
  • (23)
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  • (2)
  • (143)
  • (34)
  • (2)
  • (59)
  • (6)
  • (830)
  •     (140)
  •     (6)
  •    Madame la FEE (6)
  •     (2)
  •     (447)
  •     (69)
  •     (65)
  •     (5)
  •     (84)
  • (812)
  •    , (395)
  •     (6)
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  • (923)
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  •     (167)
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  •     (34)
  • (1400)
  •     (172)
  •     (815)
  •     (8)
  •     (43)
  •     (282)
  •     (27)
  • (369)
  •     (258)
  •     (12)
  • (6)
  • (60)
  • (23)
  • (136)
  • (1)
  • (46)
  • (7)
  • (2)
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  • (24)
  • (16)
  • (140)
  •     (40)
  •     (2)
  •     (7)
  •     (38)
  • (1250)
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  •     (2)
  •     (4)
  • (101)
  • (72)
  • (24)



 - e-mail



: 13.02.2012
: 8270
: 113
: 8737



: (24), (72), (101), (1250), (140), (16), (24), (35), (15), (28), (29), (92), (167), (13), (93), (2), (7), (46), (1), (136), (2), (23), (60), (6), (369), (1400), (923), (812), (830), (6), (59), (2), (34), (143), (23)

!!! 1200 -

, 11 2020 . 20:27 +
5819 [ + !]

!!! 1200 - .


200 ,

, 17 2019 . 19:07 +
watson71 [ + !]

200 ,

, .

. . , , 40 .


, . , «», «», «», « », — him. .



. 1-4

, 29 2018 . 22:48 +
11111 [ + !]

. 1-4

1 (487x700, 193Kb)




, 29 2018 . 22:44 +
11111 [ + !]


1 (488x700, 236Kb)



- !

, 29 2018 . 22:39 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

- !


1 (533x700, 317Kb)

2 (533x700, 325Kb)




, 11 2018 . 21:01 +
11111 [ + !]


01-gjtXfVp6E54 (522x700, 310Kb)



, 11 2018 . 20:55 +
justvitek [ + !]

4208855_AJ8VMxmPJE0 (604x302, 32Kb)


«It» , : 
Where is the book? It is on the table. – ? . 
My cat is very funny. It run and jump all day long. – . . 
, «He», «She» «It», «-s» «-es» -ch, -x, -sh, -ss, -s, -o: 
He loves me. – . 
She opens the windows every morning. – . 
The dog likes to bark. – . 

«it» 3 :




, 11 2018 . 20:49 +
VIPs [ + !]

100 ?

5745884__3_ (604x362, 129Kb)
1. ,
arise, arose, arisen (, )



, 11 2018 . 20:46 +
SvetlanaT [ + !]


1 (700x476, 235Kb)
2 (700x524, 178Kb)


? 1

, 11 2018 . 20:45 +
_ [ + !]

? 1

. . , . . , , - , .

, , , -, , . .

, - : , , ! ( ) . , : , , , , .

: , - , , . , , - .

, , . , , - - . !

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()

put-put-put ()
begin-began-begun ()
cut-cut-cut, ()
shut-shut-shut, ()
light-lit-lit, ()
hit-hit-hit. ()
ring-rang-rung ()
, , run-ran-run. ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Dig-dug-dug , ()
Come-came-come . ()
: Go-went-gone, (, )

fight-fought-fought, (, )
catch-caught-caught. (, )
bring-brought-brought, ()
get-got-got. ()

bite-bit-bitten, ()
eat-ate-eaten, ()
learn-learnt-learnt ()
burn-burnt-burnt. ()

meet-met-met, ()
keep-kept-kept. ()
, lose-lost-lost, ()
cost-cost-cost. ()

fly-flew-flown. ()
grow-grew-grown. ()
, blow-blew-blown, ()
know-knew-known. ()

find-found-found ()

become-became-become. ()
Give-gave-given ()

feed-fed-fed ()
- !

let-let-let. ()

lead-led-led: ()
dwell-dwelt-dwelt , ()
lie-lay-lain, ()

break-broke-broken ()
draw-drew-drawn, ()
Build-built-built . ()

Show-showed-shown ! ()
Shine-shone-shone, . ()
See-saw-seen . ()
Say-said-said : ()
Swim-swam-swum , ()
Spring-sprang-sprung ()

Read-read-read ()
Tell-told-told sing-sang-sung () ()


------ 75 % ---400 !

