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Создан: 26.03.2007
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Бубле на MSN


Воскресенье, 03 Июня 2007 г. 16:53 + в цитатник
Аноним (Michael_Buble) все записи автора Клевая страничка его находится здесь http://music.msn.com/michaelbuble
Рубрики:  Видео
Call me irresponsible


Старенькая статейка


Воскресенье, 03 Июня 2007 г. 13:56 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (283x400, 12Kb)

Звезда канадской эстрады Майкл Бубле заявил во вторник, что ничего общего не хочет иметь теперь с намеченной на следующую неделю церемонией вручения призов престижной музыкальной премии "Грамми".
Причиной этому стало решение организаторов вынести награждение по номинациям в категории поп-музыка за рамки основной церемонии, которая будет транслироваться по телевидению в прямом эфире.
"Они раздадут награды лучшим поп-исполнителем на торжественном ужине за день до основных торжеств. Я считаю - что это полная хрень (чушь, ерунда, бессмыслица - приветствуется лучший перевод оригинально сказанного по-английски "bullshit").
Записи в нашей "категории" продаются слишком большими тиражами, чтобы награждение по ней было проведено на предварительном ужине накануне основной церемонии.
В названной номинации 31-летний Бубле представлен вместе с такими исполнителями, как Тони Беннетт, Сара МакЛахлан, Бетт Мидлер и Смоки Робинсон, и считает, что он все равно не победит.
"Чего ж я поеду на Грамми", - спрашивает он. - "Они должно быть давно нацарапали имя Тони Беннета на этой чертовой штуке (призе в виде граммофона). Я не еду".
Помимо поп-музыки, более 100 (это большинство) призов будут вручены на вечерней церемонии до основной, назначенной на 11 февраля.
Бубле номинирован за свой альбом "Caught in the Act". Беннетт - за запись альбома "Duets: An American Classic".
Ирония ситуации состоит и в том, что Майкл Бубле исполняет на альбоме своего идола Беннетта и вместе сним песню Just in Time.
Следует, наверное, отметить, что канадец номинирован на "Грамми" во второй раз подряд.
Вместо того, чтобы ездить в Лос Анджелес, по его словам, останется у себя дома в Ванкувере и будет смотреть по телевизору матч своей любимой команды Vancouver Canucks (клуб, кстати, в вечер "Грамми" играть не будет).
Тем не менее, Бубле и его подружка Эмили Блант (получившая "Золотой Глобус" за лучшую роль второго плана в киноленте Devil Wears Prada) причисляют себя к людям, предпочитающим домашнюю обстановку гламурности звездной тусовки и, скорее всего, все же останутся дома. "Мы никогда не жили такой жизнью. Я просто ненавижу голливудские вечеринки и, честно говоря, - большинство звезд".
Два года назад после подобного сборища и приема излишнего алкоголя Майкла попросту стошнило в саду у Леонардо ДиКаприо.
"Мы дружим с Роберто Луонго (вратарь Canucks) и его женой, ходим вместе на обеды к моей бабушке.
Так или иначе, Бубле все же принимает участие в церемониальных процедурах. Так, он посетил гала-концерт, посвященный внесению имени Джони Митчелл в канадский Зал Песенной Славы и выступал там с песнями своего нового, пока безымянного альбома. Также в Торонто он вручал призы премии MusiCan Teacher of the Year (церемония состоялась в Hard Rock Cafe) в минувший понедельник.
А во вторник Майкл посетил премьеру гангстерского кинотриллера Crossing, где в одной из главных ролей снялась его родная сестра Кристал Бубле.


Рубрики:  Биография

The Stanford Daily


Воскресенье, 03 Июня 2007 г. 13:13 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (367x500, 16Kb)
Buble is absolutely bubbling with delight

Michael Bublé came from humble beginnings. The son of a salmon and herring fisherman, the young singer would stay with his jazz-aholic Italian grandfather while his parents were gone (Michael is of full Italian heritage, and the name Bublé is Italian as well.) It was his grandfather who introduced Michael to Bobby Darin, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles and Elvis Presley, after whom Michael would model himself. A plumber by trade, it was also his grandfather who landed Michael his earliest gigs in hotels, bars and lounges by trading his plumbing services for stage time.

