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: 28.03.2012
: 103


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, 31 2012 . 15:03 +
gelexxx [ + !]

Knitting Knee-Highs: Sock Styles from Classic to Contemporary

image host


, 02 2012 . 13:59 +
[ + !]




: 34/36, 40/42 44/46.

40-42 44/46 . , .

: 350 (400/450) "Mixer" LANA GROSSA 21 (60 % , 40 % , 120 /50 )

:  . . 1, . . . , .

1- 2- .

1 = 1 . 1 .

( = 17 .): . 2, . .

. . .

1- 6- .

1 = 1 . 1 .

  4,5 : 16 . 24 . = 10 10 .

/:  4,5 81 (89/97) . 1 . . .

. : . ., 4 (6/8) . , * 17 . , 10 (12) 14 . , 1 *, 17 . , 4 (6/8) . , . .

30 (31/32) 1 1 ., 2- . 1 1 . , 3 (4/5) 2 . 3 4 ., 1 30 . = 181 (193/205) .

: 6 . , 17 . , 10 (12/14) . , 17 . .

52 (54/56) .


:  , .

, 34 .


1 . . / 1 . ( = ).


, 02 2012 . 15:12 +
[ + !]


, 03 2012 . 10:45 +
[ + !]

Drops. !


3734096_00DROPS8111 (434x700, 124Kb)


Sizes: S - M - L - XL - XXL
Finished measurements:
Bust: 78-88-98-108-118 cm [30.75" - 34 5/8" - 38 5/8" - 42.5" - 46.5"]
On account of the pattern the garment is very stretchy. The pullover will be approx. 5 cm [2"] wider (10 cm [4"] larger around) than shown on the diagram when worn.

Materials: DROPS ICE,
55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 50 g./45 m./49 yards
400-450-500-550-600 gr nr 03, light blue.

DROPS 10 mm [US 15] needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge.

Gauge: 8 sts x 13 rows in pattern = 10 x 10 cm.

Row 1 (right side): * K 2 tog, yo *, repeat from * - * until 1 st before center st, K 3, * yo, slip 1 st as if to knit, K1, psso *, repeat from * - * to end of row.
Row 2 (wrong side): K 1, P to last st, K 1.
Row 3: K 1, * K 2 tog, yo *, repeat from * - * until 1 st before center st, K 1, * yo, slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso *, repeat from * - * until last st, K 1.
Row 4: K 1, P to last st, K 1.

V-neck: See chart for Pattern 1. Shape the V-neck according to the chart for Pattern 1 – the sts outside each side of chart are knit the same as before.
Note: Shaping begins on the 6th row of the chart, with the center st bound off. The pattern is seen from the right side. All decs are made on right side rows. Knit each side separately. On the second side, start by picking up 1 st in the bound-off center st and K tog with the 1st st on second side. This is to reinforce the bottom of the V-neck.

Pattern-sleeve: See chart for Pattern 2.

= K from right side, P from wrong side
= P from right side, K from wrong side
= K 2 tog, yo
= yo, slip 1 as if to K, K 1, psso.
= K 2 tog
= Slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso.

Front: Cast on 31-35-39-43-47 sts and K 1 row (wrong side row). Put a marker in the center st. Then knit Pattern-body – see instructions above. When the piece measures             35-36-37-38-39       cm dec 1 st at each side and on the next row cast on 1 new st at each side – this marks the beginning of the armhole. When the piece measures approx. 36-38-40-42-44 cm – adjust to end after a row 4 of the pattern – shape V-neck according to Pattern 1 – see instructions above.
After Pattern 1 is complete 8-10-12-14-16 sts remain on each shoulder, bind off. The piece measures approx. 54-56-58-60-62 cm.

Back: Cast on and knit the same as the front (without neck shaping) until the piece measures 52-54-56-58-60 cm – adjust to end after a row 1 of the pattern. On the next row (wrong side row) K the center 19 sts (P the remaining sts and K the edge sts as before). Then bind off the center 15 sts for the neck (bind off a little tight so the neckline will not stretch out). On the next row bind off the remaining 8-10-12-14-16 sts on each shoulder. The piece measures approx. 54-56-58-60-62 cm.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams.

Sleeve: Pick up 30-32-34-36-38 sts in outermost sts along armhole (from the dec/inc on front to the dec/inc on back). Knit Pattern 2 keeping 1 edge st at each side in garter st (1st row of the pattern = the wrong side). When the piece measures 2 cm dec 1 st at each side every 7-6.5-5.5-5-4 cm a total of 6-6-7-7-8 times = 18-20-20-22-22 sts. So that the pattern matches up after the decs, knit the sts at each side that don’t fit the pattern in stockinette st. When sleeve measures 53-51-49-47-45 cm knit 1 row (wrong side row) then bind off. Note: The sleeves will be shorter in the larger sizes since the body will be wider.

Assembly: Sew sleeve and side seams in one.


Explanation to pattern diagram

symbol = K from right side, P from wrong side
symbol = P from right side, K from wrong side
symbol = K 2 tog, yo
symbol = yo, slip 1 as if to K, K 1, psso.
symbol = K 2 tog
symbol =

Slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso.




, 03 2012 . 10:47 +
[ + !]


, 19 2012 . 23:08 +
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, 03 2012 . 09:36 +
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, 07 2012 . 23:12 +
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, 12 2012 . 19:10 +
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