as the reader wonders what further action will occur, as well as what the point of this anecdote will ultimately be. If there is something unique about yourself that is also relevant to your essay, then by all means start with that! You’re up against hundreds, if not thousands, of other applicants, so whatever makes you stand out from the crowd is going to work in your favor.

“When I was four years old I decided to challenge conventional notions of the human limit by flying through a glass window. The impetus was Superman, whose exploits on television had induced my experiment. “I am an addict. I tell people I could stop anytime, but deep inside, I know I am lying. I need to listen to music, to write music, to play music every day. I can’t go a whole day without, at the very least, humming or whistling the tunes that crowd my head. I sing myself hoarse each morning in the shower, and playing the trumpet leaves a red mouthpiece-shaped badge of courage on my lips all day. Both writers have succeeded in grabbing our attention and revealing something unique about their personalities, which they will go on to explain in further detail. Starting with a concrete image helps the reader to grasp your point more immediately.

This is probably not a particular episode, since the applicant frequently uses the kitchen table as a thoughtful refuge. Yet she offers a vivid description with concrete details, and so we can picture her sitting at her kitchen table, letting her mind drift into pensive thought. There are many ways to engage your reader, but the elements of mystery and surprise are perhaps the most effective. With admissions officers pouring over as many as fifty essays in a day, they begin to scan applicant statements, stopping to read only those that are written extremely well and are out of the ordinary. There is perhaps no better way to get your readers to finish reading your personal statement than to make them guess what you are writing about through the element of mystery. “ How to introduce an expository essay had a mental image of them standing there, wearing ragged clothes, hot and depressed, looking upon us as intruders in their world. They would sneer at our audacity. Article was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.


Creative Writing - Dramatic Monologue - What's It And How Do You Write It?

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 14:48 + в цитатник

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What are Dramatic Monologues? Dramatic monologues are usually lengthy emotional speeches that express the feelings, actions, motives and views of the speaker or character both as a solo performance or as a person half in a play. Dramatic monologues shouldn't be confused with a soliloquy. Soliloquies are when somebody talks to themselves about their ideas and feelings regarding a situation, soliloquies indicate that there isn't a audience. Dramatic monologues indicate that there is an audience whether that viewers is a single particular person, en mass or a movie digicam. An actor auditioning for a play, Tv or film can use dramatic monologues to indicate the director how skillful they're as actors. Educational hub. Adjectives - what are they? How do I take advantage of them with nouns and verbs. When do you utilize an adjective or an adverb? Do I need to outline the verb or the sentence? Do I need to outline the subject that is performing the motion?

English Language and Grammar - What are Adverbs? What do adverbs modify? An adverb modifies any part of language aside from a noun. In order to jot down a dramatic monologue as a one-act play, the author should consider the beginning, center, size and finish, just like a short story. At the identical time the writer must give consideration to the gravity of the tone and emotion being expressed. There is just one character, one voice, one thought process so the author needs to ask ‘what is the speaker trying to say and do, what message is being delivered to the viewers? How will I get that message throughout? Direction is essential, in setting the scene i.e. ‘single chair on an in any other case empty stage’, give directions to the actor on how to make his or her entrance. For instance - is the actor on the stage already sitting within the chair or is the actor going to make an entrance?

Perhaps the actor is waiting within the darkness on the back of the stage. Does the actor begin the monologue from way back there within the darkness gradually transferring in to view so creating tension? The author ought to give the actor steerage as to how to tell the story, is it a gradual, thoughtful drawl or is it to be delivered rapidly, with pleasure? What about the ending, is it a thought scary ending or a conclusion, or are you going to go away it ‘up within the air’ - a ‘cliff-hanger’. Are the audience going to have to use their imagination about how it all ends? Does the stage simply darken? Does the actor walk again into the dark or just go away the stage? Does the actor stay seated and grasp his or her head low? Successful monologue writers know their characters well, both emotionally and personally. https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/informative-speech-examples/ know what motivates them and how they assume because they have created and developed the character, intimately.

If the writer can express this in-depth knowledge by the monologue, giving applicable instructions, then the actor will have no bother delivering the dramatic monologue and the viewers will have no problems understanding the message. It is vital to note that if a speech takes too long and doesn’t have any substance, the audience will get lost and lose curiosity, just like political speeches! Dramatic monologues should build-up to a climax. They need to intensively affect the reader, actor and audience. They need to evoke the passion or suspense of the second helping them to achieve the climax at the identical time with out questioning the effectiveness of theme. Monologues have been round for years and years. There are two totally different simple methods you could create your individual monologue. 1. Write it from scratch. 2. Use an all ready made one and change it round. Just a little bit of stage fright may be a good thing, but lots can freeze you up in the midst of a performance. Consider the following pointers that can assist you management your stage fright when performing a monologue.

This content was written by Essay Freelance Writers!

The dramatic monologue is a poetic kind that was utilized by Victorian poets to its fullest, especially by Robert Browning, now considered one of the crucial talented and prolific dramatic monologists. Did you find this hub helpful? See results How do I start? My first monologue was to do with an previous tree. I was at university and I used to be given an image of an ancient tree and asked ‘what does the tree think or feel? ’ After some time I began writing from the viewpoint of the tree, excited about all the things that might have occur to that tree because it was a sapling. The animals that had climbed it, or flown onto its branches, the people who had damaged its branches (limbs) with out a thought for the tree. The way it had a stood robust in all weathers, how it had averted destruction by fire, war and the dreaded chainsaw massacre.


Snodgrass’s Review Was Published In 2020

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 12:21 + в цитатник

The basic format for a book citation requires listing the author's name, the title of the book, the publisher's name, and the date of publication. Edited books, when cited in full, will list the editor's name instead of an author’s name. The example used is a book written by the author Fifi LaRue, entitled My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things, and published by the publisher LaPlume in 2007. Note that APA capitalizes only the first word of the title and the first word of the subtitle, while MLA and Turabian capitalize all significant title words. LaRue, F. (2007). My fabulous life: Parisian flings and other things. LaRue, Fifi. My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things. LaRue, Fifi. My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things. The example used is a book written by the authors Terrie A. Dactyl and Braun T. Saurus, entitled The Jury’s Still Out on Jurassic Park, and published by Altamira Press in 2011. While APA only capitalizes the first word of the title, proper nouns within a title should also be capitalized.

