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  • (28)


. - -
: 10027 : 0
: 170 : 0
Alyosha -
: 214 : 0



 - e-mail



( : 1) __


: 20.11.2011
: 3621
: 38
: 3662



: (28), (73), (1), (52), (109), , , (89), (1), (1), -(4), (1), (13), (35), (3), (1), (1), (48), (9), (11), (11), (10), (1), (2), (10), (1), (1), (2), (3), (1), (121), (23), (9), , , (204), (18), (1), (2), (1), (4), (4), (42), (4), (4), (1), (3), (37), (7), (2), (1), , (58), (2), (69), (20), , (1), (22), (1), (4), (1), (9), (9), (1), (16), (5), (1), (1), (93), (1), (17), (1), (9), (8), (3), (1), (29), (9), (8), (37), (1), (33), (217), (7), (8), (5), (6), (5), (1), (2), (9), (23), (1), (4), (1), (1), (1), (3), (15), ,(1), (3), (39), (18), (28), (8), (4), (37), (1), (2), (3), (1), (1), (0), (15), (7), (15), (1), (0), (9), (1), (2), (1), (1), (10), (6), (3), (12), (1), (5), (35), (22), (58), (1), (49), (4), (1), (17), (3), (1), (1), (2), (3), (2), (27), (3), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (18), , (116), (13), (2), (10), , (10), (2), (168), (1), (2), (8), (1), (47), , (11), (1), (7), (12), (0), , , (11), (2), (3), , , (40), (9), (28), (1), (9), , (84), (3), (125), (1), (20), (2), (108), . , (2), (3), (79), (4), (5), (34), (2), (6), (1), (1), (1), (1), (3), (1), (1), (1), (1), (19), (1), (20), (130), (3), (3), (1), (1), (1), (1), (3), (1), (2), (1), (1), (19), (34), (1), (2), (2), (2), (12), (1), (1), (1), (13), (6), (91), c ( )(5)

, 20 2018 . 22:19 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


5640974_2479707137 (604x377, 55Kb)




layabout [ˈˌa] – ,  
doormat [ˈ] – (, ) 
wet blanket [] [ˈ] –  
big mouth [] [a] -  
pushover [ˈˌ] — ( ), , ,  
slob [] –  
twit [] — ,  
spoilsport [ˈ] – ,  
nerd [] – ,  
prat [] —  
lazy slob [ˈ] [] -  
swot [] —  
dork [] — ; ;  
tomboy [ˈ] –  
old bag/old cow [] []/[] [a] -  
double-bagger [ˈ]-[ˈ] – ( , 2 : , – )


, 08 2017 . 21:14 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

: 30 , .

: 30 , .

1. I'm sorry to bother you - ,

2. Nice to meet you! -

3. How much is this? -

4. My name is ……., what's yours? I'm from Russia, and you? - …. ? ,

5. Does anybody here speak Russian? -- -?

6. I'm Russian, I don't speak English very well - , -

7. I'm lost, can you help me? - , ?

8. Where can I buy a newspaper? - ?

9. Where can I find a toilet? - ?

10. Where can I buy the tickets? - ?

11. Where is the booking office? - ?

12. How far is it? - ?

13. That's (too) expensive. - ()

14. I'll take one / it / this. -

15. I like this. -

16. I don't like that -

17. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?

18. Can I exchange this? -

19. That's all, thanks - ,

20. Please say that again - ,

21. Could you speak more slowly, please? - ?

22. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?

23.What time is breakfast? - ?

24.When does the bus to Boston leave? - ?

25. Keep the change -

26. Could I have the bill? - ?

27. The hange is not correct -

28. Do you have a table by the window? - ?

29.Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ?

30.Stop here, please. - , .



, 08 2017 . 21:12 +
kudryashechka [ + !]




, 08 2017 . 21:11 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



1) Approval, praise, admiration (, , ) 
You did a great job! !
It's great! It's wonderful! ! !
That's great! I'm so proud of you. ! .
Well done! ! !
You did it! ! (.. )
That's my boy! / That's my girl! !

