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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 03.01.2004
Записей: 313
Комментариев: 130
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Poeple if love someone don't think twice...

Комментарии (0)


Вторник, 30 Января 2024 г. 00:33 + в цитатник
I do my best with English.

Комментарии (0)

My work

Вторник, 26 Декабря 2023 г. 16:38 + в цитатник
СМП Нина-0-02-05 LJ for (200x123, 40Kb)
I do my best to help kids all over city!


Среда, 15 Марта 2023 г. 00:11 + в цитатник
Duolingo helps me to improve my English.


Понедельник, 06 Марта 2023 г. 00:08 + в цитатник
beat-my-sausage 2023-03-09 LJ for-Untitled-1 (190x275, 52Kb)
I can do nothing but use my computer#

English with Deepl

Четверг, 23 Февраля 2023 г. 00:20 + в цитатник
Do you like blue movies? Does her heart bleed for him? by the end of the film everyone in the place was blubbering...Were you ever blubbering by the end of the film? I always bonk her with great pleasure! he is completely bonkers He never blundered upon a bons mots. I am busy tomorrow, see you Wednesday. I live ten miles from my hometown. Is your hometown only twenty miles from here? I am busy tomorrow, see you on Wednesday. I'm definitely kinder than my sister. Do you want a bagel or an egg? I'm really excited to see New York! I'm really tired, is my hotel nearby? I want to buy a calendar and a t-shirt. My street is short, so I don't have any neighbors. Is this t-shirt too expensive? I'll eat quickly and then we can leave. Oh my gosh, you go to bed so late!
My vacations are always abroad! People go to bed really late there. Yes, my grandparents both enjoy riding horses.

English with Gill 2023

Вторник, 31 Января 2023 г. 20:07 + в цитатник
English with Gill 2023-01-31 RWСнимок-575-LJ for (250x168, 50Kb)
Do you notice people sometimes use the plural pronouns THEY, THEM, and THEIR when talking about one person? In this lesson I’ll explain why this is done to avoid specifying male or female gender. I’ll give some example sentences to show how it works, and I’ll include a test that we can do together towards the end of the video. And there’s also a quiz over on www.engvid.com for you to test your understanding...


Пятница, 06 Января 2023 г. 00:06 + в цитатник
Once a little girl came to a huge man standing at the bus stop. He had a big stomach. She thought he was pregnant. She asked him a question: "What are you waiting for?" He replied: "I'm waiting for a bus!" The little girl responded: "My mother has a big stomach too but she is waiting for a baby!"

film Moretz This article originally appeared in the October 11, 2010 issue of TIME.

