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Рановато, но тем не менее


Четверг, 23 Февраля 2012 г. 02:20 + в цитатник
--IAM-- (patrick_wolf_gang) все записи автора В колонках играет - Land's End


Dear WorldWideWolfPack,
You may or may not be aware that the Wolfboard have given Patrick a birthday present each year for the last few years. I organised this last year and it went really well, so I’ve come up with an idea for this year’s gift. However, I need a lot more people for this idea, so I’m going to make more of a general fan gift this time, rather than keeping it ‘Wolfboard-only’. (But you should all probably join the Wolfboard anyway. I’ve met so many lovely people through there :))
I’d like to keep the idea to myself (for a number of reasons), but here’s what you have to do if you want to take part:
All you need to do to is email me a short & sweet message for Patrick. This may sound strange but please keep your message un-birthday-related. This will make a lot more sense when it’s all finished! Also, please do not send any messages simply demanding that Patrick plays a gig in your city - something like ‘insertplacenamehere loves you!’ would be okay though. *
Your message must be 150 characters or less (including spaces), and must include your name. Please also send me your full name (preferably - I understand that some people may not be comfortable with using their full names, so this isn’t totally necessary), location (doesn’t matter how specific you are on this – city, country, whatever!), and your twitter / Tumblr / Wolfboard username (please specify which). I will be putting this information in the form of a list of everyone who has contributed, so you do not need to include this in the 150 character limit.
I will also be making something with photos of Patrick with fans, and gig tickets – so if you have any of those that you would like to contribute, feel free to email them too! **
Please email messages only to worldwidewolfpack@gmail.com!
My friend has volunteered to help with the gig tickets bit, so if you could email those pictures seperately to brumalia2012@gmail.com, that would make things a lot easier for both of us. 
And another friend will be helping with the photos of Patrick with fans, so please email those pictures to sana1x2@yahoo.com - thankyou!
It’s likely that I will give the gift to Patrick at Lovebox Festival on Sunday 17th June. So unless anything changes, the deadline for any submissions is Sunday 6th May. This gives us 6 weeks to put everything together.
* I have a really clear idea of the kind of messages that I want to include, but it’s hard to explain without revealing the whole idea. So if anyone has any questions, you can ask them via email .
** This is all I need for now, but as I make the gift I may think of some more ideas to include - so be sure to check back on this post.
Рубрики:  News

Комментарии (9)

Birthday photos


Понедельник, 12 Июля 2010 г. 23:22 + в цитатник
homicidal_pudding (patrick_wolf_gang) все записи автора 30 июня у Патрика был день рождения. Кто не знает - 27.

Рубрики:  Photo


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