All of his grandfather’s toilet plunges were to avail, however. Bublé’s self-titled debut album of jazz standards, released in 2003 reached the top 10 in Bublé’s home country of Canada, and introduced the Vancouver native onto the international music scene. Two years later Bublé released his sophomore album, “It’s Time,” which went multi-platinum, debuted in the U.S. in the top 10 on Billboard and, quite amazingly, stayed on the Traditional Jazz Charts for over two years. Bublé’s latest and third studio release, “Call Me Irresponsible” (2007), debuted at #1 on the U.S. Billboard charts and has since become the number one selling album worldwide. Although Bublé has enjoyed increasing commercial success with each album, he commented that he was terrified to release “Irresponsible” because, “I knew it had to be better than the first two-that it had to show growth without alienating anyone, and that’s a tough line.”

Although Bublé almost exclusively sings jazz standards, he is also a song-writer. In fact his first number one song in Canada was “Home,” an original song from his second album. “Irresponsible,” contains two original songs-which are perhaps the two best songs on the CD — the pop-pier, love-happy “Everything” and the sorrowful, lamenting “Lost.” Bublé originally intended his I’m-in-love “Everything” to be a slow waltz, but when he heard his musical director experimenting with an upped tempo and tone, he felt the song was transformed into a superior, bubblier iteration. Surprisingly, the lilting waltz rhythm still serves as the backbone to the song, however, and can especially be heard in the acoustic guitar riffs. Bublé stated the song reflects the giddiness and excitement of new love he was experiencing at the time, and that in its final form, “Everything” has become a “love note — light with a bouncy tune.” Oppositely themed, “Lost” was written after a painful break-up. Bublé said the song was about the pain of loving someone after a relationship has ended and refers to it as an “anthem for star-crossed lovers.”

On the rest of “Irresponsible,” Bublé interprets and revisits famous classics, including the ever-sweet “L-O-V-E,” the tender “Wonderful Tonight” and the sultry “Me and Mrs. Jones,” where a younger man sings about the affair he is having with an older, married woman. Bublé demands to be held and kissed in the in the saucy salsa-inspired “It Had Better Be Tonight,” and then breaks your heart in the soft, regretful and heart-felt, “Always on My Mind.” Backed by a full gospel choir in “That’s Life,” Bublé inspires us to try again, only to seduce us in the too-sexy, appropriately saxophone-heavy, “I’m Your Man.” In a rather surprising but wonderful duet with Boyz II Men, “Comin’ Home Baby” is a smooth, modern-sounding jazz love song. At the beginning of the old-school “I’ve Got the World on a String,” the entire big band sings out “Hey Michael, come on and swing, look’s like you’ve got the world on a string,” and they later hoot, heckle, clap and shout “He’s in love, he’s in love” throughout the rest of the song. Although Bublé admitted this standard was never a favorite of his, he lauds his musical arranger for making it the most fun track he recorded on the album.

In addition to Bublé’s powerhouse voice, he is a showman, to boot. Whether he is divulging in a TV interview how he drank too much at Leonardo DiCaprio’s house or cat-walking in a mock modeling show during a live concert, he is a genuinely funny guy. As a child, Bublé idolized Presely and Sinatra for being “triple threats,” able to sing, dance and act, and in this classic definition of an entertainer, Bublé is much more than just a singer. The ever-charismatic Bublé struts, dances and cracks jokes as if he were born to perform.

Granted, jazz standards tend to drip with dorky romanticism and sappy sentimentalism. But it’s the kind of emotional schmaltziness you can’t deny — your foot starts tapping, your heart starts swelling, you start singing along and before you know it, you are feeling Bublé’s broken heart right along with him. Bublé’s unbelievable voice shines and seduces, the instrumental arrangements inspire, and the original songs leave you thanking god for Repeat on iTunes. Michael can allay his fears, for “Call Me Irresponsible” is undeniably his best album yet, and unquestionably one of the best of year.

Рубрики:  Биография
Call me irresponsible


Майкл на радио Magic


Воскресенье, 03 Июня 2007 г. 12:58 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора Очень содержательное интервью! Хорошего много не бывает!

Слушаем здесь!
 (268x400, 16Kb)
Рубрики:  Биография
Call me irresponsible


Pop/Jazz Star Michael Buble' Talks About His Best-Selling New Album


Среда, 30 Мая 2007 г. 23:08 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (376x180, 12Kb)
By Dale Kawashima

Over the past four years, Canadian artist Michael Buble' has steadily emerged as one of the most popular pop & jazz vocalists in the music industry. His 2003 debut album Michael Buble' has been certified platinum, and his 2005 second album It’s Time has gone double platinum and featured the #1 AC hit, “Home.” Now in mid-2007, Buble’s new album Call Me Irresponsible (on 143/Reprise Records) figures to be his most successful album yet – it recently debuted at #1 on the Billboard album chart and it is also selling well in Canada, Europe and Australia.