2) Joy, happiness (, )
It's great! That's great! ! !
It's wonderful! That's wonderful! ! !
Great! Beautiful! Wonderful! Excellent! Terrific! (adjectives) ! ! ! ! ! ()
What a wonderful day! !
I love it! !
I'm so happy! !
Just the thing! , !
That's exactly the thing that I wanted! , !

3) Disgust ()
It's terrible! / It's awful! !
Terrible! / Awful! / Horrible! !
How disgusting! !
I hate it! ! / !
I can't stand it! !
It was the worst party (trip, food, day, etc.) in my whole life! (, , ..) !

4) Indifference ()
It doesn't make any difference to me. .
It doesn't matter. .
It's all the same to me. .
I don't care. . / .
I couldn't care less. . / .
Suit yourself. , ( ).

5) Complaining, annoyance, disapproval (, , )
I wish you wouldn't take my books without permission. , .
I thought I told you not to smoke in this room. , .
I thought I asked you to be here by nine o'clock. , .
How many times do I have to tell you to turn off the light when you leave? , ?
Oh, how could you? ?
You should be ashamed of yourself. .
Shame on you! !

6) When someone is bothering / annoying you ( - / )
Leave me alone! !
Mind your own business, will you? !
Stop bothering me! ! / !
Lay off! (slang) ! ()
Get lost! (slang) ! / ! ()

7) Anger, annoyance, resentment (, , )
Why on earth should I do it? ?
Who (the hell) do you think you are? ? / ?
How dare you! !
For heaven's sake! Oh God! ! !
Oh darn! / Oh hell! / Damn! / Damn it! !
That's it! / That does it! , ! (.. )

8) Asking not to get angry
Don't get upset. .
Calm down. .
Take it easy. .
Don't get mad! !
Cool it. (slang) . / . ()

9) Asking not to worry ( )
Don't worry about it. .
Don't worry. Everything will be all right. . .
Calm down. .
Take it easy. .
Relax. . / .

10) Sympathizing () 
I'm sorry to hear that. .
I know how you feel. , .
That's too bad. .
Bad luck. / Hard luck. .
Oh dear! !

11) Encouraging ()
Cheer up! ! / !
Everything will be all right! !
It's not the end of the world! !
Don't give up. Hang in there. . .
Don't worry. You'll be all right. . .

12) Surprise, disbelief (, )
Oh really? / Is that so? ?
That's amazing! !
That's incredible! !
I'm really surprised that (he said it). , ( ).
No kidding? Are you serious? ? ?
You must be joking! You're kidding! , , ! !
I can't believe it. .
It can't be true! !


, 08 2017 . 21:07 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

about , , , - , , , ,
above , , , ,
absent (.) ,
across , ,
after , , ,
against , , , , ,
along ,
amid , ,
amidst , ,
among ,
amongst ,
around , , ,
as ,
aside ,
astride , ,
at , , ,
athwart , , ,
atop , ,
bar , ,
before , ,
behind , ,
below ,
beneath ,
beside , , ,
beyond , , , , ,
but ,
by , , , , , ,
circa , ,
down , , , , , , , ,
except ,
for , , , , , , , , ,
from , , , , -,
in , , , , , , , ,
inside , , ,
into ,
like ; -.; -.
mid ( "amid") , ,
minus ,
near , ,
neath ,
next ,
notwithstanding ,
of , , ,
off , ,
on , , ,
opposite ,
out ,
outside ,
over , , , , , ,
per , , , , , , ,
plus ,
pro , ,
qua ,
round ,
save ,
since ( ),
than ,
through , , , , , , , , ,
to , , , ,
toward , , , , ,
towards , , , , ,
under , ,
up ,
versus (. «vs.») , (-.), (-.), (-.)
vice ,
with , ,
without , , , -

