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Dream Children; A Reverie Summary (An Essay

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 18:40 + в цитатник

Later, Lamb reports some event about the dead mother of his children upon their request. He says that he passed seven long years in marrying their mother. Also, the author confesses that it was very tough to have acceptance for his marriage proposal from their mother. Then, Lamb noticed suddenly that the eyes of little Alice exactly looked like old Alice W-n's eyes. Afterwards, the images of kids started to grow fainter. Later, only two mournful segments remained in front of the author's eyes. These elements told Lamb that they are nothing but the creations of his dream. Then, Lamb opened his eyes all of a sudden and found himself seated in his chair as a bachelor. Charles Lamb (1775-1834) was a British author, poet, and essayist. His best-known works include Essays of Elia and children's book tales from Shakespeare. His pen name was James Elia. In the book of Essays of Elia, a non-fictional essay, Dream Children; a Reverie, is present which is very popular due to its autobiographical nature.

Revision and feedback is HUGE. Lastly editing and polishing are last and that is the easy stuff. Overall, my english 112 experience was good and very helpful. During college I will be writing many papers and now I finally know all the right elements to making a strong essay. They take a lot of time and effort. One draft is not enough. After all of my accomplishments in this class I look for peoples opinions on my work a lot more and appreciate what other people have to say about them. Every class has it’s easy assignments and it has more challenging assignments. In my english 112 class we did a couple different papers, one of them being an autobiography. I struggled with this assignment because it’s nothing I really ever worked on before. An autobiography is a paper about your life written about you. We had to write about a moment or time in our life that made an impact on us and what we might of learned from it. This data has been created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

Since the topic was so broad I had no idea how to start it or what I wanted to talk about. When I finally narrowed it down to talking about how I was bullied in middle school I figured out my topic which was finding your real friends. It was hard for me because I kept making it sound like a story rather than a lesson being learned and advise to my readers by using my own experience. Overcoming the challenge of writing and autobiographical essay has shown be that writing multiple drafts, organization, and peer reviewers are helpful to writing an affective paper. One challenge I faced a lot during this class was when we were learning how to write a good thesis statement. Every time I thought I had a good one it wasn’t specific enough. A thesis statement states the purpose and topic of your writing. You have to weave your thoughts and material together in a way that makes it strong and argumentative.

It can’t be a fact that people can’t argue like “the sky is blue,” yeah we know. I did just that. I would make my thesis statements non argumentative. Another thing I struggled with was organization and flow of topic with my essays. I catch myself rambling on about something and then just going off topic. Also with organizing my paper I would repeat some topics twice not realizing it. Some information I would have would being better in another paragraph or one paragraph should be before instead of after, and the same issue with some sentences. Knowing how to come up with a good thesis statement helps a lot with the organization of a paper. Finding good ways to over come challenges helps a lot when it comes time to write your drafts. Doing an after the fact outline is a great way to see how your essay should be organized and what needs to be fixed. This article was done with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

An after the fact outline is just a small outline of your essay writing down your topic, a little piece of evidence, and a ending sentence. By doing that you can make sure you aren’t repeating and you can make sure you have good transitioning from one paragraph to another. It helped me a lot for those reasons. Another helpful thing was peer review. I really enjoyed doing peer review. By having other peoples input about what I have written helps me to understand any opposing sides there might be. Other people who review your work can see things that you might just over look. By being a peer review to other people helped me to really analyze and pay attention to what is written. I can identify the thesis statement, the arguments, and their position/ purpose for writing. Another technique that I really liked doing during this course that just overall helped with everything was blogger. This article was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.


Effective Papers: Essay On Ancient Israel

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 18:25 + в цитатник

The structure of the families, and the position of women among ancient Israelites was not a unique one in the Middle Eastern area where they had been resided, but it is very dissimilar to the modern Western concept. Further, the position of women in ancient Judah around the 7th century B.C.E. The Israelites of this time had been a patriarchal society, with a patrilocal residence, where the lineage of a family was traced through a person's father that is through patrilineage. All these cultural traits have an emphasis on the male members of the society thus almost entirely excluding the female members of the group. Although this is the main characteristic of the kin-based society of the Israelites depicted by the Hebrew Bible, there are examples portraying the everyday life of the women in a more private level as opposed to the more public position of the men. In addition, there are some exceptions, where women have an important role in the history of the Israelites and are key actors in a certain situation. We Can Write Custom Essays on Ancient Israel for You! Content has been generated with https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

The society of the ancient Israelites was in fact a patriarchal society where the male members of the group occupied the public positions in everyday life, where the social organization was elder based that is men of certain age set the parameters of the standards of life. It was also a patrilocal society where dominantly the women came to live with their husbands' family, and become a member of this family after marriage. This residence pattern is closely associated with the patrilineal descent system where family links traced through the male kin of the group. Under these circumstances women had a given place in society with rigidly constrained and expected behavioral patterns. Almost every aspect of their lives had been checked, first by their fathers, or brothers and later on by their husbands. Their positions in society are based on the positions of their above-mentioned male relatives and in a higher level by the elders of the patriarchal kin group. The ascribed status of the female members of the Israelites is pretty self-explanatory. From birth they are the members of their father's clan and representatives of this group not as individuals but as the future carriers of this patrilineage.

After a previously arranged marriage they become the part of the husband's kin group, which in most instances - because of the patrilineal descent rule - is part of the woman's original family and kin group. Therefore it is not uncommon among the members of the clan to marry parallel cousins, which was permitted practice at the time. One of the main roles of the women in this society is to bear children, more importantly at least one male child to carry on the father's lineage. In few instances the female members could also inherit, but it was only in cases where the father had no sons, then his daughter could inherit. But in this situation the marriage within one's own kin group was even more encouraged, to ensure to lineage of the father. Women are also the representatives of the private dichotomy of the family life, more of a background role.

They handle things within the household, while men as public entities; represent the clan outside the household. This does not mean that they had no say in certain aspects of the everyday lives of their family. Indeed, in one example, in the Book of Genesis, Abraham's wife Sarah seems to have a say in family matters concerning inheritance. Since she could not bear a child for a long period of time, Sarah gives her handmaid (proxy motherhood) to her husband to ensure the lineage for the next generation. But later on she also became pregnant with supposedly the second child of Abraham's lineage. Traditionally, the child born by the handmaid should have been the inheritor, but by the pressure on Abraham made by Sarah changes it and eventually her son gets the statuses of a firstborn. In a patriarchal society the emphasis is on the male members of the society, ensuring the lineage of the men, and the inheritance of property is generally from father to son. Under these circumstances women seemingly had a small role to play. Although they did not represent their families publicly, they still had an important role shaping their everyday family life within the household. Content has been created with the help of Essay Writers.


August 2020 - Sharing Session

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 18:09 + в цитатник

Jumping from science to business field, ramai tanya kenapa kenapa kenapa. Kenapa tak sambung master in Biology jugak. Biotechnology ke medical biology ke or any related field. Everyone's favourite question haha! Post ni sepatutnya up sejak 2-3 bulan lepas. Tapi baru sekarang nak up. Oh by the way dulu I did my degree in science Biology. So bila master ni ambik MBA, which is business admin, ramai jugak la yang tertanya tanya. Tapi ramai jugak yang sokong. Before tu memang dah plan nak sambung master bukan sebab terpaksa or apa taw. Memang minat nak rasa ada master certificate and pakai jubah dua lines haha. Actually choosing to enroll in MBA was a hard decision. Sebab both pun I minat. Biology pun I minat, Business pun I minat. Haha so after discussing with Ayah, decision made, I choose MBA! So I went through by submitting the application along with the autobiogrpahical essay, an interview, and a test (the details including my autobiographical essay is at my previous post).

For help with essay, please contact https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

As for me, susah nak belajar tu is not that hard. Its not I said it was easy. It is hard actually! But it is not really or real hard for me. I just need to put some extra efforts since Im not a business background student. Because during my degree time pun, every semester I took at least two business or management subjects. So some of the terms I have been heard and it is not a totally new for me . I took subjects such as marketing, management, operation management, entreprenuership, risk and insurance, finance, human resource, strategic management and so on during my degree. All these subjects is just a fundamental and basics one for us as a science students. Since Im interested with business too, so I don't have any problems with all these subjects. Cause some of my friends are not really agree for science students to take the business or management subjects. I do loveeee all these subjects! Besides it is easy to understand and less harder compared to science subjects, I also can gain additional knowledge about bisness.

I also did joined few business or entreprenuership programmes during degree time including a seminar or bengkel on how to create a website, how to increase our bussiness performance through social media, how to generate a technology based idea, how to do pitching etc etc. Most of the programmes were conducted 3 days and 2 nights in hotel. All the programmes was sponsored by MASMED UiTM, special for UiTM students. Yes students can join all these for FREE! Sangat lah rugi taw for UiTM students yang tak grab peluang ni. Sebab kalau kita join any of the programmes yang bukan under our Uni, kena bayar taw. And mahal bukan murah. Yang MASMED ni bayar pun mahal sebab dia panggil orang luar untuk conduct the sharing session. In fact until now MASMED is still active doing such activities. And I also did selling a hijab (shawl and bawal) online. It just for fun for me to have an experience in business and dealing with customers. So again, why MBA? First because I am interested with this course. This post was written with the help of Essay Writers.

Second, Im looking forward for my better future. I should now concern with my future with this current economic condition. I personally think if I have master in business admin, it will give better carrier opportunities for me to be in the industry soon, InshaAllah. And for your information, I wanted to be a lecturer. A business lecturer to be specific. It has been my dream since I was 18! That's another reason why Im taking this course. Let say if one day its not my Rezeki for teaching, I would love to work in an office too, that the position suit with my qualification. And also I would love to have my own business empire and be a successful businesswoman, so that I can be rich, rich enough to help people and belanja orang this and that so that they will be happy and rich enough to give everything my family wants without saying "NO" and "Im sorry I cannot buy for you this and that".