Суббота, 12 Ноября 2022 г. 23:29 + в цитатник
film Moretz-360_agrace_1111 (218x235, 51Kb)
Chloë Grace Moretz has 30,000 followers on Twitter, but she is not allowed to wear high heels, not even to the premieres of her movies. In her latest, Let Me In, the 13-year-old gives a transfixing, delicately intuitive performance as Abby, an ancient vampire trapped in the inconvenient shell of a child's body. She has seen some "really beautiful" snippets of Let the Right One In , the 2008 Swedish film that inspired director Matt Reeves' American remake, but not the whole R-rated film. Her parents, McCoy (Mac) and Teri Moretz, are strict about such things. Chloë does hope that in a few years they will soften their stance on the issue of pierced ears, but she is philosophical about making do with clip-ons. "I'm a girl," Chloë says. "I'm not 16. I'm not 20. I'm definitely 13. I get told that all the time." She shrugs, but it is not the shrug of an annoyed teen. She is unfailingly polite. It is the c'est la vie shrug of a professional, sitting in the Los Angeles office of her publicist. Parental restrictions are something Chloë talks about a lot, both in interviews and on the video blogs she occasionally makes with one of her four brothers, Trevor, a 24-year-old look-alike who serves as her acting coach and works in movies as Trevor Duke. But it's difficult to decide whether these are the simple laments of an almost adolescent or a pre-emptive strike against those who consider her career to date an offense against innocence itself. There she was in the remake of The Amityville Horror at 6, conveying Salingeresque wisdom beyond her years in Diary of a Wimpy Kid and (500) Days of Summer and playing a foulmouthed killing machine named Hit-Girl in last spring's ultraviolent Kick-Ass . Let Me In is emotionally the darkest of them all — yet another horror movie for a young actress whose filmography is already half horror, even if the movie looks and feels a lot less like Amityville than it does Carrie , Brian De Palma's unforgettable rendering of adolescent cruelty. Whatever the case, reminders of her age are needed. Children who are capable of the performances Chloë gives are flummoxing. We express amazement, and then we worry about the unnaturalness of it all. In Let Me In , for the first time, Chloë tackles a role that bears some resemblance to her own peculiar place in the world. Abby is worldly, with 250 years of experience, but even as a demon, she has the vulnerability of a child and faces society's restrictions; 12-year-olds can't just run around killing people. Instead, her "father" (Richard Jenkins) hunts and disposes of bodies for her. There are hints of pedophilia, although the references are more oblique than in the original. It's a tragic story, as close as our vampire-crazed society has come to a realistic depiction of what a vampire's life might be like. At its heart is the love story between Abby and a bullied boy (Kodi Smit-McPhee, who endured The Road last year) who is also friendless and 12 but won't be an adolescent for long. Neither will Chloë, of course, but therein lies the problem. She is not just maturity in a cute package, like the young Jodie Foster or Tatum O'Neal. She is a gorgeous girl, with the kind of oversize cupid's bow of a mouth (inherited from her mother) that — even when she's spitting the worst obscenities known to man, as she did, to audiences' horror, in Kick-Ass — suggests a future sensuality that the world can't help being attracted to. She's like a more skilled version of Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby . Just looking at her incites guilt. When the "Where were the parents?" outrage over Kick-Ass hit last spring, Chloë's parents were, in fact, right there — being supportive of what seemed to them like a good opportunity. To the media, Teri Moretz pointed out the hypocrisy of being more upset by her daughter's swearing onscreen than by her gleefully killing people. Chloë, the family said, was capable of differentiating between fact and fiction. Kick-Ass has undeniably been great for her career. She just signed up for an adaptation of the cult comic Emily the Strange, and she's been shooting Martin Scorsese's Hugo Cabret in London and Paris. She's been gone for months, so it's no wonder that her father took a day off from his Beverly Hills plastic-surgery practice (he relocated from Atlanta in 2005, just as Chloë's career got serious) to spend time with his daughter during her press interviews. Clean-cut and still speaking with the soft North Carolina twang of his youth, he gives an impression of sunny stability. Mac is aware that his daughter has been favorably compared to Foster and Natalie Portman ("We just file that away," he says placidly), attributes Chloë's extraordinary talent to a gift from God and gracefully sidesteps controversy. When Lindsay Lohan's name is introduced with regard to the pitfalls of child stardom, he says only, "Bless her heart," with a sincerity that makes you feel dirty for bringing it up. Asked whether he has seen any impact on his daughter from all these dark parts — nightmares, for instance? — he evades with endearing stories about tiny Chloë memorizing lines even before she could read. Chloë is more willing to answer the question directly. "I've never been scared or affected by anything I ever do," she says. "I never even go into a funk when I do a crying scene, you know? Because it's fun to me." She likens herself to an athlete or a dancer and says that, while "God definitely gave me something," she works hard to refine her talent. She created a diary for Abby, trying to imagine what goes on in her mind, and by the time of her audition (a tape of which was leaked on YouTube) she already had an uncanny grasp on the character. Chloë gives constant credit to her brother Trevor for this. "The way I like to put it is, it's like a painting," she says. "I draw the outline, and he fills it in and makes it perfect." She does not read her own press, considering it neither fun nor helpful. (She is sweet and savvy enough to say kind things about being interviewed: "Press is cool. I like it, to a point.") But innocent though she may be, she's not oblivious to the downsides of living an adorable existence in public. In one of last year's rambling, chatty vlogs, Trevor and Chloë call for questions from fans. "Nothing too personal," Trevor says. "'Cause if you're creepy, I'm going to edit it and delete it, and you won't get heard." He indicates his little sister. "Because she's 12, O.K.?" Chloë opens her eyes wide and puts on a winning expression of mock horror. Maybe it's those four big brothers, but the girl with the scary talent seems to feel as safe as houses.

