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Andrua: Тибет

26-08-2024 22:49 (ссылка)   Удалить
Are the infertile Atlanteans?

In England, there lived a famous geneticist named Ronald Fisher. In addition to his official scientific activities, Fisher was a member of the British Eugenics Society, which had contacts with the German Ahnenerbe. Together with the Germans before the war, and then after the fall of Germany, Fisher headed a group of scientists who developed the concept of the emergence of a new human species from the white and part of the yellow race. Unlike the Germans, Fisher did not derive a new species, but stated its natural occurrence. Fisher believed that this species should appear by the end of the 20th century, but would not be a completely new one, but a species of human that once existed in the area of the Azores - the place of Atlantis. By the way, since Fisher had connections with Tolkien, Tolkien could have used Fisher's information when he named his Atlantis Númenor. The fact is that in Welsh legends, motifs of western lands have been preserved, and in the Welsh language, the word "nw" means west. Moreover, these legends highlight two lands that are similar to the Greek Atlantis and Hyperborea. For the designation of the new species, Fisher's group came up with two names - "Homo novus" and "Homo albenis".
In biology, for the recognition of a population as a new biological species, there are the following groups of characteristics:
Morphological characteristics - differences in the shape and visual characteristics of the body. Anatomical characteristics - differences in the structure of internal organs and systems, such as the skeleton, muscles, nervous system, etc. Physiological characteristics - differences in physiological processes, such as metabolism, breathing, blood circulation.
Biochemical characteristics - differences in the chemical composition of the organism, such as proteins, enzymes, hormones. Genetic characteristics - differences in genetic material, such as DNA, genes, chromosomes. Behavioral characteristics - differences in the behavior of species, such as social behavior, reproduction.
In addition, there are criteria for species: Reproductive isolation criterion - species that cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring are considered different species. Morphological differentiation criterion - species that have significant morphological differences are considered different species. Genetic differentiation criterion - species that have significant genetic differences are considered different species.
Ultimately, all these are species-specific characteristics that distinguish it from the generic phenomenon and related phenomena.
Some people consider the criterion of reproductive isolation to be particularly important. For example, there is the family of felines. Within it, tigers and lions can interbreed, although they will not produce viable offspring, but tigers and snow leopards cannot. They are all similar to each other, but represent different biological species. In the family of canines, wolves and coyotes cannot interbreed. Some biologically related species can interbreed, but their offspring, like the liger, will not be viable.
From this point of view, whites and negers are considered different species, since their offspring are not viable. In the 50s-70s, several studies were conducted on this topic, which somehow disappeared during the period of so-called political correctness. According to an American study from 1989, only 3% of mixed offspring of whites and negers have a chance of having children and grandchildren. However, they will have many hereditary diseases. This is why whites and negers did not mix. And some Native American tribes mixed with negers successfully.
It was previously thought that eastern and western populations of gorillas represented two different species, but now it is known that they belong to one species. It was thought that polar bears were a subspecies of brown bears, but now they are considered a separate species. Some people believe that some breeds of cats and dogs are new species, as they have a unique appearance and cannot interbreed. But official science ignores such data.
However, Fisher spoke about the emergence of a new species among the white and mongoloid races. He foresaw the following points:
The impossibility of representatives of the new species to interbreed with representatives of the old species. That is, the new whites will not be able to interbreed with the old whites. Currently, according to various estimates, about 25-30% of white women may be infertile. In men, this indicator is around 30%. Many couples who cannot conceive, despite physiological normality. Scientists cannot explain cases where a woman can conceive with one healthy man, but not with another. However, the concept of a new species explains this. Women often experience amenorrhea and early menopause.
Reduction of sexual dimorphism, so that men and women will not have clear differences externally. Currently, a decline in testosterone levels is observed in men.
