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: 28.03.2009
: 15655



, 23 2015 . 11:54 +

-, ,   .   , 80-.

́ -́ ́   . Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot   28 1934 . 1952 . 1956 « ».

, , 1952 . .





, 14 2015 . 09:44 +
_ [ + !]



, 30 2015 . 11:12 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

  ()  -. 1908. ,






, 18 2015 . 10:11 +
Bo4kaMeda [ + !]


1     .jpg

2     -  .jpg


, 18 2015 . 12:04 +
Bo4kaMeda [ + !]

LiFE : 1939

LiFE. William Vandivert.


The Eiffel Tower of course..jpg
(. la tour Eiffel)


1941-1945 .

, 15 2015 . 10:08 +
[ + !]

1941-1945 .

, ,

« »
, ,
, .


, , ,

, .





, 29 2015 . 11:59 +
_ [ + !]




, 22 2015 . 12:35 +
Dmitry_Shvarts [ + !]

, .

, .




, 22 2015 . 12:34 +
Dmitry_Shvarts [ + !]

, .

, .



, 22 2015 . 12:14 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]


     , , .

70 - .




, 03 2015 . 10:18 +
_ [ + !]

-1 (680x457, 50Kb)
-2 (700x472, 175Kb)[moro]
-3 (699x483, 45Kb)
-4 (700x467, 122Kb)
-5 (700x319, 47Kb)
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-7 (700x465, 109Kb)
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-12 (700x501, 77Kb)
=9 (700x446, 65Kb)
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-17 (577x700, 246Kb)




, 11 2015 . 10:51 +
- [ + !]


- , . , , , , , , . , , ... , , 1920-.



, 07 2014 . 09:35 +
lj_katia_lexx [ + !]

1975 3300 .

Gibraltar, 1942

Golden Gate (50 ) 27 May 1937





, 13 2014 . 12:25 +
Bo4kaMeda [ + !]




, .

, 06 2014 . 09:17 +
Sergey1958 [ + !]

, .

, 1909.
1      , 1909 (650x476, 524Kb)



| II

, 09 2014 . 09:37 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

| II





, 26 2013 . 08:49 +
[ + !]


/ Gina Lollobrigida



. 7

, 10 2013 . 10:09 +
Bo4kaMeda [ + !]


. .

, 25 2013 . 09:06 +
MoiMir_photo [ + !]

. .

Originally published at . You can comment here or there.

.(Jule 1942 – February 1943)

Read the rest of this entry »



II . . 1.

, 18 2013 . 09:43 +
TimOlya [ + !]

II . . 1.

4723908_90187518_ayksrjy8 (540x46, 4Kb)



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