Call Me Irresponsible showcases Bublé’s vocals in top form, adeptly singing a wide range of pop/jazz standards such as “The Best Is Yet To Come,” “Call Me Irresponsible” and “That’s Life,” plus more contemporary pop songs like “Me And Mrs. Jones,” “Always On My Mind” and “Wonderful Tonight.” In addition, the album includes two new songs co-written by Buble': the uptempo, romantic single “Everything,” and “Lost.”

In a recent interview, Buble', 31, discussed the making of his new album, and how he worked again with producers David Foster (who signed him to his label deal) & Humberto Gatica. He talked about how he selected the songs for the album, and that he enjoyed singing a duet with renowned Brazilian artist, Ivan Lins. In addition, he tells how he co-wrote his new songs “Everything” and “Lost.”

Before he began recording Call Me Irresponsible, Buble' acknowledged that he felt the pressure of trying to top his first two platinum albums. “I was terrified, because I knew that it had to be better than the first two – that it had to show growth without alienating anyone,” he said. “So I sat there from the very beginning and came up with the songs, put together the skeleton, and thought about what arrangers I would hire. I even ended up at the mastering session, which artists rarely attend. I wanted to be involved in every aspect because I wanted it to be conceptually beautiful.”

Buble' was pleased to team up again with his Grammy-winning producers David Foster (whose credits Josh Groban, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston) and Humberto Gatica (Elton John, Destiny’s Child, Michael Jackson). “We definitely have a great working relationship where I think I interfere just enough,” said Buble' with a laugh. “I mean, David is the greatest producer in the world. He and Humberto are both so amazing. I couldn’t do it without them.”

On Call Me Irresponsible, there are many song highlights, with Buble' delivering fine vocal performances on both the older standards and more contemporary hits. On the Mel Torme 1962 hit “Comin’ Home Baby,” he recruited top R&B vocal group Boyz II Men to provide rich, soulful harmonies. And on his rendition of the Frank Sinatra hit “That’s Life,” he brought in Mervyn Warren of the acclaimed a cappella group Take 6 to lead a gospel choir, plus create the horn and string arrangements.

Another notable cut is “Wonderful Tonight” (written by Eric Clapton), which features a graceful duet between Buble' and Brazilian singer/writer Ivan Lins. “I’ve always been very sentimental about that song,” said Bublé. “What is interesting about that track is here I am, a 31-year-old guy from Canada who’s singing a song that mean so much to me with a 61-year-old man from Brazil, who’s singing in his own language but it means the exact same thing to both of us.”

In addition to his skillful interpretations of these famous songs, it’s also impressive that Buble' demonstrates his strong songwriting ability on the two songs he co-wrote, “Everything” and “Lost.” In fact, it can be argued that these two songs are among the most effective and compelling cuts on this album, because the songs were created by Buble' and are uniquely personal.

The CD cover of Michael Buble’s new album Call Me Irresponsible, on 143/Reprise Records.

Buble' discussed “Everything,” which he wrote with Amy Foster-Gilles & Alan Chang. “I wrote that song about the great happiness of real love, but at the same time I was making a statement about the world. We’re living in really crazy times, and I wanted to say that no matter what’s happening, this person in my life is what really makes it worthwhile.” "Everything" was produced by Bob Rock, who is known for producing Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams and Metallica.

He also talked about “Lost,” which he wrote with Canadian singer/songwriter Jann Arden & Alan Chang. “It’s an anthem for star-crossed lovers,” Bublé explained. “Sometimes relationships don’t work out because love isn’t enough, but that doesn’t mean you have to discard the person. There is a way to end a relationship and still be there when they need you. That’s basically what it’s about.”

Now with the successful release of Call Me Irresponsible, Buble is about to embark on a major concert tour, first in North America and then in Europe. He has already announced 28 dates for his summer U.S. tour, which begins in Reno, NV on July 12. Bublé will also be performing shows in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and many other cities.
Рубрики:  Биография
Call me irresponsible




Вторник, 22 Мая 2007 г. 22:50 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (210x320, 15Kb)
На AOL'е появилась отличнейшая штука!
Michael Buble: Live AOL Music Sessions Performance

Видео, фото, текст и видеоинтервью с Майклом!!!!

