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: 22.11.2013
: 1473
: 14
: 1481



, 04 2016 . 06:57 +
_ .


Foundation Chain: Multiples of 32 + 11

Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

1 tr/dc decrease

Double treble / Treble – d.tr / tr

Quadruple treble / Triple treble - q.tr / tp.tr (yarn over 4 times)

Cluster of 3 d.tr / tr - cluster

Stitch - st

Row 1: : skip 12 ch, * 9tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 9ch, skip 1ch; rep from *, 9tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 9 ch, 9 tr/dc in next ch, 5ch, 1 q.tr / tp.tr in last ch, turn.

Row 2: 3 ch, 1tr/dc in first ch below, * 1ch, 1 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, skip 1ch, 1 tr/dc in next ch, 1ch, 1 tr/dc in first tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in third tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in fifth tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in seventh tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in ninth tr/dc below, 1ch, 1 tr/dc in first tr/dc below (in next group of 9 tr/dc), 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in third tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc decrease in fifth tr/dc below and in fifth tr/dc of next 9 tr/dc group, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in seventh tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in ninth tr/dc below, 1ch, 1 tr/dc in first tr/dc below (in next group of 9 tr/dc), 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in third tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in fifth tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in seventh tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1st, 1 tr/dc in ninth tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 1ch, 1tr/dc in next ch, 1 ch, skip 1ch, 1tr/dc in next ch, 1 ch, 1 tr/dc + 1ch + 1tr/dc in next ch; rep from*. At the end of the row work last 2 tr/dc of repeated part without 1ch between. Crochet these stitches in fifth ch of previous row. Turn.

Row 3: 12ch, * 9 tr/dc in next tr/dc below, 1ch, skip 4tr/dc below, 9tr/dc in fifth tr/dc, 1 cluster in top of decrease stitch, skip 4 tr/dc below, 9 tr/dc in fifth tr/dc, 1ch, skip 4 tr/dc below, 9 tr/dc in fifth tr/dc, 9ch; rep form*. At the end of the row instead 9 ch work 5ch and q.tr / tp.tr in third ch, turn.

Repeat rows 2 - 3 until you have reached your desired length.

Color combination with grey and blue


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