ШОУ «МАСКА» 3 СЕЗОН - 2 ВЫПУСК 23 февр. 2022 г.

Четверг, 10 Ноября 2022 г. 21:25 + в цитатник
Долгожданная премьера - новый сезон самого секретного шоу российского телевидения "Маска". Как и в предыдущих сезонах под масками будут скрываться настоящие звёзды эстрады, кино, телевидения, интернета и спорта. В невероятных костюмах, разработанных по персональным меркам участников и полностью скрывающих личность, каждое воскресенье певцы, актёры, ведущие, блогеры, шоумены и спортсмены будут выходить на сцену, покорят жюри и зрителей своим вокалом и восхищать артистизмом. Традиционно имена, фамилии, возраст, сфера деятельность и какие-либо факты, подтверждающие личность участников, будут храниться в строжайшем секрете: только несколько подсказок от героев и их голос, которым они будут исполнять российские и мировые хиты. В третьем сезоне шоу под масками скрываются участники, у которых на всех более десяти званий народных и заслуженных артистов, более 30 высших спортивных достижений, в том числе победы на Олимпийских играх. Дискография героев нового сезона насчитывает более 80 альбомов, мини-альбомов, CD, DVD и официальных сборников, а фильмография – около 200 фильмов и сериалов, 26 героев мультфильмов говорят их голосами. Филипп Киркоров, Валерия, Тимур Родригез и Регина Тодоренко вновь займут кресла жюри. Пятым членом жюри станет Тимур Батрудинов. Ведущим третьего сезона по-прежнему будет Вячеслав Макаров.
Зрителям вновь предстоит разгадать самый охраняемый и засекреченный проект на российском телевидении и постараться найти ответ на самый задаваемый вопрос последних двух лет: «Кто скрывается под маской?». Шоу “Маска” - это адаптация популярного во всем мире проекта The Masked Singer.

English with Gill

Воскресенье, 11 Сентября 2022 г. 23:22 + в цитатник
What are intensifiers? They are little words that have a big impact on the meaning and feeling of your sentence. In this simple lesson, I’ll introduce you to a few examples, and I’ll show you how they can be used in sentences to strengthen them. We will cover the intensifiers very, do, so, really, absolutely, definitely, and extremely. I do hope you find it useful!

English with Ronie

Воскресенье, 11 Сентября 2022 г. 12:04 + в цитатник
Start here! Not sure exactly what a noun, verb, adverb, or adjective is? I’m here to solve your confusion. Maybe you learned this once and have forgotten. Maybe you never learned it properly. Maybe you had a bad teacher or you weren’t paying attention in class that day. It doesn’t matter. Watch this short and simple video, and you’ll learn exactly what a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective are in English. You need this fundamental knowledge of the parts of speech in order to advance properly in your English learning.


Воскресенье, 11 Сентября 2022 г. 12:01 + в цитатник
Hello everyone.❤️
Here is a video that I made with the Atterbury theater in Pretoria for the "Diversity is phenomenal" concert a while ago. I wanted to share this video with you to show that sometimes moments do last forever. I hope you like this version of "How does a moment last forever". 🌹
I want to give special thanks to the Atterbury Teater/Theatre for sponsoring this video for such a great cause, it means so much!
Much love,

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