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- Belle
: 100705 : 0
: 394982 : 0
( )
: 3263 : 0
Cris Rea. And You My Love.
: 24123 : 0
, !
: 35412 : 0



 - e-mail



( : 2) _ __


: 27.07.2013
: 846
: 101
: 1235



: (2), (29), (31), (23), (7), (31), (25)

: (366), (96), (75), (30), (73), (39), (65)

, 31 2015 . 06:11 +
_Lyubasha_K_ [ + !]

, . ,
, .
: ,
: ,





, 31 2015 . 04:37 +
bahera [ + !]

Exquisitely beautiful quill work.

, .... ....




, 22 2015 . 21:52 +
_ [ + !]

                               119046382_3OdRoDe9ufcа (356x363, 133Kb)

 50425637_1256718359_6 (511x512, 188Kb) 65355685_1287184361_1059246628924899368m549x500 (365x500, 143Kb) 95073691_large_19 (350x372, 114Kb) Т варежка (603x604, 200Kb) 95480350_snezhinkibalerinki24 (335x480, 86Kb)




, 05 2015 . 17:55 +
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  V , 10.04.2015 19:13
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, .

, 28 2015 . 20:50 +
DragooonFly [ + !]


 3 (620x620, 212Kb) 59 (700x681, 199Kb) 60 (684x700, 238Kb) 61 (456x700, 210Kb) 62 (600x601, 177Kb)

 44 (529x700, 189Kb) 42 (515x700, 227Kb) 46 (607x700, 180Kb) 45 (519x700, 201Kb) 48 (606x700, 180Kb) 47 (620x639, 215Kb)




, 20 2015 . 17:14 +
Olha6 [ + !]

, . , . , . . . , , )))) ))))
, . .
. , , . , . + .

-     -    -    1



, 23 2015 . 06:48 +
555 [ + !]

 .    |   -  , handmade

, , , , !



* . .

* (2% ).

* .

* .


. .




, 22 2015 . 20:19 +
_ [ + !]

! , , .

" " - , , .

, , . ! .



Marcia Baldwin.

, 31 2015 . 21:51 +
[ + !]

, .

62850363_ms0z1gf5 (453x80, 44Kb)
ЛОШ29 (600x600, 278Kb)

, .


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63121951_e58f1e3e489ccff9d8d5af72ef8822b5 (237x96, 18Kb)



, 21 2015 . 22:24 +
pupus [ + !]





, 19 2015 . 23:44 +
mutti [ + !]

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, 19 2015 . 23:34 +
22900 [ + !]

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, , , , , . , , , : , , . .
, . , - . , ...



. !

, 13 2015 . 19:51 +
_ [ + !]









- Zou Chuan-An.

, 13 2015 . 20:50 +
hekk [ + !]

Chuanan , , 1941 .

, .

, , , , , , ,
. "Techniques of Meticulous Flowers-and-Bird Paintings" —

0_502a2_7da69828_XXL (700x559, 198Kb)





, 03 2015 . 19:37 +
Desert_Man [ + !]

, . , - , . .




, 31 2015 . 07:54 +
_ [ + !]

, . - ...
, , . .

,  (700x497, 280Kb)

17676 (570x407, 107Kb)


, 18 2015 . 07:47 +
_ [ + !]



, 17 2015 . 00:30 +
Avellano [ + !]



, 15 2015 . 20:18 +
22900 [ + !]

. , – .
, – , .
, . , , . , .

4611276_121176022_guramdolendzhashvili01e1425546808397 (700x463, 225Kb)



" "

, 24 2015 . 04:33 +
Tatyana_Politova [ + !]


 : 8 [7] 6 5 4 3 2 1