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=Andrea Bocelli - , = - (0)

=Andrea Bocelli - , = Andrea Bocelli - . ,...

flash- ! - (10)

flash- !  

- (1)

   , ...

"" - , ! - (0)

"" - , ! ...


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 - e-mail



: 25.10.2011
: 15069
: 1061
: 17635


" ":
1 - ...
2 - -
3 - / .
4 - !!!
5 - ""
6 - ... ... .
7 - . .
8 - 21.04.12.|Ennio Morricone
9 - , !
10 - >. , ...
11 - |Instrumental()
12 - " "
13 - = =
14 - =Andre Gagnon=
15 - = = . 9 =Jean Michel Jarre - Live concert in China=
16 - = =Tom Barabas=
17 - = Saint-Preux=
19 - = ( )=
20 - = Giovanni Marradi=
21 - =The Gino Marinello Orchestra - Collection (Instrumental)
22 - Jamec Last-"A Special Collection.Vol.1-The Classic Touch"
23 - .
24 -
25 - James Last & Richard Clayderman-"Romanti Dreams"
26 - .
27 - -Laura Golden Sax.
28 - Nathalie Manser-"Alpha Centauri"
29 - Kitaro-" Ancient"
30 - Luis Guerreiro
31 - The Best Of New Age Music
32 - -1
33 - -2
34 - -3
35 - -2
36 - -4
37 - -3
38 - -5
39 - -5
40 - -6
41 - -6
42 - -8
43 - - .3
44 - | ...


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, 01 2012 . 13:13 +
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, 03 2012 . 19:13 +
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, 14 2012 . 17:01 +
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, 26 2012 . 18:39 +
teanika [ + !]


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, 28 2012 . 15:05 +
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. .

, 29 2012 . 14:01 +
LAT [ + !]

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, —
, —



21.04.12.|Ennio Morricone

, 22 2012 . 16:10 +
Ludiko [ + !]

21.04.12.|Ennio Morricone

— . 400 , , , , , . , , , . «», 2007 «» . , 1987 «» « » «».

"A Tribute To" - Ennio Morricone, - 2011


, !

, 01 2012 . 16:06 +
teanika [ + !]

, !

Unlimited Orchestra Sound - Hits (1996)

2961571_001579a8_medium (300x300, 47Kb)



>. , ...

, 02 2012 . 18:22 +
LAT [ + !]

. , ...






, 03 2012 . 19:08 +
Ludiko [ + !]



"World’s Best Hits", Vol.3 (CD2), 2011.

- : 7-, 14 -

      - CD-2
01. Paul Mauriat - Love Story (03:01)
02. Fausto Papetti - Alone Again (03:34)
03. George Benson - C-Smooth (05:57)
04. Richard Clauderman & James Last - Reflection (04:24)
05. Bisquitte - Zoo Zoo (03:14)
06. Jan Holland - El Bambino (01:58)
07. Blonker - Aranjues (04:46)
08. Eddy Calvert - Mistral (02:58)
09. The Ventures - Music To Watch Girls By (02:22)
10. Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene IV (04:05)
11. Edward Simoni - Feuer Tanz (03:26)
12. Mark Knopfler & Chet Atkins - I'll See You In My Dreams (02:59)
13. Francis Goya & Damian Luca - Memory (03:48)
14. Francisco Garsia - What's A Woman (03:17)
15. Whitehall Mystery Orchestra - My Serenade (03:29)
16. Blackmore's Kingdom - Greensleeves (03:28)
17. James Last - Tico-Tico (03:14)
18. The Lively Ones - Surf Rider (03:18)
19. Peter Weekers - Wish You Were Here (03:55)
20. Saint Preux - Intermezzo (02:12)
21. Vangelis - Ignacio (05:13)



" "

, 06 2012 . 15:33 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

" "


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, 23 2012 . 19:41 +
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=Andre Gagnon=

, 15 2012 . 19:18 +
[ + !]

=Andre Gagnon=

4647372_large (600x364, 90Kb)
, , 1942 . . , , 19 . . , . 1974 ., , , . , , , , . . , , ( ), , . 1976 . , , , , . , . Felix , 30.


= = . 9 =Jean Michel Jarre - Live concert in China=

, 15 2012 . 19:46 +
[ + !]

= = . 9 =Jean Michel Jarre - Live concert in China=


= =Tom Barabas=

, 16 2012 . 17:52 +
[ + !]

= =Tom Barabas=

Love-and-Romance-speter-14113001-1280-800 (600x337, 217Kb)Tom Barabas . , . , . . . 1956 . . . . , , . , . , , , , , .

, , , .


= Saint-Preux=

, 18 2012 . 20:06 +
[ + !]

= Saint-Preux=

voixint (500x233, 59Kb)

- , , 1969 . 19 . , "La valse de l'enfance", . - "Concerto pour une voix", . - : "Le piano sous la mer", "La fete triste", "Missa Amoris", "Symphonie pour la Pologne". "Concerto pour une voix" (1969) ( 6 ) "Le piano sous la mer" (1972) ( 3 ) .

, - 1986 ., UNICEF : "Les cris de la liberti", , De la Concorde . - : , , .

, . , .



, 19 2012 . 18:34 +
[ + !]


600full-ennio-morricone (267x400, 30Kb)
10 1928 , . . 9 , , 11 , 3 1946 , () 1952 1953 . 16 , , . , . , , . 1950 . 1960 , 1960 . 1961 , 33 . , , . , . , , . 1964 RCA, , , , . , . , , , , .


= ( )=

, 21 2012 . 19:27 +
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, , . 1963 . 50- , "", , . 1960 . 22- - . , , , , -. , "", 70- . . , , " ", " ", " , ", " - " . - "". 1998 . , . 120 . . , .


= Giovanni Marradi=

, 29 2012 . 18:45 +
Nina_Sergeevna [ + !]

= Giovanni Marradi=

2fe6e57553ffccf88054bbbaca95245d (500x501, 44Kb)
. , . (), , . , . , , , 30 . - , . . , , . . , , , , , , . 1984 . - . 120 , .

 : [3] 2 1