, 30 2018 . 23:56 +
_ [ + !]

------ 75 % ---400 !

77994749_023413179 (455x245, 82Kb)


  -----   ! ! !

  ------  400    ---- ---------        75  %  --------      ! ! !-----


      ---- --------            ! ! !   -------        -----


        ..... .....    ...      ----      ----- 400 ! ! !


  ----  -----     3  .    (        ) -----      


"  ......  ....    "  -------        (  "   - "      "   ------

          ! ! !  ------  3    (     1  )  ----     120  -------


  4    -------        .......(    ......(    )  -----    400  ! ! !


    ---    .   ! ! !          -----    ! ! !        ! ! !

        ------  .  ! ! !         ------          ----

        -----    --------        -----      ---- 

.....    .....      30       "  "   ! ! !          ---  ----

      ......  .....(      )  ---  ----     ! ! !


  -----------     -------    . ---------- -------     ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !      ! ! !




  ......  (      )  --------        -------(    ...    ---     ) ! ! !

   4    (    ---- ---  )  ----        "  ! ! ! 

  4          ! ! !   ----   ---(--- ----   .)

-----      -----  ---  . ------    3        --- 

13 .  ---  1    .--- 10        3      ---  130  ----  400  ! ! !  ---

    .--   1  -----      400    ! ! !    75  %  . .  ! ! !







, 30 2018 . 23:55 +
vipstart [ + !]


1515152037_FransBday_Fiesta (600x200, 60Kb)

8 - , .

, .


1 - -
2 - ...
14 - 15 YouTube
15 - -
16 - .



, 30 2018 . 23:52 +
vipstart [ + !]


1515152037_FransBday_Fiesta (600x200, 60Kb)

8   - ,   .

, .



1 - -
2 - ...
14 - 15 YouTube
15 - -
16 - .



, 01 2018 . 21:33 +
The_blond_goddess [ + !]


1 . I don't mind. - .
2 . I think so. - .
3 . You'll make it. - .
4 . That's the whole point. - - .
5 . Easy! - . . .
6 . Calm down. - .
7 . Don't worry. Relax. - He . . .
8 . It makes things easier. - ( / ).
9 . I haven't given it much thought. - / . ( )
10 . It serves you / somebody. right. - / - .
11 . You'll hear from me. - / .
12 . It's going to be all right. - .
13 . You bet! - !
14 . Do you want me to help you? You bet! , ? !
15 . Sounds good to me. - .
16 . Time's up. - .
17 . Hear me out! - !
18 . I couldn't reach you. - .
19 . Let happen whatever would happen. - , .
20 . It never crossed my mind (that)... - , ...
21 . Don't mention that. - .
22 . I don't give a damn / a shit - , : Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason.
23 . Tell him whatever you want, I don't give a shit. - , .
24 . Get out of my way. - .
25 . Get lost. - . . .
26 . You have a point there. - . / .
27 . I mean it. - . / .
28 . I want to buy your house. I mean it. - . .
29 . Let's get to the point. Let's hold to reason. - .
30 . So far so good. - .
31 . It's not that I don't... - He , ...:
32 . It was not that he didn't love her. - He , .
33 . Don't be silly. - . .
34 . You know better than that. - ( ).
35 . Don't worry, I can make it on my own. - He , .
36 . Not likely. Unless ... - , . ...
37 . No reason in particular. - . .
38 . Why do you ask? No reason in particular.
39 . Suit yourself. - . . , .
40 . Suit yourself, but I've got a work to do and I won't go to Paris. - , - , .
41 . It never occurred to me that... - , ...
42 . I meant only the best. - .
43 . Tend to your own affairs. - . / .
44 . Think it over. - .
45 . Coffee? If it is no bother. ? .
46 . You are on the right track. - . .
47 . Come on. Let's get this over with. - .
48 . Whatever is to be will be. - , .
49 . Here's what we'll do. - .
50 . It beats me. - .



1 - !
2 - ?
3 - .
4 - .
5 - 18 :)
13 - .
14 - :
15 - : -2

" ":

1 - .

 : [1]