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: 13.04.2010
: 14923


Poleznaya informaziya.

: Zvezdnie, znamenitie, velikie(8), Zvet i sochetaniya zvetov(17), Znakomimsya(24), zdorov'e(305), Zagadochnoe, nepoznannoe(5), vyazanie(100), VSE genial'noe prosto!(5), Vremena goda(25), vishivka(280), Vintage(476), Vijiganie po tkani(0), Velikaya Rossiya(33), Valyanie(23), Upakovochki, birki i t.d.(57), Ukrasheniya(63), Udivitel'noe ryadom(37), Tkachestvo(16), Tikvi(11), Svadebnoe(11), spizi(235), Smeshno, misli vsluh, zametki i td(47), skrap(405), skazki, kino, mul'tiki(5), shit'e(987), Sad-ogorod(90), Rukodelie(299), Rospis', risovanie(42), Religiya, molitvi(11), Raznoe foto i ne tol'ko(2), Rasteniya(12), Provoloka(11), Pricheski(2), Poryadok i uyut(53), Poleznie soveti(113), Podarki(13), Pletenie(60), pesni, video(5), Peredelki(25), Ornamenti(34), oformlenie(3), O jizni , o sebe i drugoe....(27), O den'gah(14), Muzei(2), Mozaika(2), Moi raboti(1), Meshkovina(72), master klass(369), Mashinnoe vyazanie(37), Magiya, zagovori, oberegi(25), Lavanda(24), landshavt(20), kvilling(0), kulinariya(351), Kukuruza(12), kryuchok(717), Krujevo(55), Koti, koshki, kotyata(30), Koja, meh...(17), Knigi(123), kartinki, shabloni, trafareti i t.d.(216), Kamni(13), Kalligrafiya, shrifti, alfavit(10), Ju-Ju-Ka - tochechnaya rospis'(5), Jivotnie(25), inter'eri(21), Igrushki(1095), Hudojnik i ih raboti(89), Hand made-chto nujno znat', chtobi prodat'(9), Goroskopi, testi, psihologiya(35), Gips(11), Fotoshop(10), Eto interesno!(55), epoksidnaya smola(9), derevo(8), Dekupaj(570), Dekor(497), blogi(64), Bechevka, verevka, nitki, shpagat(12), Banki, sklyanki, puzir'ki(41), Antikvariat(0), Angliiskii yazik(2)

Gde v internete mojno prodat' tovari ruchnoi raboti.

, 07 2010 . 10:30 +
700 [ + !]


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, , - eBay (www.ebay.com), Etsy (www.etsy.com), Artfire.com (www.artfire.com) (www.livemaster.ru). , , .

Poleznaya informaziya


Natyurmorti i zveti + urok

, 29 2011 . 21:23 +
_ [ + !]

" "+

Poleznaya informaziya


Risovalki. Programma dlya risovaniya.

, 07 2011 . 06:57 +
Jea [ + !]

Rukodelie/Sdelai sam
Poleznaya informaziya


Lyubimie seriali i hud. fil'mi on-lane

, 03 2012 . 06:07 +
70 [ + !]

Poleznaya informaziya


Polnii spravochnik po LiRu

, 06 2012 . 16:50 +
zerno-Ros [ + !]



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BBC bbc 5
Beauty. . . -
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: . ! -

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Poleznaya informaziya


Plenka Fredecor dlya dekupaja

, 05 2012 . 17:15 +
alona777 [ + !]

Freedecor. .


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Freedecor ?

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Freedecor ( ) , , .

Poleznaya informaziya


Ochen' poleznoe o shit'e.

, 17 2012 . 03:25 +
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Poleznaya informaziya


Zavyazivaem galstuk!

, 29 2012 . 16:14 +
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3. (Windsor)

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1) , 30 , .
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Poleznaya informaziya



, 09 2012 . 21:13 +
fljuida [ + !]

. Madejek.


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master klass
Poleznaya informaziya


, 10 2012 . 22:33 +
Lenyr [ + !]

Poleznaya informaziya


/ ( )

, 04 2012 . 05:02 +
Fly-Tata [ + !]

Poleznaya informaziya


, 05 2012 . 05:13 +
TATYSIY [ + !]

Poleznaya informaziya


>400 99 !

, 05 2012 . 05:22 +
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400 99 !

