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5.02 умер Махариши Махеш Йоги Maharishi, гуру the Beatles


Среда, 20 Февраля 2008 г. 12:20 + в цитатник
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5 февраля 2008 года умер Махариши Махеш Йоги (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi), основатель и гуру движения трасцедентальной медитации, духовный наставник the Beatles, одна из культовых персон “контркультуры” 60-х - 70-х. Среди его последователей - Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, актер Клинт Иствуд, кинорежиссер Дэвид Линч. Джордж Харрисон, Рави Шанкар — Prabhujee
Guru who taught Beatles meditation died ‘peacefully,’ spokesman says… Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the International Meditation Society and “The City of Nations” in Kashmir, is seen in London, England, in this Aug. 24, 1967 file photo.
The evening before the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi passed, the song “Across the Universe” (the superior Take 2 as it appeared on Anthology 2) was beamed by NASA toward the star Polaris, a journey that will take over 400 years to complete. (Read more)I found it more than fitting that this song began a journey across the universe as the Maharishi left his earthly form, some 40 years after the song was originally written and recorded. The circumstances seemed as mysterious and as mystical as the origin of the lyric itself. According to Lennon, the song forced itself upon him–he didn’t want to write it, but the phrase “pools of sorrow, waves of joy” would not stop running through his head in the middle of the night. Earlier that evening, John and his wife Cynthia had argued, and as John lay in bed unable to sleep, the lyrics came to him: “It drove me out of bed. I didn’t want to write it. I was just slightly irritable and couldn’t go to sleep” (Turner 177).
Lennon often referred to the creative process as something mystical, as if he and McCartney were conduits of a sort of divine inspiration, or in Pythagorean terms, receptive to “the music of the spheres.” “Across the Universe” remained a favorite lyric of Lennon’s, yet he was never satisfied with its recording. In fact, John accused Paul of “sabotaging” the recording by inviting two young fans to sing back up on the “nothing’s gonna change my world” refrain. Their vocals appear on the World Wildlife Fund LP version but was (thankfully) mixed out by Spector for inclusion on Let It Be.
The phrase “Jai Guru Deva, OM” relates to the Maharishi’s own Guru Dev–”All praise to Guru Dev” followed by the sacred syllable of Brahman. The first photo above is of John Lennon’s bracelets bearing this phrase, now in possession of Julian Lennon. The other photos appeared in Beatles Monthly editions, accompanying Mal Evan’s account of their spiritual retreat.
I feel that the trip to Rishikesh was a pivotal moment in the Beatles’ lives–a certain boost to their creativity and closeness, yet at the same time, John was experiencing great internal conflict. It was during this time he realized that he was irrevocably drawn to Yoko Ono and that separation from his wife Cynthia was imminent. While there he became disillusioned with the Maharishi based on what were probably false claims made by hanger-on Magic Alex. Yet to John, it seemed like another in a long line of father figures was letting him down–just as his own father, his uncle George, and manager Brian Epstein had done through either abandonment or death. Disappointment had occurred so frequently that it was very easy for John to believe that the Maharishi was deeply fallible, a mere con artist.
Some of John’s most beautiful songs were written in Rishikesh and were eventually featured on “The White Album.” As you know, my pseudonym originates from my favorite unreleased Lennon song, written in Rishikesh and inspired by a Maharishi lecture. I wish Apple would see fit to officially release the entire Kinfauns and Kenwood demos in pristine quality, directly from George and John’s tapes. I’d venture to say they are probably my favorite bootlegged tracks. The joy was still there at this time, and if it could have only remained throughout the White Album sessions. Those tapes reflect a beautiful day in George’s bungalow, with everyone gathered around introducing their songs and playing together. It was probably never quite that way again
Рубрики:  yoga


Hariharananda, a guru of the world.


Четверг, 25 Января 2007 г. 07:37 + в цитатник
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Настроение сейчас - Jai GURU

God is one, but the religions are many. The people of all religions, want to realize God by the five sense organs, but God has given these sense organs only for their restlessness. There are fifty types of breath of which there are forty-nine types for restlessness and one short breath, the finest breath, a faint breath, the one that goes straight to the fontanel when you inhale. With this faint, shortest breath, you cannot get anger, pride, cruelty, sex or any other restlessness.

It is said in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika 4:114, yavat naiva pravishati charan maruta madhya marge—the breath must be very feeble, faint and going straight to the fontanel, where the baby has the softest place on the top of the head. You are to watch very carefully in that place. Then you will feel pulsation. Then you will hear divine sound. Then you will see divine light and you will also get love for God.

