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Women are main victims of psychotronic war

Суббота, 01 Июня 2019 г. 23:30 + в цитатник
Degeneration of a family line begins with degeneration of a woman. And on the whole, degeneration of women leads to degeneration of humankind.

Women are a weak link in the chain of humankind degradation. They have less resistance to degradation. It happens due to many reasons, but the point is in the fact itself – if you want degradation of peoples - start with women. For certain influential groups these are well-known trivia. And during the process of our degradation women are the main targets of degradation forces and those unpeople who are concerned with degradation of people and who invoke degradation forces.

As to how such degradation takes place, this was extensively covered in the article titled “Psychotronic war”:

https://renessans.blogspot.com/2016/11/psychotronic-war.html (link in english)

Here I will shortly repeat the principles by which such degradation is exercised:

- Multitude of forces of spiritual (biofield, energetical) plane exist in nature and they can connect with people in some circumstances and negatively, in a degradational way, affect them.

- People can create such circumstances themselves and by that summon such forces even when they do not realize it.

- Such circumstances could be imposed on people by various external means. That includes advertising campaigns aiming to make some practices or things attractive without mentioning negative consequences and leaving ignorant to be pulled into resulting negative consequences.

- Just like that, informational and directly promotional means are employed to involve us in this kind of improper circumstances by our enemies, prompting us to some things which will imperceptibly affect us in negative and degradational ways.

All such activities connected with invoking degradation forces negatively impacting mind and psyche of humans are a kind of psychotronic influences. These influences are a part of psychotronic war which is being quite successfully waged by our enemies for a long time already.

That war is waged, among other things, against one’s own population to degenerate it for easier manipulation. This war started simultaneously with the emergence of democracies and it is an inherent quality of democracy itself. Starting with evident point that in a complex social system democracy is not really the rule of people. It is more of a deep whirlpool with influential forces interested in status quo and populations can’t really oppose them with any kind of attempted self-governing. These forces are of demonic and devilish kind, apt to covert and clandestine actions and proficient in the arts of secret manipulations.

These forces created democracy itself as a convenient system for manipulation of nations and are inherent parts of democratic systems, initially present in them.

These forces, in particular, for manipulative purposes, vigorously create and advertise such an image of women, that it would be different from natural one and would have elements uniting with devilry and demonism. By copying that image women fall under sway of degradation forces. Which forces bereave and devastate them, making their life as miserable as possible, affecting their psyche and families destructively.

What is this image like and how is it created? Let me present a few basic examples:

Example 1. Shoes with high heels. The point here is that walking in such shoes shapes the foot close to that of a goat – from positioning to movements. In case of sufficiently high heels comparison can be quite apparent – not so a woman walks as a goat on its rear legs. And goat-type leg can be found not only in goats but also in imps. And when a woman puts on high heels and reshapes her gait she summons, first and foremost, exactly the imps.

Satires and sileni – creatures of Lucifer’s spiritual world, also have goat-type legs. If one has additional propensity for connection with them, then it could be them to be summoned by gait assimilation. For example, women with red hair (or with hair dyed in red) usually summon sileni because they once had bright red indumentum.

Imps, satires and sileni are ghosts and spiritual forces of creatures who once inhabited Moon and Venus, but were destroyed by cosmic cataclysms, which fell on the respective celestial bodies. I give detailed account on those events in World’s Deepest Secret (Russian – Сокровенная тайна мира), and all interested can familiarize themselves with it.

http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/olfedorov/post155815578/(book in Russian)

The main point here is that there are certain spiritual entities which since ancient times were called imps, satires and sileni. Along with their spiritual forces they are happy to grasp any possibility to get access to people and parasitize on them. Wearing high-heel shoes and likening one’s gait to theirs is an excellent opportunity for such access.

According to accepted legends, high-heel shoes were put into practice by a certain favorite of one of the last French kings. She was quite a shorty and used high heels to seem higher. Ever since, they say, it came into fashion.