More complex organization of consciousness. It is obvious that modern humanity varies from complete oligophrenics to fully conscious people, between whom there is little in common. If we consider that there are two different species, we can explain the mutual dislike of many whites towards each other.
A large genetic distance between the new and old species. Since the 1950s, the concept of so-called Indigo children has emerged, who were supposed to be born from the 1970s. It is believed that the concept was introduced in 1982 by Nancy Ann Tappe, but in fact, it came from evolutionary science, although it may have been initially influenced by Indian trends that were popular in the scientific community at the time. It was assumed that Indigo children were a response to the increasingly complex information environment. When studying the genome of such people, it was found that their genome differs from older generations by an average of 5-7%. And this is despite the absence of external differences. For comparison, the genetic difference between humans and Neanderthals is 0.2%, and the genetic difference within non-Indigo white populations does not exceed 1% on average.
Different brain morphology. Here we are not talking about the volume of the brain, but about its architecture. The new species should have a denser neural network in the area of the epiphysis and thalamus. In addition, the brain should have a more powerful vascular network and a greater number of connections between the hemispheres of the brain. Since some consider the epiphysis analogous to the third eye in a mystical sense and analogous to the third eye in reptiles, Fisher's group made assumptions that such people should possess certain paranormal abilities: clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
Increased lifespan, including the possibility of biological regeneration. Fisher suggested that with the inclusion of a certain factor, probably informational, such people can activate a program for a longer lifespan. Even if a person is 80 years old from a biological point of view, they can regenerate to a 15-20 year old age within a few months. As an example, one can cite Boris Yeltsin, who after leaving the presidency began to look younger than before his departure. Fisher derived this from a model close to the modern model of epigenetic reprogramming.
Spread of representatives of the 2nd and 4th blood groups and the negative Rh factor.
Accelerated pregnancy and accelerated development of the child. Indeed, births are now recorded after 6 months, after which premature babies quickly gained weight and became normal. Acceleration is also known in adolescents.
Many believe that the current processes related to transgenders and LGBT have a basis in the above, and the governments of many countries know about this. Some try to solve this problem in a more foolish way - by prohibition, while others try to manage these processes, since they cannot be stopped.
The skeletons found on the island of Santa Maria in the Azores archipelago were dated to 8,000 BCE. Both male and female skeletons were found. The male skeletons had a wider pelvis, similar to that of females. The skulls of males had feminine facial features. At the same time, other parts of the skeleton had masculine characteristics - wider vertebrae, more massive femur bones with more pronounced muscle ridges. The skull was little different from that of a contemporary average European. Darwin's student, Russell Wallace, believed that sexual dimorphism, i.e., external differences between the sexes, can be eliminated by evolution. In his opinion, all successful biological species have weak sexual dimorphism. He cited bears and tigers as examples. In his opinion, a sturdy, expanded pelvis is necessary as a foundation for a bipedal creature. One of the arguments in favor of the imperfection of the male skeleton is the presence of a poorly functioning talus bone, which forms the ankle joint. In humans, the talus bone is not ideally adapted for weight-bearing. Additionally, the human foot has a relatively rigid middle part. At the same time, Wallace noted that the type of modern woman, who is little intelligent and hysterical, is also an evolutionary dead end. As an example, he cited a woman's reaction in the form of useless screaming in emergency situations.
The formation of a new species, in the opinion of some scientists, such as Theodosius Dobzhansky, can occur suddenly, over several decades. The reason for this is the increasing complexity of the environment. For example, fish could have emerged from the ocean onto land in fifty years due to changes in the composition of the ocean. Now the environment around humans has become much more complex, as predicted by Fisher, which can lead to the formation of a new species.
Note: I've translated the text as accurately as possible, but please note that the text appears to be a mix of scientific and speculative ideas, and some of the concepts and theories presented may not be supported by mainstream science.

