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Создан: 08.05.2006
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Суббота, 27 Мая 2006 г. 21:32 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - W.A.S.P.


 (400x300, 19Kb)

Понравилось: 37 пользователям

But my dreams they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be

Четверг, 18 Мая 2006 г. 17:44 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Behind Blue Eyes - Silvertide

There’s this place, we all have it, deep down in our gut. A place that twists and aches, a place that can make you sweat, make your palms tremble, keep you rooted in one spot barely able to move, change your voice to a soft whisper or make you fall to the floor fainting or puking. That place that is triggered whenever you’re afraid. I mean really afraid of something. For some people its spiders or bugs, for others it’s leaving their house or getting on an airplane. There are as many fears as there are people in the world really. We each react in our own individual way to that fear.

One of the most common is stage fright. Fear of speaking or performing in front of large groups. There are books and therapy tapes all over the place, everyone has some good advice for you, advice we know well. Picture the audience naked or in their underwear, be ultra prepared so there is no room for error, practice, practice, practice until you’re comfortable standing in front of a crowd. Start with one of two of your closest friends and then try it with more until you feel like you can handle it.

I have stage fright, but not the normal kind. I used to have it a little, I'd throw up before I went onstage, but as the audiences got bigger, I got less scared. What I have now and have always had, is what they call reverse stage fright and most people just laugh and shake their head about it. If you’ve ever seen me onstage you know I have no problem doing or saying anything up there. I’m not afraid of the crowd, I love them. I don’t need to picture them naked, I just ask them to show me. “LET’S FUCK!”

I’ve got my best friends up there with me, guys I trust with everything, and I’m like the monkey at the circus or the tightrope walker, performing without a net. I’m the gypsy at the carnival who lures you into the show and takes your money while you aren’t looking. Smooth and easy and wild. Wild.

That boy on that stage is a rock star and he is wild and sexy and only one part of me. The other part of me takes over when I'm off stage. I don’t know what it is, but one on one or one on two is harder for me than a whole crowd. I’m not confident in my ability to make conversation or hold anyone’s interest. Even people who tell me they love me; I think silently that they just aren’t seeing everything about me. I wonder if they love me or the picture of me I’ve painted for them.

I’m too shy to just be Jonne, so I wait until I see how you are and then I make a Jonne for you. It’s something people with reverse stage fright do. It’s common. They either sit in the corner, live alone, only function in large public situations, which trust me is pretty much impossible, or they become adept at being onstage all the time. They deal one on one with people as though they were whomever that person needs or wants to see. It’s not a lie, nothing sweet and deceitful, it’s just a way to survive. That or drinking heavily or using drugs that make them forget what they were doing or be less inhibited about it. Not the safest way, but it gets the job done.

There are a few people, less than you probably think, less than anyone knows, who see me. I don’t always like it when they do. I get afraid and shy and not sure what to say around them and it takes them loving me so much, without half the return to convince me that they aren’t going to leave if I leave the paint at home.

I hear it’s a lack of personal confidence that causes it. Or that it’s just another random phobia. That it can be caused by anything. Doesn’t really matter what caused mine; it’s just the way it is.

Edit: Happy Belated Birthday Sebastian Bach. I should have done this before. I suck.

I'm in hell and the angels cry cause I'm trying to sell my soul

Вторник, 09 Мая 2006 г. 14:34 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - The Vaselines
Настроение сейчас - Teenage Superstars

When I was fourteen, I promised myself that I would never allow myself to be abandoned by anyone else ever again. The promise, I scribbled in my notebook of thoughts and lyrics, saying, "I will not be the one with the most to lose, if ever they leave me like my father does over and over. I will not be the one with the most to lose tonight or any other night in the future."

I've lost and I've loved, and relished every ounce of the pain because with the pain came a primal understanding of the animal-self beyond the thinking-self. Animal-self acted in passion and hunting for survival; thinking-self rationalised and studied as a way to discover survival.

Once I met someone who had never had anyone tell him they loved him. He weighed well over two hundred pounds and he was over six feet tall. He used double negatives and taught me how to throw a punch. See, you have to slide a little and then lean into it, so you're hitting with your body not just your arm. He never called me "skeleton" or said I looked like a girl, like the others did. He showed me how to make liquor from apples in case I ever went to prison, that some drugs are made in bathtubs, and he would smuggle in cigarettes taped to his dick everytime he ran away and give them to me. I was the first person in his life who had ever said I love you. When I said it, it was the first time since he was a child that he had cried.

The first time I met him I was supposed to be sleeping on a mattress in the hallway, they had run out of beds and Ville needed one more than I did, so I'd ended up there. He was brought in by two cops, his ankles shackled and his hands cuffed behind him. When they unlocked him, he ran up and down the hallway screaming. Each time he reached the end of the hallway, he would slap the walls with his palms like an animal in a cage. This was a different sort of zoo, I realised then. Not a hospital or a prison, but a place where you went when you were a kid and no one wanted you for one reason or another.

A girl, Ruusu, was fourteen, the same as me. They would send her to the quiet room because she would scream because she hated her stepfather. When she would get in the room, I could hear her singing. This was my lullaby. They eventually took her someplace else, I'm not sure where, but on the way out she gave me her wristwatch. Time, she said, doesn't matter here. It's all the same.

That was never true for me, thanks to my mummu, grandmother for anyone who might not know. She couldn't take us, but she loved us and we knew it. i knew it. I knew she loved us and she did everything she could for us. She came and she smiled and she laughed. I could call her anytime. My father brought me a guitar, but she kept me alive and made me someone who wanted to play it. Everything I know about love, I learned from her. She was and still is a miracle.

It was almost Halloween that first year,and I pretended I was still home to everyone I knew, making the possibility of very close friendships at school, minimal to none.

We had a Halloween party, at the orphanage and I was allowed to wear make up. They gave us finger-paints, and on the windows that overlooked the courtyard we painted pumpkins and autumn leaves. It was Halloween, and we could have punch and cookies and pretend to be who we really were. Ville drew hearts, I painted music notes and wrote all the words to my favourite song of the moment. An anorexic painted a skeleton on the far left panel. The girl who sang hymns in her room every night carefully painted crosses on tombstones. She had buried something her religion disallowed. One painted cobwebs. He had been there for a long time. We all painted ghosts. Our bodies were trapped. We were free.

The next morning, the windows revealed the world again, the oak tree surrounded by brick walls that barely offered the light of the sun. On the ground was a thin veil of white, a whisper as if something long dead had been resurrected, the thin skin of a ghost, hope.


Понедельник, 08 Мая 2006 г. 22:20 + в цитатник
Пишет знакомый Jonne Aaron понимать по русском языке.

Слова Jonne: Здраствуй Россия! Я рад очень в последний время в этой прекрасной стране группы Negative появилось много поклонников! И я решил приблизится с вами. Хотел чтобы первая был запись по русском языке (kiitos Pirkko!). Не обращай чтение на его маленькие ошибки он дурак %)! Сразу хочу предупреждать не спрашивать меня настоящий я или нет. Сам понимай как хочеш. Я здесь чтобы кто-то лишний раз улыбка и читать кому интерес.
 (492x699, 99Kb)

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