Смотрим СЮДА!
Рубрики:  Видео
Call me irresponsible

'Call Me Irresponsible' Still #1 Around The Globe


Воскресенье, 20 Мая 2007 г. 21:29 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора Michael Buble's new CD 'Call Me Irresponsible', remains in the top spot on album charts around the world.

In Holland, where it debuted, the album remains in the top spot for the 3rd week in a row.

In Australia, it was announced on Sunday that 'Call Me Irresponsible' was still the #1 record in the country after two weeks on the album chart.

"Irresponsible" has also reached No. 1 in Michael's native Canada, USA, Germany, South Africa, Singapore, Italy and the European Record Charts.

It has already gone platinum in Australia, Singapore, Canada (2X) and Italy and gold in Germany, Switzerland, Ireland and the UK. In addition, the record is Top 5 in Austria, Mexico, Hong Kong, Switzerland, UK, Germany and Sweden.

The album sold 1.3 million units worldwide in its first two weeks of its release.

"Michael Bublé's third studio album is the Big One," raved Stephen Holden in a recent New York Times review. Produced by David Foster and Humberto Gattica, "Call Me Irresponsible" includes Michael’s penned radio smash "Everything" -- currently No. 5* on mediabase ac chart -- following up his previous No. 1 radio hit, "Home." The new CD also includes energy infused interpretations of standards including "Me and Mrs. Jones," "I've Got The World On A String," "Dream" and the Leonard Cohen song "I'm Your Man."

Michael burst onto the music scene in 2003. His follow-up album "It's Time" has sold close to six million copies and remained on the Billboard Traditional Jazz Charts for a staggering two years and in the No. 1 position for over 80 weeks -- holding an all-time record.
 (268x400, 16Kb)
Рубрики:  Биография
Call me irresponsible



Воскресенье, 20 Мая 2007 г. 20:55 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (293x440, 24Kb)
Michael Buble' has just released his seventh album. We caught up with the crooner in New York for a chat about love, life and music.

Видео здесь

Рубрики:  Видео

Buble on a roll with world's top-selling CD


Четверг, 17 Мая 2007 г. 22:13 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора Doug Ward, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not long ago, Michael Buble was an unknown local lounge singer crooning at downtown Vancouver nightclubs.

Today, Buble is king of the world, mainstream music-wise.

His new album, Call Me Irresponsible, this week became the No. 1- selling album in the world at the top of the Billboard 200.

The record, which was released on May 1, has topped the charts in Canada for two consecutive weeks and has reached No. 1 in seven markets around the world, including the United States, Australia, South Africa, Europe, Singapore, Holland and Germany.

Buble and his band have toured around the world over the past two months and today he appears on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

The album's momentum has largely come from the huge radio airplay given its first single, Everything. The single was released on March 19 and a week later was No. 1 in Canada and remains at the top of the chart.

Buble launched his career as a teenage winner of the PNE youth talent show. He crooned his way through clubs, cruise ships and weddings before landing a major-label record deal with the help of fellow Canadians David Foster and Paul Anka, who went on to produce his self-titled album.

The album full of American pop standards and covers sold three million records. Suddenly, he became a fixture on middle-brow TV, a guest on Larry King Live and Live With Regis & Kelly.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007
 (282x252, 18Kb)
Рубрики:  Биография
Call me irresponsible

Michael Buble Thrills Audience On BT


Вторник, 15 Мая 2007 г. 22:26 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (320x240, 57Kb)
Canadian crooner Michael Buble performed songs from his new album in front of a crowd of lucky Breakfast Television viewers at the CHUMCity building Monday. Buble performed a handful of songs from Call Me Irresponsible, which is a collection of original material and classic jazz standards.

Buble was animated during the concert despite the early start, and joked around with BT hosts Kevin Frankish and Dina Pugliese at points. In a recent interview the 31-year-old admitted this album was a tough one to make. "I was nervous about this record. We sold six million at the last one and I'll be devastated if this one doesn't do seven," he said.

The first single, Everything, is one of two original tracks on the disc and it recently debuted at number 46 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the U.S.

Buble said his girlfriend, British actress Emily Blunt, inspired the track. His other original composition, Lost, was co-written with Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden. Other tracks include classics The Best is Yet to Come, I've Got the World on String, and the title track.


