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( : 1) digital_art


: 27.01.2009
: 22


, 24 2010 . 08:31 +

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(, !)))

, !!!



1. File -

New - (Cntr+N)
Open - (Cntr+O)
Browse - (Alt+Cntr+O)
Open As - (Alt+Shft+Cntr+O)
Open Resent -
Edit in ImageReady - ImageReady (Shft+Cntr+M)
Close - (Cntr+W)
Close All - (Alt+Cntr+W)
Close and Go To Bridge - Bridge (Shft+Cntr+W)
Save - (Cntr+S)
Save As - (Shft+Cntr+S)
Save a Version -
Save for Web - Web (Alt+Shft+Cntr+S)
Revert - (F12)
Place -
Import -
      Variable Data sets
      WIA Support
Export -
      Data Sets as Files
      Paths to illustator
      Sand Video Previewto Device
      Video Preview
      Zoom Vew
Automate -
      PDF Presentation
      Creat Droplet
      Conditional Mode Change
      Contact Sheet II
      Crop and Straighten Photos
      Fim Image
      Picture Package
      Web Photo Gallery
      Merge to HDR
Scripts -
      Export Layers To File
      Image Processor
      Layer Comps To Files
      Layer Comps To PDF
      Layer Comps To WPG
      Script Events Manager
File Info - (Alt+Shft+Cntr+I)
Page Setup - (Shft+Cnt+P)
Print with Preview - (Alt+Cntr+P)
Print - (Cntr+P)
Print One Copy - (Alt+Shft+Cntr+P)
Print Online -
Jump To
Exit (Cntr+Q)


2. Edit -

Undo - (Cntr+Z)
Step Forword - (Shft+Cntr+Z)
Step Backword - (Alt+Cntr+Z)
Fade - (Shft+Cntr+F)
Cut - (Cntr+X)
Copy - (Cntr+C)
Copy Merged - (Shft+Cntr+C)
Past - (Cntr+V)
Past Into - … (Shft+Cntr+V)
Clear -
Check Spelling -
Find and Replace Text -
Fill - (Shft+F5)
Stroke -
Free Transform - (Cntr+T)

Transform -
      Again (Shft+Cntr+T) -
      Scale -
      Rotate -
      Skew -
      Distort -
      Perspective -
      Warp -
      Rotate 180* - 180*
      Rotate 90* CW - 90* /
      Rotate 90* CCW - 90* /
      Flip Horizontal -
      Flip Vertical -
Define Brush Preset
Define Pattern -
Define Custom Shape -

Purge -
      Undo -
      Clipboard -
      Histories -
      All -

Adobe PDF Presets - Adobe PDF
Preset Manager -
Collor Settings - (Shft+Cntr+K)
Assign Profile -
Convert to Profile -
Keyboard Shortcuts - (Alt+Shft+Cntr+K)
Menus - (Alt+Shft+Cntr+M)

Preferences -
      General (Cntr+K) -
      File Handling -
      Display & Cursors -
      Transparency & Gamut -
      Units & Rulers -
      Guides, Grid & Slices - ,
      Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks -
      Memory & Image Cache -
      Type -

3. Image -

Mode -
      Bitman -
      Grayscale -
      Duotone -
      Indexed Color -
      RGB Color
      CMYK Color
      Lab Color
      Multichannel -
      8 Bits/Channel - 8 /
      16 Bits/Channel - 16 /
      32 Bits/Channel - 32 /
      Color Table -

Adjustment -

Levels (Cntr+L) -
Auto Levels (Shft+Cntr+L) -
Auto Contrast (Alt+Shft+Cntr+L) -
Auto Color (Shft+Cntr+B) -
Curves (Cntr+M)
Color Balance (Cntr+B) -
Brightness/Contrast - /
Hue/Saturation (Cntr+U) - /
Desaturation (Shft+Cntr+U) -
Match Color -
Replace Color -
Selective Color -
Channel Mixer -
Gradient Map -
Photo Filter -
Shadow/Highlight - /
Exposure -
Invert (Cntr+I) -
Equalize -
Threshold -
Posterize -
Variations -

Duplicate -
Apply Image -
Calculations -
Image Size - (Alt+Cntr+I)
Canvas Size - (Alt+Cntr+C)
Pixel Aspect Patio -

