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Means of psychotronic war: raw foodism

Среда, 05 Июня 2019 г. 18:18 + в цитатник
Problem of raw foodism is a problem of evolutionary genesis of humankind and of relations between humankind and spirit of dragon world, spirit of long gone reptilian kingdom.

As we know, world of dinosaurs, world of bygone reptiles, ceased to exist around 65 million years ago. But it left behind quite pronounced legacy in the form of its energetical matrix which included multitude of archetypes, psychic and conceptual fields, and also in the form of other spiritual -energetical insights of ancient reptile history. It is a quite powerful ghost world which through some means managed to survive up until now in spirit form and strives to connect with life to prolong its ghost existence. At some point in history of our world it established connections with various animal species, connections rather successful. It invaded in their archetypes, forming close links, gaining ability to stay in the field of life. And even now many animal species are infected with this reptile origin and reptile spirit is inherent in them.

For example, a vivid representative of such spiritual symbiosis is the Eurasian pig, in which dragon spirit is manifested rather pronouncedly. Moreover, it is one of the most negative cases of such phenomenon. That is why pig’s energetics are so negative. The point is not in pig being dirty animal, the point is in the dragon spirit. There are many other similar animal species, in which dragon spirit is strongly manifested (but it applies to wild animal species, among domesticated animals pig is the one with the most negative spirit, distinguishing it in that regard from all other domesticated species).

Dragon spirit also tries to connect with people and sometimes succeeds in cases of certain individuals or certain family lines. In perspective, it serves dragon’s own evolutionary plans, a project to create specific dragon people, which would be as strongly connected with the dragon spirit as it was with many other animal species. We continue to witness this everywhere during all known history of humankind. All this time dragon struggles to possess men and take its place inside them. And in places where it succeeds, dragon spirit rather quickly turns against other, non-dragon people, and dragon puppets try to drive them out, ruin and destroy them on behalf of the dragon inside them. That is an evolutionary fight to secure dragon origin as a part of this world.

And this fight is going on continuously throughout the history of evolutionary genesis of humankind. From the very first species of men, Dragon was trying to possess them and some of its endeavors were quite successful. Dragon quickly realized, in which direction Nature decided to evolve life, and concentrated all its efforts in that direction. And the very first pre-humans, which started to excel and rise above animal kingdom were subjugated and became another dragon-type creatures as many before them.

It was a hindrance for further development of life and Nature had to take special defensive precautions to overcome dragon’s obtrusiveness. One of the main such precautions was turning humans from herbivores to carnivores, i.e. from gatherers to hunters.

The point is that, overall, dragon spirit is manifested more significantly in plants rather than in animals. That is only natural as plants were created in dragon times, when reptile kingdom was dominant life form, and so dragon spirit is inherent to plants from the moment of their creation. It is weak or even very weak in some plant species (for example, pine, linden), but it is rather evident in majority of wild plants (and only artificial selection of plants helped to get rid of dragon spirit to a certain extent).

And so, when Nature started to reform herbivorous animal-primates into something more than a mere animal, it turned out that herbivorousness was the main access route for dragon spirit. Not matter how Nature tried to shield those primates from effects of dragon forces, they easily gotten through plant food, food that was heavily infected with dragon spirit. And Nature prompted those primates to become carnivores, because in majority of animal species dragon spirit was significantly weaker, and many even didn’t have it at all. And all such animals could be consumed without the risk of forming connections with obtrusive dragon spirit. Carnivorousness was the barrier that protected pre-humans of that time from excessive influence of Dragon (and, naturally, it became a more nutritious diet component, which facilitated better functioning of their brains).

Later, there were many more struggles between Nature and Dragon for those humans, which were being formed in God’s likeness; battle between God and rejected Serpent, but carnivorousness was the first victory of God in fight for man and the most important one. God commanded consumption of meat as the main source of nutrition at that time. Moreover, up to now meat is a necessary part of our diet, if not the main one.