English Literature Essays: Autobiographical Elements In Charles Lamb’s Essays

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:36 + в цитатник

Charles Lamb's attitude in his essays is autobiographical-for his essays convey such elements from where we get to know his personality, nature, character, relatives, work places and people around him. Thus the subjective note in his essays is vital. As he belongs to the romantic age, the personal “I” is prominent is his essays. In almost all the essays, we find and we learn something about his life. Thus he speaks about his life, likings, whims and feelings. Lamb talks to the reader as if he were his friend and confesses and confider in him. Lamb's own personality is the basis for most of his essays. His own memories are reflected in them. Actually autobiography is that kind of writing in which the writer's states, life and conditions are delineated. His personal experiences are revealed in autobiography. Moreover, the facts of personal life of the writer and the activities, relatives, friends, likings, dislikings, character etc. are written by the writer himself. For help with essay, please contact https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

In Charles Lamb's essays, we find the autobiographical touch. From his essays, we, the readers, come to know about Charles Lamb's life and we learn certain facts of his life- he was born at the Inner Temple and he was schooled at Christ's Hospital and he worked at South Sea House and India House as a clerk. We know that he was a bachelor; we also know that he apparently loved but was refused by his early beloved. We get to know a great deal about his school life in the essay "Christ's Hospital Five and Thirty Years Ago". We know that he had some privileges in his school. He says about himself in the guise of Coleridge, "I remember L. at school, and can well recollect that he had some peculiar advantages, which I and others of his school fellows had not". Again he says "His friends lived in town, and were near at hand; and he had the privilege of going to see them, almost as often as he wished".

Moreover, he got his "extraordinary bread and butter" "from the hot-loaf of the Temple". Feeling Culture Shock In A Blurry-Bordered, Polyglot Blade Runner World? for why his essays appeal autobiographical is his subjective note which is predominant in all his essays. The subject of the Essays of Elia is Lamb himself. In all of them, he makes some reference to himself. And the personal "I" is so abound in his essays that readers ere sometimes fretted, although some critics consider that use as an extra charm of Lamb's essays. In almost all the essays, he talks about himself, his family, relatives, and friends. From these essays, we come to know about his personality, nature and character which are revealed by himself. After reading his essays, we know all about his stammer, his work al India House and his companions there. It is this quality of self-revelation and confidential tone that entitles Lamb to be called the "Prince of English essayists". We also come to know about his relatives and friends. This article has been done with Essay Writers!

Sometimes I tend to still ramble on in my essays. If it’s a topic I enjoy I go on and on and end up talking about something completely different. I add extra information that isn’t needed in my papers. It has gotten a lot better through the course of this class. I know that makes a strong paper. Meaning Of Life In Slaughterhouse-Five needs to be effective, argumentative, detailed, and elaborated. It also has interesting language and not repetitive. My essays are a lot more clear and understandable. I have my own writing voice and I know what kind of tones to have writing different types of paper. The Benefits Of Autobiography (Religious Or Otherwise) writing process is now a lot easier for me. I can brainstorm and get ideas but I know how to break them down and figure out exactly what to write about. I make an outline to figure it out and organize it. Drafting is a huge part because after that you should get someone to peer review. I improved my essays a lot from this.


Davy's Universe: October 2020

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:34 + в цитатник

This might seem a strange essay to include in an autobiographical collection; however, autobiographies are not just about the physical business of living. Awareness of the way a person thinks, reasons, and perhaps arrives at decisions completes any character assessment. The following essay is, if you like, an exercise in weeding out distractions to arrive at an answer. A process I usually employ is a straight-forward - problem-solving approach: problem-solving consists of using common, or informal methods, in an methodical way, for finding answers to problems. Some of the problem-solving systems developed and used in a number of disciplines are related to mental problem-solving procedures studied in psychology. Who can use such an approach? Are any special skills employed? The answers are - Anyone - and - Not Really. These days we are very lucky; if someone is determined enough to ‘get to the bottom’ of an ambiguity - there’s no reason why they shouldn’t. First, reduce the problem to its simplest components, and work forward from that simplest point.

This content has been done with https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

I strongly suspect both my parents died not knowing nor understanding why they had been part of this world. I also suspect this sad prospect may be applied to the majority of the seven-billion people who inhabit this world today. Most of us though, at some stage surely must, ‘wonder what it’s all about’, but, rightly or wrongly, never quite formulate an answer. Questions and answers alluding to the, meaning of life, have emerged throughout history. Many of those well thought-out responses have been recorded worldwide in religious, philosophical and scientific disciplines. Dream Children; A Reverie Summary (An Essay , we live at a time when both education, and an embarrassment of information is more readily available. Thus, should we choose, anyone might construct a reasonably informed and logical judgment on such a question. Official responses to the queries about - ‘the meaning of life’ or ‘why are we here’ - range from profoundly thought out, philosophical responses, both ancient and modern, to a glut of glib answers - mere dogma - trotted out by any number of religious or cult organisations.

The human race has grasped at these, mostly false straws, in the hope of finding some inner peace, or some logical reason for simply ‘being’. Anything at all, to make the related pain and joy that accompanies us from cradle to grave, more comprehensible. In a paper entitled - Heavenbound A scientific exploration - Henig, makes the following observation…‘Lost in the hullabaloo over the neo-atheists is a quieter and potentially more illuminating debate. It is taking place not between science and religion but within science itself, specifically among the scientists studying the evolution of religion. These scholars tend to agree on one point: that religious belief is an outgrowth of brain architecture that evolved during early human history. The gods, or spirit representatives, could also be seen as providing a ‘third-party’ - a ‘big brother’ - who ensured submissive compliance was rewarded, and arrogant non-compliance was ruthlessly punished. This ‘third-party’ could also be blamed or beseeched in troubled times. This data was written with Essay Freelance Writers!

Essay Easy: What Is Autobiography Essay were, and still are, mankind’s security blanket in troubled times! Likewise, the old remedy of basic reward and punishment - heaven and hell - are still applied in the common religions of today. Shamanic practices held sway, and from our understanding, a philosophy similar to the Aboriginal Dream Time was adhered to, and strictly governed day-to-day living. Religion could better be described as ideology in the sense that - as with modern-day Islam - religion was the law and dictated every aspect of daily life. Medicine predating written records, evolved with the emergence of modern hominids over two-million years ago. The study of prehistoric medicines is mainly dependent on sources such as skeletons, artifacts, and cave paintings. It draws heavily on anthropological studies of indigenous cultures in Asia, Australasia, Africa, and the Americas. Prehistoric people relied on a combination of religious beliefs and practical treatments, made from local materials to treat their ailments. Their anatomical knowledge appeared to be very slight, and they believed illnesses were caused by supernatural media, such as the gods or curses.

Rational treatment was used only on obvious injuries; otherwise spiritual treatment was carried out by a shaman or medicine man, who received his medical ability through his relationship with the gods. That is on one level. On NZ's: A Guide To Applying To Engineering Grad Schools In The US , the need for the human race to grasp at straws presents an opportunity for the smart mind to control the gullible mind. With the emergence of self-awareness and the greater thinking power of a complex human brain - physical strength alone was no longer enough to make a leader. It is suggested that one in ten people demonstrate leadership capabilities. Whilst all cannot be leaders - many can be ‘leaders in their field’. Opportunists abound throughout all cultures. Often the most successful survivors are the best opportunists. Those who see an opening then use it ruthlessly to further and improve their own life-style, and perhaps the life-style and chances for their own families for many generations. 2000 BC: Time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel.


Centennial Salutes To The Birth, Growth And Development Of Richard Wright As A Writer

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:33 + в цитатник

Khaly Life Inspirations have for long been touched by the literary excellence of Black Boy of all Richard Wright's work which I have had a reading, teaching experience spanning almost thirty years, a period in which I have kept wondering as to what makes it such a wonderful representation of a writer and at the same time remain a lively, gripping, intriguing, and illuminating read almost throughout the pages. That this year is the Centennial of his birth which is being marked deservedly well with many literary events I thought that it could be the most needed catalyst to propel me into putting my thoughts, reflections and recollections of this ever-present Black Boy in print. This content was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

A celebration of the life and works of Richard Wright is significant and justified for me in Sierra Leone as his works both Black Boy and Native Son are taught and studied at all levels of our educational system from secondary school level upwards and have left an indelible impression on all who have read them. I have taught Black Boy for almost ten years from the teacher training college Milton Margai, to librarians in training at Fourah Bay College and I and my students have agreed it is an irreplaceable gem - his style as much as his stoicism and his unswerving pursuit of self-improvement in spite of all the forces pitted against him, being a model for all . One of America's greatest African-American writers, Richard Wright was among the first Black writers to achieve literary fame and fortune. Article has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

But this was due mostly to the superb quality of his work: his vivid descriptions of scenes, the sense of gradation in portrayal, psychological penetration of his characters at various stages of their growing up, especially so Black Boy, his capturing the traumas, pain and anxieties of growing up black in the southern states of America in the early twentieth century, and his commitment to championing the cause of blacks wherever they live, Africa or the Diaspora. Richard Nathaniel Wright, the grandson of a slave was born and spent the first years of his life on a plantation near Natchez, Mississippi in September 4 1908.. His father, Nathaniel, was an illiterate sharecropper and his mother, Ella Wilson, was a well-educated school teacher. Matt Kundert's Friday Experiment: The Difference: Con And Articulation forced them to move to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1913 when Richard was six years old. Although he spent only a few years of his life in Mississippi, those years would play a key role in two of his most recognized works: Native Son, a novel, and his autobiography, Black Boy.

Soon after moving, his father abandoned the family, leaving his mother to support them alone. His family moved to Jackson, Mississippi to live with relatives. So when in the spring of 1925 at the age of 15, Wright wrote his first story "The Voodoo of Hell's Half-Acre", and it was published in Southern Register, a local black newspaper, he had little support and encouragement from his family. For Guideline For Writing Introduction For Great Expectations Essay - Writing had already conscripted every one on her side against Richard's independent and creative spirit. He had to develop a high level of motivation and daring , to go ahead. He graduated as valedictorian of his 9th grade class in May 1925, and enacted another daring defiance against authority by reading his own speech instead of the principal's..He left school a few weeks after entering High School, worked at several menial jobs in Jackson and Memphis while continuing writing and discovering the works of the masters.


ENGL102-27: January 2020

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:31 + в цитатник

The "Why Terror" text serves as exercise for us to create our Essay Unit 1 about a song. On Monday, you will receive your final summary s back which I got from you today. Then, I will model how to write an A,B,C,D, and F paper "response." Therefore, those of you who have not emailed me the response part yet (just the summary), email it before Sunday, so I can give advisory grades before class on Monday. Today, we are creating the outline for the "response part" of our song essay. You have finished the "summary part" already, which was due today in class. · Does the composer tell mere facts? · Does he/she try to manipulate/convince the audience, lead them in a certain direction? Make them believe something? The discussion of these elements must be backed up with citing lines or keywords (in quotation marks, mentioning the stanza or line of the song) from the lyrics which describe the claims the composer is making. Also, you need to use at least one scholarly research article (no Wikipedia!) to prove that you have investigated in the social/political/economical background of your song.