Origins of the phenomenon are entirely irrelevant, forcing down of this fashion began with democrats rising to power. And, of course, it was forced down quite deliberately due to the above mentioned reasons.

We are being told that high heels are beautiful. It can appear beautiful only to women themselves, women who were already pulled into delusions made by these forces and who are no more able to see things clearly. From outside, if one looks at such walking impartially, it looks unsightly, sometimes even ugly. But men tolerate it. They tolerate it because…

We are being assured, that high heels are sexy and hot. In truth, there is no sexyness there, only convention. It was agreed that high heels are sexy, and when a woman wears them it means that she wants to look sexy. And this is a sign that she wants a man. And men respond to that. Just as well, instead of high heels, women could wear signs with lettering: “Want a man”. Men would find those tablets sexy and even beautiful. It is the same with high heels.

But all these assurances and reasons are work of the devil. They are sophisticated designs to force women to summon the very wicked forces, which would very thoroughly ruin their lives.

Example 2. Long fingernails. Then again – we are being told… And we really start to believe… But beauty of all this is so dubious. Especially for painted fingernails.

The main point here is that such fingernails were a feature of Neanderthals. They naturally had very thick nails and specifically grew and sharpened them to use them as claws. It was their weapon, always at their disposal. Thickness of those nails allowed for such applications. To modern women it is positioned as an adornment and simultaneously… as a perfect opportunity to get them closer to Neanderthals, to summon Neanderthal spirit through this assimilation and drag them down to those primitive levels.

But it is even worse than that. Neanderthals’ spirit is not simply a primitive one, it is a spirit of rakshasa, malicious demonic entities with vampiric inclinations, which torment and ravage everything they can for easier consumption. And practice shows that not so many of long nails fans retain mental health. Maybe only during their younger years, while psyche is still not that worn out. But as it goes on, things get worse.

Example 3. Cosmetics. When a woman puts on a make-up, she, in essence, puts on a mask and changes her appearance, masquerading to be someone else for some purposes. In this context, she masquerades to be someone prettier, to look more beautiful. But that is only a secondary effect. Central point is that she masquerades, tries to imitate someone, hiding her natural appearance.

And by that she summons a spirit of pretence along with various cunning forces of demonic nature, which are immanent to that spirit. And all this she summons upon her own head, which later acquires hypocrisy, slyness and many other ill traits. And psyche of which later falls into turmoil and plenty of other things, exhausting this head in multitude different ways.

A mask is a mask, even if this mask was put on nominally, purely in a symbolic fashion. It is a special domain, where special forces are at play. And the use of cosmetics connects with them, one way or another.

The only exception could be artists and actors, but it is a game for them, and certain forces are there for them, allowing them to remain in boundaries of this game. But for women, seriously expecting to get another appearance with paints and brush strokes, it all happens seriously.

And beauty of all this is so dubious… More of a suggestion. More like women seem prettier to themselves in their delusions, than they seem in that perspective to men. Men only tolerate this. For only trivial reason that it is considered sexy. And similar to the situation with high heels, not so being sexy as being a sign. A tablet with “want a man” lettering. Well, if you put on such a tablet, men will certainly be flattered. Even if this tablet makes your appearance a little unsightly or even openly unbeautiful. All the same, “let it be taken for beautiful”.

Example 4. Short haircuts. Main reason of all women’s misfortunes.

The fact is - hairs allow one to sense spiritual substance significantly better, they are even called antennas for connection with spiritual world. They enhance intuition, extrasensory sensitivity and some rudiments of telepathic sensitivity. And if in case of something bigger, i.e. extrasensory and telepathic sensitivity, it is required to have some talent in the field, intuitive sensitivity is immanent to all women and hair enhance this sensitivity quite well.

This is very important for a woman. Her very mentality is intuitive and without intuitive sensitivity she grows blind. Becomes a besotted creature, who does not understand neither external world, nor how to behave in it. Becomes a silly woman. That very silly woman with “female logic”, which we’ve gotten used to observe.