Dactyl, T.A. & Saurus, B.T. 2011). The jury’s still out on Jurassic Park. Dactyl, Terrie A. and Braun T. Saurus. The Jury’s Still Out on Jurassic Park. Dactyl, Terrie A. and Braun T. Saurus. The Jury’s Still Out on Jurassic Park. The example used is a book edited by Teresa Mae Anklet, entitled Big Bruisers, and published by Strange Brew Press, 2001. Edited books normally are collections of essays or chapters written by a variety of authors. The editor is responsible for collecting and arranging the contents of the book and might also contribute to the book’s content. Anklet, T. M. (Ed.). 2001). Big bruisers. Strange Brew Press. Anklet, Teresa Mae, editor. Anklet, Teresa Mae, ed. The example used is a review written by Francois Snodgrass in the journal Parisian Personnae. The book being reviewed is by Fifi LaRue and is entitled My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things. Snodgrass’s review was published in 2007, in volume 37, issue number 2, of the journal, on page 132. Turabian recommends citing reviews only in the notes unless the review is key to an argument set forth in a paper or frequently cited elsewhere. The Turabian example listed below is for the bibliography. Snodgrass, Francois. Review of My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things, by Fifi LaRue. Parisian Personnae, vol. 37, no. 2, p. Snodgrass, Francois. Review of My Fabulous Life: Parisian Flings and Other Things by Fifi LaRue.

Only professional custom assignment writing agencies can provide a wide selection of disciplines. Expert custom assignment writing solutions provided by our enterprise have already helped thousands fo students in the USA, UK, Canada, Italy, France, India, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China and Germany. Students trust our assignment writing as writing assignments with our really certified writers (the majority of which have PhD, Master's, MBA academic degrees) would be the finest solution to academic recognition and accomplishment. Our experienced writers are seasoned in a lot more than 90 disciplines. They can be deadline-oriented to provide your custom assignment as fast as you need and able to write your assignments in any citation style (format): APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian or Harvard format. We can guarantee you the following: 100% no plagiarism within your assignments, 100% dollars back (should you be dissatisfied with your paper), 100% satisfaction (as we are committed to provide only high-quality customized assignments) and 100% confidentiality (we never disclose our customers' personal details).

A lot of writing is required for a psychology research paper. It includes writing of essays, research reports and case studies. To effectively communicate your views and understanding needs good writing prowess. And the same is profoundly required if you are writing a paper related to this subject. Writing a thesis paper in this subject is very similar to writing for other assignments. But, in this case, some special instruction or protocols needs to be maintained. It is important to check the necessary instructions before writing the paper. Also, do check the basics and research thoroughly before writing. Another aspect of writing a thesis on such a subject or topic is the proofreading and edition routine. It is of immense importance to thoroughly check your thesis paper before submitting. Comprehensive Guide On APA Format , that no mistakes are there in the paper and it is better that you let some one else read the paper so that it is totally error free. A specific writing style needs to be followed while writing a thesis paper of this stature. As per the American Psychological Association the APA format is the official style that is acceptable. This content was done by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

The APA format has some specific writing and reference styles that needs to be followed while writing a paper for such a subject. It has specific instructions for putting in-text citations, references and page format. If you are unaware of the same, then go through the APA guide books, websites to be sure of the style. A well written paper on this subject includes a specific theory or concept or an in depth study of a particular topic. The first part of the thesis paper deals with the goals of the paper, while the second section summarizes the issue or the topic. Finally the last section of the paper makes a critical analysis of the topic and concludes the paper with the logical summation and presentation. One of the most important aspects of the thesis paper is the choice of the topic. It is very important to assess the topic from the very beginning of your course. You would be able to know beforehand, if you will be provided a topic or if you have the freedom to choose your own topic.


How To Cassandra 101: IGCSE Past Year Descriptive Essay Task

Суббота, 28 Марта 2020 г. 11:26 + в цитатник

IGCSE Past Year Descriptive Essay task. This is not a CIE sample essay. This essay was written solely by me. Head held high with a broad grin plastered on, emerald green eyes brightly glinting as my protruding cheekbones, brushed fuchsia raised to a halt. My prominent arched eyebrows highlighted my every emotion, the sleek revealing mauve cocktail dress hugged my torso, showing off the hourglass figure. Butterflies fluttered in my belly as my heart thumped violently against the cages of my ribs, I strode out onto the black shimmering platform with the confidence of a champion, my self-esteem putting holes through the roof as rhythm of my heels clacking against the ground added a tinge of groove to the quick upbeat tempo being boomed out to the crowd of posh fashionable middle aged women. Dotting the crowd were a couple of fabulous drag queens as well as a fair amount of dapper looking men clad in either neat traditional tuxedos, or sunglasses, V-necked sweaters and donning colorful skinny jeans as well as bright hair hues to finish their look.

I submerged myself completely into the glamour, the grin on my face turning slightly smug when all of a sudden, a horrid and unpleasant ripping sound tore through the hall. I could remember the mortifying embarrassment till this very day, the faces of the courteous ladies perched on the front row scrunching up in disgust as some snickered in amusement. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, the coloring of crimson red creeping up to my face as my eyes frantically darted across the room pleading for assistance. My pale aged palms clasps together as chills scurried down my spine reminiscing the event of that day, my wrinkled eyelids fastened shut as I was once again, transported back in time. My cheeks grew hotter and hotter, my mind- scrambled like breakfast eggs but at the same time wondering if anyone else shared my mortification. The anxiety and discomfort that had overtaken me made me wiggle my plump toes which now rested on a short stool as my hands fidgeted uncontrollable at each other, picking and scratching, as if it were desperate to erase the memories of that day. The stares and stifles of laughter choked me with humiliation as my courage and confidence dramatically falters- I could almost hear them once again. The embarrassment of that moment 63 years ago catches in my throat, freezing the breath in my lungs making it almost impossible to breathe as the memory seared in my mind begun to replay itself again, and again, and again. Just an essay I wrote for an assignment, but unfortunately, my teacher did not manage to mark it so apologies for any mistakes. Thank you for reading this though, you rock!

The villagers had lost a few goats and poultry to a mystery. The mystery of the missing farm animals spread like a wildfire in the village. Many speculated there were thieves in the village while others suggested a wild beast was on the run. Despite several speculations, the mystery of the disappearances remained unsolved. The whole village was in a state of dismay when the tiger appeared and launched another attack on the village. https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/descriptive-essay-writing/ was not any farm animal this time, it was a young child playing by the barn. The villagers had had enough, they had to put a stop to it once and for all. They organized a group of the bravest men from the village, armed them with shotguns and knives and planned to attack the tiger. They also took a goat to lure to the tiger in our trap. The plan was to trap the tiger and later kill him. This data has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers!

I was amongst the members of the group who left for the jungle late at night. For hours we did not hear anything except the mosquitoes and crickets around us. Then we found paw prints on the muddy ground which assured us of the tiger's usual trail. Thereupon, as the sun rose we set up a trap using a goat as bait. We were assured that this would catch the tiger immediately. We had almost given up when suddenly around daybreak we heard the bushes rustle and the leaves crackle. All of us shivered to our spines saw the mystery east coming towards us. We changed our guns and pointed it towards the wild beast. We steadied our guns towards the tiger as he jumped to grab the goat. He fell in the trap. One of the members shot the tiger dead and we rescued the goat safely back to our village.