barring , ,
considering ,
during , ,
excepting ,
failing ,
following ,
including ,
past , , , ,
pending , , ,
regarding ,

alongside , ,
within , , , ,
outside , ,
upon , , ,
onto ,
throughout , , ,
wherewith ,

according to
ahead of ,
apart from ,
as far as
as for
as of , ; , ; , (- )
as per
as regards ,
aside from ,
as well as ,
away from ,
because of -
by force of
by means of
by virtue of ,
close to
contrary to ,
due to , , -
except for
far from
for the sake of
in accordance with
in addition to ,
in case of
in connection with
in consequence of ,
in front of
in spite of
in the back of ,
in the course of
in the event of ,
in the middle of
in to (into) ,
inside of (- ),
instead of
in view of
near to ,
next to ,
on account of , -,
on to (onto)
on top of ,
opposite to
out of , , ,
outside of ,
owing to -,
thanks to
up to ,
with regard to ,
with respect to ,


, 04 2017 . 22:06 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

- ,

5640974_133625085_4208855_w5pVNJ6gSMk (684x684, 63Kb)


1. Talk big — ,  
2. Run for one's life — ,  
3. Throw good money after bad —  
4. Cast a glance —  
5. Put on a show —  
6. Take turns —  
7. Make a nuisance of oneself —  
8. Play the fool —  
9. Have smb on the string —  
10. Out of sight —  
11. Take for granted —  
12. Make a show of —  
13. Break loose —  
14. fall /be out of favor — /  
15. Be quits —  
16. Be at the end of one's tether —  
17. Set the pace —  
18. Keep pace with smb —  
19. Drive someone into a corner —  
20. Hurt smb's pride —  
21. Cover one's tracks —  
22. Be up to smth —  
23. Catch smb unawares —  
24. Take by surpirse —  
25. Know smb by sight —  
26. Know one's place —  
27. Lead the way —  
English Easy Learn -  
28. Run counter to smth —  
29. Go to all lengths —  
30. Have a way with —  
31. Tempt fate —  
32. In smb's stead — - 
33. Get one's hand in / have a hand in smth —  
34. Make up for lost time —  
35. Go back on one's word —  
36. Begin the world —  
37. Keep one's nose out of smth —  
38. Have a bite —  
39. Do smb a good / bad turn — /  
40. Lose sight of —


, 09 2017 . 10:01 +
_ [ + !]




heart ['h:t]
large intestine / colon
liver ['liv]
pancreas ['pkris]
small intestines [in'testins]
spinal chord
stomach ['stmk]
urinal bladder

eye ['a]
eyebrow / brow [bra]
eyelid / lid
eyelash / lash
forehead ['frd] (BrE) / [for'hed] (AmE)
hair ,
nape, back of the head
tongue ['t]
tooth (. .: teeth ) ()

breast ( )
chest ( )
navel ['nevl] / belly button ,

arm ( )
hand ()
finger ()
thumb ['m]
index finger
middle finger
ring finger
little finger ,
knuckle ['nkl]

ankle ['kl]
calf ['k:f] ( : calves) ()
hip , ( )
foot (. .: feet ) , ( )
knee ['ni
leg ( )
thigh ['a] ( )
toe ['tu]
big toe
little toe
shin / shank

blood ['bld]
nerve [nv]
vein [ven]
vessel ()
JjTWNAe3axw (600x363, 53Kb)


, 09 2017 . 19:19 +
heregirl [ + !]

