

 КОШАЧЬЕ ПЛЕМЯ – ПАРАПСИХОЛОГИ И ЭКСТРАСЕНСЫ Очень краткое эссе из моих книг о парапси...




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19:45 17.08.2009
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19:39 17.08.2009
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19:26 17.08.2009
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альтернативная энергия альцгеймера анатолий сырица - псевдоним мистер тони велико-мудрая пчела великое открытие в одессе великое открытие космоса венчурный проект клонирования вечный двигатель вечный двигатель вечной космоэнергии даром вибрация волшебный жезл вопрос клинике «шарите» время вселенная диагностика жизнь звезда небес земля злаки знание интеллект клиника клоны в гранд потоке космоса книги автора консультации консультация космические алфавиты рун космический код тела космонано космос медицина ментальность метафизика метафизика бытия метод метод ласточкина трава метода «благоухающая мудрость» монография "тайнв экстрасенсорики разгадана" мотив преступления мотивы групповых убийств и самоубийств мысль мышление на конкурс джеймс ранди наука нло новая форма космоплана новый закон относительности об авторе образование обращение к ученым наций объяснение необъяснимого основа жизни вселенной основа клеток открытие 21 века открытия открытия о пчеле и об энергии вселенной парапсихология парки пирамида хеопса платоново тело плоды позор комитета нобеля и ему потакающим почему мыслят клетки предлагаются уникальные книги принцип на причина болезни причина начала жизни в яйце птицы пространство протоплазма процесс рождения пчелы и жизнь в яйце птицы психокризис юриспруденции психология путь к омоложению пчелиная сота растения реальная фантастика мироздания реальные космоуспехи свидетель заново увидел прошлое свод древних тайных наук секрет полёта птиц слово совершенство мысли древних сознание спид схема активности небесного террориста схема зодиака тайна клинической смерти разгадана тайна роста и деление клеток телепатия травы удар на землю из космоса уникальные книги установка оон устранение недуга уфо целительство экстрасенсорика энергия энергия космоса юристам


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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
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Conjurer James Randi dishonours the USA, shirking from competition.

Понедельник, 24 Октября 2011 г. 15:49 + в цитатник




The master of Ancient Secret Sciences.

The parapsychologist. Psychometrist.

Only the Mentality and it10-ten abilities provide

Also explain solved problems, instead of 5-five,

 As to it worthlessly learn everywhere.

(Of perfection Think Ancient).

Dear Sirs!

In magazine «Russian Newsweek» 2007.г, №8, c.46-49.

  Rogatchyov, and Maxims Нhave declared, that in the field of paranormal already « there is nothing to catch more ». This deepest error. Laymen and фарисеиa world modern science at all do not know one position of the Arch of Ancient Secret Sciences that there is a Perfection Think Ancient about laws and structure of the Universe of Metaphysics of Life, Metaphysiology of the Body and Parapsychology – the exact science about interaction of mentality of the person and energy of Space that has allowed early advanced civilizations to create many Great Miracles of Antiquity, without special work.

Adherents of early advanced civilizations approved: «To ignore Perfection Think Ancient, means to be blind and to not see many Great Miracles of Antiquity, and to be the silly stupid idol, unable to think, that they are created by means of space energy». I for 45 years decipher the Arch of Ancient Secret Sciences, and some books of a series « the Explanation Inexplicable » are recently published.

I bring to your attention endurance from my volumetric work «Huge defect of formation – ignorance of Parapsychology. The world defects of a science psycho».



The present scientific world is surprised, how ancient is exact with focused the basis of Pyramid Heops concerning the parties of light without a compass and the laser. I have decided to solve it and to lead intellectual experience. I long deliberated, while on the basis of volume of knowledge have not guessed, why the basis of Pyramid Heops square, instead of round, oval, triangular, rectangular or in the form of a rhombus. Then has reflected on a way of orientation.

