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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 27.11.2006
Написано: 62

Выбрана рубрика News.

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: Poetry(3), Gallery Updates(3), Gallery News(2)
Комментарии (1)



Пятница, 22 Мая 2009 г. 01:34 + в цитатник

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Gonna Touch You, Baby


Воскресенье, 05 Октября 2008 г. 01:30 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Alphabeat- Boyfriend

Life. I am living it and I am loving it.

Just wanted to change something about my layout. So now, I got a new computer.

I am actually planning to come to Saint-Petersburg in July 2009. Yay. So excited.  That is all. Here is a new blog dedicated to one of my college courses.

300 Seconds of Freedom    300 Seconds of Freedom
300 Seconds of Freedom    300 Seconds of Freedom
300 Seconds of Freedom    300 Seconds of Freedom


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Комментарии (2)

Перед Новым Годом


Суббота, 29 Декабря 2007 г. 23:19 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Eels - Electro Shock Blues
Настроение сейчас - усталое

Вот всю ночь шел дождь, а я сидела работала над сайтом. Так вдруг стало одиноко, да и год уже подходит к концу. Надеюсь, что все станет лучше и легче, ну хотя-бы до того как я пойду в колледж.

Слушаю Eels. Хоть как-то расслабляет.

Что еще рассказать?

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Gallery News
Gallery Updates

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Воскресенье, 23 Декабря 2007 г. 00:35 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Rise and Fall of a Decade - Hold Me
Настроение сейчас - уставшая

Вот сегодня сидела писала сочинения в колледж. Обсолютно тупые темы:

1) Расскажите о характеристиках и способностях, которыми Вы обладаете и, которые помогут Вам заботиться о пацеентах и лечить их?  Какие знания о роле, карьере и жизни врача Вы приобрели  после посещения дополнительных занятий? Как дополнительные занятия повлияли на Ваши долнейшии планы?

English Version:

What characteristics and capabilities do you have that would contribute to making you a doctor who is concerned with caring for patients as well as with curing them? What have you learned from some extracurricular activities that you listed above or from other experiences about the role, career, and life of a doctor? How have your experiences influenced your decisions to pursue medical career?


2) Как Вы думаете, почему знания художественной и соцеологоческой культуры важны для обучения врача? Каким образом Б.А. - М. Д. Программа поможет Вам осуществить Ваши дальнешие жизненные планы?

English Version:

Why do you feel that a background in humanities and social sciences, in addition to the natural sciences, is important in training a physician? In what specific ways do you think B.A.-M.D. Program can help you to achieve your life goals?

Уже два дня пишу, наконецто закончила.
Рубрики:  News

Комментарии (2)

News: Avatars


Вторник, 30 Января 2007 г. 02:43 + в цитатник
Some updates!!! Wheee..new site:

I also update it every now and them. Here are some things I added there yesterday.(press the link below the image to go to downloads)


Thank you all, I'll be adding more soon.^^
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Senses Fail and a New Page Starts


Воскресенье, 07 Января 2007 г. 18:39 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Nightmare- WORLD (Death Note OPENING )

When we truly realize what we feel, that's the time of actually feeling. What's happening in my life right now is just another phase of confusion that may never go away... or may leave for a while and then come back again. Well whatever it is, it make it all so mixed up and so blurry.

When we cry we see nothing but pain and misery. It's not our fault we feel. It's the only way to escape poise and rationality. We think that it may help, when others think it's just wasting your time. But those others cry a lot too, they know the pain and they know that it won't help.

When we feel disappointed in someone, that's the time we realize that we are not the only ones making all mistakes. People make mistakes without even realizing it, so many of them.

When we feel happy...we...we have nothing to tell; we only feel it. Feel it with all our heart.
Рубрики:  News

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Before Cristmas 2 Weeks


Четверг, 14 Декабря 2006 г. 09:11 + в цитатник
 (100x100, 5Kb)

Oh, my God!!! I cannot believe it is 2 weeks before Christmas and then New Year is right there. I am so happy. I just figured that I should draw something for Christmas and New Years.Whee... presents giving is coming up. I love presents, especially to give out presents. This year I don't have a lot of people, I think, because last year I gave out about 20 presents, and spend a load of money on them. That was a tiresome week before Christmas. However, I love this Holiday. Even though, my parents do not celebrate Christmas on December 25, my friends and I just go somewhere and hang out. Well, I hope this year we'll have fun as well.