For example: when your song deals with runaway kids (such as in “Runaway Train” from Soul Asylum), you should cite some statistics about children living on the street, or from Amber Alert, or recent cases from the media as examples, to show the importance of this social issue today. Why did they run away, what became of them? Don’t just generalize, do some in-depth research to explain why the composer wrote a song about this topic, why he/she wrote it at that time, and not twenty years ago, and what he/she wants to achieve with it. Task for today: copy and paste these guidelines into a word document, and type your text under each of the points. This is our brainstorming and pre-writing activity. We collect data before starting our response. When you're done filling in the blanks, try out the three search engines and look for background material that you can use to support your thesis why your song is important today. Copy the links to any research article you find into your word document, and email all this to me at the end of today's lesson. No late documents accepted. If you don't get done, just email what you have. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE AN ARTICLE FROM A TIME THAT MATCHES YOUR SONG! So, if your song is from 2006, don't pick a research article that talks about the background of the 1920's, and if your song is a hippie song from 1969, don't use an article that talks about drug abuse in 2007!

I wish we could have a group to discuss the brain, as many hubbers seem interested in that subject. My interest started when a relative had an astounding memory, and I loved to hear about it. Now, I love to read about the workings of the brain. I am glad you have that memory book by Marylu Henner. She is so brilliant and stays young looking forever. Thanks for sharing all the ideas. Hi Mana - Thanks for reading and commenting on my hub. It interests me that you believe these memories come from a past life. The brain is remarkable, and all sorts of theories probably come about this engine of our body. No one knows all the answers. NZ's: A Guide To Applying To Engineering Grad Schools In The US go on, and we need to have beliefs. August 2020 - Sharing Session for your opinions. First I am excited and sad by your hub both at the same time. Your hub was beautiful in many ways. I have always been intrigued by memory and those who have a great ability to access what they see and experience. Content has been generated with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

An amazing gift that not every person has. I have struggled with memory my whole life. During my childhood and adult life I was always more interested what could be instead of what is. Busy day dreaming I wouldn't remember much. I did develop my imagination to dream and dream I did. The sad part of your hub was finally reading the last comment. I love reading about people and what they know and don't know. So I was day dreaming and thinking of each person that left a comment. How they were moved like me to leave a comment. The truth is I can go on and on. Most people think I am rambling when each thought in my mind seems crystal clear. I would love to continue talking and discussing future ideas about more extraordinary hubs that lead to tapping into the unlimited brain power deep down I know we all have. Thank you forever writing this hub and it is not uncommon for me to be three years behind everyone else.

As I write this I have the book by Marilu Henner Total Memory Makeover sitting on the corner of my kitchen table. Have an amazing night and I can't wait to to dive right in many more of your hubs. Dream Children; A Reverie Analysis , Patricia. You seem to approach it from the standpoint of science and research. No bad thing, and I see that you have studied in this field. We esoteric ones say that nearly all of this is carried over from a former life. Re-incarnation. Vivekananda was a great Yogi. He remembered so much! Still, nothing comes from an empty void. It is highly likely, that all your bright people, carried over their experiences from long, long ago. A great Hub and noble effort. Silence and experience begins where science ends. In Love and Light. Hi tsmog I am sorry about your auto accident, and your problems with memory. The photos were to recall in pictures the events you missed in memory, Is that correct?


Centennial Salutes To The Birth, Growth And Development Of Richard Wright As A Writer

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:17 + в цитатник

I have for long been touched by the literary excellence of Black Boy of all Richard Wright's work which I have had a reading, teaching experience spanning almost thirty years, a period in which I have kept wondering as to what makes it such a wonderful representation of a writer and at the same time remain a lively, gripping, intriguing, and illuminating read almost throughout the pages. That this year is the Centennial of his birth which is being marked deservedly well with many literary events I thought that it could be the most needed catalyst to propel me into putting my thoughts, reflections and recollections of this ever-present Black Boy in print. This content was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

A celebration of the life and works of Richard Wright is significant and justified for me in Sierra Leone as his works both Black Boy and Native Son are taught and studied at all levels of our educational system from secondary school level upwards and have left an indelible impression on all who have read them. I have taught Black Boy for almost ten years from the teacher training college Milton Margai, to librarians in training at Fourah Bay College and I and my students have agreed it is an irreplaceable gem - his style as much as his stoicism and his unswerving pursuit of self-improvement in spite of all the forces pitted against him, being a model for all . One of America's greatest African-American writers, Richard Wright was among the first Black writers to achieve literary fame and fortune. Article has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

But this was due mostly to the superb quality of his work: his vivid descriptions of scenes, the sense of gradation in portrayal, psychological penetration of his characters at various stages of their growing up, especially so Black Boy, his capturing the traumas, pain and anxieties of growing up black in the southern states of America in the early twentieth century, and his commitment to championing the cause of blacks wherever they live, Africa or the Diaspora. Richard Nathaniel Wright, the grandson of a slave was born and spent the first years of his life on a plantation near Natchez, Mississippi in September 4 1908.. His father, Nathaniel, was an illiterate sharecropper and his mother, Ella Wilson, was a well-educated school teacher. The family's extreme poverty forced them to move to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1913 when Richard was six years old. Although he spent only a few years of his life in Mississippi, those years would play a key role in two of his most recognized works: Native Son, a novel, and his autobiography, Black Boy.

Soon after moving, his father abandoned the family, leaving his mother to support them alone. His family moved to Jackson, Mississippi to live with relatives. So when in the spring of 1925 at the age of 15, Wright wrote his first story "The Voodoo of Hell's Half-Acre", and it was published in Southern Register, a local black newspaper, he had little support and encouragement from his family. For his grandmother had already conscripted every one on her side against Richard's independent and creative spirit. He had to develop a high level of motivation and daring , to go ahead. He graduated as valedictorian of his 9th grade class in May 1925, and enacted another daring defiance against authority by reading his own speech instead of the principal's..He left school a few weeks after entering High School, worked at several menial jobs in Jackson and Memphis while continuing writing and discovering the works of the masters.


Matt Kundert's Friday Experiment: The Difference: Con And Articulation

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:17 + в цитатник

I've been thinking lately about August 2020 - Sharing Session between me, Rorty, and Pirsig. There are, of course, many differences, at least between Rorty and Pirsig, but one of the areas one can search for differences or similarities is in the area of a person's biography, in their own self-image as a philosopher and how they got from childhood to where they are now. Pirsig's biography, of course, is linked intimately and explicitly to his philosophy (despite the fact that we often suffocate those links to recontruct his philosophy), but Rorty's biography is only now just gaining more attention. With the publication of his autobiographical essay, "Trotsky and the Wild Orchids" in Philosophy and Social Hope and particularly with the publication of a collection of interviews, Take Care of Freedom and Truth will Take Care of Itself, Rorty's biography is becoming more explicitly seen. One of the things that comes out of Rorty's writings is the notion that he's a fallen metaphysician. In "Trotsky", he says quite explicitly that he wanted as a child to have that kind of state of bliss that is associated with religion and Platonism. Until he was 20, he looked for a way to be a metaphysician.

People use this knowledge to characterize why he is often considered to be an "end of philosophy" philosopher. Almost all philosophers of note who are even symathetic to Rorty still have qualms about the extremes he goes to. They take it that Rorty is a person who was fooled by Platonism, and he never wants to be fooled again. Pirsig's path is a bit different. We might describe Pirsig as a recovering metaphysician. Pirsig sees something worth rehabilitating in the area that both he and Rorty want to vacate. The difference may be that Pirsig saw something ailing, something dying that needed help, whereas Rorty sees much ado about nothing. Pirsig's reaction to his experience in scientific study suggests that Pirsig took it as very important that somebody mount a response to the problems in the philosophy of science he inadvertantly discovered (which eventually leads to larger problems about reason). This has been created by Essay Freelance Writers.

Khaly Life Inspirations , on the other hand, thinks that for the most part we get along just fine in day to day life, and that the only short-term importance in mounting these responses are for those philosophers that are plagued by them. What typifies both of them is a fall. Rorty fell after attempting to be a Platonist, to find the One, and Pirsig fell after attempting to be a realist scientist. My difference to the two is that I fell from nothing to nowhere. Did I Make My Point? went from mumbling about God to mumbling about Reason or Science, not really believing in either, so my con to Rortyan pragmatism didn't resemble a rejection of anything, or really a con at all, I simply felt like I was better able to articulate what I had been believing and acting for quite awhile. I'm not quite sure what the difference is between the feeling of con or articulation.

I have a feeling it amounts to what a person becomes obsessed with or fearful of. I find further enunciation of pragmatism to be interesting, but I have a feeling I'd be far more reconciliatory to those who think Rorty goes too far than Rorty might be. I'm less likely to become engrossed in subsidiaries of the epistemology industry. And much the same goes for Pirsig. I think his fear for the fate of the West, its spiritual crisis, is too overblown. I think it grows out of his own biography and creates an hysteria over the problems he considers. Things are neither as bad in the old framework as Pirsig thinks them, nor better in the framework Pirsig suggests. What Rorty helped me enunciate is the sense that just not that much hinges on what philosophers talk about--at least it looks that way compared to the scope at which most philosophers talk.


Ferule & Fescue: January 2020

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:15 + в цитатник

Caleb Crain's "Twilight of the Books" in the December 24 & 31 issue of The New Yorker. Although I feel I've read a half-dozen s of this same article over the past year or two--and I'm dubious about some of Crain's conclusions--it was still a worthwhile read. Moving and talking images are much richer in information about a performer's appearance, manner, and tone of voice. The viewer may not catch all of the details of a candidate's health-care plan, but he has a much more definite sense of her as a personality, and his response to her is therefore likely to be more full of emotion. There is NZ's: A Guide To Applying To Engineering Grad Schools In The US like this connection in print. A feeling for a writer never touches the fact of the writer herself, unless reader and writer happen to meet. In fact, from Shakespeare to Pynchon, the personalities of many writers have been mysterious. The first two sentences are mostly unobjectionable, but the last three get my vote as the stupidest thing ever said about writing by someone who purports to be both a reader and a writer.

