

[ ]

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( : 1)
( : 2) axeeffect_ru __


: 26.01.2008
: 98
: 18
: 140


, 19 2008 . 15:51 +
Pink_Unicorn (To be continued...)


  • 0 / 1 /, False/True .

  • 10x (. Thanks)

  • 14AA41 (. One for All and All for One)

  • 2 (. to , , ) , (: 2 ).

  • 2U2 (. To you too)

  • 3.14 ( )

  • <3 (. Love (a sideways heart) - ( )

  • 4 (. for ) , 4U (. for you) .

  • 4Q (. fuck you)

  • 4YI . FYI

  • @TEOTD (. At The End Of The Day) , ( )

  • :) - ()


  • ASCII art (́-, ́-) ASCII

  • AFAIK (. as far as I know)

  • AFAIR (. as far as I remember)

  • AFK (. away from keyboard) ( , )

  • AKA (. also known as) , .

  • ANY1 (. anyone) -

  • AOP (. authorized operator) , (IRC)

  • ASAP (. as soon as possible)

  • ACK (. acknowledge) 1. 2. ,

  • ASL (. Age/Sex/Location) / / (, )

  • ASLMH (. Age/Sex/Location/Music/Hobbies) / / / / ( )

  • ATM (. at the moment) ,

  • AAMOF - (. as a matter of fact)


  • b4 (. before)

  • BB (. Bye-bye) !

  • BBL (. be back later) ( )

  • BBS (. be back soon) / (. bulletin board system) , -

  • BCNU (. be seeing you)

  • Bgg

  • Black art

  • Black magic

  • BMN (. but maybe not)) ,

  • BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell ( -), .

  • BRB (. be right back) ( )

  • BSoD (. Blue Screen of Death) (, Windows, )

  • BTDTGTTSAWIO (. been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and wore it out) , ,

  • BTW (. by the way) ( )

  • BYE? (. Bye) ? ( ; BYE , )


  • C4 C#. ( C++ , ; C# ; C# - -)

  • CU l8r (. see you later)

  • CUL (. see you later)

  • cya (. see you around, : see ya)


  • ENQ? ? ( ACK NAK)

  • EViruS , , , -. , .

  • EZ (. easy)


  • FAQ (. frequently asked questions) ( ), ( ) λ ( )

  • FYA (. for your amusement)

  • FYI (. for your information)

  • FFS (. for fuck's sake)

  • FTW (. for the win) ,

  • FQTANN (. Foolish question. To answer it is not necessary) . ( mail.ru, cooper-cooper)

  • FU (. fuck you) ...


  • G2G (. got to go)

  • GA (. go ahead) ! ( , )

  • GF (. good fight) ,

  • GG (. good game) ,

  • GGG

  • GJ (. good job) ! ()

  • GL (. good luck) !


  • HF (. have fun) . GL (GL&HF!).

  • HTH (. hope this helps) , .


  • IIRC (. if I remember correctly)

  • IMCO (. in my considered opinion)

  • IMHO (. in my humble opinion) ()

  • IMNSHO (. in my not so humble opinion)

  • IMO (. in my opinion)

  • Imba (. imbalanced) ( ), ' '

  • IRL - (. In Real Life)


  • KISS (. keep it simple, stupid!) , ! ( : , )

  • KS (. kill steal) ( ). "No ks!"- , , ( ).


  • lawl . LOL

  • LMAO (. laughing my ass off)

  • LOL (. laughing out loud, lots of laughing) ( ).

  • LU (. love you)


  • m8 (. mate) , . (. meat) ( ).

  • MCSE Minesweeper Consultant & Solitaire Expert . . Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.

  • miss . , ( , ,)

  • MORF (. male or female) ?


  • N1 (. nice one)

  • NE1 (. anyone) ANY1 -

  • NFC (. No Further Comments)

  • NH (. nice hand) , .

  • NP ( ) . No problem

  • NSFW . Not safe for work


  • OIC (. oh, I see)

  • OMG (. oh, my God) ,

  • OMS (. Orbital Maneuvering System)

  • OMFG (. oh, my fucking God) OMG,

  • OMW (. On my way) - ,

  • O RLY? (. oh really?) ? ( , YA RLY, NO WAI)


  • PM (Private message) , IRC

  • PPC ( . ) ; PowerPC

  • PSC ... **

  • PSDC **

  • PTFM (pay the fucking money)


  • R (. are)

  • ROTF (. rolling on the floor) ( ROTFL)

  • ROTFL, ROFL (. rolling on the floor laughing)

  • ROTFLMAO, ROFLMAO (. rolling on the floor laughing my ass off) ,

  • ROTFLMAOSTC . ., scaring the cat , /

  • RTFM (. read the following (fucking, fine) manual) (, ) ; , , FAQ . , . Read Tutorial, Follow Manual ,


  • STFU (. shut the fuck up)

  • STFW (. search the fucking Web)

  • SNAFU (. situation normal, all fucked up) , ( - - )


  • THX (. thanks)

  • TFHAOT (. thanks for help ahead of time)

  • TLDR (. too long, didn't read) [],

  • TTFN (. ta-ta for now) ?

  • TTKSF (. trying to keep a straight face)

  • TTYL (. talk to you later) ( )

  • TYVM (. thank you very much)

  • THFG (. thanks for game)

  • TY (. thank you)


  • U (. You)

  • UT (. You there) ?

  • UTSL - (. Use the source, Luke) , ( )

  • UW (. you're welcome)


  • Voodoo programming - ; , ,


  • W8 (. Wait)

  • WB

  1. (. Welcome Back) ,

  2. (. Will Be) ; ; ; ;

  3. (. Write Back) ()

  • WBR (. With Best Regards)

  • WCD (. What's Cookin' Doc?) ?

  • WHBT (. We Have Been Trolled)

  • WOA (. Work Of Art)

  • WTF (. What The Fuck) WTF ..?,

  • WTH (. What The Hell) ?


  • Y ( ) , (WhY?) - ?

  • YDAY (. yesterday)

: [1] []


: ( )