God made man and woman in His own image and He breathed into these bodies the breath of His life and He became the soul of the whole universe. So, the supreme almighty Lord remains in every human body. Every human body is the body of the supreme almighty Lord and He has given His love to this body. If
you take the shortest breath, you will get calmness, which is godliness, but instead most people are teaching about God by reading books or by singing songs or by dancing, or by rotating or many, many other ways. Although I do not like it, I am not going to criticize anybody.

Suppose, that you all are students going to school, listening to the teachers and after that you go home and prepare your lessons very nicely. Then you will come out successfully. Here people are going to the church but only on Sunday (not seven days a week), the priest will read for only one hour and they expect to get God-realization? That is impossible. You take food daily, regularly and sincerely.
This is why your body is increasing. And through that you are getting everything. Similarly, you should keep your attention on the top of your head and take a very little breath, search Him inside the head and then you will see milk white light, covering the whole body with the divine light.
Calmly search God in the fontanel, surely you will get God-realization. Practice Kriya well.

It is said in the same Hatha Yoga Pradipika 4:114, if the breath is not very feeble you cannot get God-realization: yavat dhyana sahaja sadrisham jayate naiva tattwam — if the meditation technique is not the easiest and simplest, then you cannot get God. He is taking breath and you are watching. This is the simplest technique. Everyone, people of all religions, are breathing. It is why they all are alive. Breath is our life. So you all should watch and see calmly with the short breath whether you are feeling pulsation on the top of your head and by the side of the ear, above the ear; whether you are hearing sound, constant sound. If you only practice this and see constant light all over the
world then automatically you will get samadhi stage, pulselessness stage, breathlessness stage. You will get reality, truth. It is possible.

Hariharananda got this pulselessness stage several times. Even when he was giving initiation with 50 or 60 people sitting there or when he was giving brahmacharya, sannyas. Just as it was happening to me, immediately a disciple shouted at the top of his voice and pushed my body several times shouting:

“the function has not yet been finished, please continue, hello hello hello!!” Then I got back my sense and wondered why someone was shouting so loudly. I asked him: “Who are you?” He responded: “I am sitting here and you are giving them brahmacharya. You are conducting this function. If you get samadhi stage then the function cannot be completed.” To which I said: “Thank you very much.” I sat down again and slowly, slowly, I continued to conduct the ceremony. It has happened several times like this.

All the American centers are listening, so with the deepest love you are to fix your attention inside the fontanel and you will feel the living presence and sensation of the supreme almighty Lord’s pulsation. At the same time you will hear the divine sound and you will see the divine light all over. When you see this you will immediately get pulselessness stage, samadhi stage. You will even be free from sex. I got it, and I spent eleven years inside my room, in seclusion. I was there constantly for eleven years. I should not speak highly of myself but, if I do not speak, you cannot understand. Then they took me out from the room because I was constantly getting samadhi stage.

One month or two months later I decided that until Babaji came to me and talked with me I would not talk for the rest of my life. So again I entered my room and sat waiting for Babaji. The doors and windows were closed but after three days I heard a sound and someone was moving inside the room. Then I opened my eyes and saw that Babaji was standing there, but his body was just like a human being.

The body of Babaji which you see in the pictures is a little artificial but when I saw him it was so nice and beautiful like that of a human being. I asked: “Who are you?” Then he touched my body and immediately I saw illumination all over the room.

My predecessor was sitting outside opposite the room, doing some work and he repeatedly asked me:
“Are you talking today?” But I was not talking. I was only crying and crying and crying, because I did not touch Babaji’s body. I did not talk to him but after going to the bathroom I returned to my personal meditation room. There I sat calmly and after two hours Babaji once again entered into that very small room. I felt it and immediately touched his feet and bowed. Then he talked with me. He said: “I am very happy. You should roam all over the world and spread the message of Kriya Yoga. You know many languages, you can explain everything. This is why I have come to talk with you again.”

Then he took two fruits and ate them and then he touched his head on my hair saying: “You should not get up! Sit for meditation. I am going out. My talk is finished. You should travel everywhere.”