Ancient approve, that if to lay down the aim with achievement of desirable result it is possible to hear the message «Voices of Silence» or to receive the direct information from system of eternal archetypes of Space Reason. D.Mendeleev who has received in a flash a huge periodic table of elements has achieved it.

And here once at night when I thought of orientation, and I about it thought constantly, vision as ancient carried out this process suddenly seemed to me. I have quickly risen from bed and, making this experience of all from four actions, with focused small pyramid is exact concerning the parties of light that has checked up a compass, the result has appeared correct.

The genius of 19-20 centuries Nikola Теsla worked in the USA dreamed to photograph an idea. I can show, as my idea during search of exact orientation worked.

I suggest experts of committee of premium Nobel to fix it on video. Precisely also I have solved, why Ninel Kulagin moved the remote subjects at the choice of.

I show it in a miniature.

Rather interesting my experience – I speak well-known phrase Аtlantidy: «the Word becomes the form in which the God becomes visible». Present experts can see how in air before me psyhospacepower the impulse will deduce the form of a word "GOD". Thus I shall show how the idea of sense of the specified phrase can change. I would like to show the specified three experiments to well-known American illusionist James Randi. It the similar facts interest and it would like to see the unusual real paranormal phenomena which it can supervise several video cameras. External displays of work of Reason and Ideas which can be photographed, probably, will be interesting to it. It is known, that the Genius of the USA of 19-20 centuries extraspaceenergetik Nikola Теsla dreamed to photograph, as work is externally shown Think, and it knew, that it is provided with Space Energy.

«Vegetative mind» increases not only weight of a plant, a tree, our body, but also weight  spacenano in the form of alive ideas during thinking that mental energy vibration-magnetic crystal graphic provides lattices of ours psyhospaceenergetik a homeostasis. I have made a number of opening, including as outside of laboratory quickly to reveal an accessory of DNA to the certain object. The theory energoinformation process is simple de facto, but rather complex in the description de jure.

The brief essence of this theory – an idea on "something" the vibrating similarity finds in world around ideas forms "something" incorporating together, instead of the vibration-magnetic weight draws related ideas and ideas forms that provides the desirable in advance conceived concrete significant result.

The description of the theory, with numerous examples, borrows all mine 12 books. 

4 more books prepare: «the Principle of mentality magic», «Smelling sweet Wisdom – a method of use of energy of Space» and «Paranormal is explained with Parapsychology».

I search for funds-sponsors for their edition and a wide circulation.


RIDDLE FOR ALL And FOR ДЖЕЙМСАРАНДИ which at all does not know an essence of parapsychology. The answer to me is known.

The science has defined super sensitivity of snails that high horns – provide with it aerials.

Scientists have taken two related snails, one have left in France, and another have brought to the USA. Before everyone a fan have spread out the identical alphabet. When the French forced to touch each of all letters the American repeated, the same and never was mistaken. Why?

Why the impulse of the French flied precisely to the relative to the USA, instead of to girl-friends on a bog of Africa?


Explanation very simple. In the world paranormal all is ingeniously simple. It is necessary to know all 10 simple Laws of the Universe. They to me are known.


Sent a right answer will receive as a gift my unique book «Opening of 21-st century. An essence of superabilities and superopportunities of the person. Bases of Parapsychology. The collection of clauses about Theory energoinformation power of Process of the Universe».


Anatoly Syritsa.

The qualified expert it is information analytical work

KGB of the USSR, (37 years of service).

Academically prepared special educationthe expert of secrets paranormal.

The master of Ancient Secret Sciences.

Theorist Energo information of Process of the Universe (45 years of the experience).

The Parapsychologist. Psychometrist.

The lawyer of International law, 18 years worked in the different countries.

In China 3 years studied a science of wisdom –

ability to see idle time in difficult and difficult in simple.                                                                                    

E-mail: tonyrus@te.net.ua

Phone: 38(0482) 63-02-35.

                                                                                                            Skype: tonyrus_tonyrus



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