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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 20.12.2007
Написано: 23

Данный блог является своеобразным списком любимых (и просто хороших) фиков как русско-, так и англоязычных.
Комментарии и предложения приветствуются.
This blog is the list of my favorite (and simply good) fics in russian and english as well. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Do not hesitate to correct my poor english.
Thank you.
Niveus Canis

Sottomesso // English

Вторник, 19 Февраля 2008 г. 14:35 + в цитатник
Sottomesso (by SoftlySweetly)

Harry disappeared from magic world. Why? After seven years Severus accidentally found Harry.

"Folding his legs, Harry rested his hands in the vee of his thighs and thought back over the times he'd disobeyed orders. "I don't know. I can, I mean; I have disobeyed orders before, or fought against them. But it hurts. So maybe it's kind of… if disobeying the order would hurt less than following the order, then I disobey it. I don't know; it isn’t really something I've had experience with."
Severus nodded absently, mulling over the words in his mind. It made sense, that an order could be disobeyed if the pain of following it would outweigh the pain of disobeying it. "And what if you receive orders that conflict? How does that feel?""

"Smiling, Severus undid the buckle and reached his hands up, snapping the buckle into place at the nape of Harry's neck. Resting his hands on Harry's shoulder, he appreciated the simple black leather contrasting with Harry's tan skin, and couldn't resist tracing his fingertips over Harry's neck, feeling the ridge of the collar and the smoothness of Harry's skin. "You look so handsome, Harry. So utterly perfect. When we have fulfilled our obligations, we will come back home and you will wear nothing but this collar for me.""

Summary by author: Pulled back from death by a boy he hated, Severus pays Harry no more heed until he bumps into him ten years later. But Harry is not the boy Severus remembers, and the changes Harry has undergone have the power to twine his and Severus' lives forever.
Рубрики:  HP/SS
Fandom HP
post war


Двадцать лет спустя // Русский

Вторник, 19 Февраля 2008 г. 14:17 + в цитатник
20 лет спустя (by meg)

Как понять, кого ты любишь на самом деле?

"- Не видишь, - сокрушенно сказал Гарри. – Ничего-то ты не видишь, - он всхлипнул еще раз.
- Поттер…
- Гарри, - поправил его Гарри, с трудом сдерживая слезы. – Ты даже имени моего произнести не можешь! – на этом месте он все-таки не выдержал и заплакал – очень уж ему стало себя жалко. Цветочки на потолке взволнованно зашумели.
- Черт, По… Гарри, - быстро поправился профессор. – Ну что ты делаешь, остолоп? – испугался он, глядя, как его больной заливает слезами подушку. – Не смей реветь!
- Ы-ы-ы-ы! – ответил на это Гарри. - Ну почему ты меня не любишь?
- Твою мать!!! – схватился за голову профессор. – Ты в своем уме?
Гарри топился в слезах.
- Черт, По… Гарри, прекрати реветь.
- Не лю-у-у…
- Да с чего ты это взял? – в полном отчаянии воскликнул Снейп.
- А чего ты меня тогда не схвати-и-ил? – очень, на его взгляд, аргументировано ответил Гарри. - Ы-ы-ы-ы!!!
- Гарри, не смей! Поттер… да что ты… ладно, - сдался профессор, очевидно, вспомнив золотое правило о спорах с сумасшедшими. – Давай схвачу.
Гарри просиял и тут же перестал реветь.
- За что хватать-то? – тоскливо поинтересовался Снейп.
Цветочки радостно зашелестели.
- Что? – переспросил их Гарри. - За что?
- За что, за что, - подтвердил профессор, решив, видимо, что Гарри обращается к нему.
- За меня, - расплылся в улыбке Гарри.
- Что?
- За меня, - уверенно повторил Гарри и показал на потолок. – Они так сказали. Хватайся за меня, - и он приглашающе похлопал по одеялу.
- Гоподабогавдушумать! – скороговоркой выплюнул Снейп, скидывая ботинки. – Они сказали! Хорошо хоть они не сказали облить меня бензином и поджечь, - ворчал он, откидывая в сторону край одеяльной горы. - Двигайся давай, садовод-любитель."

"- Или о том, с какой радостью он рисковал собой, лишь бы в очередной раз спасти вашу шкуру? - повысив голос, отмахнулся от его возражений Малфой. – И как он страдал при этом от вашей ненависти? А может быть о том, как легко он пошел на смерть, зная, что после того, что он вам покажет, вы наконец-то перестанете его ненавидеть? – с холодной яростью продолжил он, отвернувшись от сжавшегося в кресле Гарри. - Нет, мистер Поттер, ничего подобного он мне не говорил. Как ничего не говорил о том, как вы обошлись с ним, когда узнали о его чувствах. Он скорее отрубил бы себе руку, чем позволил бы себе обсуждать такие вещи даже со мной. Но это не значит, что я слепой, - он повернулся к Гарри лицом. - И будь на то моя воля, клянусь богом, я бы вас… в чем дело? – нахмурился Люциус."

