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: 23.11.2010
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2 - 2012


: (18), (25), -(11), _(2), (8), (18), (1), (19), , (2), (3), images(6), Eleida(5), 2014(1)

, 12 2012 . 17:36 +


. , 37.

, , 2 , , .

, . , . , .

, , , . ,

, . , , , , , , . .

, . , .


III . . 160 6 . , , , .

, III, 1896 II - .



(Pont Neuf) . , , , , . , .

1606 IV, . 1850- , IV, . , , , 1818 .

pont-neuf-1[1] (527x252, 34Kb)


150 - (Pont de l'Alma), , 1856 III. 1854 .

1900 , 15 12 , , 2 .

, : , , , .

alma-1[1] (527x252, 35Kb)


- (Pont Notre-Dame) . 105 , 20 . 2 4 .

- , 52 , , . , . .

885-886 , , , , .



(Petit Pont)! , , 32 , 20 . -. , .

52 , , , , . .


(Pont de la Concorde), 153 34 , . , .

- , . 1787 . - .

, , XVI, 1791 ( ). .


(Pont des Arts) , . .

, 7 ( 22 ), 6 . 155 11 , .

1801-1804 . XIX - , .

, . 1848 .


(Pont de Solferino Passerelle Leopold-Sedar-Senghor) , . 1861 1859 -- .

1960- - , 1992 .




- (Pont Saint-Michel), , -. . .

- 1378 . , . 1857 .

2001 -, 1961 , 30- , .


(Pont de la Tournelle) - . , , 1369 , , , .

1618-1620 . : : , 2 , 6 .

: 1637 . . , 1651 .

, , 1656 . ! 1910 . , 1918 .

1923 -1928 . , . , .


(Pont Charles-de-Gaulle) 37 . , : . 238 35 .

- .

, , , , , : . , , 5 .


304- (Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir) , . . 6 12 .

- 2006 , 2 100- , 1908 .

. , , . . , : , . .

: .

: .



- (Pont de Bir-Hakeim) . ( ), , .

1949 . , - , 1942 . .

- ( ) , . .


(Pont des Invalides), III , - (2 34 2 36 ). 1824-1825 .

, , , . 1828 .

1829 1854 .

1855 , .

: , ; , , .


37 (Seine), 3 2 . Ile Saint-Louis , 8 Ile de la Cite . ( ) :

  1. Pont amont (carrying the Boulevard Peripherique , situated at the river's entry to the city)

  2. Pont National

  3. Pont de Tolbiac

  4. Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir (pedestrian), inaugurated 13 July 2006

  5. Pont de Bercy (made up of a railway bridge carrying the Line 6 of the Paris Metro and another stage for road traffic) ;

  6. Pont Charles-de-Gaulle (1996)

  7. Viaduc d'Austerlitz (railway bridge used for Line 5 of the metro), directly followed on the Rive Droite by the viaduc du quai de la Rapee ,

  8. Pont d'Austerlitz

  9. Pont de Sully (crosses the eastern corner of Ile Saint-Louis)

  10. Pont de la Tournelle (between the Rive Gauche and the Ile Saint-Louis)

  11. Pont Marie (between Ile Saint-Louis and the rive droite)

  12. Pont Louis-Philippe (between Ile Saint-Louis and the rive droite)

  13. Pont Saint-Louis (pedestrian zone, between Ile de la Cite and the Ile Saint-Louis)

  14. Pont de l'Archeveche (between the rive gauche and Ile de la Cite)

  15. Pont au Double (between the rive gauche and Ile de la Cite)

  16. Pont d'Arcole (between Ile de la Cite and the rive droite)

  17. Petit Pont (between the rive gauche and Ile de la Cite)

  18. Pont Notre-Dame (between the Ile de la Cite and the rive droite)

  19. Pont Saint-Michel (between the Rive Gauche and the Ile de la Cite)

  20. Pont au Change (between the Ile de la Cite and the Rive Droite )

  21. Pont Neuf (crossing the west corner of the Ile de la Cite, Paris's oldest bridge, built between 1578 and 1607)

  22. Passerelle des Arts (pedestrian)

  23. Pont du Carrousel

  24. Pont Royal

  25. Passerelle Leopold-Sedar-Senghor (1999) (pedestrian, formerly the Passerelle de Solferino, renamed in 2006)

  26. Pont de la Concorde

  27. Pont Alexandre III

  28. Pont des Invalides

  29. Pont de l'Alma

  30. Passerelle Debilly (pedestrian)

  31. Pont d'Iena

  32. Pont de Bir-Hakeim (crossing the Ile aux Cygnes, comprising one stage with a railway bridge carrying Line 6 of the Paris Metro and another for road traffic)

  33. Pont Rouelle (rail viaduct for line C of the RER crossing the Ile aux Cygnes )

  34. Pont de Grenelle (crossing the Ile aux Cygnes)

  35. Pont Mirabeau

  36. Pont du Garigliano

  37. Pont aval (used by the boulevard peripherique, at the river's exit from the city)

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