Nowadays, many crop varieties lost connections with ancient dragon spirit by becoming very different from nature analogues after long path of artificial selection. They may be consumed without risks of being caught by Dragon. Nevertheless, consumption of meat is not only necessary and more nutritious type of food, it is also archetype test for belonging to elevated above animal kingdom humankind, for belonging to the kind of creatures, who are in God’s likeness.

And now, directly to raw foodists. Their main mistake is probably their lack of understanding that physiological phenomena are inseparable from accompanying psychic and conceptual phenomena. Any phenomenon of nature is always a complex, which inherently has some psychic potencies of this complex, some conceptual fields of meanings, which were historically included in it and which define its functioning.

And when we undertake some special and evidently distinct dietary practice, not only we undertake it physiologically for being something we consider to be proper, we also unite with all aspects of such complex, that historically matches this practice and accompanies it in form of psychic and conceptual fields.

In this case, case of raw foodism, we connect exactly with those first pre-humans, who were herbivorous gatherers and raw foodists and who were possessed by dragon spirit. We connect with archetype of those pre-humans, their spirit, combined ancestral-dragon spirit with all its problems and shortcomings. Not only do we find ourselves in a field of considerably more primitive psychic forces, we also fall under power of negative dragon forces, affecting us negatively. We connect exactly with them because there was nothing alike after them. At least among our direct ancestors such raw foodism did not exist anywhere else. Only they were raw foodists. Even if there were vegetarians later (or almost vegetarians), they consumed fire-cooked food. And such primitive raw foodists were only those pre-humans-gatherers, which gathered only what Nature was giving them. One can see something proper in returning to such primitivism if only under the influence of dragon spirit, which manifested itself in those pre-humans and which strives to acquire control over current humanity as well.

When a person becomes raw foodist, it rather quickly falls into state of possession by spirit of first species of Australopithecus, a state of possession by their primitive archetype forces, intertwined with even more ancient dragon world. Raw foodism is not comprehending something more truthful, it is possession. Nothing more.

And it is accompanied by all qualities that define possession. First of all, by becoming a raw foodist, one becomes more irritable. Especially evidently it shows in the first periods, in the process of subduing of one’s psyche by ancestral-dragon forces. It is natural for many other cases of possession – looming upon one’s head forces provoke one and cause outbursts of irritation, all for better invasion – and this case is merely not an exception. Later, after some time and when possession is successfully accomplished, person becomes more equable, but still has the inclination to unmotivated hysterical reactions and other inadequate behavioral forms.

This elevated initial irritancy of raw foodists is quite well known. Type “vegetarians irritability” into Google and you will find plenty of examples. I wanted to add a couple of vivid examples, but whatever quotations I tried, negative energetics always appeared, so I gave up (those who are interested, can easily find all this online).

Some raw foodists notice even complete inadequacy to the point of lunacy – altogether, process of turning to a raw foodism diet has a profound effect on one’s psyche. After some time, certain degree of tolerance takes place, and some settling down of possessing forces after successful invasion also contributes. But in the beginning, in the first months of conversion to such dietary practice and connection with those very dragonized ancestors, perturbations in psyche can be rather pronounced. Raw foodists themselves explain it in different fashions, from excretion of toxins to agony of energetical parasites (who lose connection with host because of the new dietary practice). One does not need to be very perceptive to observe that instead they are actually in process of connecting with quite a powerful parasite.

That being said, sometimes they have moments of some sort of enlightenment, feelings of alleviation and freedom, but such states come sporadically and they look not so like true elevated and enlightened states as imitations of those, some external delusions, imitating enlightenment. Which is rather natural as a way to lure people into raw foodism trap.

Additionally, very specific types of insights tend to appear which make all the shortcomings and vices of the people around and of the entire world evident. Moreover, many of those shortcomings are perceived quite aggravatedly in such states and lead to resentment towards world and to self-isolation from such world. That is one of the typical tricks for shifting psyche of a person into their area with aims of devastating it. More detailed review is given in the chapter titled “King Pea” (Russian – “Царь Горох”) of the part part of World’s Deepest Secret (Russian – Сокровенная Тайна Мира).