Instead she is cropped according to the latest fashion, always “latest fashion” of short haircuts which our democrats tirelessly impose on us. And which, according to their opinion, are very sexy.

As for long hairs, which give a woman more feminine looks, they are, for some reasons, not sexy. But it is now customary to assume man-likeness to be sexy. It, for some reasons, so excites those democrats.

That is not to say that length of hair should be down to one’s waistline, but those short haircuts, which are constantly imposed on women as fashion standards are clearly not enough. Not enough for hair to be able to perform their natural functions as additional organs for perceiving spiritual world. For women such functionality of hair is vital. Short hair – short of intellect. For women correlation is unambiguously direct. Opposite is not always so unambiguous, but for majority of women long, at least down to middle of shoulder blades, hair considerably contributes to more clear understanding of the world.

The point is not only and may be even not so in the fact that short hair dampens women’s mind. The problem is also that in such dampened states women’s psyche sinks to levels where primitive archetypes are active. And those archetypes start to play the role of those same psychotronic generators, blocking work of a mind with energetics of their levels, fixating it in its more primitive levels and hindering ascent of a mind to more advanced levels.

That is why when a woman cuts her hair and falls to that simplified level (but from inside – to level of complicatedness, for everything becomes more complex for her on this “simple” level), she falls in a pit, a psychic trap. And to get out of this trap takes additional efforts for many women, even if they grow back their long hair.

So it is hardly worth it to experiment with haircuts. It is better to have long hair.

Example 5. Dyed hair. That is a complex matter. One may, probably, dye hair without negative after-effects in particular cases. For example, dying silver hair in one’s natural color. Biofield energetics will hardly change to something worse. Many other cases of changing hair color also seem to be safe.

But at least two cases of hair dying evidently demonstrate negative after-effects. Those cases are dying into red and black.

Neanderthals were red-haired. Sileni, main demonic entities of Lucifer world were also red-haired. And humans with red hair naturally adopt an image close to those above mentioned. And because spirits of those forces look for any excuse to connect with people, such assimilation never comes without price. Connection, with both of the above mentioned forces, forms pronouncedly. Even more so, they get along quite well and do not prevent one another from such connections.

But for as far as it can be judged form natural red-haired people, connection forms primarily with sileni. And common to many red-haired impudence, brashness, bravado, cynicism and inclinations for manipulations arise primarily form this connection. Even up to development of some spiritual abilities of demonic and witch-like type.

In general, red-haired are people too and usually they are not that happy with such outbursts. It’s no accident that many of them dye their hair and try to leave such things behind.

But our women are, on the contrary, being told something about reds being “some of the most attractive people living today”, fashionable red hair and other such nonsense in order to establish the opposite trend. Do not buy that, ladies. This will bring you not only “vigor”, but many other mental issues. Demonism is demonism. It is better to stay away from it. Only naive ones play with such things, and only because they do not quite realize what is what. Those are spiritual forces rejected by God and being in state of decay and failing - it is better not to get into contact with them.

Many women have to face similarly deplorable consequences after dying hair in black. Image of “hot brunettes” is also extensively popularized, but that is a deliberate policy, focused on pursuing above mentioned agenda. It is one case when an individual naturally has black hair, and another when one recolors his or her hair in black. In that case one assimilates not to the image of brunettes, but to black (dark) forces. Even more so that colorants for brunette hair are black to a degree not occurring naturally. Here can be seen an intentional trap for pushing individuals into the dark and to forces of the Dark. With all the consequences, that such journey implies and which consequences many experienced first-hand.

On the other hand, blonde women are ostentatiously ridiculed to the point of mobbing. And artificial mobbing at that. Is there some reason for such policy?