Then after two, three, four minutes I opened the door. Many people were remaining outside, nearby and I asked them whether somebody had passed by. My predecessor was standing there about three feet from the door. He said: “I heard the conversation. I am fortunate and I also saw that the door opened, but
I did not see him. He told you not to come out; to sit down and meditate and then he went away. I heard those very words.” I was so happy and continued sitting again and meditating on Babaji. Then in 1974 I went everywhere and spread the message of Kriya Yoga. I left the Puri ashram and I was almost
always staying in foreign countries, though sometimes I would go for a short period to India to spread Kriya Yoga.

It is so simple. It is the quickest, surest, easiest technique. Search for Him with the shortest breath, in every breath, before and after and while performing actions. Watch Him in your breath.

Watch whatever you are doing, know that it is done by Him. Kindly He is remaining in your body. It is the body of God.

(Baba singing): Mandir mandir, murat teri, phir bhi na dekhe surat teri.

In every temple in India there are many deities, but not one is talking. So the living deity, the supreme almighty Lord, is remaining in the head of every human being. I am not talking, it is Babaji who is talking through my mouth, it is the supreme almighty Lord who is hiding in my fontanel. The people of the whole world, even those who are the guides, the conductors, the priests, they all should take the shortest and simplest Kriya Yoga technique and practice it to get calmness. Calmness is godliness. With the short breath you will never get sense of the body, nor mind, nor talk, nothing. No worldly sense, no body sense, nothing: you will get samadhi stage, automatically. So, if you all have the desire for God-realization, then everyone of all cults and sects and religions, should take the Kriya Yoga technique from my disciples, those who are here or who are in India. Then it is very easy for them to get godliness. Kriya Yoga imparts skill. I am ninety three and extremely old but you can see my skill and tact in practical life, my success in the world. I am old but I am
still talking and you can all see my brain-power, although some mistakes will remain because I am old.

If you all practice this Kriya Yoga technique sincerely - not only by reading; if you prepare your lessons and during the entire day and night search for Him calmly on the fontanel then you will get the supreme stage. Practice Kriya well. Kriya Yoga, is so precious, so rare, beyond imagination, beyond expectation. It is the gift of God. Babaji taught it to Lahiri Baba, Lahiri Baba taught it to Shriyukteshwarji, I took initiation from him and also from Paramahamsa Yoganandaji and then I was spreading the message. I go everywhere spreading the message of Kriya Yoga. Now I will not talk more.

God bless you all. I give my love and regard and respect to every human being of the universe.

Thank you, God bless you, bye bye.
Рубрики:  yoga


Is Someone Using Black Magic On You?


Пятница, 19 Января 2007 г. 13:46 + в цитатник
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Due to jealousy, heart burning or some base cause, the Tantriks use cheap tactics to overcome the adversaries, which ruins one's life. Are you also under such a spell?

We must have peace and happiness in life, and to achieve the same we work hard. But we do not get in return to the proportions of our labour.

We get very little even after the best of our efforts, we toil to get success in our business but the profits are too little. We do not want any discontentment or discord in our family life, but inspite of our best efforts, the peace and tranquility of our family is disturbed.

On the other hand people work very little, but get too much in return. Businessmen have ample wealth just be putting in little efforts, bit we are disappointed even after continuous efforts. It leads us to conclude, that there are some evil forces which make our strategies unsuccessful.

Tantrik Prayog : Major Causes

Whenever you face such situations, feel assured that someone has used Black Magic on you, as a result of which all your efforts become ineffective.

Though such prayog is not easy, but some Tantriks expertise in it and torture innocent souls at the behest of selfish and greedy people. Such Tantriks have made Black Magic their profession, and use it on others indiscriminately at the behest of their adversaries, to mint money. Thus the happy life of the people is spoiled.

Such so-called Black-Magicians, no doubt can harm others, but they do not possess the powers to counter such Tantrik moves. As a result the victim keeps on suffering and sometimes it leads to the death of the victim. It is in fact very easy to cause harm through Tantra, but very difficult to amend the damage done. In order to learn the art of saving, one has to undergo Sadhna and Siddhi, and only a Tantrik of high caliber can do so.

Some bad effects of Tantrik Prayog

1. Continuous illness. All treatments fail.
2. Constant worries, suicidal tendencies, or a desire to move away from home and family.
3. Continuous illness of any member of the family.
4. Too much weakness associated with obesity and being short tempered.
5. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
6. Repeated miscarriages or death of the children.
7. Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
8. Problems in the construction of house, factory or any other building.
9. Shortness of money, inspite of hard labour.
10. No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless. No desire to rise in life.
11. Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
12. Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
13. Loss in the business of property.
14. Ill-health and under-development of children.
15. Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil designs.
16. Discord between spouses or the family.
17. Greatest efforts resulting in a failure.
18. Lack of Govt. favours, promotions and the desired transfers.
19. Poverty, inspite of hard work.