Degradation of such individuals is also quite evident. They become rather superficial and not quite adequate in terms of normal thinking process. But here is another trap ready for them – the more one is superficial, the more intelligent one considers oneself, so hardly any of them will admit such degradation. It could only be objectively seen by onlookers.

Altogether, they become very subjective. Raw foodism becomes their idée fixe, they expect some simply impossible benefits from it and do not desire to see all negative side effects that begin to manifest in them (they just don’t pay attention, considering it accidental small stuff). At the same time, they greedily catch every glimpse of something higher, which inspired them to embrace raw foodism, and each such mirage is considered to be of high significance. It is more a state of delusion, than dedication.

As the sum of all its manifestations, raw foodism evidently shows itself as typical case of possession, insanity even. And it is accompanied by many phenomena that are common to mental disorders. In many cases it acquires clinical symptoms and looks like plain continuous sluggish schizophrenia. Though I’m not a psychiatrist, all such conclusions should be made by them. But to onlookers it seems quite unsightly. And to be caught in this one can only because of inexperience and complete incomprehension of what and how is manifested in spiritual matters.

Raw foodism as social movement appeared somewhere in 60s, but started actively spreading and propagating in our time, after experts of a certain kind looked into it and discovered it as another tool for suppression of human mind. Current magnitude of raw foodism propaganda is not the achievement of raw foodists themselves, it is only one of the implications of ongoing psychotronic war. Raw foodism is used by our enemies (and even wider – by enemies of mankind) as a mean of psychotronic war.

There are some other considerations, which are worth sharing in connection with this topic. For convenience, they are given as separate paragraphs.

1. All these spiritual entities and forces of Australopithecus, which become active along with raw foodism, were quite well known to our ancestors, and they have their own counterparts in mythology. To the biggest extent they correspond to trolls, creatures from popular now northern-europe mythology. It is said that trolls were giants, but if we recall that we are talking not about souls of individual Australopithecus, but their archetypes, egregores of various tribes and other energetical constructs of wider nature, which in spirit take general anthropomorphic appearances, then it becomes quite natural that they look much bigger than an individual person. It is also said that trolls are carnivorous and like to eat human meat. But here, it is nothing more than an image, depiction of the fact that they parasitize humans, consume them in spirit, consume their souls. So one of the varieties of trolls quite corresponds to our primogenitors. And raw foodism directly leads to possession by trolls. And nothing more. Alas.

2. Someone may wonder, how they were called in earlier times of Rus? There existed exactly the composed name “praschur” [prʌʃju:r] (in Russian — пращур; in modern language refers to «ancestor»). In the proto-language the very word «ur» described the reptile origin, and three main varieties of reptiles had the following namings: «yaschur» [‘jaʃju:r] for dragons (dinosaurus), «schur» [ʃjur] for lizards (translator’s note - pronunciation is very close to “sur“ part in “assurance”), «shura» [‘ʃu:rʌ] for snakes. Our Aryan ancestors (translator's note — of Slavic peoples, more information can be found in books «World’s Deepest Secret» and «Internet discussions 2008-2018: collections of selected topics» - Collection 37, on Aryans; both in Russian), whose language pertained characteristics of the proto-language to the largest degree, called exactly lizards as «schur». In application to distant ancestors it had, by analogy, an allegorical meaning and was used for people with serpent-like psyche. Such a person, though having looks of a human with arms and legs fully intact, had behaviour surprisingly close to a reptile - lizard, «schur». That was the reason for such naming, «pra-schur», i.e. primal ancestors («pra») of reptile (dragon) psyche. And that is why any elaborations on «praschur-dragon» seem to be redundant (translator’s note — for Russian native speakers) because reference to reptiles is embedded in the very word «praschur». Raw foodism arouses the activity of those primal praschurs in a person.