East or West home is best - ,
Better late than never - ,
All's well that ends well - ,
Out of sight out of mind - ,
As fit as a fiddle - ,
No sweet without sweat - ,
A penny saved is a penny gained - - ,
By one's father's side - ,
Just a joke - -
Have a heart! - !, !
A good beginning makes a good ending -
Too good to be true - , / ,
Who knew, who is who - - " "
New lords new laws - -....
Honesty is the best policy - -
A light purse is a heavy curse - ,
It's like putting a saddle on a cow -
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - ,
I dare swear -
As snug as a bug in a rug - ,
Look who's talking! - , !
There is no rose without thorn -
If there is a will, there is a way -
There is no place like home - ,
There is no smoke without fire -
Lovely weather for ducks! - !
There is a black sleep in every flock -
But There is always but - -,
There are spots even on the sun -
When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow -
There is no royal road to learning -
There's many a slip between the cup and the lip - /
While there is life, there is hope - []
There is no flying from fate -
There is a small choice in rotten apples -
If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun - ,
There is no so faithful friend, as a good book - ,
No buts! - !
No news is a good news - -
Tastes differ -
Where there is a will there is a way - - / ,
One man's meat is another man's poison - ,
Pull your finger out / to make more effort -
Turn over a new leaf - , , ,
Break a leg / good luck - !
Rome wasn't built in a day -
The early bird catches the worm - ,
Practice makes perfect - ,
Start from scratch -
All in the same boat - -.
You can count it on your fingers - /
Twist the knife in the wound - /
Put that in your pine and smoke it - /
But there is no flying from fate -
A dog is a manger -
Well begun is half done - /
A lame duck -
It's never too late to learn - ,
True love has no happy end, true love has no end at all - ,
No man can serve two masters -
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today - ,
You can't judge a man's character by his looks -
A man can do no more than he can -
You can't have it both ways - ,
Put one's money where one's mouth is -
If you can't beat them, join them - ,
One cannot be in two places at once -
The leopard cannot change his spots -
You can't sell the cow and drink the milk -
You can't eat your cake and have it -
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs - ,
Man can't live by bread alone -
One can't make a silk purse if a sow's ear -
He that can't obey cannot command - ,
You can't get blood from a stone -
Pigs to you ! - !
Nothing is stolen without hands -
Men may meet but mountains never - .
The evil would may be cured but not the evil name -
What may be done at any time is done at no time - ,
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart - ,
A bird may be known by its song -
Nothing is so certain as the unexpected - ,
As well be hanged (hung) for a sheep as for a lamb - ,
Every man has a fool in his sleeve -
Men leap over where the hedge is lowest -
No man is born wise or learned -
He knows all the answers -
They that think they know everything, know nothing - , , ,
Wit once bought is worth twice taught - ,
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink - ,
Learning is the eye of the mind - ,
He know most who speaks least - ,
Money makes the mare go -
Money can't buy you love -
The love of money is the root of all evil -
Money doesn't grow on trees -
One swallow does not make a summer -
Make hay while the sun shines - ,


, 09 2017 . 19:18 +
justvitek [ + !]

4208855_mNI071OMMdk (604x448, 55Kb)


Can you spare me a moment? - ?
Could you do me a favor? - ?
Do you mind my smoking? - , ?
Don’t take it to heart -
Don't mention it -
Forget it - ,
Have a good time -
Here's to… - ,
How about… - …
How are they getting on? - ?
How come? - ?
How did it come about? - ?
How did it work out? - ?
How do you like it here? - ?
How so? - ?
How was it? - ?
How's that? - ?
I beg your pardon -
I meant well I meant no harm -
I wish I could - ,
It does you credit -
It would be very kind of you -
It's very kind of you -
Let me introduce -
May I help you? -
Never mind - ,
Shut up! - !
Take it easy - ,
Thank you anyway -
Thank you in advance -
There, there - , …
What can I do for you? - ?
What do you make of it - ?
What does he look like? - ?
What kind of man is he? - ?
What shall I do? - ?
What's going on? - ?
What's happening? - ?
What's the matter? - ?
What's the trouble? - ?
What's up? - ? ? ?


, 03 2017 . 13:58 +
anngol [ + !]


400 , 75% .

1 (600x563, 187Kb)

2 (570x583, 180Kb)

3 (565x604, 207Kb)

4 (570x589, 170Kb)

 : [4] 3 2 1