Yes, yes: we probably learn more about the average person and his personality from a video clip than we do from a paragraph of his prose (though God save me from having to scrutinize either). But when it's writers we're talking about, I'm not sure that anything conveys personality better than the written voice. Do we learn everything about a writer from his work? Not a chance. But we probably learn more from it, over time, than we do from seeing him at the supermarket every week or catching the occasional t.v. Writing isn't a transparent medium, and even autobiographical writing like that on this-here blog involves some masking or resculpting of reality in order to produce a prettier or simply more coherent self. But that's true of all public performances--whether they're enacted on the page, before a t.v. I'm not sure that someone who wanders into a panel and sees me deliver a conference paper, or even someone who chats with me over coffee, knows me any better or any more authentically than someone who only knows me through my blog. This content has been created by Essay Writers!

What Is A Statement Of Purpose And Why Is The College Asking For It? know different things about me, but the person who has only encountered me, casually, in person does not know more. Likely he knows less. Maybe not everyone is attuned to writing in the same way, but I believe that diction, syntax, and sentence rhythms are profoundly revelatory. I've fallen in love with some people, and become convinced that I know them, through their writing, while absolutely hating others--and all in ways and for reasons that have less to do with the subject of their writing than with matters of style and rhetorical self-presentation. I imagine there are many people in the blogosphere who have had similar experiences. And I can say that, although there's always a moment of surprise and readjustment when I meet a blogger in person for the first time, I've never yet been wrong about someone's personality based on our initial, purely textual encounters.

So you should get used to talking to creepy strangers who are recording your conversation. It's goes totally against what your mother told you, I know, but its for your own good, and hers! As with the GRE you will receive a CD when you register for the TOEFL. Apart from this, the book by Barons to get used to the testing procedure should be sufficient4. Only if you get an exceptionally high score and are able to display your comfort level with the language in your Statement of Purpose or your first semester will you be considered for a teaching assistantship (TA). Now that you know your GRE score and your almost inconsequential TOEFL score (from practice tests on the ETS CD) you are ready to shortlist your rather long list of universities. First off, decide the number of universities you are applying to. Keep in mind that applications are a expensive affair to most and you can expect to spend around Rs. 5000/- per university (considering all charges5).

Also, you should divide your selected universities into three groups. 50 chance, and a safe group with chances of 75% or more. Once again go through the university websites of the most interesting colleges you have listed. Note down why they interest you and their quirky application details. It consists of a huge database of discussions and information regarding the university selection and application process. If you decide to register and post, please, PLEASE read all the rules (announcements), sticky posts and use the search function to ensure that your doubt has not been asked before. Remember that the senior members are not there to serve your each and every request, nor are they obligated. Most of them take time out of their busy schedules to help out hundreds of newbies a day. So be August 2020 - Sharing Session , undemanding and understanding. Also remember to state the universities you have selected along with your reasons.


Guideline For Writing Introduction For Great Expectations Essay - Writing

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:12 + в цитатник

A great expectation is classic work culminated by a genius of all time, Charles Dickens. Matt Kundert's Friday Experiment: The Difference: Con And Articulation is the story of an orphan Pip, most of the people even says that is a semi-autobiographical novel reflecting much of the life of the authors. There are many themes discussed in great expectations, this is the reason students are asked to write great expectations essays. Teacher wants the students to build their analytical skills and reading habits but students face so many problems while writing great expectation essays. For the students, it sometimes become so difficult to analyze the verbal irony in Charles Dickens work and this is why students find it real difficult to deal with writing great expectation essays on different themes of the essay and eventually ends up with bad introduction for essays on great expectations. Therefore, we are providing you four different themes from the novel and guideline for writing a good introduction for essay on great expectations. You should write a thesis statement which will tell the readers about the aims and objective of the pips. Crime is the second major theme of the novel, so you can base your thesis statement on the theme of law breaking activities. Joe Gargery is one of the most important characters in the novel, so you can use any quality of his character for your free great expectation essays. You can also incorporate the kindness, sweetness and honesty of Joe Gargery in your great expectation essay. There must be other themes from great expectation novel, the above told is just to give you a rough idea on how could develop different types of introduction containing thesis statement and topic sentences ideas as well. So, a word of advice is that, it is better that you develop it on your own and use the preceding examples to get some idea. This data has been done with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

He simply lets himself be led around. The majority of Billy’s war experience, as it is portrayed to readers, is not in fighting, but instead taken up with riding around in boxcars, laying in the infirmary, and watching some of the other soldiers put on plays. Vonnegut’s point seems to be that most soldiers are fighting in these wars with no real idea of their purpose, that most of the time spent in the war is spent on doing basically nothing. They still know that they’re supposed to be there anyway. Enlistment by trained and qualified men and women will never equal up to the vast numbers the military needs. This is why the draft was instated in the first place. Inevitably children would be taken, sometimes right out of their schools if their birthdays fell early enough in the year. Essay Easy: What Is Autobiography Essay is why the alternate title of this book is The Children’s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death. Vonnegut is illustrating the way that wars mostly end up collecting a large amount of a country’s children and sending them off to die. Billy is so unaware of himself at times that it is shocking he actually survives through the war.

Content was generated with Essay Writers.

Allwritingstuff - Writing Guides, Templates And Resources: How To Write An Autobiographical Essay Let Him and We Always Will Let Him. Though Billy claims he had time traveled once or twice before he was abducted by aliens, most of his experiences of being unstuck in time seem to have started (chronologically, if it can be trusted) after he meets the Tralfamadorians. Their explanation of their way of seeing time is like a key that unlocks Billy from his own linear knowledge of time. Vonnegut constructs a world in which destiny just is, just exists regardless of what the people within the world do. This is, in fact, the very definition of destiny; an event will happen and cannot be formed, as that would negate destiny. As the Tralfamadorians say, “Only on Earth is there any talk of free will” (109). Therefore, every moment of Billy Pilgrim’s life seems to be put up to chance. His career as an optometrist, for example, takes off so well because he manages to marry a girl with just the right father. Later in Billy’s life he is so entrenched in this Tralfamadorian idea that he allows “destined” events to happen that he actually could have conceivably changed.

An example of this is when he is shot by Paul Lazarro at the end of his life. He knows that this event will happen and even tells the others around him that he expects it. The people around him want to shuffle him off somewhere for his own protection, which could have possibly changed the course of the event entirely. Billy refuses this, however, because he is supposed to be shot by Paul Lazarro. Again, this parallels the way Billy behaved in the war, though instead of being led around by other soldiers he is led by this so-called “destiny.” Whether intentional or not (though probably it is), Vonnegut opens up questions about whether the event could have been changed. This would, of course, rely on Billy having an entirely different world view, which would in turn completely change the event anyway. The other people could have chosen not to listen to him, but they do.


The Benefits Of Autobiography (Religious Or Otherwise)

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:10 + в цитатник

A few weeks ago, Michael Utzinger posted about a course he is working on concerning religious autobiography, and about using of Eboo Patel's Acts of Faith for the course. As it happens, I have just finished taking part in a two-part graduate seminar on using autobiography/life-writing in historical research. For the first section, the reading portion, we read through a range of theoretical literature concerning life-writing and considered the potential problems and benefits that come with using these types of sources. Dream Children; A Reverie Analysis , the research component, was based on a straight-forward yet difficult challenge: pick an autobiography (or set of autobiographies) and use it as the core of your primary source base for a standard seminar-length essay. It was a helpful, challenging exercise in source criticism that pushed us to test the limits of a single extended source, and to think more seriously about the nature of historical sources in general. Surprisingly, little of the theoretical literature we reviewed discussed religion or spirituality at all.

In Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson’s Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives, the authors list fifty-two “genres” of life-writing; where one might expect to find religion listed as an explicit theme, such as under the “con narrative” heading, the genre’s description is kept broad and capacious, focused more on a narrative of transformation that specifically religious or spiritual con. The only genre to be overtly linked to religion is the “spiritual life narrative,” very similar to the con narrative, which “typically unfolds as a journey through sin and damnation to a sense of spiritual fulfillment and arrival in a place of sustaining belief.” Although a very helpful text otherwise, Smith and Watson don’t take us very far in considering the distinctive qualities of religious or spiritual autobiography, nor do they (or other scholars) pay especially close attention to religious themes within life-writing generally. Nevertheless, I’ve become something of an advocate for life-writing’s historical usefulness. This data was done by Essay Writers!

I ultimately focused my own work on early-twentieth century liberal Protestant autobiography. Although my research relied primarily on Harry Emerson Fosdick’s autobiography, The Living of These Days, I worked through a range of texts from the period, keeping the “liberal” category pretty fluid, in order to try and trace similarities between each text and the life and experiences each portrayed. I was especially interested in the presentation of con or transformation narratives describing the path from the “traditional” Christianity in which they were raised to the liberal stance they espoused later in life. I got sidetracked along the way, however, by Fosdick’s text, and it seems to me to be an excellent example of what autobiography can do for the careful historian. Fosdick’s text jumped out at me for a few reasons.

First, it really asks for Fosdick’s life narrative to be read in at least three ways: as didactic, where Fosdick’s life is held out not necessarily as something to emulate absolutely, but as a life that one can learn from; as representative, where Fosdick’s life doubles as the story of modern liberal Protestantism; and as apologetic or defensive, where Fosdick articulates his own understanding of liberal religion and clarifies it against a variety of criticisms. In the Preface of the text, Fosdick suggests that the problem of his age was the question of how “to be an intelligent modern and a serious Christian.” This dilemma becomes a central theme of the text and is infused into each of the three narratives pursued above. By keeping an eye on each of these readings - by reading them alongside and against each other - the autobiographical text is transformed from a repository of factual content that will have to be verified, to a dynamic intersectional text whose value far transcends the mere facts it it might contain. Style, structure, themes, voice - all become attributes that can be mined for further meaning.

’s story, and thus the story of liberal Protestantism, as a very American story, even a traditional one. He spends a great amount of time establishing his genealogical bona fides, claiming early colonial ancestors from the 1630s. He traces “a strong tradition of nonconformity” on both sides of his family, recounting how one relative was expelled from New England church - “probably for reading heretical Anabaptist books,” and how other relatives challenged religious and social norms of their times. He goes out of his way to praise nonconformity and “rugged individualism” as distinctly American virtues. And Sarah Moran's ENG 112 Blog: SELF EVALUATION ESSAY throughout his own story and are even tied into the text’s structure, so that his own embrace of liberal faith becomes a story of nonconformity, of rugged individualism, and of tolerance across peculiarities of belief. Although I am still working on pulling these themes out and making sense of them historically, I don’t think that Fosdick is idiosyncratic among the liberals of his time in his attempt to craft a distinctly American identity. The question is why - why does Fosdick go out of his way to do so? ’s Matt Kundert's Friday Experiment: Important Rorty Essays, Or So You Want To Dig Into Rorty? that I’m not sure I would have thought to ask without engaging the period’s autobiographical literature. Read openly but critically, Fosdick’s autobiography becomes a node of cultural intersections, a measure of both the time he was writing in (the 1950s) and the span of his life. This is a value unique to life-writing, I think, one that emerges from something inherent in the autobiographical act itself. Paul John Eakin has suggested that as we tell stories about our selves, we actually create our selves; we construct our identities through the elaborate and complex narratives we weave. For the historian, the trick is to read such texts from multiple angles, to try and unlock the identity that the autobiography holds and to gauge its historical value.