These are some effects which prove that you are under the spell of Black Magic. Though intelligent, you fail to find solution to such problems. It is due to the Tantrik Prayog that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.

Raksha Prayog-

In order to overcome all these troubles, Raksha Prayog is indispensable, to make such Black Magic ineffective.

As already told, such art is known only to those Tantrik scholars, who have performed Sadhna and attained Siddhi. Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan Magazine will guide you in this respect. Its aim is to make your life happy, to make your life trouble free, so that you can move forward continuously.

Special Tantra Raksha Kavach

Our society is ridden with enmity, jealousy, and prejudices. Hence people use Black-Magic against each other, as a result of which, the victim remains disturbed, depressed and ultimately he meets his disaster. Business is ruined, health deteriorates, loss and mental ailment result in untimely death. Due to a maran prayog, he resembles a moving corpse. We receive hundreds of such letters, with such problems. Therefore the kind-hearted Tantra scholars have made an "Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach" available, which is Mantra Siddh, Pranpratishtthit, (i.e. energised, consecrated and sanctified) and is very effective.

As soon as one wears it, all his troubles start decreasing. A different Yantra is energised specially for every individual. No Tantra Prayog is effective on its user. Rather the Black Magic boomerangs back at the Tantrik practicing it. Even if we are under the spell of Black Magic, its use will cure the same within a month.

The user of such a Kavach will always be immune to Tantra Prayogs throughout his life


tantrik Sivananda


Пятница, 19 Января 2007 г. 10:45 + в цитатник
Le Russe tantrik Sivananda etait nee en Ekaterinburg а 1970. Apres de l'institut linguistique il travaillait comme l'interprete, etait l'homme d'affaires, puis a refuse le monde et est devenu Hare Krishna monk а 1992. De 1996 il a accepte Saivism, suivait les instructions de Russe guru Sadashivacharya de Kaula Rahasya sampradaya, vivait dans le bois pres de Ekaterinburg, et a recu son nom de l'eleve Sai Baba docteur Dr. Surendra Upadhyay en 1998. Sivananda adore le Kula (la Siva Famille), 18 Siddhars et Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj. Karunavatar Paramahamsa Hariharananda etait son siksha guru.

Sivananda parle Anglaise, Allemangne, Francaise, et Russe. En dehors il etudie Sanskrit et Tamil, les Rune-lettres. А 1999 Sivananda a traduit le premier 3 Tantras de Tirumantiram sur russe, a imprime 500 copies du premier Tantra et les a repandu. Pour ce temps il est sorti des bois et avait une sorte de ashram. Mais graduellement cela a ete fini par la degradation du
sadhana. Une nouvelle vie sociale s'etait trouvee encore plus difficile, que dans le bois. Au cours de 6 ans il travaillait comme le gardien, le professeur du college, l'interprete et Sysadmin.
А 2005-2006 Sivananda etait en Inde, qu'a amene, en dehors des autres bon faits, а la creation cette website. Http://rakeshyogi.122mb.com
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Russian tantrik Sivananda


Пятница, 19 Января 2007 г. 10:38 + в цитатник
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A Russian tantrik Sivananda was born in Ekaterinburg in 1970. After graduating from the linguistic Institute he worked as an interpreter, was a business man, then took renunciation and became a Hare Krishna monk in 1992. Since 1996 he was converted into Saivism, followed instructions of Russian guru Sadashivacharya from Kaula Rahasya sampradaya, while living as a hermit in forest near Ekaterinburg, and got his name from Sai Baba disciple Dr. Surendra Upadhyay in 1998. Sivananda worships Kula (Siva's Family), 18 Siddhars and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj. Karunavatar Paramahamsa Hariharananda was his siksha guru.
Besides English and Russian, Shivananda speaks German, French and studies Sanskrit and Tamil. In 1999 Sivananda has translated the first 3 Tantras of Tirumantiram into Russian, printed 500 copies of the first Tantra and distributed it. By this time he got out of the forest and had a kind of ashram. But gradually this resulted in degradation of sadhana. New social life turned to be even more austere than in the forest. For 6 years he worked as a watchman, a college teacher, translator and sysadmin.
In 2005-2006 Sivananda was in India, which led, rest away other benefit, to creation of this web page. Http://rakeshyogi.122mb.com

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