So many things happened over the past 2 weeks, I think. Well first of all, I had a huge research paper due this Monday (December 11th). It was a research paper on a genetic disorder called, Huntington Disease. It was so difficult and so complicated. It took me full 2 days to write it, but I actually finished it, and I think it came out pretty good.

School is going fine. The only think that concerns me a little bit is NHS(National Honors Society). I hate to complete a huge list of things to get in this thing. Well, and as I said I am kind of in trouble, because I need community credits which I have none. So now I desperately look for some places where I can get some.Hopefully I'll find it.
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News: The Drink of Harmony


Воскресенье, 03 Декабря 2006 г. 08:37 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Smashing Pumpkins- Black Page
Настроение сейчас - tired, happy, weird

Yay!!! Weekend is awesome. I am so tired of school and now it is the finals time and all those exams are gonna make me dizzy.

Well, I know I shouldn't give up and give up my drawing as well. I finally finished the project for Coca Cola: The Art of Harmony.

It took me about 2 days. I actually had a lot of ideas before, I just didn't feel like drawing those. Then one day in my math class I drew a sketch for it and it was my final decision. I am kind of satisfied with the result. I actually tried to do it on my computer, but I suck so I decided to color it by hand. As the result of all my "hard" work, this is what I have.

You can also find it on: Devinat Art:Fairy2006
Рубрики:  News
Gallery Updates

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News: New Day #2


Среда, 29 Ноября 2006 г. 08:14 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - What about Me- Miss Kittin
Настроение сейчас - sleepy


Well, I try to update this diary as much as possible, but it's difficult. I have little time and my laziness kills me sometimes.I'll do my best.

I actually liked today's day at school. It was fun at Med Tech and it was fun at US History class as well. In my English class we started to watch Ordinary People. Since we read the book, teacher wants us to watch the movie. It was and interesting beginning. Next class was Math, the most boring class of the day,we did some stupid problems. Then Cartooning, fun class #1, I drew something I never finished...yet...I really want to though. This drawing I was planning to use in this Coca Cola contest, but now I doubt it. It's not even the actual drawing, but the idea. I'm gonna think about it more now. The last two classes were weird, but oh, well...

After school I went to my Art Club. It was so much fun. We finally finished painting our Cafe. We ha do do a scene of a beach with grass and sun. It was easy but took us about a week to finish. Still we had a lot of fun and I enjoyed it very much.

I will take some pictures next week and upload them here.
Рубрики:  News

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News: New Day


Понедельник, 27 Ноября 2006 г. 02:53 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Love Is Gonna Save Us
Настроение сейчас - tired


Today was a difficult day. We had a four days weekend (Thanksgiving Break). Well my family does not celebrate Thanksgiving so for me it was just a simple 2 extra days of no school. However, today is Monday so I had to go to school again. I was boring.

Medical Technology class killed me. We and to write everything we did last week after we did a dissection. So first two classes were boring. Then I had my History class. Well that class is always boring so I didn't even bother cheering myself up. Then English, we practiced some SAT tests and talked about a book report that is due January 2nd. Next class was Math. Well math is always boring for me, because it's just a piece of cake. Then I had my fun class. Cartooning. I always have fun there, moreover I know the teacher for 3 years so I slack there a little bit. I have fun most of the time. Now she wants our class to participate in this contest called "The Art of Harmony". It's for Coca Cola advertisement and we have to come up with some kind of a design. I did it last year also. After that I had my Spanish and Physics classes. Spanish was fine, had to take a lot of notes. Physics is fun. I love Physics. It's so easy and a lot of math.

During my Math class I decided to draw something, so this is why I post it here as an Gallery Update article(Of course it's just a sketch but I still like it. Maybe I'll finish it some time^^):

You can also find it on: Devinat Art:Fairy2006
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Gallery Updates

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