As for all other colors and shades, I won’t even try to bring this up except for one detail. All this dying is needed not so much for men as to women themselves. Although they dye hair exactly for men to notice them, to seem more attractive in their eyes. “Not at all! Men are irrelevant here! I’m dying my hair to be more attractive in general… to.....to” – but those are just poses. And so women endeavor, try that shade and that, and with every iteration see themselves as more and more irresistible. And later they honestly wonder why men don’t take any notice of it. Even feeling offended by such neglect. Well, men just don’t need all that! They couldn't care less about it. They are, in principle, unneedful of it. These are delusions of women. And the fact that it works on level of delusions along with sticking to this delusions is characteristic in some way. And that characteristic is alerting.

May be it is better not to change one’s natural hair color at all? There is some natural pigmentation there after all, some biochemistry at work, some energetical processes, and suddenly – dying. Doesn’t some internal conflict, some disharmony occur in such process? Don’t know, don’t know…

Example 6. Painted nails. Fingers are another organ of energetical sensitivity. To sense energetics of some item, it is sufficient to take it and hold in hands – and energetics will echo in the whole body. And, depending on degree of sensitivity, one can even make an impression of item’s energetics. Especially sensitive in that regard are fingertips. When fingernails are painted, this sensitivity is distorted and considerably diminished. As it is with short hairs, this case has its own negative after effects.

Painting nails blocks normal work of hand’s energetics and energetical interaction with external environment. In energetical sense, it truncates an individual in question. And through hands it distorts one’s energetics in general.

It is also known that spiritual forces are able to manifest their presence in painted items through color affinity, i.e. they are able to manifest in items of color or combination of colors, which match their color or combination of colors on spiritual plane. For example, black-blue combination of colors is able to summon imps, gray-green and red-green can summon Lucifer’s forces, yellow-green – dragon forces, yellow-purple – Sirius dragon forces and so on. Black color can summon forces of Dark in general, it simply summons most blackened, most extinguished of negative forces (and most dangerous ones for that reason).

For nails, as it is with hair, it is especially important because they are organs of energetical sensitivity. And such colors of nail polish as pearly, purple and black severely deform one’s energetics and deform it in a clearly bad way. Especially black color, which is so persistently advertised to women.

It is better not to paint nails at all. Beauty of hand only wins from that. If it appears to be the opposite, then it is only because of delusions, which try to get control over women as much as possible.

Example 7. Rings, earrings. Here it is not so much the case of democrats, as a general decline of human civilization in later millennia. It is acceptable to assume that earlier, when energetical sensitivity of many people was quite sufficiently developed, there was knowledge of which rings and when perform what functions. Later, with the loss of general body of spiritual knowledge, this was also lost and people started to wear rings in mere imitative fashion, not quite knowing the specifics behind.

At some time I witnessed the following case. One of my acquaintances had a case of developing stye. This thing is painful and continues for a long time, so he turned to some old woman physician for help. She made very simple thing – tied a linen thread on one of his fingers and told to wear it like that. On the next day stye was gone.

Here we have an evident case when a certain change in finger’s energetics affected the whole organism. And it was not about acupuncture, it is entirely different matter. Aura (biofield) of finger was simply changed by simple tieing – and evident results appeared in something absolutely different.

The same is with rings. Wear a ring on one finger – get one result, another finger - another result. On one fingerbone effect is such, on another is different. Rings with different stones act in different ways even more so. As to how – no one knows, they just talk nonsense with a knowing look. All semi-precious stones, de facto, have some sort of negativity, some are overall bad…

Is that worth it to wear all this on fingers? One puts on rings on one’s fingers in some way and then, for some reasons, sickness starts to come and fate begins to change in inexplicable ways… And all such things happen so gradually, come so imperceptibly… One cannot even guess, where did this come from…

But you can be sure that you will meet quite a number of “experts”, which will assure you that a certain ring on a certain finger with a certain stone will bring terrific happiness and many other sweets of life. Do you really need to test what exactly that “terrific happiness” is and what “sweets” it brings along? Especially considering the fact that something always compels such “experts” to conduct mischief, for some reasons.

