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: 10.03.2010
: 1523



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, 28 2012 . 17:52 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) !
Then I believe that God created the world in six days and on the seventh made you to annoy me.
Leonard to Sheldon (The Big Bang Theory 6x01)




, 21 2011 . 15:42 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) perfectissima [ + !]

 — , !
— , , , , , .


" "




5 4

, 12 2011 . 14:39 +



29.09.11 - 503 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

, 30 2011 . 12:27 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) , :) :) - .
- :)




, 28 2011 . 15:21 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)

* Amy: Kiss me where I've never been kissed before.
* Sheldon: Do you mean like Salt Lake City?
You cant ruin a friendship with sex; thats like ruining ice cream with chocolate sprinkles.
Raj Koothrappali

? :)



S5, ep 1-2

, 27 2011 . 12:52 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) , ?
, ? ? :) , :)
, - , 2 :)
, , :)
spoilers inside! ^^




, 13 2011 . 17:37 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) - :)
, :)
? ;))))

: , !!!
: , .
: ? , , ?

- )


, 10 2011 . 10:32 +



, 11 2011 . 22:38 +



:) + :)

, 08 2011 . 10:29 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
161987 ( 2011-03-08 02:35)
- , " "
- ?
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- ?
- .
- ?
- .
- ?
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- ?
- .
- ...?!



Misc ^^

, 02 2011 . 16:54 +



... )))))))))))))

, 13 2011 . 00:03 +


- :)

, 30 2011 . 10:43 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory) - The pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing
- do it, baby! do it, baby! R.Z.

- ) - :)
Sheldon Cooper: In here you'll find emergency provisions: an eight-day supply of food and water, a crossbow, season two of Star Trek: The Original Series on a high-density flash drive.
Elizabeth Plimpton: What if there's a disaster that destroys all the USB ports?
Sheldon Cooper: Then there's really no reason to live, is there?

Leonard: I hate my name. It has 'nerd' in it. Len-'nerd'!

live long and prosper! :D



TBBT S04E12 The Bus Pants Utilization!!! -!

, 08 2011 . 22:12 +



New episode of The Big Bang Theory tomorrow!

, 06 2011 . 21:42 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
Classic Sheldon
Leonard: You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar
Sheldon: You can catch even more flies with manure, what's your point?
Sheldon: Why are you crying?
Penny: Because I'm stupid
Sheldon: That's not a reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For e.g. I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad
Penny: Can you just tell me what Leonard does?
Sheldon: Leonard is attempting to learn why sub-atomic particles move the way they do
Penny: Really, well that doesn't sound much complicated.
Sheldon: It's not, that's why Leonard does it

Leonard: So, this is nice. First time we've all gotten together to eat.
Amy: (to Sheldon) You're right. He's a festival of humdrum chitchat.
Leonard: Okay, that's all I got. Howard, you're up.
Wolowitz: Um, tell us about your work, Amy.
Amy: I doubt you'd understand. Sheldon tells me you only have a master's degree.
Wolowitz: Raj, do you have any questions for Amy?
Raj: (shakes his head)
Amy: I'm curious as to why we're not eating alone.
Sheldon: They can't function without me. I'm the social glue that holds this little group together. (turns to Leonard, Howard, and Raj) You're welcome.

Sheldon: You know, in difficult times like this, I often turn to a force stronger than myself.
Amy: Religion?
Sheldon: Star Trek.




1x02 + + +...

, 07 2010 . 15:46 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
Penny: You came into my apartment last night when I was sleeping?
Leonard: Yes, but, only to clean.
Sheldon: Really more to organise, youre not actually dirty, per se.
Penny: Give me back my key.
Leonard: Im very, very sorry.
Penny: Do you understand how creepy this is.
Leonard: Oh, yes, we discussed it at length last night.
Penny: In my apartment, while I was sleeping.
Sheldon: And snoring. And thats probably just a sinus infection, but it could be sleep apnoea, you might want to see an otolaryngologist. Its a throat doctor.
Penny: And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?
Sheldon: Depending on the depth, thats either a proctologist or a general surgeon. (Leonard holds up a sign reading Sarcasm) Oh!




, 26 2010 . 19:47 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
Given that missing you is predicated on you leaving, Logic dictates you must leave.

- Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D, The Big Bang Theory 2x23

You know me to be a very smart man. Dont you think that if I were wrong, Id know it?

- Dr. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D, The Big Bang Theory 3x02

I cant be impossible, I exist. I believe what you meant to say is, I give up, hes improbable.

- Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D, The Big Bang Theory 3x03

One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.

- Dr. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D, The Big Bang Theory 3x10

Hello, Maker of the Universe. I see what you did there. Good one!

- Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, The Big Bang Theory 4x07

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

- Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 4x09



, 25 2010 . 12:34 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
Ive never viewed Michael Jacksons Thriller video in its entirety as I find zombies dancing in choreographed synchronicity implausible. Also, its really scary.
Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang Theory 4x08

"What kind of a ship has a hole in the middle?" A Romulan battle bagel?




If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas!

, 24 2010 . 12:26 +
LuckyThirteen (The_BIG-Bang-Theory)
Hello Hawaii, this is Dr. Koothrappali, from Pasadena. Id like you to repostion the telescope please. SACRLETT JOHANSONS HOUSE! Rajesh Koothrappali, The Big Bang Theory 4x09

Penny: you know what I've been doing for the last hour? Leonard: Hmm, dreamly doodling Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter on your notebook?
Sheldon: What was that?
Rajesh: My stomach. Indian food doesnt agree with me. Ironic isnt it?

Leonard: What are you doing? Sheldon: Every Saturday since we've lived in this apartment, I have awakened at 6:15, poured myself a bowl of cereal, added a quarter-cup of 2% milk, sat on this end of this couch, turned on BBC America, and watched Doctor Who. Leonard: Penny's still sleeping. Sheldon: Every Saturday since we've lived in this apartment, I have awakened at 6:15, poured myself a bowl of cereal... Leonard: You have a TV in your room, why don't you just have breakfast in bed? Sheldon: Because I am neither an invalid nor a woman celebrating Mother's Day.
People always want to know if Im as smart as Sheldon, which is just absurd. I mean, bless their hearts. Its sweet that they feel compelled to ask. But sadly, no.




, 11 2010 . 14:04 +

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