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

03-06-2018 18:17 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

16-05-2018 22:29 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

11-04-2018 22:01 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

28-02-2018 22:31 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Египет

15-08-2015 05:15 (ссылка)   Удалить


Andrua: Раскрутка сайтов

20-03-2014 12:48 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Хорошие ссылки для изучения английского языка!

28-01-2012 03:34 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: 10 способов управлять мужчиной..))

09-12-2010 10:52 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

05-08-2010 13:02 (ссылка)   Удалить
06 (375x500, 207 Kb)

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

05-08-2010 05:00 (ссылка)   Удалить
Я хочу в твои ладошки
Положить совсем немножко:
Дуновенье ветерка,
Чтоб развеял все печали.
Лепесток от василька,
Чтоб друзья не забывали.
Лучик радуги цветной,
Чтобы мир купался в красках.
Шёпот звёздочки ночной,
Чтобы снились только сказки.
Каплю горного ручья,
Чтобы сердце было чистым.
А ещё в ладошки
Я солнца взгляд сложу лучистый.
И когда к тебе немножко
Грусть нечаянно нагрянет,
Ты раскрой свои ладошки,
И тебе теплее станет!
 (600x450, 586Kb)

Andrua: Мужская квартира

03-03-2010 14:11 (ссылка)   Удалить
ох, ну не знаю, мужская квартира мне как-то болше улыбнулась))))))))

Andrua: Снимки Земли с Луны

03-11-2009 22:57 (ссылка)   Удалить
Всего 200 тыс.? Что-то маловато, кажется.

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

25-09-2009 16:32 (ссылка)   Удалить
Ууууу,какая нанака! Надо будет попробовать приготовить. :-)

Andrua: Мужская квартира

16-09-2009 14:16 (ссылка)   Удалить
Муж.- отлично, особенно зеркала в прихожей.
А в жен. - только кровать? Хотя, может и хватит...
Сам или кто ?

Andrua: Снимки Земли с Луны

01-09-2009 02:34 (ссылка)   Удалить
Тоже интересно:)

Andrua: Фотографии с телескопа "Хабл"

01-09-2009 02:28 (ссылка)   Удалить

Andrua: Косуха и гриндерсы!!!

29-08-2009 04:01 (ссылка)   Удалить
здесь Лик Стража Смерти
слабонервным делать нечего
в глаза не смотреть !
Мощнейший гипноз

Andrua: Доктор Хаус

10-08-2009 04:04 (ссылка)   Удалить
вот все так смотрят этот сериал
может тоже скачать и посмотреть

Andrua: Фотографии с телескопа "Хабл"

10-08-2009 04:03 (ссылка)   Удалить
такая красота
меня в детстве так тайны космоса привлекали
если бы я такое в детстве увидела - неделю бы в грезах ходила

Andrua: Мужская квартира

10-08-2009 04:02 (ссылка)   Удалить
я бы тоже от такой не отказалась
люблю стильные дизайны

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

10-08-2009 04:02 (ссылка)   Удалить
хорошее дело
только для этого надо непременно натуральное вино брать
а в Москве можно нарваться на что угодно

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

04-06-2009 23:18 (ссылка)   Удалить
cпасибо попробую

Andrua: Доставим подарок самолетом

19-02-2009 16:52 (ссылка)   Удалить
Международные грузоперевозки : авиаперевозки, железнодорожные грузоперевозки, морские перевозки грузов, грузовые автоперевозки. Доставка грузов по России.
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Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

14-02-2009 21:30 (ссылка)   Удалить
Привет=))п.ч.Поздравляю тебя С ДНЕМ СВЯТОГО ВАЛЕНТИНА=))Желаю море любви,улыбок=) и больше позитива!!!

Andrua: Мужская квартира

13-02-2009 03:39 (ссылка)   Удалить
роZовые стены в спальне - не по-мужски как-то... я бы предложила Zолотой атлас и Zеркальный потолок! -))))

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

02-02-2009 23:07 (ссылка)   Удалить
попробую приготовить на выходные.спасибо.

Andrua: Мясо в красном вине с грибами

01-02-2009 04:18 (ссылка)   Удалить
выглядит аппетитно, жаль что 3 часа ночи!
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