Fingers play important energetical role – is that worth it to meddle with this process? Nature did not call for their decorations. That way we can only distort natural work of a hand and the whole organism.

It is also appropriate here to recall manicure in a similar context.

It is quite possible that earrings also fall into that category. Flap of the ear is an important energetical part of the body; it has many acupuncture points, which affect very nearly the whole organism. Some of its additional functions we cannot even fathom, but it is not a coincidence for so many acupuncture points to be in one place – why would one need to hang some rubbish there? Is it that safe?

More natural are decorations that one puts on as clothes, i.e. various jewelry chains, pendants, necklaces and brooches. Rings and earrings are really and truly redundant for people.

Example 8. “High fashion”. This time it is definitely about democrats. It is hard not to notice that all areas of so-called high fashion are occupied mainly by Judaists and Masons. Functioning of this field along with its advertising is supported artificially. Why would that be? Exactly to shift images of beauty into an area of perverse imagery, arising in heads of those perverted with assistance from the forces they are possessed by. It all comes down to politics, first of all. That very antihuman politics of remaking humankind, which is discussed here. Even though, initially, it is anyone’s guess as to just how politics are connected with all of it.

And all such ostentatiously unnatural images are being created again and again. And they are constantly being put into reality, regardless of their absurdity and ridiculousness. If not whole images, then, at least, some elements.

Later such images and their elements open a way for manifestation of those clearly ill spiritual forces which possess creators of this fashion. And such images act as psychotronic generators, subjugating and perverting women’s psyche, trying to lower it as much as possible. Such is that low and sinister “high fashion”.

It tries to make woman look as morally turpitude as possible. Speculating, as a rule, about eroticism and allegedly erotic images.

It is enough to recall fashionable at some point low-rise pants. Women were vehemently told that this half-fallen out bottom looked terribly erotic. Opinion of men was ignored. It is assumed by default, that the more woman reveals her intimate parts of the body, the more man is attracted by that. Women are being taught that men are animals who see women as no more than a doe. And that they definitely cannot feel any disgust towards such obsceneness.

If you are interested in creating an eye-catching woman image, ask men about it. Conduct respective sociological study. Only, who will make it objectively with all such policies in action. Policies which imply that you should not ask, but inspire “those blockheads” that such blockheaded does are just what they need.

Here are good lines, posted by one blogger, reflecting men’s point of view:

“I’m interested, has anyone ever explained publicly to the fair sex, that bottom falling out of pants – is by no means sexy. No matter how beautiful your buttocks are, from such perspective they look ugly. Because when belt line is lowered too much it breaks hip line. As the result, outlines of woman body, which subconsciously arouse sexual unrest in men, are broken and do not arouse any unrest anymore. Imagine if man would tie some private part of his body in a bowknot and then wonder, why it arouses only laughter in beautiful half of mankind. Bowknot, after all, is so much more beautiful!»

http://www.newsland.ru/News/Detail/id/374487/cat/10 (in Russian)

However, our creators of “high fashion” are not bothered by such elementary basics, such letters of image creating. They are bothered by something entirely else.

To summarize, image of a “fashionable woman”, which is being diligently produced by democrats during few previous centuries of their rule, almost entirely consists of elements, designed to negatively affect women’s psyche. To degenerate them and their lives, to lower them as much as possible and to make them as low and befuddled creatures as possible. All that is done in order to primitivize humankind, turning them into a dumb, easily governed mass. And behind all those “fashionable images” stay creations of occult-type psychologists, who are somehow familiar with mystical matters and who try to pull women under the effects of negative mystical forces.

If one looks at such a “fashionable” woman impartially, one can see that she looks quite unsightly and even dreadful. With cut and dyed hair, painted face, with long painted half fingernails-half claws, with some ridiculous goat-like stilts – a sort of a Fury, meant to be personification of all evil and filth. A witch-type creature, symbolizing demonic origins. Do you think all malicious forces of the underworld will stay indifferent to such an image and won’t try to manifest themselves? Of course not. Image is an image. And image compels.