3. In regard to irritancy, it should be noted that some people become less irritable after converting to raw foodism. This effect is observed not only by raw foodists, but also by vegetarians and those who gave up on red meat. But the point is not in red meat itself, the point is in pork meat. Irritancy in some people is caused by such meat, and it is true for people who naturally have energetical sensitivity, who can sense spiritual matter in some ways. They suffer from irritancy and many other negative things if they consume pork. Others are also affected by it, only they cannot sense such things and it is not so evident in their case.

4. Generally speaking, raw foodists are looking in the right direction. Certain habits of food allow one to be purified from lowest spiritual influences to some extent, become healthier and vigorous in terms of spiritual energetics, to rise up to interaction with forces of higher levels. However, line of separation here is not between meat and plant products. One needs to know energetics of each specific type of food product and to be able to distinguish products belonging to different categories. There are good, high-grade products among both plant and meat products, as well as not so good and even entirely bad ones. One needs to know all the specifics and not follow certain unsubstantiated considerations of general kind. As for specifics, they are given in chapter ”Keys from Heaven” in World’s Deepest Secret. Given there is a big table in which all food products are divided into five categories. To achieve results desired by raw foodists, one needs to refrain from consuming products of the worst, fifth category. Moreover, much additional information is given there.

5. Besides vegan diet, i.e. vegetarian raw foodism, there is also meat raw foodism. All of the above mentioned ancestral effects do not manifest themselves in that diet, and it could be practiced without risk of invoking negative forces. Nevertheless, one should not consume pork and other meat products of fifth category. It is hardly worth it to consume only raw meat, it is acceptable, probably, to mix such raw foodism with cooked meat products. Still, raw meat is more beneficial, of course, and it is preferable to consume it.

6. Normal vegetarianism does not show effects of possession by ancestral spirit or, at least, not distinctly manifested ones. At the same time, it does not lead to spiritual cleansing, which is often one of the desired objectives of this practice. Many plant products have significantly more negative (mostly reptilian negative) energetics than majority of meat products and this closes any road to purification. And to eat plant products without distinct negative energetics means having clearly insufficient nutritional value in one’s diet. Vegetarianism, as it stands, is quite reasonably criticized for such insufficiency. And, by the way, it is also pushed on us as on of the means for besotting people, causing our brains to work in states of superficial thinking.

7. Meat products have some sort of negative which is connected with slaughter. When animals are killed, they tend to fall into negative psychic states and that negative is later fixed in their flesh and then it is transferred to people who eat it. But mostly it is not strong enough negative to deny one’s diet meat products. To dampen that negative, it is better to kill animals in non painful ways. It would be more right to fight for wide implementation of such practices rather than surrendering meat in our diets. Moreover, our ancestors practiced fasting and during fasts they didn’t consume meat to be purified from such animal negative. The Great fast which lasted 7 weeks through February and March was the main one and it was already enough for such purification. Protocol for conducting such fasting is also available in World’s Deepest Secret, Christians do not conduct this fast entirely correct.

8. For the sake of objectiveness it should be noted that in some instances vegetarianism and raw foodism could be beneficial for keeping one’s organism in a state of certain spiritual purity. But that could be beneficial only for elderly age after many years of going down the path of spiritual development. It happens when levels distinctly higher than those of ordinary life are attained, and such people are no more reachable by ancestral spiritual forces of lowest spiritual levels. Even in that case distinction is made and plant products are selected according to their levels of negativity. Clearly, such people must have their own sufficiently developed sensitivity to be able to feel such negative in food products. And even such vegetarianism and raw foodism is not for everyone. These practices attract people with weak spiritual frames, who are good in terms sensitivity, being exceedingly sensitive to spiritual energetics, but not having enough spiritual strength. It is relevant for them to try to avoid literally anything with negative energetics, they are defenseless in the face of it. Also, it could be relevant for those who reached intermediate results in their development, but have neither time no strength for something more. And in such their states they are similar to sensitive but weak people. To try to be like them in younger age is truly unnecessary. Majority of people do not depend on their herbivorous diet for spiritual development.


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