Авторское саммари: нет
Рубрики:  HP/SS
рус. оригинал
Fandom HP
post war


Things I Never Knew // English

Суббота, 02 Февраля 2008 г. 14:04 + в цитатник
Things I Never Knew (by youcantseeus)

Sidestory Owned

Harry is absorbed in his emotions. Self-torture is not the best road to adulthood.
Snape has son?!

"As he looked out the window, he could see Snape and Caydon standing on the platform. Caydon was waving at him enthusiastically, but Snape merely looked at Harry, unmoving. Harry thought of how much things had changed since last year. Last year he had hated Snape and had never even considered what the man’s personal life or past might be like. He had never known that Snape was Owned or that he had a family. Last year, as Harry had went home, he had been on his way down. With every day, he had become more angry, more hopeless, more depressed. Now, Harry was on his way up and with each day, he gained a little confidence and felt a little more like he could live a normal life."

"“Well, those marks, they’re given to people who are Owned.”
Harry had no idea what that meant, but he could tell by the tone in Ron’s voice that “Owned” was capitalized. Obviously whatever Ron was trying to say was significant.
“What?” Harry asked.
“Owned. . . it means. . . well, I don’t really know that much about it. It’s not something that is freely spoken of in most circles. See, some wizards – some very rich wizards – they sort of Own other wizards. They can legally control those wizards and get all the benefits from their labor.”
Both Harry and Hermione gaped at him, but (as Harry soon realized), they were thinking very different things.
Hermione found her voice first. “So you mean they’re slaves!” she shrieked."

Summary by author: When Snape’s son comes to Hogwarts, Harry discovers secrets about his Potions Master that he never imagined and Snape learns a few things about Harry as well.
Рубрики:  severitus
Fandom HP


The Things We Do For Freedom // English

Суббота, 02 Февраля 2008 г. 13:43 + в цитатник
The Things We Do For Freedom (by gemlou137)

Draco stole Harry from Azkaban. Draco got marriage and escaped Pansy. What got Harry?

"The past year had been incredibly hard on Harry. He’d been under house arrest until that summer and even then he needed a disguise in order to go outside and that was with Draco as his escort. Harry had felt himself nearly go insane with the boredom and anger that his situation caused him to have. He hated being locked up and despite his determination to make it through the rest of his life like this he at least had human contact during his exile. Now, with Draco going away and Narcissa taking up medi-wizardry there was a very slim chance he’d have contact with anyone for weeks at a time."

"Through you I live. I have life because of you, and you have life because of me. You are the light in my dreams and you are the love of my heart. All I should have had I give to you. All the love I should have had I give to you. What ever you want, I want too. What ever you do, I will stand by you. I shall explore the world through you. You shall forever be the life inside of me and I shall forever be the life that was lived for you and I shall live through you. My son, my eldest, my light I shall always love you and I shall never leave you."

Summary by author: In order to get Harry out of prison and hidden away Draco needs to get married.
Рубрики:  NC-17
Fandom HP


Saviour Forgotten // English

Суббота, 02 Февраля 2008 г. 13:27 + в цитатник
Saviour Forgotten (by Kalliopes Kiss)

Harry killed Ron? Can you believe this? No? Oddly...

"...hand brutally slapped against his cheek cut him off. He looked up into the face of none other than his Godfather, Sirius Black, who, thanks to him, had been freed when Harry had found a certain rat lurking around Knockturn Alley. Unfortunately, he had been poisoned before he could give away any information regarding his Masters return, but even Fudge could not argue with the fact that since he was alive Sirius had to be innocent.
"I am ashamed of you harry potter. I am no longer willing to be called your godfather. You are nothing to me."
Sirius best friend and recent husband Remus Lupin put a hand on the angry animaugus' shoulder. "Sit down, Paddy." he whispered comfortingly.
"Remmy.." Harry rasped.
The werewolf glared at him. "Shutup harry. Your parents would be so ashamed of you. You are not James and Lily's son. They would hate you for this."

""NO!" He yelled, throwing Voldemort back. Riddle's eyes went wide at the use of Wandless Magic. He ripped out his daggers, hurling them, both ripping into both of the Dark Lords arms. Love.the only thing he didn't understand.the one thing that could defeat him. He saw Severus throw down a vial, which exploded, throwing the Death Eater's into the air. His eyes met Aidens. "I. Love. You." Aiden cried, and blinding white light shot from his hands, enveloping the Dark Lord, and covering the battlefield, spreading past Hogwarts, covering the whole grounds, everyone was temporarily blinded."