And then to add here half-fallen out buttocks…. That is some image….Well, yes, humorous elements defuse some of this nightmarishness.
Women are constantly being convinced that in such way they look more beautiful, become more attractive and desired, but no one bothers to ask men, how do they actually perceive all that. Men couldn’t care less about all such women’s artifices. They simply do not notice any of it. They notice only the fact itself: woman tries to present herself somehow – it means she wants a man. And only to that fact they react. If women, instead of current gimmicks, demonstrated some other kind of mannerisms, men would react exactly the same way.

All these subtleties about how exactly she puts on mascara, how she rouges lips, what shade her hair are dyed in and the rest of it – these are all delusions of women inside their own heads, delusions caused by those images they aspire to. Men just tolerate that. They appreciate the fact that a woman tries to look ornately to attract their attention.

Women succumb to entirely different delusions: some nonsense about her being attractive in her quality as a fine and graceful creature, something about underlined femininity and other nonsense. Which, in that case, is nonsense because it has nothing in common with reality. In reality, it only amounts to displacement of natural women's’ desires to unnatural areas, where they are entirely inappropriate.

Women imagine that such an image is a woman’s true image, and not an image of trivial lasciviousness. And they imagine, that in such image they will be able to find a faithful partner in life. And later it turns out that all men are bastards and that they only need one thing. Sorry, dear ladies, how you present yourself defines what you will get. Image of a whore is an image of a whore. Not one normal man sees his future wife in such images. Only a completely blinded by this image’s delusions woman could think that she would be taken seriously in such an outfit.

Men react to this paintedness-clawsness-high-heeledness not because such women seem to them more feminine, beautiful or attractive. They react to a tablet “Want a man”. That is merely a sign to them, telling: “I’m actually ready, but I need you to run around a bit and find your way to conquer me”. Gracefulness of woman’s image has no relation to that. It is an entirely different matter.

You know, ambiguity is very well developed in Judeo-Talmudic style of speech. Same phrases there are made to be perceived in different fashions by their own and by outsiders. On account of it they try to tell lies in such a manner that it had a different implied sense, distinguished only by their own. Having some skill, one can easily decode such undertones.

I mention it here because one such deception on BBC radio stuck into my memory. The conversation was about “how a woman can present herself when using a dating service”: should she try to be natural or is it better to put on some makeup. And radio host gave an example that one woman did not use any decorations and had taken a photo in her natural appearance – and only one man called her. Another woman was dressed up to the latest of fashion standards – and twenty men called her. And all listeners were prompted to obvious conclusion. And supposed conclusion to be made was quite obvious.

It is not hard to understand, what was left offscreen in such an ambiguous construct: in first case the woman married that one man who called, in second the woman tried all twenty options and became a whore, never actually marrying anyone.

So, dear ladies, when “well-wishers” assure you that by being “fashionable and stylish” you become more attractive they, in fact, do not tell direct lies. But something stays offscreen…

Don’t worry, please, that you will receive less attention, once you stop to get into all this dreadful fashion styles. As a matter of fact, you will only look more attractive. And you will receive less attention because you will be taken more seriously. You will be seen as a person. And judged by your inner content. With all the same but now more serious intentions.

But for presence of such content one has to work. And work not with cosmetics. It is a more serious kind of work, but that work is worth it. Because it gives so much more, it gives one the ability to pass from a painted shallow person into a real woman.

And we men, in that case, will love you even more.

By falling in traps of high fashion, you only push away serious attitude towards you and push away real love.

Instead, you acquire the entire world. The entire world of foolish passions and all kinds of misfortunes. Everyone choose for themselves, of course, which is closer to one’s aims.

However, this article was not intended for those to whom “the entire world” is to their taste. It is for those, who are attracted by normal human love and capacity to be a worthy individual.


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