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: 22.09.2002
: 8696


, 17 2019 . 21:25 +


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Daniel Siegel "Aware"


“What should I do?” he asked. I told him he should be sure that if there was anything more he wanted to say to anyone in his life before he left, this would be a good time to do it.

“And where am I going when I die?” he inquired.

My father was a very strong-willed, self-declared non-spiritual person who was an engineer by training and committed to a materialistic, science-based view of reality - his own words, not mine. ()

And so you might imagine how nervous I was as I considered how to respond to his existential question at that moment, a time that might be our last. So I said that I certainly didn’t know what happened to any of us when we die. Then he asked me what I thought might happen. So I told him what I thought.

I said that after s quarter of a century of being a psychiatrist, I had never had anyone come to me in therapy saying they were worried about where they were before they were conceived.

He looked intrigued, so I continued.

If you imagine that there were trillions of sperm and billions of eggs in the world that could have formed you, but only one egg and one sperm of that vast set of possibilities of gametes actually came together, then you are an actualization emerging from a sea of potential, a plane of all possibilities. () And you get about a century to live in this body, this actualization of a form that arose from a formless sea, the source of all that was possible. That’s your life; that’s the opportunity you get to live in this body. When you die, you simply may go back to where you came from - that plane of possibility.()

Yes, we are born into a body that gets about a hundred years, if we are fortunate, to dance on this earth. But we also have a mind, one that is part arrow-bound and living in a Newtonian level of reality. () But we also live with a mind that is in part arrow-free, as we live in the timeless freedom of the plane of possibility.


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