Interview MBA - Sharing Session

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 17:09 + в цитатник

Referring to the tittle of the entry, hari ini I nak share my first experience menghadiri interview to further my study at Master level (Sarjana). I just graduated from degree Bachelor (Hons.) in Science Biology. Since kecil I memang teringin nak belajar tinggi tinggi. Kalau boleh sampai dapat title Dr kat depan memandangkan tak dapat nak jadi doktor, so dapat jadi doktor falsafah pun jadi lah kan haha. Masa tahun akhir degree I memang plan untuk sambung master. Tapi ada dua pilihan. Yang pertama master in science (applied biology) atau yang kedua MBA (master in business administration). Both I minat. Biology sebab I memang suka, memang subject favourite I sejak dulu and bidang ni I rasa enjoy sangat. Kena dengan jiwa I. Tapi MBA pun I suka, I minat and I sedar ada better carrier opportunities dalam MBA. I don't know why, I just feel that. So lepas habis belajar, I memang sangat dalam dilemma nak sambung master dalam bidang apa.

Tak tipu taw. If and only if I ni genius memang I ambik both kot. Lama I fikir nak ambik mana satu. Tapi sebenarnya ayah cadangkan ambik MBA instead of Msc, then I decided to apply for MBA. I believed that this is the best for me, inshaAllah! 2. Apply online at official website of postgraduate UiTM (ipsis UiTM). For your information, saya apply MBA di UiTM, under faculty of Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS). You can google to find out more about this business school. 3. Write an autobiographical essay (basically an essay about ourselves that not more than 700 words. But Writing Creative Nonfiction wrote until 800 words, tu pun kalau tak lebih taw sebenarnya. Haha. I cannot cut down words anymore. Taktahu dah nak potong yang mana. Omg i just realized my weakness! This is my weakness! Write an Autobiographical Essay not more than 700 words, typewritten on A 4 size paper, using word. The essay is basically about yourself. It should tell us about you and essentially what you would want the reader to know about yourself. The essay could focus on your personal life, your background, your achievements, accomplishments or on your experiences.

Nobody knows you better than yourseft, so tell the readers all that you would want them to know about you. How well you’ll do this, depends on your ideas and your writing skills. Essay tu pasal diri kita, achievement, experience. And I also why we want to embark on MBA. 4. And the final step is to submit the printed online application, autobiographical essay, and other related things such as photocopy of IC, transcript, and so on to the faculty (hard copy). In my case, Alhamdulillah I have been called for the interview. At that time I am so nervous because I have never been to any interview before. Even masa apply for internship pun takde kena interview. Since this is my very first time, so nervous takut semua ada. Bila dapat tahu dapat panggilan temuduga tu, ayah pesan banyakkan membaca newspaper yang related dengan business (The Edge, Focus, Star and so on).

Tapi I always postponed and takde rasa nak baca. Fyi, tarikh dapat email dengan tarikh interview tu jaraknya hanya seminggu. Yes one week only! Haha. Sampai lah tiba hari interview, rasa menyesal sebab tak baca all those things. On the interview day, I wear baju kurung (macam biasa lah, formal) and sandal. Better pakai kasut bertutup! My bad masa tu tak terfikir, nasib tak kena tegur. Sebab ada one student ni tapi kat bilik interview lain kena tegur taw. For not wearing kasut bertutup. First first sampai, ada REGISTRATION counter, kena register. Lepastu tengok ramainya orang my god. Ingatkan terus pergi bilik interview. Alamak dah la tak prepare sangat, pen pun nasib lah ada bawak sebatang. So tolong lah ye lepas ni kalau pergi memana at least bawa lah one pen. Senang nanti tetiba kena buat itu ini, kita ada jugak pen boleh menulis. For What Is A Statement Of Purpose And Why Is The College Asking For It? tu, jawab je lah nak taknak kena lah jawab sebab test tu dia akan collect untuk bagi kepada interviewers.

Test dia senang je, dia bagi articles then suruh kita olahkan balik pasal article tu. Just do your best! After test baru lah pergi bilik interview. Tunggu kat luar sampai lah nama kena panggil. ALHAMDULILLAH interview ended very well. There were two interviewers. Interview MBA - Sharing Session of them are academician at AAGBS. Soalan dia tanya pun senang je. Tak susah. Macam sembang sembang je (betul ayah cakap). 4. If you're selected, how u will obtain the financial sources since this course is very pack and you're not allowed to have a part time job. The rest they just explained about MBA in AAGBS, Before the interview session end, I did ask them two questions (buat syarat je la tanya ni, nampak sikit macam kita ni betul betul interested). Kat sini I rasa I nak share autobiographical essay (before tu Im sorry ye yang essay I bukan lah tahap yang memberangsangkan, gramatical error sana sini, ayat yang taksedap and tak bagus mana tapi I did ny best I can). This content was created with the help of Essay Freelance Writers!


ENGL102-27: January 2020

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:55 + в цитатник

The "Why Terror" text serves as exercise for us to create our Essay Unit 1 about a song. On Monday, you will receive your final summary s back which I got from you today. Then, I will model how to write an A,B,C,D, and F paper "response." Therefore, those of you who have not emailed me the response part yet (just the summary), email it before Sunday, so I can give advisory grades before class on Monday. Today, we are creating the outline for the "response part" of our song essay. You have finished the "summary part" already, which was due today in class. · Does the composer tell mere facts? · Does Davy's Universe: October 2020 /she try to manipulate/convince the audience, lead them in a certain direction? Make them believe something? The discussion of these elements must be backed up with citing lines or keywords (in quotation marks, mentioning the stanza or line of the song) from the lyrics which describe the claims the composer is making. Also, you need to use at least one scholarly research article (no Wikipedia!) to prove that you have investigated in the social/political/economical background of your song.

For example: when your song deals with runaway kids (such as in “Runaway Train” from Soul Asylum), you should cite some statistics about children living on the street, or from Amber Alert, or recent cases from the media as examples, to show the importance of this social issue today. Why did they run away, what became of them? Don’t just generalize, do some in-depth research to explain why the composer wrote a song about this topic, why he/she wrote it at that time, and not twenty years ago, and what he/she wants to achieve with it. Task for today: copy and paste these guidelines into a word document, and type your text under each of the points. This is our brainstorming and pre-writing activity. We collect data before starting our response. When you're done filling in the blanks, try out the three search engines and look for background material that you can use to support your thesis why your song is important today. Copy the links to any research article you find into your word document, and email all this to me at the end of today's lesson. No late documents accepted. If you don't get done, just email what you have. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE AN ARTICLE FROM A TIME THAT MATCHES YOUR SONG! So, if your song is from 2006, don't pick a research article that talks about the background of the 1920's, and if your song is a hippie song from 1969, don't use an article that talks about drug abuse in 2007!

I wish we could have a group to discuss the brain, as many hubbers seem interested in that subject. My interest started when a relative had an astounding memory, and I loved to hear about it. Now, I love to read about the workings of the brain. I am glad you have that memory book by Marylu Henner. She is so brilliant and stays young looking forever. Thanks for sharing all the ideas. Hi Mana - Thanks for reading and commenting on my hub. It interests me that you believe these memories come from a past life. The brain is remarkable, and all sorts of theories probably come about this engine of our body. No one knows all the answers. Our lives just go on, and we need to have beliefs. Thanks for your opinions. First I am excited and sad by your hub both at the same time. Your hub was beautiful in many ways. I have always been intrigued by memory and those who have a great ability to access what they see and experience. Content has been generated with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

An amazing gift that not every person has. I have struggled with memory my whole life. During my childhood and adult life I was always more interested what could be instead of what is. Busy day dreaming I wouldn't remember much. I did develop my imagination to dream and dream I did. The sad part of your hub was finally reading the last comment. I love reading about people and what they know and don't know. So I was day dreaming and thinking of each person that left a comment. How they were moved like me to leave a comment. The truth is I can go on and on. Most people think I am rambling when each thought in my mind seems crystal clear. I would love to continue talking and discussing future ideas about more extraordinary hubs that lead to tapping into the unlimited brain power deep down I know we all have. Thank you forever writing this hub and it is not uncommon for me to be three years behind everyone else.

As I write this I have the book by Marilu Henner Total Memory Makeover sitting on the corner of my kitchen table. Have Photographic Memory; Good Memory; Myth Vs Reality and I can't wait to to dive right in many more of your hubs. Interesting Hub, Patricia. You seem to approach it from the standpoint of science and research. Meaning Of Life In Slaughterhouse-Five , and I see that you have studied in this field. We esoteric ones say that nearly all of this is carried over from a former life. Re-incarnation. Vivekananda was a great Yogi. He remembered so much! Still, nothing comes from an empty void. It is highly likely, that all your bright people, carried over their experiences from long, long ago. A great Hub and noble effort. Silence and experience begins where science ends. In Love and Light. Hi tsmog I am sorry about your auto accident, and your problems with memory. The photos were to recall in pictures the events you missed in memory, Is that correct?


The Art Of The Essay : Introductory Remarks

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:42 + в цитатник

The purpose of this course was to better understand the ability of the essay to tell different stories and to explain different topics. The three specific essays we had to complete for this class was a memoir or an autobiographical essay, a profile essay on a person, place, or thing and a critical critique or argument essay. Autobiographical Essay: This essay was focused on writing a story about yourself. We picked an event in our lives that was important to us and meant something. This essay made us focus on accurately describing a dramatic or life- altering event that could tell a story about ourselves. Profile Essay: This essay was focused on profiling someone or something(for instance, a place or a product). Either of these are topics are ones that the author should have a personal connection with. Description was a necessary tool in writing this piece to allow the reader to have a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The Cultural critique/Argument Essay: This essay focuses on an object, trend, fad, or other phenomenon as the subject of its analysis. Categories such as technology, violence, gender, and education fall under "Cultural Critique". As authors we could focus on topics beyond these categories. A topic that is current and is of interest & importance to us and to our audience. Implementing the techniques of narrative and description, as we have practiced in the last two essays.