Term Papers Research And Writing - Education

Суббота, 28 Марта 2020 г. 10:42 + в цитатник

The creating out of virtually any form of the college or university paper is hard nevertheless the ones known as term papers are usually specifically known as one of the toughest process. College delivers several troubles that range from tiny to medium sized to really huge. This kind of initiation of several troubles might get individuals straight into anxiety which in turn could possibly be really damaging regarding their very own occupations. Creating of this solitary is surely an engaged method of parts that happen to be serious to offer focus independently. For all these causes, the Term Paper Writing creating is aggravating and bothersome for the lot of pupils. It is necessary that you simply commence together with any perform as shortly as feasible. You'll be able to conquer its challenges should you control to be able to perform on those lone parts correctly. Analysis could possibly be mentioned since the most effective as well as the most challenging portion and you also need to find out what which is questioned of you. This content was created by Essay Writers.

At times merely the shortage involving recognition is inclined to help college students don't succeed totally. You have to scan the instruction piece provided to you carefully for definitely not leaving out any require. In custom paper writing instructors give the citation one of the most crucial as you ought to possibly be also. Without having an impressing volume of analysis subject matter your papers will not be probably to scan complete. In case you are certainly not positive of what exactly to perform visit your current professors, or buddies and associates. Aside from that World Wide Web could possibly be an extremely huge aid. Although you might be searching for out one of the most proper material to your picked theme, it is crucial to remember every one of the authentic suppliers. In case you are not wary at this kind of factor your papers could easily get accused of unfaithful. The methodical term for doing this procedure is plagiarism. Regardless of whether pupils compose every little thing without any help, they locate it inside their papers.

Ensure that you simply are actually referring to the means flawlessly. In case you are undertaking this kind of element proper, the factors forwards will probably be far better also. You can find certain approaches to put your accumulated analysis in a very spot; it is dependent upon the structure you might be generating usage of. Term papers certainly are a solution of mental examining and steady research. You examine a subject matter complete calendar year to merely select anything for papers, do your analysis and write them all. In doing this you understand regarding the subject a lot more profoundly. It really is information about your strategy for the matter and the way you show it for your teacher inside the paper. Should you feel that will in anyway you don't realize regarding the matter widely you have to very first revise it. It might take somewhat of the important moment nevertheless it will probably be totally worthwhile inside the conclusion. Undergo your notes for complete year and every one of the lectures to grasp the matter far better.

I sometimes draw things for my boyfriend. He's not as gifted in the art department, but I always tell him I really love to see him draw, so every year for my birthday, Christmas, and our anniversary, he'll give me a piece of notebook paper with his of a drawing I've done for him. I love pottery. Making https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/writing-college-research-paper/ lets me express my emotions through clay. I love making mugs and bowls from clay in the earth. For me it is going to get a pedicure. Having cute feet with pretty red polish and design on the big toe! I live at the beach so my feet are bare 9 months out of the year. A pet "secret" I have is to observe the play behaviors of cats and imitate them while playing with cats. The result is quite funny, as they understand the familiar signals and respond as if I am a cat by chasing or popping out at me. One crucial factor in growing any plant is to consistently give it the appropriate amount water. Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears--a plant will not be happy if it has to little or too much.


How To Study For The AP English Language Exam

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 22:27 + в цитатник

The Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exam is designed to test students’ abilities to read and analyze texts and write critical essays. The AP English course covers a range of prose literature about which students are expected to write critically. It also develops students’ abilities to present arguments in essay form. The exam gives college credit to those who achieve a passing score. Many resources are available in print and online to study effectively for the exam. Complete all of your assignments in your AP English class. The journal writing, essay research and critical writing you will do in your course are the best preparation for the exam. Over the course of the school year, you will be exposed to new vocabulary that you can use in the exam, as well as new styles of writing, sentence structures, methods of research and critical thinking strategies that will help you prepare for the exam. The AP English Language and Composition exam consists of 60 minutes of multiple choice questions, an essay-planning period and 120 minutes to write your essays. This data was done by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

Read exam preparation materials to see what the exam graders will be looking for in your essays and in the multiple-choice questions. Find out what kinds of questions and answers you may see on the exam by looking at past exams. For this step, the English Language and Composition course description, available on the College Board’s AP website, is a good place to start. Work through several practice exams. Sample reading passages and multiple-choice questions can be found in the English Language and Composition course description. Others can be found in books designed to prepare students for the AP English Language and Composition exam. Check them out from your school or public library, and check your answers against the keys in the book. Write at least a few additional practice essays using questions found in the preparation books. Keep in AP English Language And Composition: Synthesis Essay Materials to achieve a high score on your essay: Varied sentence and essay style, clear transitions and logical flow of your arguments are keys to writing a good AP exam essay. Read example essays in the preparation books to help you understand what the exam scorers are looking for. You can also ask your AP English teacher to go over any practice essays you write to give you pointers on how to improve your writing.

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Best Capstone Project Ideas: How To Write Convincing Project Management Capstone Using Our Topics

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 19:52 + в цитатник

A capstone project is one of the most crucial parts in your academic career as this allows you to showcase your expertise through a quality research. Capstone project vary depending on the guidelines by your school but usually this is an experimental project where you can make use of your extensive knowledge and expertise to create an innovative research. You should allocate enough time as to make sure that your project management capstone will be 100% top notch and well written. Remember that this will reflect on your ability to express your ideas thus excellence is essential. For those who have a hard time with creating a good topic, we can provide you with winning capstone project management topics. Also you can find out more about capstone wealth management. These topics will enable you to highlight your proficiency so make sure that your final capstone project will be flawless and well created. A capstoneproject is a great opportunity for any student to showcase what they learned. In fact, you will be evaluated based on the excellence of your project management capstone which is why you should take the time as to guarantee that this is plagiarism free, well written and professionally developed. If ever you are struggling with finishing your capstone project, there are professional writers available online that can give you quick, easy help. Get started now and avail premium writing help for 100% premium quality project management capstone! This post has been written by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

High school Capstone project topic examples wanted to answer my question about the different roles that take place within an animal hospital. The first and largest role within a Veterinary hospital is the role of the Veterinarian himself. Veterinarians “are fully qualified and highly trained practitioners. All practicing Vets will have a recognized degree. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating sick, or injured animals.” (PSU) The next role within the hospital is the Vet Nurses. Vet Nurses “ assist the Vet in the examination and treatment of sick animals.” (PSU) The third role is the receptionist who “ is usually the first point of contact for people needing to use the service. Their role is important because they are the first ones to deal with people who may be distressed, if their pet or animal is very sick or injured.” (PSU) Lastly, there is the role of the practice manager. The practice manager’s “role is to oversee the running of the practice, and deal with any managerial tasks that may arise. Lastly, I wanted to answer my question on why I should become a Veterinarian.