Rotate Canvas -
180* 180*
90* CW 90* /
90* CCW 90* /

Arbitrary -
Flip Canvas Horizontal -
Flip Canvas Vertical -
Crop -
Trim -
Reveal All -
Variables -
Define -
Data Sets -
Apply Data Set -

4. Layer -

      Layer (Shft+Cntr+N)
      Layer From Background -
      Group -
      Group from Layers -
      Layer via Copy (Cntr+J) -
      Layer via Cut (Sheft+Cntr+J) -

Duplicate Layer -
Delete -
      Layer -
      Hidden Layers -

Layer Propeties -
Layer Style -
      Blending Options -
      Drop Shadow -
      Inner Shadow -
      Outer Glow -
      Inner Glow -
      Bevel and Emboss -
      Satin -
      Color Overlay -
      Gradient Overlay -
      Pattern Overlay -
      Stroke -

      Copy Layer Style -
      Paste Layer Style -
      Clear Layer Style -
      Global Light -
      Creat Layer -
      Hide All Effects -
      Scale Effects -

New Fill Layer - -
      Solid Color -
      Gradient -
      Pattern -

New Adjustment Layer -

      Levels (Cntr+L) -
      Curves (Cntr+M) -
      Color Balance (Cntr+B) -
      Brightness/Contrast - /
      Hue/Saturation (Cntr+U) - /
      Selective Color -
      Channel Mixer -
      Gradient Map -
      Photo Filter -
      Invert (Cntr+I) -
      Threshold -
      Posterize -

Chang Layer Content -
Layer Content Options -

Layer Mask - -
      Reveal All -
      Hide All -
      Reveal Selection -
      Hide Selection -
      Delete -
      Apply -
      Disable -
      Unlink -

Vector Mask -
      Reveal All -
      Hide All -
      Current Path -
      Delete -
      Enable -
      Link -

Create Clipping Mask - (Alt+Cntr+G)
Smart Objects -
Type -
Rasterize -
New Layer Based Slice
Group Layers -
Ungroup Layers - (Cntr+G)
Hide Layers - (Shft+Cntr+G)
Arrange -
      Bring to Front (Shft+Cntr+])
      Bring Forward (Cntr+])
      Send Backward (Cntr+[)
      Send to Back (Shft+Cntr+[)

Align Layers To Selection -
Distribute -
Lock All Layers in Group -
Link Layers -
Dselect Linked Layers -
Merge Down - (Cntr+E)
Merge Visible - (Shft+Cntr+E)
Flatten Image -
Matting -
      Remove Black Matte
      Remove White Matte .

Layer Style -

Blending Options - , , , (R,G,B), (, , ), , , - , - , , (, , , ), ,

Drop Shadow - , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Inner Shadow - , , , , , , , , , ,

Outer Glow - , , , , (, ), , , , , ,

Inner Glow - , , , , (, ), ( , ), , , , , ,

Bevel and Emboss - , ( , , , , ), (, , ), , (, ), , , , , , , , , , , .

(, , ).
(, , , , , )

Satin - , , , , , , , ,

Color Overlay - , ,

Gradient Overlay - , , , , , (, , , , ), , ,

Pattern Overlay - , , , , , ,

Stroke - , (, , ), , , (, , ),

Copy Layer Style -
Past Layer Style -
Clear Layer Style -
Global Light -
Creat Layer -
Hide All Effects -
Scale Effects -

5. Select -

All - (Cntr+A)
Deselect - (Cntr+D)
Reselect - (Shft+Cntr+S)
Inverse - Shft+Cntr+I)
All Layers - (Alt+Cntr+A)
Deselect Layers -
Similar Layers -
Color Range -
Feather - (Alt+Cntr+D)
Modify - (, , , )
Grow -
Similar -
Transform Selection -
Load Selection -
Save Selection -

6. Filter -

Last Filter - (Ctrl+F)
Extract - (Alt+Ctrl+X)
Filter Gallery -
Liquify - (Shft+Ctrl+X)
Pattern Maker - (Alt+Shft+Ctrl+X)
Vanishing Point - (Alt+Ctrl+V)
Video -
      NTSC Colors NTSC

