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, 28 2010 . 11:56 +

Biscuit Dough -

Biscuit Dough -


. , . . 


  • /rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.download.php?file=images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//bisquit-cake-chocolate.jpg">Download" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro...hocolate.jpg">Download this image</a><br /><br />" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery74609b95cc]" style="width: 180px; height: 144px;" class="sig-link" href="http://rosmari.ru/images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//bisquit-cake-chocolate.jpg"> /rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4abisquit-cake-chocolate.jpg&quot;" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4abisquit-cake-chocolate.jpg&quot;);" title="Click to open image!" alt="Click to open image!" src="http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.transparent.gif" class="sig-image" />
  • /rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.download.php?file=images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//creamy-biscuit-cake.jpg">Download" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro...uit-cake.jpg">Download this image</a><br /><br />" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery74609b95cc]" style="width: 180px; height: 144px;" class="sig-link" href="http://rosmari.ru/images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//creamy-biscuit-cake.jpg"> /rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4acreamy-biscuit-cake.jpg&quot;" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4acreamy-biscuit-cake.jpg&quot;);" title="Click to open image!" alt="Click to open image!" src="http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.transparent.gif" class="sig-image" />
  • /rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.download.php?file=images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//amaretti-chocolate-bisquit-cake.jpg">Download" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro...uit-cake.jpg">Download this image</a><br /><br />" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery74609b95cc]" style="width: 180px; height: 144px;" class="sig-link" href="http://rosmari.ru/images/stories/simple/cookery/biscuit//amaretti-chocolate-bisquit-cake.jpg"> /rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4aamaretti-chocolate-bisquit-cake.jpg&quot;" target="_blank">http://rosmari.ru/cache/jwsigpro_cache_2debf0cb4aa...ate-bisquit-cake.jpg&quot;);" title="Click to open image!" alt="Click to open image!" src="http://rosmari.ru/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/sigpro.transparent.gif" class="sig-image" />

, . . , . . — , — . , , . . . 10 , , 3-5 . . , , “”.   , , , 2.5 – 3 .   , . , , . , , . . , . , . , 1-2 . , . , / , .. . , . , . , . , .


, — . , . .   40-50°. , . , . . .



1   5
2   125 5 .
3   100   5-6 .
4  Ҹ 1/2 /
1   5
2   200 1
3   60 3 .
4   75 3 .  
5  Ҹ 1/2 /
1   5
2   200
3   125
4  2-3 .
1   4
2   150
3   175
3  Ҹ 1/2
4   4 .
1   4
2   100
3   100
4   4 .
5  Ҹ

, . . , , . , , , . , . . , .  (190-200°). . 30-45 , — 5-8 ( ). , , .

, . ( ) , .  .

 : (http://rosmari.ru)

1 -
2 -
98 -
99 -
100 -

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: ( )