Post has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

’s more of a feeling than anything. Kint) With this in mind, I had to contemplate whether this would be a job I would truly enjoy. It is incredibly hard to circle my thoughts back to one idea when I have learned such an expansive amount. However, to address my research question, I can confidently say that I have learned an incredible amount about the Veterinary practice. The in’s and out’s of the business and the amount of work that must be put in to accomplish the goal of becoming a veterinarian seems daunting. I have found that this career is very rewarding in regards to saving lives. However, the strenuous hours, the tedious waiting for the next patient, and the amount of schooling that must be done has made me come to the conclusion that being a Veterinarian is not for me. Although rewarding, I don’t believe that I would fulfill the expectations of this job compared to the many others that strive to be successful within this practice. However, this experience has enriched my life in ways that no other experience could and I am extremely grateful for that. With my future unclear, I am excited for all the possibilities that lie ahead. For the rest of the project, I would like to accomplish the goal of finishing my presentation. It is still unclear what I would like to do for this presentation but I am hoping to get the chance to brainstorm next week. By the middle of next week, I hope to have a plan and outline for my project. By the end of the week, I want to have at least half of the project done so that it will be ready for the due date.

A capstone project is one of the most challenging tasks you need to accomplish as this will be used to determine your level of expertise in your chosen field. The main consideration when writing your MBA capstone would be selecting the perfect topic. It is crucial that you select good capstone MBA topics that are relevant, unique and you are passionate about. To make the entire process of creating your MBA capstone project a lot less stressful and more enjoyable, you should develop a topic well within your interest. Take the time to brainstorm and research as to come up with a good topic. Always keep in mind that the quality of your MBA capstone greatly relies on the creativity of your topic. Another thing to consider when crafting your own topic for capstone MBA would be how your audience can relate to it. It is also essential to note that your topic should also have adequate references that you can use as to effectively establish its significance. Moreover, it's quite important as well to know as much as possible about computer science capstone project. Choose capstone MBA topics that are focused and practical; avoid those that might be narrow and broad as this will require extra time to research. Remember that you also have to persuade your readers that your project is a great contribution to your field. Start customizing now the best topic for your MBA capstone!

Choosing the right topic for your capstone project is considered by many as one of the most challenging aspects in the entire task. Fortunately, there are easy ways to guide you as to effectively create original electrical engineering project ideas. The success of your capstone project rest greatly on the quality of your electrical engineering project ideas hence the importance of taking your time and making sure that your topic is the correct fit for you. You can also get personalized assistance whenever you are having difficulty with finding perfect engineering capstone project ideas as this will help you save time and guarantee that your paper will be 100% top notch! Free Top 10 Engineering Capstone Project Ideas with Us! Need some nursing capstone project ideas? Avail the Best Electrical Engineering Capstone Project Ideas Now! A capstone project is a culmination task that every student has to accomplish. The first step is finding the best electrical engineering project ideas; this should be innovative, cohesive and relevant. Avoid electrical engineering project ideas that are common but focus on creating something unique that will impress your audience. If you have trouble with inspirations, you can also seek the professional help of our academic writers. We have excellent team of experts that have the knowledge and expertise to easily customize you electrical engineering project ideas. Get started now and avail unmatched quality services for prime electrical engineering capstone project ideas.


NanoLogix, Inc. (NNLX): Company Updates

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 06:26 + в цитатник

NanoLogix is pleased to provide an update on the development of a Screening/Pretest for use in conjunction with the N-Assay Rapid Bacteria Diagnostic. The first phase of Proof of Concept/Principle development work in the UK by a company with Global operations began on October 1st and was completed the first week of December at a cost of roughly $100,000. This phase demonstrated very positive results for Point of Care screening for one specific Candida strain and to very promising results for two bacteria that constitute the primary threats present in Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). This was a necessary first of four phases that will carry through to patient studies in Houston planned for 2020. The next phase of development will begin in March, after the manufacture and delivery of custom antibodies for the remaining bacteria and Candida. The development work on a screening/pretest for seven bacteria and two strains of Candida, though initially focussed upon UTI, will enable NanoLogix to configure the test in a multitude of ways. This data was done with Essay Writers!

In doing so, we will have the capability to rapidly and accurately test for possibly up to 15-20 different types of infections, with the ability to determine the specific bacterial cause, the severity of the infection, and the bacteria antibiotic resistance. The purpose of the Pretest use with the N-Assay is to have a Pretest that will indicate the presence of a specific bacteria within minutes, for which the N-Assay can then be used to rapidly determine both the concentration of the bacteria and its sensitivity to various antibiotics, furnishing Point of Care (POC) personnel the ability to effectively treat the patient with the specific antibiotic required. In how to begin a research paper introduction to secure additional funding to reach our goal of $3 million for development, expansion and marketing, we have been in contact with a number of non-NanoLogix-affiliated MDs who have expressed interest in the technology development. Those efforts will continue until we reach our funding requirements. A PowerPoint presentation on the N-Assay Bacteria Diagnostic is included to illustrate just some of the advantages of the technology.

The PowerPoint includes information on upper respiratory infections (URI), general sepsis infections, and sepsis infections related to infant low-birth weights. In future updates there will be information on shares of the diagnostic market devoted to each of those, and other infections for which configurations of the N-Assay are being explored. Further updates will occur as warranted. NanoLogix is pleased to provide this brief update on the development on the N-Assay Bacteria Diagnostic Screening/Pretest. The development work on a screening/pretest for seven bacteria and two strains of Candida, though initially focussed upon UTI, will enable NanoLogix to configure the test in a multitude of ways. In doing so, we will have the capability to rapidly and accurately test for possibly up to 15-20 different types of infections, with the ability to determine the specific bacterial cause, the severity of the infection, and the bacteria antibiotic resistance. In step with the development plans, NanoLogix has requested assistance from the Youngstown State University's Career Center in locating and hiring two laboratory personnel for our Ohio Lab.