Otherwise you will only be able to see the top 3. If you pay, however, you get access to the full list till around April of the succeeding year.. The fee is around $15 and can be easily split amongst the others you know who are applying to the US. From this list, you can start visiting the university websites. There are a couple of points you should note while skimming through colleges sites. This is obviously the most important criterion for selecting a university. If it doesn't have the course you're looking for, don't consider it, no matter how prestigious it is, or how highly ranked it is department-wise. Keep focused on what you are going to the US for. Interview MBA - Sharing Session can worry about prestige at a later stage. Go through the courses offered and see if they have classes related to your field of interest. Research being conducted in your interest is a great way to strengthen your argument of selecting that college both in your Statement of Purpose and during your visa interview.

This may not seem obvious at first, but location matters. Are you a party animal? Do you think you will cope well with a university that is situated in a town of its own with very few urban amenities. Do you think you might be distracted from your work if you studied in the middle of a thriving metropolis? Food for thought. Also what kind of weather can you not stand? Limit its geographical location accordingly. Nowadays it is rare for an applicant to receive aid before touching down on American soil. Hence you should be prepared to shell out cash for at least a semester. Hence Khaly Life Inspirations should consider both the tuition and living expenses of your prospective university. Highly esteemed institutions will have hinger tuition rates. Universities in metropolitans and along the coasts and the border with Canada can have very high living expenses (some universities' living expenses are higher than their tuition fees). Consider the situation from both the point of aid and otherwise.

How long can you cope without aid? When searching for colleges don't limit it to any specific number at this stage, but do remember to divide them into tiers according to the GRE and TOEFL scores which are sufficient to even consider applying to them. In each tier highlight the four universities you would most prefer to attend. This gives you pools of colleges to select from according to your performance on test day. Well, this is what you've been preparing for the past few months (hopefully!). Even if you managed to study in the last two weeks, don't worry too much about it. Go in with Critical Autobiography: A New Genre? and you'll do surprisingly well if you follow the test taking tips in the Kaplan GRE book. Of course you will always walk away with the feeling 'what if'. So this is no excuse not to study! The details about what to bring, the address and the timing of the test are all clearly given in an email you receive after registering. ID (like a driver's license). Content has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

You can optionally bring the printout of your email confirming registration, but they have never asked anyone I know for it. Some have complained of the test center being too cold, so dress in layers so that you can adjust accordingly. You can also bring a list of universities (the tiered ones). You can't take the list in during the exam, but once its over, they will let you bring it in to report your scores. The staff is very friendly and they explain everything very clearly so don't worry about screwing up. Oh, and try not to kick the power cord of the system you are working on. It's not as uncommon as one might think. After you have completed the test and have received your score, select the corresponding tier on your list and send them your scores. You can even chose one or two in the tier above. To be honest, if you are comfortable speaking in English, you are sufficiently prepared for the TOEFL. With the new Internet based testing (IBT) which is coming up, you are required to actually talk with an interviewer which is recorded.


A Close Look At Maya Angelou’s Even The Stars Look Lonesome

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:36 + в цитатник

Beginning with the touching dedication and ending on the very last page, I could not put down Even the Stars Look Lonesome. I laughed and cried my way to the very end while learning about life through Maya Angelou’s eyes and heart. Even the Stars Look Lonesome is just one example from the vast body of Angelou’s work. Rooted in the American literary tradition and using American themes, Angelou is a great example of a writer of American literature. In this book, she shares her observations, views, experience, wisdom, and spirit in a collection of twenty essays. Angelou shares her experience of marriage and knowledge she had gained from that experience. The book opens with “A House can Hurt, a Home Can Heal.” In this essay, she describes her struggling marriage by explaining the bad houses that she and her husband lived in. In moving from one bad house to another, what she calls her best marriage has fallen apart. This article has been written with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

She implies that maybe they were bad houses because they weren’t homes. She divorced and moved from northern California to North Carolina. She moved from had houses to a home that healed her spirit. In a later essay, “Loving Learning,” she shares another experience from an earlier marriage. Attracted to his exceptional knowledge, she married Vusumsi Make, A South African freedom fighter. In their whirlwind romance and quick marriage, Angelou was attracted to his incredible intellect. However, the romance soon faded, leaving the marriage lifeless. In both cases, Angelou does not regret her marriages but appreciates the early passion and lessons learned. Angelou dedicated several essays to her mother. Tears rolled down my face as I read “Mother and Freedom.” The essay begins with an account of how her mother freed her into adulthood at the early age of seventeen. Angelou writes, “She gave me a smile, half proud and half pitying ‘All right, you’re a woman. Content was created with Essay Freelance Writers!

You don’t have a husband, but you’ve got a three month old baby…” (Angelou 47). All of a sudden, the reader is back in the present with Angelou, watching her mother dying in the next room. In facing her mother’s death, she tries to remember the lesson her mother taught about freeing loved ones. She shares more of her mother’s lessons in “The Rage Against Violence” and “Those Who Really Know Teach.” In “The Rage Against Violence,” she tells the story of her mother’s encounter with a possible attacker in a rundown ghetto apartment building. She learned from her mother that in order to overcome violence, we, as individuals and as a society, need to get made before we have the chance to get scared and become vulnerable. “Those Who Really Know Teach” is a funny story about a trip she and her mother took to the supermarket. Angelou shares the lesson that the older, wiser generations need to pass down their knowledge to the young, and the young need to listen and accept that wisdom, even if it is about cooking.

Angelou gives many pages to thoughts about Africa, the African-American experience, and the African culture and traditions. In “Art of Africa” and “Art for the Sake of the Soul, “ she makes the point that “we need art to live fully and to grow healthy” (Angelou 133). In Africa, art is functional; it is not just decoration. African art is a tradition passed down through the ages based on religious belief and native customs. Art brings people together and creates camaraderie among the people. Art is for everyone. Angelou believes that this hold true for African-American art as well. However, it is her opinion that the contribution of African-American art and culture to the Western world is not necessarily recognized. The lack of recognizing the African-American contribution to society is destroying the culture and community. “Rural Museums - Southern Romance” is an essay about the Rural Life Museum in Baton Rouge where, in Angelou’s opinion, a romantic picture of slaver is pained. She believes that African-Americans don’t face the truth about slavery and hide from their African roots.


Writing Creative Nonfiction

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:31 + в цитатник

Creative nonfiction tells a story using facts, but uses many of the techniques of fiction for its compelling qualities and emotional vibrancy," according to Theodore A. Rees Cheney in his book "Writing Creative Nonfiction: Fiction Techniques for Crafting Great "Nonfiction (Ten Speed Press, 2001, p. 1). "Creative nonfiction doesn't just report facts, it delivers facts in ways that move the reader toward a deeper understanding of a topic. What interested me was not simply the discovery that it was possible to write accurate nonfiction with techniques usually associated with novels (and) short stories. It was that plus. Writing in the dramatic method (in scenes) is appropriate in creative nonfiction. As fiction writers know, scenes give vitality, movement, action-life-to a story. For the nonfiction writer, advice to show rather than tell means put more drama into your nonfiction writing. Show the reader what's happening. We believe what we see; we distrust what we're told. This post has been done with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

That's the secret to writing, whether fiction or nonfiction. They feel the whole truth has not been told unless the emotional context is there. Both traditional and creative nonfiction writers aim for the same thing-truth-or the accurate portrayal of life. The scene is the dramatic element in fiction and creative nonfiction. A story usually has a number of scenes, and the method best used in creative nonfiction is to develop the story scene by scene. I'm 45-years-old. My husband just asked me for a divorce. My kids have long ago flown the coop. And when I last checked, I had $100 to my name. I thought I'd done everything right. How did it all go so wrong? The creative nonfiction writer does not 'create' characters; rather, he or she reveals them to the reader as honestly and accurately as possible. I first thought that he was like my cousin-very reserved. If you can develop a robust list of historical details, establish meaningful set pieces, and construct accurate points-of-view, you will end up with a narrative that does more than simply relate historic information," according to Todd James Pierce in his article, "Preparing to Write: Research and the Art of Narrative Nonfiction, (The Writer, April 2017, p.

This has been generated with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

Your resume, when listed chronologically, will then show how you eventually narrowed down your interests to a specific field. Call it maturing of interests, if you wish. The reason this is point number three is because the two points above aid in doing this. One of the main criterion for selecting a candidate is focus. In fact, you shouldn't even be applying for an MS or PhD if you don't have a specific field of interest in mind. The whole concept of further studies is to cover a specialized field in more detail to an extent that your undergraduate education couldn't fulfill. If you didn't have a specialization in mind before joining engineering, that is no problem. Your courses, projects, research, papers and industrial training would have exposed you to a plethora of fields. Which one was the most intriguing to you? Which ones did you despise? You can either narrow it down in one go or by the process of elimination. Even if you did have something in mind a long time ago, don't be surprised or apprehensive about your interests 'maturing' over the course of your BE. This was created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

The reason for this is obvious. Since the grading system of American Universities is based on the 'Grade Point Average' system and ours is based on a percentage system, a method for the selecting committee to bridge the gap would be through rank. You can either keep your rank high, or if you happen to be in a very competitive class with similar abilities, try to keep your average close to that of the topper. Do not try to convert your average to the GPA system. The university to which you are applying will do it themselves in whatever method they see fit once they receive your transcripts. If you wish to get a great recommendation, you're going to have to interact with your professors on a more personal level. If they are doing their own research (as rare as that may be) ask them about it, and if you are interested, offer to help. This content has been generated by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

Involve them with your own projects or paper presentations. This is where the actual preparation for the applying process begins. Depending on how well prepared you wish to be, this can start anywhere from 3-12 months before your GRE. As you are allowed to select up to 4 universities to which to send your test scores for free right after the exam, you should also have a rough idea of which universities are out there to cater to your educational needs. In case you have any doubts about the GRE, there is an excellent list of frequently asked questions and their answers created and maintained by Nitin Madnani. This is what everyone first thinks of when they consider applying to the US for their post graduate studies. And it is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in your path to the United States. Those who aren't flustered at first, aren't exactly the same after looking at the mammoth 3500 word list in the GRE prep book by Baron's. Data has been generated with Essay Freelance Writers!