Рубрики:  Видео
Call me irresponsible


Parkinson's show


Пятница, 11 Мая 2007 г. 06:52 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора  (150x100, 6Kb)
Michael Buble talks about the influences on his career.


Michael Buble the Vancouver born fisherman's son has come along way from the start of his career at 16 where he'd be seen performing to tough crowds on cruise ships and in strip joints.

Bublé was discovered singing at the Canadian Prime Minister's daughter's wedding by music legend, David Foster. The rest is history. Now 31 years old, with 12 million album sales worldwide to his name, a handful of Juno awards and two Grammy nominated albums, the rat-pack member of the new millennium fails to disappoint. Bublé's new single 'Everything' is about his passion for his new love Oscar nominated and Bafta winning actress, Emily Blunt. The single taken from his new album 'Call Me Irresponsible' based on his own experiences as well as the familiar classic covers. The album is released April 30th, and will be his third studio album. It was already No.2 in the Amazon pre order charts, a week before its release.
Рубрики:  Видео
Call me irresponsible

Tour Dates 2007-2008


Четверг, 10 Мая 2007 г. 08:00 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора 12 Jul 2007 Reno Events Center Reno, NV
14 Jul 2007 MGM Grand Las Vegas, NV
15 Jul 2007 Dodge Theatre Phoenix, AZ
17 Jul 2007 "E" Center Salt Lake City, UT
18 Jul 2007 Wells Fargo Theatre Denver, CO
20 Jul 2007 Orpheum Theatre Minneapolis, MN
21 Jul 2007 Orpheum Theatre Minneapolis, MN
23 Jul 2007 Auditorium Theatre Chicago, IL
24 Jul 2007 Auditorium Theatre Chicago, IL
27 Jul 2007 Fox Theatre Detroit, MI
28 Jul 2007 Fox Theatre Detroit, MI
31 Jul 2007 Radio City Music Hall New York, NY
1 Aug 2007 Radio City Music Hall New York, NY
4 Aug 2007 Wang Theatre Boston, MA
5 Aug 2007 Wang Theatre Boston, MA
7 Aug 2007 Mann Center Philadelphia, PA
8 Aug 2007 Mann Center Philadelphia, PA
10 Aug 2007 Peterson Events Center Pittsburgh, PA
11 Aug 2007 Patriot Center Fairfax, VA
13 Aug 2007 Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA
14 Aug 2007 Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA
22 Aug 2007 Greek Theatre Los Angeles
23 Aug 2007 Greek Theatre Los Angeles
25 Aug 2007 Oracle Arena Oakland, CA
27 Aug 2007 Theatre of the Clouds Portland, OR
28 Aug 2007 McCaw Hall Seattle, WA
29 Aug 2007 McCaw Hall Seattle, WA

10 Oct 2007 Ahoy Rotterdam, Holland
11 Oct 2007 Colorline Arena Hamburg, Germany
12 Oct 2007 ICC Berlin, Germany
14 Oct 2007 Philipshalle Dusseldorf, Germany
16 Oct 2007 Olympiahalle Munich, Germany
17 Oct 2007 SAP Arena Mannheim, Germany
18 Oct 2007 Porsche Arena Stuttgart, Germany
20 Oct 2007 Palaonda Bolzano, Italy
21 Oct 2007 Fiera Di Padova Padova, Italy
22 Oct 2007 Palabam Mantova, Italy
24 Oct 2007 Palalottomatica Rome, Italy
26 Oct 2007 Datchforum Milan, Italy
27 Oct 2007 Mandela Forum Florence, Italy
29 Oct 2007 Hallenstadion Zurich, Switzerland
31 Oct 2007 Festhalle Frankfurt, Germany
1 Nov 2007 Zenith Paris, France
2 Nov 2007 Halle Tony Garnier Lyon, France
4 Nov 2007 Arena Trier, Belgium
5 Nov 2007 Sportspalais Antwerpen Antwerp, Belgium

23 Nov 2007 Brighton Center Brighton, England
24 Nov 2007 NEC Birmingham, England
25 Nov 2007 MEN Arena Manchester, England
27 Nov 2007 Arena Sheffield, England
28 Nov 2007 SECC Glasgow, Scotland
30 Nov 2007 Arena Cardiff, Wales
1 Dec 2007 BIC Bournemouth, England
2 Dec 2007 Arena Nottingham, England
4 Dec 2007 Wembley Arena London, England (it's mine )