These personnel will configure the N-Assay Diagnostic tests to conform with the results and efforts of the UK development company. A PowerPoint presentation on the N-Assay Bacteria Diagnostic is included to illustrate just some of the advantages of the technology. The PowerPoint includes information on upper respiratory infections (URI), general sepsis infections, and sepsis infections related to infant low-birth weights. In future updates there will be information on shares of the diagnostic market devoted to each of those, and other infections for which configurations of the N-Assay are being explored. The purpose of the Pretest use with the N-Assay is to have a Pretest that will indicate the presence of a specific bacteria with minutes, for which the N-Assay can then be used to rapidly determine both the concentration of the bacteria and its sensitivity to various antibiotics, furnishing Point of Care (POC) personnel the ability to effectively treat the patient with the specific antibiotic required. Further updates will occur as warranted. NanoLogix is discussing with domestic and international investment groups, and is seeking additional interested parties, for an investment offer of a net-revenue interest share of the N-Assay Bacteria Diagnostic and its planned associated Pretest.


AP English Sample Essays - Study Notes

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 02:02 + в цитатник

Use these sample AP English essays to get ideas for your own AP essays. These essays are examples of good AP-level writing. Do you know someone rich and famous? Is he confident, popular, and joyful all of the time—the epitome of mainstream success? Or, on the other hand, is he stressed, having second thoughts about his life choices, and unsure about the meaning of his life? What is the meaning of life? These are multifaceted existential questions that ancient and modern philosophies have yet to adequately answer. In , by Barbara Lazear Ascher, the protagonist reveals that a life of solitude need not always be lonely. When you are writing a for an AP English Language or AP English Literature prompt you need to make sure that you use to describe the . Here are 80 tone and attitude words to spruce up your essays. During the Civil War era there existed many factions seeking to dramatically change America. Remarkable speakers spread their ideas through oratory, thrilling their audiences through powerful speeches that appealed to both emotion and logic. The movie explores the concept of individualism in great depth. The numerous conflicts that the characters face throughout the movie demonstrate the fundamental principles of existentialism and transcendentalism.

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How To Review A Research Paper

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 01:38 + в цитатник

The text below originally appeared in an ARCOM Newsletter. There are many things that contribute to the quality of a research paper. Any report of research begins with a review of the relevant body of literature, and there is excellent guidance for undertaking a literature review in Silverman (2000: 12) and in Rudestam and Newton (1998: 50-51). Based upon this guidance, this paper offers a personal view of what we should be looking for in research papers, with the aim of prompting wider debate and a constructive approach to critique. First, the advice below may seem rather long-winded. This is because the task is complex. For each paper, explain three things - what it was about, why it was important and how the authors went about it. This is the absolute minimum in terms of guidance for understanding a research paper. But it expects you to do a lot of interpretation. What were the authors’ interests? Or, what was the question/issue they dealt with? What empirical objects did they focus on? Or, what was the unit of analysis, or the level of analysis?

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What methods did they use in their research? What did they discover, establish, argue or demonstrate? Or, do the methods deal with the issue and the conclusions follow from the research? Does it add anything to our collective understanding? Does it leave open the opportunity to carry out further research to broaden the findings? Does it leave open the opportunity to carry out further research to deepen the findings? It can be difficult to answer these questions satisfactorily. If you find that this is difficult, then don’t worry. Everyone finds it difficult. The remainder of this article seeks to open up that task much more, in order to explain what you are supposed to be doing and to give you detialed questions to ask of a paper you are reading. In all papers, a structure is required and the argument should flow from one section to the next. Obviously, clear English should be used throughout and jargon should be avoided. Post has been created by Essay Writers!

Good papers will move from the general to the particular and begin with the context of the work, move through the statement of the problem being investigated, deal with the empirical and/or analytical aspects of the work, then develop the discussion and draw conclusions based upon what has been covered in the paper, relating these back to the original context of the work. Generally, How do you write a critique? will either develop theory or test theory. A paper that does neither will not add to the sum of knowledge and therefore will not fall into the category of a research paper. The focus of this article is on whether the material that is included in a paper is suitable for a research paper, rather than whether it is well-written. The first questions to ask about a paper are connected with the problem or issue being investigated. There should be a clear statement near the beginning of a paper explaining what problem the paper seeks to resolve.

Authors often leave this until half way through the paper. Indeed, some leave it out altogether, perhaps assuming that it is self-evident or simply not realizing that although it is obvious to the author, a reader with no previous knowledge of the work only has the paper to go on. Any serious piece of research will involve concepts that are specific to the issue being investigated, or to the investigative approach that has been taken. These need to be summarized at the very least, and explained if they are not common within the field of the target audience. This is not just a case of explaining the concepts related to the particular construction industry phenomena under investigation, but, more importantly, to identify the methodological basis of the work. Thus, a research paper is not place for “text-book” explanations. Of course, the nature of the investigation is inevitably connected to some issue of relevance, but, while it may seem heretical to some, it is not necessary for a piece of construction management research to be practically relevant in industry.


Scott's Later Follow-up Article, Untitled?

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 18:56 + в цитатник

Still, even though I now understand the post better I still think it's terrible, for three reasons. Scott encourages people to sift through the 'manosphere' to find its good bits. But dismisses feminism rather completely, labelling the whole with the deeds of the worst. I mean, I'm not going to defend the piece as a paragon of level-headed, dispassionate critique. But he does at least admit upfront: "This topic is personally enraging to me and I don’t promise I can treat it fairly." Probably How To: Critique Artwork Like A Pro deserves a repackaging in the same way that he decided that this was too spicy for the normies, and rewrote the central insight into this. But I still think that the central insights of Radicalizing the Romanceless are valuable, even if the delivery style is a bit intemperate. But what he does seem to be claiming about the whole of feminism is not that they are all as cruel as their cruelest exemplars, but that the movement as a whole fails to provide any actionable, practical advice for romantically unsuccessful men that is anything like as effective as the best such advice to be found within the manosphere. Article was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

This is hardly a complaint unique to Scott - you can barely go a few days in the wider SSC diaspora without seeing someone complaining that the stated preferences of feminists in how they want men to behave is totally at odds with their revealed preferences (and indeed, the revealed preferences of women in general) in which men they reward with their affection; plenty of people saying that they didn't have any romantic success at all until they actively rejected feminist dating advice and started doing something close to the opposite. We would not expect a movement which is primarily about raising the status of women to devote significant resources to helping less-attractive men find romance. But we would still hope that, to the extent that feminist dating advice to men really is as actively anti-helpful as people are complaining about, one could complain about it without being smeared as a member of team misogyny. Also, 2) my original point, being a virgin is a temporary phenomenon for 99% of nerds. This content was written with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

It's normal to not get laid for a while and how people got the idea it's abnormal is unclear. Where does that 99% figure come from? Article Critique Writing Assignment Help By Experienced Experts - StudentsAssignmentHelp.com find it intuitively surprising, given the figures quoted at the start of section VII of the article we're discussing, but I don't really know how to get a handle on the number of nerds who die without ever having a sexual encounter. But I will say that literal lifelong virginity is probably not quite the issue. More one of 'do I go for years of loneliness, without a long-term romantic partner, while the Henrys around me can pick up a reasonably attractive girlfriend pretty much whenever they want? Being lonely for years, while watching the relative romantic success of people who are objectively offering their girlfriends worse treatment than you would, is not as bad as being lonely your whole life, but it's still a problem, and it's still reasonable to offer such people sympathy rather than vitriol if they express their sadness. 3) Comparing the plight of minorities to incels is an extremely dumb rhetorical move.