Centennial Salutes To The Birth, Growth And Development Of Richard Wright As A Writer

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:28 + в цитатник

I have for long been touched by the literary excellence of Black Boy of all Richard Wright's work which I have had a reading, teaching experience spanning almost thirty years, a period in which I have kept wondering as to what makes it such a wonderful representation of a writer and at the same time remain a lively, gripping, intriguing, and illuminating read almost throughout the pages. That this year is the Centennial of his birth which is being marked deservedly well with many literary events I thought that it could be the most needed catalyst to propel me into putting my thoughts, reflections and recollections of this ever-present Black Boy in print. This content was created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

Interview MBA - Sharing Session of the life and works of Richard Wright is significant and justified for me in Sierra Leone as his works both Black Boy and Native Son are taught and studied at all levels of our educational system from secondary school level upwards and have left an indelible impression on all who have read them. I have taught Black Boy for almost ten years from the teacher training college Milton Margai, to librarians in training at Fourah Bay College and I and my students have agreed it is an irreplaceable gem - his style as much as his stoicism and his unswerving pursuit of self-improvement in spite of all the forces pitted against him, being a model for all . One of America's greatest African-American writers, Richard Wright was among the first Black writers to achieve literary fame and fortune. Article has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

But this was due mostly to the superb quality of his work: his vivid descriptions of scenes, the sense of gradation in portrayal, psychological penetration of his characters at various stages of their growing up, especially so Black Boy, his capturing the traumas, pain and anxieties of growing up black in the southern states of America in the early twentieth century, and his commitment to championing the cause of blacks wherever they live, Africa or the Diaspora. Richard Nathaniel Wright, the grandson of a slave was born and spent the first years of his life on a plantation near Natchez, Mississippi in September 4 1908.. His father, Nathaniel, was an illiterate sharecropper and his mother, Ella Wilson, was a well-educated school teacher. The family's extreme poverty forced them to move to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1913 when Richard was six years old. Although he spent only a few years of his life in Mississippi, those years would play a key role in two of his most recognized works: Native Son, a novel, and his autobiography, Black Boy.

Soon after moving, his father abandoned the family, leaving his mother to support them alone. Pointless Essay: Responce To The Lottery Essay moved to Jackson, Mississippi to live with relatives. So when in Dream Children; A Reverie Summary (An Essay of 1925 at the age of 15, Wright wrote his first story "The Voodoo of Hell's Half-Acre", and it was published in Southern Register, a local black newspaper, he had little support and encouragement from his family. For his grandmother had already conscripted every one on her side against Richard's independent and creative spirit. He had to develop a high level of motivation and daring , to go ahead. He graduated as valedictorian of his 9th grade class in May 1925, and enacted another daring defiance against authority by reading his own speech instead of the principal's..He left school a few weeks after entering High School, worked at several menial jobs in Jackson and Memphis while continuing writing and discovering the works of the masters.


How To Write A Resume

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 16:02 + в цитатник

Having an up to date Resume is vital in today's job market. Whether you are a shelf filler for the local supermarket or a high powered executive. Resume writing is not difficult. Like all good writing there are some basic rules. If you follow them, what you produce will be simple, clear, well presented and almost guaranteed to get you that job interview. There are many books and much information on the web about how to write your own resume. Effective Papers: Research Paper On Sleepy Hollow templates, or free resumes. If you are not delighted, you don't have to pay, it's as simple as that! A gentle word here about presentation. When It The Assignment Due? would not turn up to a job interview in dirty torn jeans, with long dirty hair long dirty fingernails, and spinach in your teeth -- would you? If your answer was yes, then this could explain why you are unemployed. The same care and attention you lavish upon looking professional should be applied to your resume.

Post was created with the help of Essay Freelance Writers.

Your resume and cover letter are often the first point of contact with your prospective employer. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so don't waste it. Use the best quality paper you can afford. Before hitting 'print' make sure that you have re-set the printer to 'best quality' and not 'draft'. It will take a little more ink, and usually be slower, but the presentation will be first class. Make friends with your spelling and grammar checker. Run the resume through both several times and correct everything brought to your attention. The first step in writing your resume is to gather together your information. The first section of your resume should give information like your full name, your address, and your telephone numbers. Keep it brief, but make sure you include vital information. The information you provide to each prospective employer should be different. It makes sense to have a 'core resume' and to adapt it to the individual needs of each prospective employer. For example, if you are applying for a summer job as a lifeguard, and you have proficiency certificates in life-saving, then it makes sense to make these stand out more in your resume. Effective Papers: Term Paper On Dedication should not be at the bottom of a long list of certificates and qualifications on page three, since they are highly relevant for this particular application. On the other hand, if you are applying for a position in a bank, they would not necessarily be that interested in your life saving qualifications, and probably would be more interested in your photographic memory when it comes to numbers. Tailoring the information, relevant to the requirements of the recipient of your resume is vital. And fortunately, with the advent of home computing, it has never been easier.

A comparison means to show how the subject is like something else in a meaningful way. An experience used as evidence may be a commonly known event or an event of which there is limited knowledge. A fact means something actually said or done. Use quotes for direct or indirect quotations. A statistic is a numerical figure that represents evidence gained from scientific research. A counterpoint states an argument against your thesis statement and then provides evidence against that argument. An appeal to authority is a reference from an authority on a certain subject. Logic means to use deductive (general to specific) or inductive (specific to general) reasoning to prove a point. An example is a subset typical of a category or group. 10. Compose a Thesis Restatement as the first sentence of your conclusion paragraph. In other words, state your thesis statement in a different way that will lead smoothly into your two Conclusion Strategy sentences. Make sure that your thesis restatement covers the whole prompt, not just part.

Select two Conclusion Strategies and use transition words to connect, if needed. Leave the readers with a finished, polished feel to your essay. Do not add any additional evidence to your conclusion. 1. Generalization-Sentences that make one of your specific points more general in focus. 2. Question for Further Study-Sentences that mention a related subject or question that is beyond the focus of the essay. 3. Synthesis of Main Points-Sentences that pull together the points proven in the essay to say something new. 4. Application-Sentences that apply the proven thesis statement to another idea or issue. 5. Argument Limitations-Sentences that explain how or why your conclusions are limited. 6. Emphasis of Key Point-Sentences that mention and add importance to one of the points of your essay. 7. Statement of Significance-Sentences that discuss the importance and relevance of the proven thesis statement. 11. Save no more than three minutes to Proofread the entire essay.


Academic Papers: 06/24/09

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 15:55 + в цитатник

Kotler (2003) states that the key to achieving organisational goals consist of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets, therefore the organisation must know as much about its competitors, as it does about itself. When attempting a marketing plan it is important to include seven integrated components; Background situation, Marketing objectives, Marketing strategy, Marketing mix, Action plans, Budget and Organisation implications. According to Doyle pg 101, (2002), these will provide us with the information needed as well as a structured path to fulfil the plan. It should also be noted as Kotler (2002) suggested that a degree of openness should be allowed which will help innovative ideas within the total planning systems. This flexibility adds kotler is also a potential source of competitive advantage. Barriers identified by McDonald (2002) which cause problems in implementing plans, ranged from little senior management support, inadequate marketing and planning skills to confusion and delegation of plans.

These barriers need to be addressed by the organisation to ensure effective strategic planning. ANC rental Corporation is a car rental company and is made up of three distinctive brands, National is a well know corporate (business) brand, Alamo car rental has a strong presence in the retail market while the third brand, Guy Salmon is a prestige name in car rental through which they hire executive vehicles. Together the Alamo and National brands make up one of the world’s largest car rental companies with annual revenue of $2.4 billion in 2002. To ensure an effective strategic marketing plan they must be able to give themselves a competitive advantage over rival firms. Wilson & Gilligan (1997) suggests how market orientation requires a focus on customers, competitors, changing environment and company culture. Despite competition ANC rental can rely on numerous strengths. Firstly it has the largest fleet of cars (55,000) (ANC start right, Dec 2003) in the UK, 10,000 more than its nearest competitor Avis. Secondly it has a service support network connected to its 135 branches through out the UK as well as a global reservations office, which can handle 8 languages. Data was created by Essay Writers!

Kweller Prep Blog: Advanced Prep For Advanced Kids: 3/17/13 - 3/24/13 proves that ANC is a global brand, which it must incorporate into its strategy if it wants to compete in today’s global economy. The information it collects must be used to give the company global competitive advantage which Yib (1989) states can maximise worldwide performance through sharing and integration. However its weakness includes a lack of identifying small but potential gaps in the market. Wichan pg 151, (1998), states how opportunities do not present themselves, they have to be actively sought out. ANC must use its current resources such as staff to seek new opportunities before the competition does. Another weakness, which is a main cause for its position is lack of brand awareness and image, which in today’s business environment is a key, factor in an organisations success. According to Fill pg 216 (1999), Brand equity is a measure of a number of different components including the beliefs, images and core associations, consumers have about particular brands.

Ambler (2003) continues to confirm its importance by stating that firms that measured their main marketing asset (Brand equity) and used both financial and non-financial metrics to assess performance were less likely to cut budgets. He adds that marketers who align their agenda with the corporate goals are under less threat. This is no exception in the car rental business where customer’s needs are to feel “looked after and counted. Marketing plans are needed for ANC’s slogan “ Freedom we’ll take you there” and logo to be seen and heard using different media. Before Academic Papers: 07/23/09 can expect to beat their competitors, they first need to strengthen its current position in the consumers mind. A good example of this is when Avis ran their campaign “ We’re number two, we try harder” this showed how they acknowledged its second position in the rental car business. Hot Essays: July 2020 marketing audit needs to be executed which according to Lancaster & Massingham (1998) pg 14, is a systematic internal and external environmental review of the companies marketing performance for a given period of time.


Sample Papers: Flannery O’Connor Essay

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 15:49 + в цитатник

Flannery O’Connor has been hailed as one of the most influential contemporary writers. What makes her stories so unique is her use of grotesque themes and its effect on her mostly Christian themes. O’Connor truly sees her characters as “religious” heroes; even though some come across as evil, they know what they believe and expose their beliefs to others. “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, “Good Country People” and “Revelation” show the Christian contrast between Evil and Innocence, which is portrayed through these so-called heroes and their prey. Critic Dorthy Walters commented that O’Connor deals deeply in the “human Spirits” of her characters, as well as, the worlds in which they surround themselves, either by choice or fault (23). As she reveals the characters and the world in which they live, she seems to project a negative sense of righteousness in them instead of what one would expect from religious characters.