99 ! .
 499 !
1. http://www.aldebaran.ru/ - - on-line- , : , , , , , ,
2. http://lib.ru/
http://www.online.ru/sp/eel​/russian , .
3. http://www.encyclopedia.ru/ - " " — (, ,).
4. http://vgershov.lib.ru/ - : - , ,
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5. http://libraries.allbest.ru/ ALLBEST.RU - ( 27 000)
6. http://www.litportal.ru/ ,,,
7. http://scbooks/ .
8. http://aleria.net/ .
9. http://www.arsasiatica.com/ -
10. http://lib.students.ru/lib.php​?word=%C0
11. http://abc.vvsu.ru/ . , , , ( 420 )
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13. http://www.ekniga.com.ua/ - -.
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82. http://vlib.hut.ru/ -, , , -, -, - ,
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84. http://www.imwerden.de/ - pdf : XVIII-XIX ,
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87. http://www.biografia.ru/knigi​.html DjVu.
88. http://lib.org.by/_djvu/M​_Mathematic...0in%20finance/
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99 ! http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3729526/quotes/ 99 ! 1. 2. 3. >/a> 4. 5. 6. 7. , 8. 9. 10. 11. ( ) 12. 13. 14. ( ) 15. 16. 17. ' ' 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ( . ) 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. '' 50. 51. '' ( ) 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. '' 76. 77. 78. 79. - 80. 81. () 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. ' ' 97. 98. 99.
Poleznaya informaziya


, 05 2012 . 05:50 +
microfon [ + !]


 Stitch Art Easy

  : Stitch Art Easy , - , , , , . , , . Stitch Art Easy — , — .

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Poleznaya informaziya



, 20 2012 . 06:54 +
Mike-Zu [ + !]




Poleznaya informaziya


, 02 2012 . 05:13 +
Kailash [ + !]

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Poleznaya informaziya



, 04 2012 . 02:02 +
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Poleznaya informaziya


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, 10 2012 . 19:57 +
Nelya_Gerbekova [ + !]

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Poleznaya informaziya



, 10 2012 . 02:20 +
sunmila [ + !]




, , - eBay (www.ebay.com), Etsy (www.etsy.com), Artfire.com (www.artfire.com) (www.livemaster.ru). , , .

www.hand-made.ru – . . , , , .

http://selio.ru/ – : , -, , . , .

www.lovemade.ru – 10 . – 100 .

http://handmade-online.ru/ – , . , , . , , , . .

craftmarketplace.blogspot.com – « ». , , , . , . , , .

en.dawanda.com – Da Wanda -, 5%. .

www.cafepress.com – Cafe Press . - . – (, , .). . . etc.

www.rubylane.com – , , -. , Etsy, . , , . ( ), .

www.artfire.com – Artfire. , . ( beta-) , . Artfire . , , . , .

www.talkmarket.com – TalkMarket , , . , , , , – , - . , . , 5%- . .

, , . , , . .

- .http://handworld.ru/

Poleznaya informaziya


, 15 2012 . 07:51 +
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Tenderrainy, , !

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Poleznaya informaziya



, 24 2012 . 18:35 +
Silver_Brut [ + !]


. 3d . Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE). ColoRotate , , .

Poleznaya informaziya


: ?

, 24 2012 . 19:10 +
Die_Gelassenheit [ + !]

: ?

http://www.college.ru – « ». , - . , , . : , , , , , – . « », « », « ».

http://www.bellenglish.com – upper intermediate. – . . , . – , , . . .

http://www.study.ru – . , .

http://businesslearning.ru – « -». 71 : « », «», «», «», «», « », «», «», « », « », « », « ». . .

http://www.intuit.ru – «- ». 260 , . «Web-», « », « web-», « JavaScript», « (CSS)», «Photoshop», « » . . .

Poleznaya informaziya



, 29 2012 . 03:29 +
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, 30 2012 . 18:17 +
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Poleznaya informaziya


, 11 2012 . 08:22 +
Yas_Nataly [ + !]

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, 11 2012 . 16:59 +
Minchenko_Tatiana [ + !]

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, 11 2012 . 17:03 +
_ [ + !]


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, 11 2012 . 00:09 +
painting_relief [ + !]



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, 11 2012 . 00:21 +
52 [ + !]

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, 11 2012 . 01:09 +
52 [ + !]

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