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Every analogy carries with it not only the supposedly intended abstract meaning but baggage from the original concepts. You can high-mindedly insist people scalpel off the baggage but honestly most analogies rely in part on the baggage as well as the abstract concept. 5 Tips To Write Afticle Critique follow-up article, Untitled? In it, he explains why accusing nerds in particular of having a sense of entitlement in this area is something like the polar opposite of the truth, under any normal definitions of 'entitled' and 'nerd'. I am not intending to blur the distinction between 'nerd' and 'incel', but the venn diagrams surely overlap to some reasonable degree, and the people in the intersection seem to be who we are mostly talking about in this conversation. Anyway, it's worth reading too, for its argument that actually, when it comes nerds, their celibacy is in fact systemic in a way that is comparable to systemic racism, not merely stochastic. In any case, I think that the famous cartoon, which I will edit to link here if I can ever find it, in which a woman with purple hair explains to a couple of people having an argument, that a rebuttal in the form of "X is much bigger than Y" is not sufficient to gainsay the validity of an "X is like Y" comparison, if the comparison was being made along some dimension other than scale, is relevant. I don't think that Scott ever did complain that the two issues of racism and feminist-bigotry-against-romantically-unsuccessful-men are of equal magnitude, or that he even said anything that could be reasonably interpreted as such by anyone who wasn't going out of their way to interpret his writing uncharitably, but then again, I enjoy Scott's writing style, and may be prone to interpreting him over-charitably, so there could be something I missed.


FAQ — Plagiarism Checker

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 18:43 + в цитатник

WriteCheck is an online plagiarism checker that also provides a grammar checker tool by ETS and a Tutor service by Pearson. WriteCheck helps students become better writers by identifying grammar errors and unoriginal content in written work. WriteCheck was developed with the guidance and input of instructors who saw the need for a simple service to help students identify and correct writing mistakes in a formative manner. WriteCheck is a widely used essay checker by students to check their writing before submitting it to a class. Users range from secondary to higher education students, including a large number of students learning English as a second language. Please visit our customer reviews page to learn more about our users' experiences. What is the difference between WriteCheck and Turnitin? WriteCheck is designed for students to check for plagiarism and grammar or other writing mistakes while Turnitin is used by instructors to check for originality and quality of writing, facilitate peer review and enable online grading of student’s written work.

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Both services search the same database content. Why isn't WriteCheck free? Many free plagiarism checker services end up costing students much more than they think when they find that their essays have been harvested and resold to other students who take credit for their work. We are committed to our customers' privacy and will not redistribute, share or resell papers submitted to the service. What is WriteCheck's refund policy? All WriteCheck credits purchased are non-refundable. WriteCheck will not prorate any unused credits for an account. What is the e-rater technology by ETS? WriteCheck has partnered with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to incorporate e-rater as part of the service. The e-rater technology provides students with immediate feedback on grammar with links to the Writer's Handbook so students can learn how to correct and improve their English grammar. What traits does ETS e-rater technology check? The Harpazo Forum: Watchmen On The Wall provides feedback on the most common grammar traits, as well as on style, usage, mechanics and spelling. This content has been done with the help of Essay Freelance Writers!

NOTE: There is a 64,000 character limit for ETS e-rater checking. Papers in excess of this limit are not eligible to receive grammar checking. How does the e-rater technology by ETS work? The e-rater engine uses machine learning and natural language processing that has been developed over a decade of research to identify grammar errors in written work. The e-rater engine in WriteCheck is the same technology used for automated scoring in the written sections of the GRE and TOEFL standardized tests. How does the e-rater technology differ from grammar checking in Microsoft Word? The e-rater technology feedback is more comprehensive, including additional categories of errors not found in MS Word, and allows for students to investigate and understand writing errors by linking to the Writer's Handbook rather than automatically accepting or rejecting the marks as in Microsoft Word. The e-rater error feedback was designed specifically with student writing in mind.

How do I hide marks? Users can turn off categories of marks in the right-hand navigation of the application. Alternatively, How To Write A Good And Interesting Article Review - A Research Guide can dismiss individual marks by mousing over the marks on the paper. Plagiarism comes in many different forms and is often more complex than people think. What are the consequences of plagiarism? How To Write A Critical Review Of A Journal Article - Ca.EduBirdie.com of plagiarism can be personal, professional, ethical, and legal. What is a citation? A citation is when a writer acknowledges that words or ideas came from someone else and gives that source its proper due. How do I avoid plagiarism? How does WriteCheck check for plagiarism? WriteCheck uses pattern recognition to match the contents of submitted essays against a massive repository of digital content. This technique is different than the text searches of popular search engines such as Google and Bing and produces fewer false positives than search technology designed for other purposes. What content is searched to identify matching text?


Writing An Article Review Online Cheap

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 18:38 + в цитатник

Some students find writing article review very easy. They enjoy the process and always get high marks for their efforts. However, not everyone can agree and for some of college and university students writing article reviews is a torture. If you refer yourself to the group of students who can’t deal with writing reviews, our help is irreplaceable! We have a perfect team of writers, helpful custom support managers, advanced tools, and a huge experience to deliver you the desired result. We work with clients for different reasons: a lack of free time, busy at work, inability to complete papers on time, and insufficient knowledge. We look forward to receiving your order and helping you with writing one of the best reviews in your class. Ask any question that you want to know about our service work and get an instant answer from the online manager. We will provide you with the opportunity to choose the writer, who will compose the paper for you.