10 Dec 2007 Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
11 Dec 2007 Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
12 Dec 2007 Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
15 Dec 2007 The Coca-Cola Dome, Johannesburg, South Africa
16 Dec 2007 International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa

Tour dates
10 Jan 2008 Save on Foods Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada
12 Jan 2008 GM Place , Vancouver, BC, Canada
13 Jan 2008 Prospera Place, Kelowna, BC, Canada
15 Jan 2008 Pengrowth Saddledome, Calgary, AB, Canada
17 Jan 2008 Rexall Place, Edmonton, AB, Canada
18 Jan 2008 Credit Union Centre, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
19 Jan 2008 MTS Centre Winnipeg, MB, Canada
22 Jan 2008 Sudbury Arena, Sudbury, ON, Canada
24 Jan 2008 Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
25 Jan 2008 Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, ON, Canada
26 Jan 2008 John Labatt Centre, London, ON, Canada
29 Jan 2008 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, ON, Canada
30 Jan 2008 Bell Centre, Montreal, PQ, Canada
1 Feb 2008 Metro Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada
2 Feb 2008 Coliseum Arena, Moncton, NB, Canada

20 Feb 2008 Hard Rock Live, Hollywood, FL
22 Feb 2008 St Pete Times Forum, Tampa, FL
23 Feb 2008 UCF Arena, Orlando, FL
24 Feb 2008 Veteran's Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL
26 Feb 2008 New Orleans Arena, New Orleans, LA
27 Feb 2008 Frank Erwin Center, Austin, TX
29 Feb 2008 Centurytel Center, Bossier City, LA
  1 Mar 2008 Toyota Center, Houston, TX
  2 Mar 2008 Nokia Live, Dallas, TX
  4 Mar 2008 Ford Center, Oklahoma City, OK
  5 Mar 2008 Fox Theater, St. Louis, MO
  7 Mar 2008 Sprint Center, Kansas City, MO
  8 Mar 2008 AllTel Arena, Little Rock, AR
  9 Mar 2008 FedEx Forum, Memphis, TN
12 Mar 2008 Sommet Center, Nashville, TN
14 Mar 2008 Freedom Hall, Louisville, KY
15 Mar 2008 U.S. Bank Arena, Cincinnati, OH
17 Mar 2008 Constant Center, Norfolk, VA
18 Mar 2008 Bobcats Arena, Charlotte, NC
19 Mar 2008 John Paul Jones Arena, Charlottesville, VA

 (667x500, 62Kb)
Рубрики:  Биография
It's time
Call me irresponsible
world tour'2007
Call me irresponsible tour'2007: the dates


Актер Мichael Buble'


Среда, 02 Мая 2007 г. 21:13 + в цитатник
TanyaB (Michael_Buble) все записи автора ФИЛЬМОГРАФИЯ

1. Тони Бэннет: Американский классик (ТВ) (2006)(Tony Bennett: An American Classic) ... играет самого себя - Performer

2. Лас Вегас (сериал) (2003 - 2007)(Las Vegas)... играет самого себя

3. Потерянный в снегах (2003)(The Snow Walker) ... Hap

4. Настоящая блондинка (2001)(Totally Blonde) ... Van Martin

5. Дуэты (2000)(Duets) ... Finale Singer

6. Смертельный вызов (ТВ) (1996)(Death Game) ... Drome Groupie

7. Секретные материалы (сериал) (1993 - 2002) (The X-Files) ... Submarine Sailor, в титрах не указан

8. Days of Our Lives (сериал) (1965 - 2007) ... играет самого себя
Рубрики:  Биография

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Воскресенье, 25 Марта 2007 г. 00:59 + в цитатник
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Bublé was born in Burnaby, British Columbia. He is of Italian descent with dual citizenship with Italy. He grew up listening to his grandfather's collection of jazz records. On his website, Bublé highlights the importance of his grandfather in encouraging his musical tastes. "My grandfather was really my best friend growing up. He was the one who opened me up to a whole world of music that seemed to have been passed over by my generation. Although I like rock and roll and modern music, the first time my granddad played me the Mills Brothers, something magical happened. The lyrics were so romantic, so real... the way a song should be for me. It was like seeing my future flash before me. I wanted to be a singer and I knew that this was the music that I wanted to sing."