Critic Fredrick Hoffman pointed out that “Miss O’Connor writes about intensely religious acts and dilemmas in a time when people are much divided on the question of what actually determines a “religious act”(20). O’Connor takes her ideas of religion from the Protestant South but also from the point of a Roman Catholic, which gives her characters their differences. The Protestant views inflict the reality of God in the characters and seem to condemn them to be surrounded by Him, whatever their outcome or original position concerning Him. In the story “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, the Grandmother conveys to the reader that she knows what she believes in, but when she encounters the Misfit she is thrown off by his questions and statements, leaving her questioning her original thoughts. In the story “Good Country People”, Hulga states that she believes in nothing and yet when confronted with the Bible Salesman you see a change in her beliefs; it’s almost as if she wants to believe in Christianity.

And as for Mrs. Turpin in the story “Revelation”, she is portrayed as seeing herself as a good Christian woman, but through the events of the day she finds herself confronted with her “real self” and realizes her faults in being a so-called good Christian woman. Flannery O’Connor used grotesque themes and situations to make her stories differentiated from the common story. Many of her works are classified as “Southern Gothic” because of her strong feelings and strong use of moral and physical themes. In the story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, O’Connor labels the Misfit as a demented man who said and believed “It’s no real pleasure in life”(133). The Misfit was a character, who, while he believed in Jesus, also said “Jesus thrown everything off balance. It was the same case with me except He hadn’t committed any crime and they could prove I had committed one because they had papers on me”(131).

This is why the Misfit was so demented and why he caused others, to rethink God and why He would allow this to happen to someone who believes in Him, and why someone who believes in Him could do such a thing. In “Good Country People”, Hulga is a thirty-two year old woman with a wooden leg and no respect for the common person. O'Connor’s use of grotesque is through Hulga’s deformity. She uses the wooden leg at the end story to show how the leg is not Hulga’s true deformity. Her true deformity is her willingness to believe in “nothing” without really knowing what “nothing” is, which brings her to her ultimate failure and end. As the Bible Salesman leaves Hulga, he tells her “you aint so smart. I’ve been believing in nothing since I was born! 291)” In “Revelation”, O’Connor uses the young girls appearance as her grotesque theme “the poor girls face was blue with acne”(490), and she proceeds to refer to her as “the ugly girl” throughout the story. Post has been generated with Essay Writers!

The girl is shown to have a sour attitude and a great dislike for Mrs. Turpin. Overall the reader is not given a choice to how they might see the girl because O’Connor blatantly shows her to be rude and judgmental by her use of grotesque. After studying O’Connor use of Grotesque, critic Dorthy McFarland commented that “Beneath the grotesquerie of the surface, however, a deeper level of meaning is suggested by tonal shifts and by various significant cues and allusions. O’Connor’s so-called Heroes represent the Evil in her stories and the Innocent are their prey. O’Connor sees the Evil as Heroes because even though they go against Christianity, they expose the so-called Christian characters as fake. They are “fake” because they protest to believe in something whether it is religious or atheistic, and are either swayed by Evil or are exposed to not really know the origin of what they believe in. In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, the Grandmother and Family representing the innocent and the Misfit is labeled as evil. Unlike most good vs. “senseless” evil and “artful” innocence.


The Actual Characterization Of Sample Excuse Letters - Technical Writing

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 15:42 + в цитатник

Job Application Cover Page , in alone, can develop ground to market the merchandise and services. Standard Info: A revenue letter can notify the purchaser of the newest gives, merchandise, solutions, gross sales, and so on. It can be any other information that you feel will interest the reader. Persuasion Does Not Reflect Our Stubbornness may perhaps have specifically asked you to inform him about these details and/or you may well target shopper groups exclusively. To help in establishing how you will need to create your income letter, it is critical to map out your goals. After you are clear about your objective, it will be quick for you to adopt the required method. They talk a good offer of all by yourself as very well as the job you are seeking at. Most hiring managers hire with a feeling of emotion, so do not assume they are bionicle folks with no emotions. They are people today like you and want to see people with interest and taking their employing rather critically.

Present that you respect their time and they will respect you. Shake the trees and see what will work. Create various factors to distinct people today, hoping diverse approaches and figure out what performs for you and your composing design. The work demanded is inversely proportional to you GPA (i.e. higher GPA, much less get the job done). Make certain that you get the classes at a respectable, accredited school-the ideal college that you can pay for in your area. Small business colleges want candidates that have proven quantitative and analytical abilities (and showing the work of taking excess courses helps in and of itself). As Effective Papers: Essay On Media Violence , your different transcript will have the most impression if you select courses that involve these types of expertise, these kinds of as calculus, stats, quantitative economics or finance. Also, it's important that the programs be tricky, upper-stage classes-receiving an A in "Intro to Numbers 101" is not heading to handle the application committee's problems. When taking courses to build your different transcript, examine tricky and get the greatest grades attainable.

Your aim need to be nothing a lot less than to get straight A's in every of these courses - in any other case you've just wasted your time. Highlight Relevant Quantitative Perform- On-the-job quantitative experience can be an vital element of your GPA mitigation technique, as extended as you make the most of it. Highlight any quantitative, technical, or in any other case tough operate you've carried out on the position. If you were a monetary analyst for the Federal Reserve, make it a point to highlight the time you wrote the econometric part for the chairman's investigate report. Supplemental Essay - It might also help your scenario if you attach a brief, optional essay to your application, addressing why your GPA is not increased. If you decide on to attach an essay, don't fall into the trap of earning excuses for yourself. No one likes a whiner, and the admissions committee would like to see you show ownership. Get responsibility for your actions, and then reveal what lessons you have discovered due to the fact then that will enable you to do far better if you are admitted to small business college. This article was done with Essay Writers!

With the most significant factors of business, namely pricing, an organisation can be more in control and flexible through the strategic branding. Equating to higher ROI and profits, higher levels of con and stronger customer relationships are enjoyed by a business that have consistent and compelling brand. An effective brand is a great way for a business to differentiate itself from competitors and it promote the creditability of a business. It extends the product range, helps in product differentiation of one product from another and aids in personal selling. Increase in sales is the one of the benefits provided by branding to small businesses (Clifton, 2009, pp. 2). The target audience will accept the increased price as the company needs to increase its prices due to its small size. Without losing the trust of the customers, the company can build up the next stage successfully if it is built upon a solid brand base.


Persuasive Essay Examples: 6th Grade Persuasive Essay Examples

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 15:31 + в цитатник

Are you having a challenge in writing grade 6 persuasive essays? You can sharpen your persuasive writing skills through referring to 6th grade persuasive essay examples. Usually, How To Write A Good Resume is the first option students turn to when they need help in academic writing. This is a good option but they should also not forget resources in the school. Sources from school refer to the library, fellow students and tutors. The library has some of the best ever written persuasive essays. There are also good writers in any class setting; hence it is possible to get samples of good persuasion essays within the class setting. Teachers also write persuasive essays they can give students as learning materials. It is a preferred place for accessing 6th grade persuasive essay examples and any other persuasive essay examples elementary. This is so because it is fast, and in the event students are not in a position to write their assignments, they can request for custom written papers from custom writing services. In addition to custom writing services, students can access persuasive essay examples from schools’ websites.

Both parents and teachers must be actively involved in helping elementary school students to learn from persuasive essay examples elementary. This is because to learn effectively from an example, one has to read or write more than once. While it is good to help elementary school students learn from already written papers, it is paramount that they are encouraged to write persuasive essay examples elementary on their own. It helps in developing and sharpening their persuasion writing skill, thereby becoming independent writers. Get a copy of a good persuasive essay if possible get more than one. A variety helps in learning more because different writers emphasize on different aspects of writing. While reading the essay, note down important aspects of writing learnt. Engaging in discussions greatly contributes to a better understanding of what was learnt. Practice what was learnt by writing samples of your own and giving a superior for evaluation. Correct the errors noted by the evaluator prior to doing your class assignments.

Report also mentioned that neither Corigliano nor Pember agreed to cooperation with the committee investigators. Silverman, new CEO of the Corporation said the following about the scandal: “«This report brings to a close a difficult period for Cendant employees and shareholders alike. According to Stacey Stowe from International Herald Tribune (Nov. 2006) in general it took almost eight years and three trials, and only in 2006 U.S. MLA Essay Format: What Is MLA Format For An Essay , the former chairman of the Cendant Corporation. Forbes was convicted on charges that he managed an accounting fraud that was the largest on record in year 1998. Investors lost about $19 billion when stock of Cendant Corporation fell after the disclosure. A jury of eight men and four women in U.S. District Court deliberated for about two days and a half before finding Walter Forbes, 63 years old, of New Canaan, Connecticut, guilty of conspiracy and of two counts of submitting false reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States in over-reporting earnings of his company by more than $250 million. This article has been generated with Essay Freelance Writers!

Forbes was set free on $1.2 million bail. He was to be sentenced on January, 17 and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Prosecutors claimed that Forbes overstated earnings at his original company, CUC International, which later merged with HFS in 1997 in order to form Cendant Corporation - with holdings that contained among their businesses the Avis and Budget car rental companies and Coldwell Banker real estate and the Century 21 brokerage firms. The condemnation of Forbes, who resigned from Cendant Corporation with a $47 million severance payment, followed the settlement of a civil case in 2000, in which Cendant Company paid $2.9 billion and Ernst & Young paid $335 million. In 2005 Cendant stockholders made the decision to change the company’s name to the Avis Budget Group. Besides Avis Budget, Cendant Corp. In other words Cendant Corporation announced its decision to divide into four companies, as it was necessary to introduce some diversification in order to appeal to stockholders and striving to raise the value of the post-split up corporation.

Fraud is said to be the deception that is made by one person or group of people for personal benefit or to damage another person or to take his money in illegal way. Definition of fraud is predominantly dependant on legal jurisdiction. Fraud is said to be the crime, and also the violation of the civil law. The most common type of fraud is defrauding people of money. There are about A+ Writing Tips For An Argumentative Essay On Any Topic of fraud, which include: asset misappropriation, false accounting, computer fraud, intellectual property fraud and insurance fraud, infringements or thefts by third parties, corruption, investment scheme fraud, and money laundering. It is possible to commit fraud by such means as mail, internet and phone. Risk situation on fraud commitment can be categorized as profits, processes and people. Some situations taken independently may not indicate on the motivation to commit a fraud, but taken along with other factors will appear to become a motivational factor. In order to prevent fraud and enhance ethical behavior in the company, organizations should develop code of ethics according to their core values and establish services of internal audit and monitoring.


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