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Conducting An Article Critique For A Quantitative Research Study: Pers

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 15:57 + в цитатник

Abstract: The ability to critically evaluate the merits of a quantitative design research article is a necessary skill for practitioners and researchers of all disciplines, including nursing, in order to judge the integrity and usefulness of the evidence and conclusions made in an article. In general, this skill is automatic for many practitioners and researchers who already possess a good working knowledge of research methodology, including: hypothesis development, sampling techniques, study design, testing procedures and instrumentation, data collection and data management, statistics, and interpretation of findings. For graduate students and junior faculty who have yet to master these skills, completing a formally written article critique can be a useful process to hone such skills. However, a fundamental knowledge of research methods is still needed in order to be successful. Because there are The Best Article Critique Services From Professionals published examples of critique examples, this article provides the practical points of conducting a formally written quantitative research article critique while providing a brief example to demonstrate the principles and form. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

Does it reflect the true contents of the book? Does it help in understanding a logical sequence of content? Author biography -- also found as back matter, the biography of author(s) can be useful in determining the authority of the writer and whether the book builds on prior research or represents new research. Foreword -- the purpose of a foreword is to introduce the reader to the author as well as the book itself, and to help establish credibility for both. A foreword may not contribute any additional information about the book's subject matter, but it serves as a means of validating the book's existence. Acknowledgements -- scholarly studies in the social sciences often take many years to write, so authors frequently acknowledge the help and support of others in getting their research published. This can be as innocuous as acknowledging the author's family or the publisher. However, an author may acknowledge prominent scholars or subject experts, staff at key research centers, people who curate important archival collections, or organizations that funded the research.

In these particular cases, it may be worth noting these sources of support in your review, particularly if the funding organization is biased or its mission is to promote a particular agenda. Preface -- generally describes the genesis, purpose, limitations, and scope of the book and may include acknowledgments of indebtedness to people who have helped the author complete the study. Is the preface helpful in understanding the study? Does it provide an effective framework for understanding what's to follow? Chronology -- also may be found as back matter, a chronology is generally included to highlight key events related to the subject of the book. Do the entries contribute to the overall work? Is it detailed or very general? List of non-textual elements -- a book that contains numerous charts, photographs, maps, tables, etc. will often list these items after the table of contents in the order that they appear in the text.

Afterword -- this is a short, reflective piece written by the author that takes the form of a concluding section, final commentary, or closing statement. It is worth mentioning in a review if it contributes information about the purpose of the book, gives a call to action, summarizes key recommendations or next steps, or asks the reader to consider key points made in the book. Article Review / Article Critique Writing Guide -- is the supplementary material in the appendix or appendices well organized? Do they relate to the contents or appear superfluous? Does it contain any essential information that would have been more appropriately integrated into the text? Index -- are there separate indexes for names and subjects or one integrated index. Is the indexing thorough and accurate? Are elements used, such as, bold or italic fonts to help identify specific places in the book? Does the index include "see also" references to direct you to related topics? Writing Critiques - The Writing Center of Terms -- are the definitions clearly written?

Is the glossary comprehensive or are there key terms missing? Are any terms or concepts mentioned in the text not included that should have been? Endnotes -- examine any endnotes as you read from chapter to chapter. Do they provide important additional information? Do they clarify or extend points made in the body of the text? Should any notes have been better integrated into the text rather than separated? Do the same if the author uses footnotes. Bibliography/References/Further Readings -- review any bibliography, list of references to sources, and/or further readings the author may have included. How does the author make use of them? Be sure to note important omissions of sources that you believe should have been utilized, including important digital resources or archival collections. State your general conclusions briefly and succinctly. Pay particular attention to the author's concluding chapter and/or afterword. Is the summary convincing? List the principal topics, and briefly summarize the author’s ideas about these topics, main points, and conclusions. This article has been done by Essay Writers!


Every AP Literature Practice Test Available: Free And Official

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 14:12 + в цитатник

When you’re studying for your AP Literature Exam, you’re going to want to use practice tests and questions to hone your skills. But where can you find AP literature practice tests? And are all practice exams equally useful for you? The real exam has 55 multiple-choice questions and three free-response questions, but there are practice tests with every conceivable number and combination of question types. In https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/writing-ap-english-essay/ , you’ll learn where to find every official College Board AP English Literature and Composition practice exam, free unofficial tests, and paid practice test resources. You’ll also find out which tests are high-quality and how you can best use different practice exams to fulfill your studying needs. The gold standard of AP English Literature practice tests and AP English Literature practice exam questions are College Board released materials. That’s because the College Board administers the AP exams, so their practice questions are most like the actual AP questions you’ll see on the test. This post has been created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

There are three official released College Board Exams. However, only the most recent one (from 2012) is complete. The 1999 and 1987 exams have the standard 55 multiple-choice questions, but both are missing parts of the three question free-response section. You can still use them as complete exams if you supplement them with released free-response questions from past years which we recommend since official multiple-choice problems are hard to come by. This is the best AP Lit practice test available. It's the most recent exam released by the College Board, and it follows the format of the current test with 55 multiple-choice questions and three free-response questions. Definitely make use of this test! This test excludes the poetry and prose analysis questions of the free-response section and only has the student choice question. So, to take it as a complete exam, you’d need to supplement it with questions 1 and 2 from the released free-response questions below. You can actually get question 2 for the 1999 test from the official free-response questions bank, but the excerpt for question 1 can’t be reprinted, so you’ll need to supplement with another poetry analysis question.

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For reasons that are not totally clear, this exam excludes the third essay question, the poetry analysis. If you want to take this as “complete” exam practice, use a free-response poetry analysis prompt from the bank of free response questions linked to below. Or supplement with this tree-poem. There may not be very many complete released exams, but there are tons of free-response questions available from previous administrations of the test. These are great practice, not just for practicing complete essays, but for practicing writing thesis statements, outlines, and so on. What’s also great about these is that most of them come with sample response and scoring guidelines, so you’ll be able to see exactly what makes a high-quality AP essay by College Board standards. Be aware, though, that some of the prose and poetry excerpts can’t be reprinted due to copyright concerns. Below is the link to all the free-response questions available. The questions go all the way back to 1999, and since there haven't been many changes to the free-response part of the exam, all of these questions can be useful during your studying.

The AP English Literature Course and Exam Description has practice multiple-choice questions and free-response questions. They don’t add up to a complete test--there are only 46 multiple-choice questions and a whopping six free response (enough for two tests!)--but they are great for simple practice. Your AP teacher may have access to copies of old AP exams that you can use for practice. She probably can’t let you take them out of the classroom, but she may be allowed to loan them to you in a supervised setting. This is because teachers can purchase resources directly from the College Board that students can’t. Asking your teacher may not bear fruit, but it’s worth a try. Why are you asking me for AP lit practice tests? I'm your econ teacher! In addition to the free College Board resources, there are also several places online where you can get free, unofficial practice tests.


Should You Take AP English Literature Or AP English Language?

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 09:15 + в цитатник

Are you considering taking an AP English class at some point during high school? You might have noticed that AP offers two English courses - AP English Literature and Composition and AP English Language and Composition. So what are some of the differences between the two classes? Is one class harder than the other? Should you take both or just choose one? In this guide, we'll explain the similarities and differences between the two courses to help you decide which option is best for you. Some schools offer AP Literature and AP English Language as a sequence, with AP Language and Composition as a sophomore or junior course, and AP Literature as a junior or senior course. But some schools only offer the courses during senior year, and students have to choose between them. Or your school might not have strict requirements at all, and you might be wondering if you should take both, one, or none.