Summary by author: Harry Potter is charged for a crime that he didnt commit, betrayed and forgotten my those he holds dear.
Рубрики:  HP/SS
Fandom HP


Me, Myself, and I // English

Суббота, 02 Февраля 2008 г. 13:10 + в цитатник
Me, Myself, and I (by EmySabath)

So, about... 12? persons live in Potter mind. Who will know about it? Snape as usually.

Snape is mentor in this fic not father.

"Severus watched Harry run out after the Voldemort with a sinking feeling in his gut. There was no way the boy was ready to face his destiny; he couldn’t even face his own memory yet! With an agonizing amount of pain – but nothing that matched up to the Cruciatus – the professor straightened himself out."

"Something pale flashed in the thick night and the potions master quickly followed it, bringing himself closer. It was, indeed, the door to the subconscious, but he was a bit puzzled by its appearance. The door was thin wood painted white, but oblong, tapered toward one end as if under a slope or a set of stairs. Severus touched the handle and it opened, revealing a room that, by the size of the steps in the ceiling (he had been right, it was under the stairs) should have been too small to fit one grown man, let alone the group of a dozen or so people he saw inside, but it had obviously been enlarged. A child’s cot filled most of the space, yet was large enough to come up to Severus’ hip."

Summary by author: Harry has had a hard life, harder than anyone knows, even himself. What happens when Snape finds out that Harry's mind couldn't take the strain and fractured, leaving the BWL with MPD?
Рубрики:  severitus
Fandom HP


Babies can teach a lot of lessons // English

Воскресенье, 20 Января 2008 г. 17:27 + в цитатник
Babies can teach a lot of lessons (by preety-lady-serenity)

This story is very funny. And I learned many things about little babies. How you should speak with them? How you can teach them? How you live with them? Snape is absolutely adorable man and Harry is absolutely adorable baby.

"Taking the stuffed toy from the floor he offered it to Harry, who let a “Bibi” of excitement. Then turning to look at the Potions Master with grateful eyes, he wrapped his miniature hands around Snape’s head. The raven-haired man’s eyes enlarged from shock, mostly because a small part of him enjoyed this representation of affection. “Umm . . . Potter. . . It was no big deal” he stated uncomfortably getting outside the room."

""Sevvus,” the toddler said shyly, when they entered the chamber, while he kept his miniature hands behind his back, “Mimone say today is day of love. So, me made this for you.”
Harry brought his hand forward and gave him a folded piece of paper. Snape took it carefully and unfolded it. A sloppy childish picture of a pink heart was drawn in it. Baby Harry stared at his guardian, who kept his eyes transfixed on the piece of paper.
A long-necked woman with blond hair stared at the picture he had presented her and silently torn it to pieces, before throwing it into the waste basket.
Baby Harry started shivering slightly, while his guardian kept looking at the picture.
“I think it is a very nice picture Harry,” Snape said faintly, “Than-”
Snape had no time to thank the boy, for Harry moved forward and hugged him burying his head inside his robes.
“On, no, not another hug” a voice whispered inside Snape’s head."

Summary by author: Harry turns into a baby after an accident in Potions and Snape is assigned to become his gaurdian. But can Snape take care of a baby? And especially a baby like Harry? Alternative Universe, written before the HB.
Рубрики:  severitus
Fandom HP


Лучше поздно // Русский

Среда, 16 Января 2008 г. 23:38 + в цитатник
Лучше поздно (by Mummica)

Прекрасная, лаконичная, законченная вещь. Почти недостаточно жестокая. Трогающая сердце.
Вещь от лица Гарри, но центрирована на Северусе. Немного детектива.
И ничего лишнего.

"Его зелья. У него не осталось, как он сам сказал, ни прошлого, ни будущего, авроры ежедневно делают все, чтобы смешать его с грязью, школьники ненавидят, — но у него есть его зелья, в которых он разбирается, наверное, чуть хуже, чем господь бог в устройстве мира, и уже одно это дает ему право держаться с таким достоинством."

"Конечно. Все, что ты хочешь… все, что хочешь — разве я хочу чего-то другого? И я принимаю его, вжимаясь в сильное поджарое тело, скольжу ладонями по ниточкам шрамов, пробегаю кончиками пальцев по выступающим позвонкам — и он беззвучно ахает, наконец перестав сдерживаться, и поцелуи, то быстрые, то ошеломляюще глубокие, лишь разжигают пожар, пылающий внутри."

Авторское Саммари: Война окончена. Поттеру, проходящему стажировку в аврорате, поручают надзор за выжившим Пожирателем номер один. Но в первый же вечер Гарри узнает о ненавистном ему человеке кое-что неожиданное…
Рубрики:  HP/SS
рус. оригинал
Fandom HP
post war


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