Artistic -
      Colored Pencil - ; , ,
      Cutout - ; - , ,
      Dry Brush - ; , ,
      Film Grain - ; , ,
      Fresco - ; , ,
      Neon Glow - ; , ,
      Paint Daubs - ; , , (, , , , )
      Palette Knife - ; , ,
      Plastic Wrap - ; , ,
      Poster Edges - ; , ,
      Rough Pastels - ; , , (, , , ), , , (),
      Smudge Stick - ; , ,
      Sponge - ; , ,
      Underpainting - ; , , (, , , ), , , (),
      Watercolor - ; , ,

Distort -
      Diffuse Glow - ; , ,
      Displace - ; -, , , , . ( . , )
      Glass - ; , , (, , , ) ,
      Lens Correction - ; ( , , ), , (/ , / ), - (-), , ( , -, , ( , , ), )
      Ocean Ripple - ; ,
      Pinch - ;
      Polar Coordinates - ; - ,
      Ripple - ; , (, , )
      Shear - ; . ( . , )
      Spherize - ; , (-, ., .)
      Twirl - ;
      Wave - ; , , , , (, -, ), . ( . , )
      ZigZag - ; , , ( , , )

Pixelate -
      Color Halftone - ; . , (1 , 2, 3, 4)
      Crystallize - ;
      Facet -
      Fragment -
      Mezzotint - -; ( , ., . , , , . , , . , . , )
      Mosaic - ;
      Pointillize - ;

Blur -
      Average -
      Blur -
      Blur More - +
      Box Blur - ;
      Gaussian Blur - ;
      Lens Blur - ; (, ); - (, , -), (, , , ), (, ), (-), (, ),
      Motion Blur - ; ,
      Radial Blur - ; , (, ), (, , )
      Shape Blur - ; ,
      Smart Blur - "" ; , , - (.,.,.) (, , )
      Surface Blur - ; ,

Sharpen -
      Sharpen Edges -
      Sharpen More - +
      Smart Sharpen - " " ; (, ) ( ), , , ( , . . , ),
      Unsharp Mask - ( ); , ,

Rnder -
      Clouds -
      Difference Clouds -
      Fibers - ; , ,
      Lens Flare - ; , ( 50-300 , 35 , 105 , )
      Lighting Effects - ; (, , , , , , - , , , , 2 , , 5 , RGB, , , ), ( , , ), ., , , (, , , ), ( , , , ), ,

Stylize -
      Diffuse - ; (, , , )
      Emboss - ; , ,
      Extrude - (,); (, ), , (, ), ,
      Find Edges -
      Glowing Edges - , ,
      Solarize -
      Tiles - ; - , , ( , , ,
      Trace Contour - ; , (, )
      Wind - ; (, , ), (, )

Texture -
      Graquelure - ; , ,
      Grain - ; , , (, , , , , , , -, , )
      Mozaic Tiles - ; , ,
      Patchwork - ; ,
      Stained Glass - ; , ,
      Texturizer -

Brush Strokes -
      Accented Edges - ; , ,
      Angled Strokes - ; , ,
      Grosshatch - ; , ,
      Dark Strokes - ; , ,
      Ink Outlines - ; , ,
      Spatter - ; ,
      Sprayed Strokes - ; , , ( ., ., ., .)
      Sumi-e - -; , ,

Noise -
      Add Noise - ; -, (, ),
      Despeckle -
      Dust & Scratches - ; ,
      Median - ;
      Reduce Noise - ; (, ) ( ), , , , , JPEG

Sketch -
      Bas Relief - ; , , ()
      Chalk & Charcoal - ; , ,
      Charcoal - ; , ,
      Chrome - ; ,
      Conte Crayon - ; ,
      Graphic Pen - ; , , (, , , ), , , (),
      Halftone Pattern - ; , ,
      Note Paper - ; , ,
      Photocopy - ; ,
      Plaster - ; , , ()
      Stamp - ; , ,
      Torn Edges - ; , ,
      Water Paper - ; , ,

Other -
      Custom -
      High Pass -
      Maximum -
      Minimum -
      Offset -

      Embed Watermark
      Read Watermark

Normal -
Dissolve -
Darken -
Multiply -
Color Burn -
Linear Burn -
Lighten -
Screen -
Color Dodge -
Linear Dodge -
Overlay -
Soft Light -
Hard Light -
Vivid Light -
Linear Light -
Pin Light -
Hard Mix -
Difference -
Exclusion -
Hue -
Saturation -
Color -
Luminosity -


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