First we will reveal which course is more difficult. Then we'll discuss the similarities between the two courses as well as the differences. Finally, we will ask you some guiding questions to help you decide between the two classes. Which Is Harder: AP Literature or AP Language? AP English courses, which one is harder? Well, it turns out both AP Literature and AP Language are not super easy to pass, and quite difficult to get a 5 (the highest score) on. Both exams have low pass rates and very low 5 rates. AP Literature has a pass rate of about 52%, while AP Language's pass rate is about 55%. This makes them the making them the 7th and 10th lowest-passed AP exams in 2017 (out of the 38 total exams). Their 5 rates are also low. AP Language has a 9.1% 5 rate. AP Literature has just a 6.8% 5 rate. There are a few factors that could explain why both AP English exams have low pass rates and low 5 rates. The first is the fact that they are both very popular exams. Post has been generated by Essay Writers.

AP Language is the number one most popular AP exam - nearly 580,000 students took the test in 2017 alone! This means that both tests have a very wide pool of exam-takers, which suggests there might be more students who take the exam who are unprepared. However, the fact that their 5 rates are so low suggests that both exams are more difficult than average to do well on. Given that the difference in pass rates is so small between the two tests, it’s unlikely one AP English class is dramatically harder than the other. Which test is harder for you will depend on your strengths and weaknesses, as both AP English classes have different readings and goals. Instead, to figure out which AP English Language & Composition Review is best for you, we'll compare the two classes and the content they cover. First, we will note how the classes are similar, and then we will explain what makes each AP English class unique.

What’s the Same for AP Language and AP Literature? So what are the similarities between AP Literature and AP Language? We will compare both the AP tests and the classes. Writing The Synthesis Essay is very similar for both AP English classes. The first part of AP Literature has 55 multiple-choice questions, and the first part of AP Language has 52-55 multiple choice questions. On both tests section I is worth 45% of your total score. These questions mainly have you read passages and analyze them. The AP English Literature questions focus on literary devices, character, and theme while the AP English Language questions focus on rhetorical strategies and tone. However, both tests include comprehension questions and require you to be able to read complex passages quickly and understand them. The second part the exam is worth 55% and has three essay questions. This means that both exams also require very fast writing skills.

You need to plan, outline, write, and edit three essays in two hours, or in about 40 minutes per essay. Both exams also require you to be able to very quickly read and analyze a text by writing an essay, since the essay questions often ask you to analyze a piece of writing. The only major difference in exam format is that the AP Language exam has a 15-minute reading period before the free-response section, while AP Literature does not. This is to give you time to prepare for the synthesis question, which is unique to the AP Language test. Effective Tips For Writing AP Essay has you incorporate several different sources into a coherent argument. To sum up, the format of the two AP English exams is very similar. You can expect the AP exam for either class to be quite challenging. Both AP English classes are English courses and thus will mainly consist of reading and writing assignments. In particular, both emphasize writing clear, analytical essays.


Essay Writing Tips - Introduction To AP English Literature And Composition

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 07:07 + в цитатник

Tips for writing an AP English essay. Read. Read constantly, obsessively, intensely. In the car, on the bus, in the bath, in boring classes. Don't whine about it, it's good for you. And the great part is, you can read anything you want! Loathe the nasty, wordy classics? Make it your goal to read one every semester, but then read young adult fiction, or mysteries, or even news magazines likeTime or US News and World Report. When you read, you soak up the words, the syntax, the way that the author conveys the tone. With a good author, you don't have to be consciously paying attention to absorb their skill. Study your grammar. No, you don't have to spend hours diagramming sentences. If you have accomplished step one, you should have already learned by osmosis why some sentences sound or look right, and others don't. Pick your topic. Now that you've dressed yourself in great vocabulary and an understanding of grammar and syntax, it's time to pick a decent restaurant; your topic, or in the case of rhetorical analysis or persuasive, your stance.

Write with passion. If it's an open essay, make sure you write about something you are passionate about. If you're bored, it will show in your writing. Ask for help. Ask your instructor whether your thesis is good enough. Your entire essay will be built around this, everything must relate to it. Make sure you are answering the prompt. If you do not answer the prompt if given one, you will get at most a 4. Misreading the prompt is a 5, and writing at a standard writing level answering the prompt is a six. Build your paragraphs. Now we're to the "meal"--the most fun, but also the trickiest part. You're going to cut it up and eat it; that is you're going to let the inspiration flow and build up paragraphs around your thesis. Be creative. Teachers have already read your essay, you don't have to summarize it again.

This article has been done by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

Revisit some points, but don't retell it. Don't reinvent. Definitely don't bring up anything new. If you've found yourself doing this, probably make it a whole different paragraph. Make a general point. If you can find some way to be novel, wise, or basically make yourself sound worldly, do so. Somehow relate all that you've written to the universe. T-title: The meaning of the title without reference to the poem. P-paraphrase: Put the poem, line by line, in your own words. DO NOT READ INTO THE POEM. Only read on surface level. C-connotation: looking for deeper meaning. A-attitude: Looking for the author’s tone. How is the writer speaking? S-shifts: Looking for shifts in tone, action, and rhythm. Don’t just write the number. Discuss how the shift(s) affects the poem. T-theme: What does the poem mean? What is it saying? How does it relate to life? This technique is a useful way to help you enter a piece of literature. Identifying these elements or components will help you organize your thinking as you tackle unfamiliar work. Speaker: Who is speaking in the work? Audience: To whom are these words directed? (Yes, the reader is meant to hear or take in these words, but might someone else be the listener? Who might that other listener/reader be? Might the speaker be talking to himself? Purpose: What is the speaker's purpose in delivering these words? Does the speaker wish to tell, amuse, persuade, inform, reflect, examine, or rant? Subject: What is the subject or theme of this work? Tone: What is the tone or attitude of the speaker? What is the mood of the piece? What devices are used to convey the tone? Post was created by Essay Writers.

You might choose an issue such as dress codes, mandatory classes, or the structure of the school day. You do not have to choose an issue that you have experienced personally. Write an essay in which you use this issue to argue the extent to which schools should support individuality or conformity. Much attention has been given lately to the ubiquitous presence of information techn ologies. Our daily lives seem to be saturated with television, computers, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and MP3 players, to name just a few of the most common technologies. Many people extol the ability of such technologies to provide easy access to information and facilitate research and learning. At the same time, however, some critics worry that the widespread use of information technologies forces our lives to move too quickly. We encounter images and information from the INternet and other sources faster than we can process or evaluate them, and even though electronic communcation has been enhanced, both the quality and quantity of face-to-face interaction is changing. Based on 6 sources.


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