Bublé's grandfather encouraged him to learn the standards that he loved and to enter a talent contest in Vancouver which he won before a later disqualification for being underage. Not discouraged, he won first prize in a Canadian Youth Talent Search at the age of seventeen.

For the next few years, Bublé pursued a musical career without great success. He appeared as Elvis in a Red Rock Diner road show and sung as a star of a musical revue called Forever Swing. He also appeared in an episode of Death Game in 1996. He recorded a couple of independent albums, one as a present to his grandfather. Bublé received two Genie Award-nominations in 2000 for songs he wrote for the film Here's To Life starring fellow Canadian Eric McCormack.

Bublé's career breakthrough came when he sang Kurt Weill's "Mack the Knife" at the wedding of Caroline Mulroney, daughter of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in 2000. Mulroney introduced Bublé to David Foster, a multi-Grammy awarding producer and a Warner Brothers record executive who had worked with Josh Groban previously. Foster signed Bublé to his '143' record label and he started recording a self-titled album 2001 with Foster as producer. The album features a range of standards from various eras including "Fever", "The Way You Look Tonight", "For Once in My Life", Van Morrison's "Moondance" and Lou Rawls's "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine". Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees sang back up vocals on Bublé's version of the group's "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?".

Michael Bublé was released in early 2003 and soon entered the Canadian album charts. Chart success in the UK, US, Australia and elsewhere soon followed with the album going platinum and reaching the top ten of the album charts in the UK and Canada and going all the way to #1 in Australia. The album has reached the top 50 of the Billboard 200 album charts. His version of George Michael's "Kissing A Fool" was released as a single from the album and reached the top 30 of the Billboard adult contemporary chart. "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" reached the top 30 of the Billboard adult contemporary chart as well. His third single "Sway", originally performed by Dean Martin also reached the top 30 of the adult contemporary chart while a Junkie XL remix of the song reached the top 20 in Australia in May 2004.

Bublé won the "Best New Talent" award at the Juno Awards of 2004 and his self-titled album was nominated for "Album Of The Year" losing out to Sam Roberts.

Bublé released a Christmas EP Let It Snow in late 2003. The title track reached the Australian top 40 in the singles charts, ironically in mid-summer in that country. He released a live album and video in April 2004 with the video reaching the top 10 of the Billboard video charts. The album also reached the Australian top 50 of the album charts as at the end of April and the Billboard 200 album charts.

Bublé has also appeared in a variety of films in the past few years including his appearance as a karaoke singer in Duets opposite Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis. He also has appeared in Totally Blonde in 2001 and in The Snow Walker in 2003.

Songs from Bublé's debut album ("For Once in My Life", "Kissing A Fool") were released on the soundtrack for the Ewan McGregor/Renée Zellweger movie Down With Love, but the soundtrack also included a previously unreleased duet with Holly Palmer on the movie's title theme. The Junkie XL remix of "Spider-Man" from Bublé's Babalu album was played during the closing credits of Spider-Man 2, and this version was also released as a single.

Bublé's second studio album, It's Time, debuted as a hugely successful sophomore performance. The album reached No. 7 on the Billboard Album Charts and No. 2 on the ARIA Album Charts in Australia. It's Time also debuted at No. 4 on the UK Album Charts. The album features covers of Beatles and Ray Charles songs, and the hit single "Home".

Bublé can be seen in Starbucks commercials singing his cover of the Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn swing standard, "Come Fly With Me," from his debut album, and more recently, ESPN has used "Feeling Good" in commercials for poker tournaments.

Michael Bublé has now sold in excess of ten million recordings world-wide. His popularity continues to grow as he has a massive following across Europe, North America, Australia, South East Asia, South Africa and Brazil.

Michael Bublé won four Juno awards at the 2006 Juno Awards in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, including Pop Album Of The Year (It's Time), Single Of The Year (Home), Album Of The Year (Michael Bublé), and Artist Of The Year. He was also nominated for the Juno Fan Choice Award, but did not win. Overall, Michael Bublé took away the most awards at the 2006 Junos.

He is managed by Bruce Allen, who also manages Martina McBride and Bryan Adams.

Bublé has collected some of the best musicians in the world to appear with him, many of which have released albums of their own. In concert, he often features an instrumental number.

Bublé enjoyed a brief fling with British glamour model Michelle Marsh, but the pair separated in October 2006. Marsh subsequently published a kiss and tell story in the Daily Star for an undisclosed sum. The piece was entitled "I'm forever blowing Bublé".
Рубрики:  Биография

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